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Henri Charriere

Member: Seasoned Veteran
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Everything posted by Henri Charriere

  1. Source: goldadvert.com. 20 francs of the Rooster series (1899-1914) As promised, the following is a verbatim recitation of additional facts as presented in the above-named source... * * * * * INTERESTING FACTS * In the mid-70s of the last century, the cost of "Roosters" grew by more than 100% due to the gold prices rise. At the peak, the golden Napoleon coin was sold at a price that exceeded the cost of gold spent on its production more than two and a half times. This has led to the production of a large number of counterfeit coins. Sometimes you can find the coins labeled in 1915, despite the fact that coin's production was stopped in 1914. Nowadays, the fake "Roosters" can be bought at the same price as modern commemorative gold coins of France 🇫🇷 without the numismatic origin.
  2. I am ashamed to say I have no idea what any of you are talking about, but with the exception of @GoldFinger1969 whom I assume is approaching mid-life status, do any of you truly expect to have enough healthy, active and productive years ahead of you to warrant the unbridled intensity of scrutiny of gizmos as referred to hereinabove?
  3. That's the problem with "over there." All they want to do is talk acoins. And it's done with humorless, surgical precision. Bor-ing. Anti-social. And ultimately user-unfriendly. Many Great Minds here were exiled from there. I survived only because I kept my mouth shut. It's too bad the few days I take off here now and again can't be banked as gaol-time against future violations. Man, I love this place! You think they'd allow Jayiniggle, crick or warshrag over there? Fuhgettaboutit!
  4. Sorry, but this has absolutely no basis in fact. Yours is a mere regional dialects no different from Brooklyn's "toity toid n toid" (Thirty-Third Street and Third Avenue). The NY Times long ago dispensed with periods in acronyms citing printing costs. In Washington, D.C., where acronyms abound, you've got POTUS, or simply 46. But I believe rappers, prisoners and drug addicts all share the distinction of reducing people, places and things to their own distinctive shorthand. Every profession has their slang, if you will, including numismatics -- and chatboard participants who have developed their own lingo to avoid the censors.
  5. I know you were but I simply cannot envision a scenario inside a secure government building which would allow a leaf to blow through an unscreened window onto a press hammering away at Mach One speed without outside assistance. The coin has been submitted; the damage is done. A Del Monte sticker on a twenty-dollar bill, however unlikely, was adjudged possible. But a leaf 🍃🙄 I would expect to be pulverized beyond recognition under tons of pressure. There are still a great many knowledgeable members who haven't weighed in yet. (The only one salivating and champing at the bit is the keeper of artifacts found in parking lots.)
  6. Thank you very kindly. I always appreciate a compliment from an astute observer of people.
  7. Would it be fair to say NGC is unable or unwilling to confirm or deny -- i.e., disclose, whether its very first encapsulation was assigned # 0000001-001?
  8. I agree, until something that's known or likelier unknown, suddenly surfaces whose chain-of-custody is undisputed and cleared for sale.
  9. [Is it not true that Pennsylvania Deutsch (German) is the original form which today is commonly mispronounced Dutch?]
  10. How It Really Happened... "Honey, did you see the coin I left on the dresser? Yeah, it's on the kitchen counter -- Oh, my God! What did you do to it? You destroyed all the evidence! Evidence of what? The coins were all dirty. I tried to rinse the gunk off them with water but it didn't work. So I used a tablespoon of AJAX concentrated laundry liquid detergent in a small pot filled with water on the stove. When the water started to boil, I turned the water off and let them sit. Then I rinsed them off. Why? What do you mean why?Look at the label. It says #GET THE YUCK OUT! And it did. Look for yourself. They're drying out on a napkin. I blotted each one with a tissue. They're all shiny and brand-new! Not a mark on any of them! Remember that sea cruise I promised you? Uh-huh. Well, you can forget it. That ship just went down the drain. But the coins are shiny; they're all brand-new now! What did I do wrong? Why are you so upset? [Can't believe this happened! I go to work a millionaire and return home to find out I'm a pauper, like that Qwintis Arrears character. (Expletive deleted)! What am I gonna tell the guys on the Forum now?]
  11. Me neither. If I manage to assemble a collection of pure perfection, the finest of the finest 1/0, improbable but attainable where fanaticism knows no bounds, I know precisely what I will call it: "The Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Collection." Owner: Anonymous
  12. Why are the certification numbering systems, on both sides of the aisle, state secrets. @Conder101 as I recall, responded they are not consecutively issued, or something like that, but he was unable to elaborate. All my 🐓🐔🐓 lie within the upper 30 to lower 40 million range, whether they were graded here or abroad. Ditto P---.
  13. And to think 🤔 over the past two years every member has caught me when I am in the best of moods. I don't believe anyone has seen my bad side. In fact, I doubt I even have one.
  14. Judging by the disciplinary violations lodged against me as displayed prominently on my bio page for the whole world to see, the moderators would beg to differ. Their advice is reasonable: "Be Nice, or Be Gone."
  15. [Storm after storm. Rain followed by even more -- and now Elsa. Sheesh!]
  16. [I am not going to speculate as to why you said that but as far as I am concerned the name Blackstone is tainted beyond redemption and a new name should have been chosen.]
  17. [The problem as I see it is the original meanings of words and terms are constantly evolving. Are you aware there is a question on Google: "What are the 78 gender-neutral pronouns? And a helpful section on how to use them? As far as I am concerned, this is something future generations will have to sort out. In the meantime, aside from etymological and anatomical references, I shall continue to regard every NGC member my bosom buddy -- and that includes those who dislike me, ignore me, or detest me.
  18. The Federal Government, and its tentacles by whatever name known, m-o-v-e-s w-i-t-h t-h-e c-o-n-s-i-s-t-e-n-c-y o-f m-o-l-a-s-s-e-s. I don't know if you have ever had the opportunity to examine the Federal Budget but Fiscal Year appropriations are planned years in advance. The prices of products comprised of precious metals, when I last visited their site, were always time-sensitive and accompanied by a notice to check the latest price elsewhere.
  19. I don't think a rank amateur like me would dare suggest any impropriety on your find, but could not the same or similar effect be achieved by simply gluing two such Mint State 2021 coins together, correctly aligned but off center, with the aid of Crazy Glue or Gorilla Glue, or other such product? (I'd like to hear the Pedigree vs. Provenance combatants, @Alex in PA. @RWB @VKurtB and the Great @zadok's take on this.)
  20. Let's see now... I've got 6 Warnings on my permanent record ➕ 3 jaywalking summonses presumably for desecrating the inviolate Guidelines... I think I will decline your kind invitation until I get a handle on the newer shot-callers on board. I eat, not because I'm hungry, but to be social. And my only meal, taken with my wife, is supper or dinner, (depending on where you live and what it is called there). Being sent to bed without a bite to eat hurts. It's not easy being me...
  21. Lovely denticles; smooth fields; sharp devices and a modest mintmark that whispers... Terrific find!!!
  22. Note to the OP: In the absence of the courtly member "Just Bob" who greets visitors, Welcome back to the Forum! Two points... 1. There is more than clear and convincing evidence that websites like Mercari and Etsy are platforms to avoid insofar as coins and currency are concerned. I avoid them both. Being forewarned is being forearmed. Be wary. 2. Member Oldhoopster was kind enough to supply you with an extraordinary composite shot of the phenomenon you were referring to which strongly suggests, nay, rules out the DDO you were hoping for. Learning is a continuous, never-ending life-long experience. Don't be discouraged. Stay on the roller coaster and bear in mind not a collector in the world hasn't experienced "the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat." We all wish you better luck next time!