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Henri Charriere

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Everything posted by Henri Charriere

  1. [Interesting how we went from auction shills to puppy dog 🐕 mills. Bizarroworld, indeed!]
  2. @Idhair - exceedingly rare Mercury dime dated Nineteen forty twelve! Nice catch! 🐓
  3. @coinman_23885 One unassailable fact... The member you are chastising has 21 followers. How many do you have? The defense rests. 🐓
  4. I am sorry to hear that. I forbid 🚫 you to do extensive over-the-road travel and kindly notify the principals of the Royal Mint that it is with heavy heart ❤ that you must relinquish your duties at future trials of the pyck.
  5. The product of innovative minds at work. "If that crazy 🐓 guy from the U.S. orders again, give him what he wants." I am guessing with all the money to be made between just the MS-66 and MS-67 grades, effectively doubling the value of many coins, NGC and PCGS slabs from Europe bear the Gad[oury]-1064 French classification but with a Sheldon grade chosen from out of the Fleurs de Coin (FDC) range: MS-65 to MS-70 to satisfy one of their major secondary markets: the U.S. GENI stepped in to fill the void locally in Europe in 2017 anticipating a sea change in grading introduced to satisfy international demand. I was unaware of this TPGS until member @Jason Abshier brought it up recently on another thread and, sure enough, it was listed in all my catalogs. I did not know about it because I wasn't looking for it specifically. I didn't even know there were 100 gradations until you just mentioned it. I am surprised my European contacts never brought that option to my attention. You learn something new every day. Incidentally, the slabs are much larger than your standard size.
  6. [No wonder I was criticized by @MAULEMALL for my inadequate trolling skills. Here's a member who lurked quietly in the shadows and came prepared, spoiling for a fight with a six-count indictment, steel-toed jack 👢boots, a taser, mace, sap, bullet-proof vest and a steel helmet with shatterproof visor -- and states with a straight face, the accouterments were inadvertent accessories. Yeah, right.] I have had one now for two years. I believe 4.2 cms. with 5.5 and higher being the area of concern. My atrial fibrillation was either "frozen" or "burned" out during a procedure. With this Delta variant now gaining ground, I don't believe we will be dispensing with masks anytime soon. In fact, those of us who have already been vaccinated, may need booster shots. We both have to take it easy. 🐓
  7. @coinman_23885 Well. There now, feel better? I understand.
  8. No one disputes a crime was committed but we are way past arrest, conviction and sentencing. The only matter brought before us by a member is whether or not you would be willing to support an application for Executive clemency, to-wit a pardon for relief from disabilities.. I think the matter reasonable to consider in light of spectacular crimes like those Bernard Madoff was convicted of for which he was sentenced to a 150-year term of imprisonment which involved untold numbers of individuals and entities with losses upwards of $65 billion.
  9. [Regular viewers know the answer but I believe My Cousin Vinny is entitled to address this personal matter in his own inimitable style if he chooses to. One thing for certain it had nothing to do with his affinity for tornadoes 🌪, unsportsmanlike driving, the sparce offerings of coins at roadside stands. Oops, beat me to it!
  10. @RWB hit the nail on the head two years ago with his common sense remark that not enough of them [in the highest grades] have been submitted for certification either here or abroad.
  11. @James Zyskowski I would not want to dispute the USG's claim that they were unable to locate any of "El Chapo's" assets for the purposes of forfeiture, but maybe the unprecedented fine the Federal court imposed and the recent arrest of his wife -- mother of his two girls -- will yield a bounty of new information. (To @Oldhoopster: One sentence. Short and simple enough for you?)
  12. I could never understand why the so-called drug cartels, wherever based, and with all the connections they had and presumably still have, never solved the problem of storing vast currency reserves by substituting those assets, in part, for gold or silver bullion reserves. . .
  13. Re: @Woods020 1850 Liberty Seated Half Dime I second that . To avoid non-buyer's regret, sometimes you have to stop your procrastination and get it while you can. Nice blue circumferential toning, strong strike and a serious MS-66+ grade made possible by a lack of surface commotion.
