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Henri Charriere

Member: Seasoned Veteran
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Everything posted by Henri Charriere

  1. @Ross J If Puerto Rico were to become a state, I don't know where they would put that extra star but filling in that one missing Reed at the bottom of the newer DE might be a consideration. πŸ“
  2. @Morpheus1967 The only members here, or "over there," who should be discussing this are those who have followed a natural progression from type sets comprised of raw coins and carried that to their completion. Next order of business is upgrading. For those who have taken it a step forward, encapsulation is recommended with upgrading incrementally until you manage to "complete" your set with the highest known certified examples. I have the current and all-time finest sets of πŸ“ but I am only as good as the last 1/0 pop coin I have acquired. And that will be the challenge of any one of many principals who are young, committed, and have both the discipline and endurance to attain the goal. A true collector doesn't concern himself with points. He knows what he has; he knows what he needs. What all TPGS need to do is accommodate the collectors' needs and refrain from micro-managing their affairs with intrusive surveys, "suggesting" they start another collection, implore them to change euros into USD and cajole them into making comments about others' collections, creating digital albums, and so on and so forth. If it is my collection, properly certified and vetted, I should be free to do with it what I want and as I see fit and if I decide to divest myself of it whether by auction, piecemeal or donation, that's my prerogative. Every coin collector who has painstakingly assembled a collection piece by piece knows exactly how I feel. And number of points amassed, which can occur overnite or in an eyeblink is of little or no consequence. ***
  3. Vert tantalizing post, gentlemen. On the highly-competitive πŸ“ sets, it's every man for himself. All are uncommunicative. Case in point: When's the last time you heard a πŸ“ set registrant speak up? Exactly.
  4. @Mr_Spud It's only a hop, skip, and a jump to sestercentennial (250th anniversary, 2026) from sesquicentennial (150th anniversary, 1926) and a 2-1/2 gold dollar πŸ’° would be the right size and weight for a commemorative. In fact, I like the design. All they have to do is change two digits and the πŸ“ guy is happy. All in favor, say Aye! (Thanks for sharing your magnificent coin!)
  5. @Lem E my birth year! πŸ“ πŸ“ πŸ“ πŸ“ πŸ“
  6. Evidently, I was wrong in assuming they would yield to the existing French grading scheme but something tells me with so many sides to work with -- and a fairly low profile for a concern that's been around going on five years, they may be trying to appeal to a wide variety of coin collectors saddled with their own country's grading system. The slabs, judging by a picture of one being held in someone's palm is massive. Sound plausible?
  7. @zadok I don't want to desecrate this thread by exploring your comment further here (bad form and disrespectful to the OP whom I like) but I know instinctively that you are right. In public, I could be mistaken for a mild-mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper but here those I haven't alienated (ignorers) or intimidated (acc to Alex B) or amused (VKurtB) simply packed up and set up shop elewhere -- but not before coordinating an evidently persuasive campaign to silence me, if temporarily. If I had accomplished my goal and compiled the finest πŸ“ set in two months (which seasoned veteran VKurtB once ridiculed) I do not believe I would still be here. So as long as you are here, and have been kind enough to dispense helpful tips to me in the past, allow me to put the question which has vexed me for well over a year to you: forget auctions which have proven to be unfruitful: What is the proper way of determining who owns the handful of "1/0" pop. coins I seek and making them an offer, if receptive, they cannot refuse? Surely you, or another member ideally 70 or older, is familiar with the quandary of seeking a coin that exists, but is not immediately available. I'm all πŸ‘‚πŸ‘‚ears.