  14. @coinman_23885 I believe different factors are considered for each of the forms of Executive clemency. A reprieve can be a matter of life or death and may well pivot on ineffective assistance of counsel or prosecutorial misconduct resulting in a wrongful conviction, possible exoneration and compensatory and punitive damages. Next up, commutation of sentence for the purposes of making a prisoner eligible for discretionary parole release. Here, I would argue insight, maturity, remorse and acceptance of responsibility are key. But what if the convicted felon is innocent? Because the relief sought is extraordinary, as it well ought to be, to be eligible you must have served a minimum term of imprisonment and have exhausted all your avenues of appeal. BvH never served a day in jail [unless one were to consider six months of house arrest the equivalent of being confined to a gaol]. Remission of fine(s) N/A. The matter of restitution has already been addressed. That leaves us with pardons of which there are several types. Bypassing the usual route, submission of an application to the USDOJ, President Ford took the Iiberty of granting ex-President Nixon a "full and unconditional pardon." If you were to review, as I had at one time, the kinds of pardons granted, to whom and under what circumstances, you would frankly marvel at the array of pitiful offenses committed many decades ago and the specific relief from disabilities sought. The Attorney-General of the U.S., the principal law enforcement officer, was imprisoned in the wake of Watergate. The Chief Judge of the NY State Court of Appeals, the state's highest, was also imprisoned. These offenders lost their licenses to practice law. The deterrent value of which you speak is minimal in a case involving an individual few, including myself, had ever heard of. If we were talking about violent intractable repeat offenders, that's another matter entirely. But we are talking about a relatively small matter in the grand scheme of things. Letters are routinely sent to parole and pardon authorities. If the sum total of what I have read is accurate, the Hon. VKurtB is only asking the membership to acquaint themselves with the essential facts and submit what amounts to a personal statement in support of a petition which BvH or his advisor can submit on his behalf for the particular relief from disability sought. I do not know what prompted his interest, or furthered it, but VKurtB strikes me as being a straight arrow. The only enduring mystery is why the learned RWB remains adamantly opposed to what amounts to a mere formality at this juncture. Let us not mistake cereal killers, or those who are fond of consuming breakfast food, with serial killers. At age 70, I dislike scammers -- I call them scamsters -- just as much as the next guy, but there comes a time to stop beating a dead horse. That time is long past. 🐓 P.S. Would I consider a pardon for Tommy Thompson of S.S. CENTRAL AMERICA infamy? No, not yet. He crossed a line.
  15. @Jason Abshier I like it very much. You feel it was overgraded; I feel differently but then I have the advantage of a 30-power loupe [I have the the luxury of using when V Kurt B isn't watching]. Besides, who am I to challenge a one-time Senior Grading Finalist of World Coins at NGC? 🐓
  16. @VKurtB When NYC criminal and supreme courts were in operation, pre-pandemic, mention was made of drawing jurors from more sources due to a lackluster response from those called. I don't know what if anything was done. 🐓
  17. @RWB Two things. 1. I am delighted to find my brand of humor did not offend your sensibilities, and 2. The entirety of what you'd written was new and news to me. I was inattentive. Thank you for adding to my meager store of knowledge. 🐓
  18. The average defendant in NYC is never going to really get a jury of his peers. All you have to do is look at the sources upon which the courts rely to form a jury pool. I served on a grand jury and when I requested the prosecutor ask the witness [police officer working undercover] the reason why a car in which drugs were found was stopped, I was basically told it was none of the [GJ's] business, hence the oft-quoted one-time Chief Justice of NY's Court of Appeals observation that a grand jury would indict a ham sandwich, if asked to. A grand jury lacks the standing to challenge lab reports and the sworn testimony of police officers. We sat all day for weeks rubber-stamping everything presented to us as "facts." If the O.J. affair proved anything it's that with adequate resources, a defendant can retain counsel and the investigators needed to challenge evidence, interview witnesses and raise a reasonable doubt. [In a 25th anniversary retrospective of the 1994 O.J. case, several jurors conceded the acquittal was retaliation for the failure to convict in the 1991 Rodney King case. There are Rules that attorneys must observe in county, state, state appeals, federal district, federal circuit and the U.S. Supreme Court. When you come right down to it, jurors or no different from you or me and average everyday people with their own likes, dislikes, prejudices and agendas.
  19. @J P Mashoke Nice Morgan! I'm with you on that ASE Type 2 reverse. Guess I'll just have to wait for a Type 3 to come out.
  20. @Jason Abshier [Humor] 🐓: Strong, clean strike; intact denticular structure; frosty luster; tasteful toning. A real gem loaded with history. Giant ➕ : meteor shower on rev. Newbie: Looks as fresh as the day it was produced at the Denver mint. @RWB What facts can you cite in support of your allegation that this coin was minted at Denver? Newbie: Whaddya mean? WWI raging, influenza pandemic, trench warfare, millions dead, chaos & disorder... You didn't see that video, "Armed Mistress"? It's all over the internet. 🐓: THAT'S AR-MIS-TICE. @VKurtB (unintelligible mutterings)
  21. @VKurtB The short answer is John Wayne Gacy. But he's not doing that anymore. Seriously, in New York City there is a legal distinction between a basement and a cellar. An attic is an attic and a crawl space may be a utility corridor (a pipe chase) used for wiring, meters, and by escaping prisoners.