  8. @VKurtB Not to delay this train stranded on a siding any longer than necessary, but you are citing "cats" as an aggravating factor? Please! I am a procrastinator and perfectionist and critical by nature: a Virgo. My wife was born abroad. When I asked her for her opinion on a top-shelf PROOF Buffalo Head Nickel, she said she thought the Indian was ugly (objecting to his prominent nose as a "beak," in French) and described the πŸƒ or Bison, again in French, as a "cricket." The only thing I find annoying due to her psychiatric disability is not her inability to open and close jars properly but her tendency to strangle a tube of toothpaste in the middle, a minor thing when compared with her modesty, formality, trustworthiness and loyalty. In 5 years of marriage I cannot recall having an argument with her, a shouting match, raising her voice much less her hand to me. When I presented myself to her family, per long-standing custom, I compared her to a finely-tuned Patek Philippe chronograph: Perfection in the flesh. I suspect there are a lot more to Forum members than meets the eyes. I have nothing but love for all those who have denounced, marginalized or otherwise ignored me. πŸ“
  9. @RWB and @VKurtB Too bad Obama isn't in the White House or he'd've invited you both over for a beer to talk things over. (For 50 years, I was unalterably opposed to clad coinage until @cladking demolished my ironclad resistance with a single eye-opening comment.) I respectfully believe what we have here is a case of "irreconcilable differences."
  10. @Coinbuf With or without an enhanced evaluation, you made a mature decision. Your Lincolns are unsurpassed. You' re the only member who has dared to publicly proclaim you will not be a slave to a specific TPGS. That's pretty gutsy and I cannot help but respect your position. πŸ“
  11. @Woods020. This is the 2d impressive revelation you've come up with in recent days... A nicely toned silver Kennedy and a reference to a coin shop (mind-boggling) to me, in Merdian, MS. which I last passed thru in 1969 on my way to Philadelphia (Neshoba County).
  12. [Holy cow! This guy was on a first-name basis with arguably one of the finest coin creators of all time! I dub thee Boss Ross! Quite impressive! (And sure to make the old fogies on the Forum, including me, feel youthful again.)]
  13. @James Zyskowski I certainly appreciate the gesture, but it looks like the bald eagle is here to stay.
  14. @GoldFinger1969 must be shaking his head... "Hmm, when do I interject, 'Back on Track' "? @VKurtB (I am seriously considering barring you from engaging in rambunctious and tumultuous exchanges which pose a clear and continual hazard to your health. Is it really that important to debate matters that occurred scores of years ago? Don't forget: 5.5.
  15. Let's not go overboard here with tearing down monuments and landmarks, nilly-willy. The nickels were minted and should be preserved and exhibited for those of the numismatic persuasion. (Let's not endanger our health arguing matters which ought to be resolved by future generations.)
  16. @Hoghead515 There is evidence to suggest your 1964 silver quarter was minted at an elevation of 5,280 feet above sea level. I raise this point because I find it disconcerting that unless you have specific prior knowledge as to the birthplace of a coin, the presence or absence of a 'mark today, is no longer conclusive proof of its provenance. Great coin!
  17. In both my hip-replacement in 1999 and hip re-replacement in 2018, performed in different hospitals in NYC, a marker was used to identify the limb involved.
  18. @World Colonial Thank you for extending to me, a mere chiffonnier, the courtesy of a quite courageous explanation of your position on a multi-faceted issue. With all due respect to those members who may disagree -- many prominent and distinguished -- one-word denunciation and epithets are unsatisfying to those with enquiring minds who want to get as close to the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
  19. It was Dwight D. Eisenhower who was quoted as saying: "If you want total security, go to prison. There you're fed, clothed and given complete medical care and so on. The only thing lacking... is freedom."
  20. [Fleeting thought: if my many detractors (mostly quiet since I have assumed a lower profile on the Forum, lately) are in need of fresh ammo, here it is: I have, for many years argued for a 37% across-the-board cut to the Defense Department budget, and object to the use of the term "U.S. interests" which seems to come up every time we stick our nose in other peoples' business. Comes now @World Colonial who boldly states neither of my concerns would have any impact on the budget deficits. Ok-a-a-a-y... I know I am being out of line here, but would it be bad form, as long as you are in the vicinity, to inquire as to your thoughts on BvN, and whether 🎢 you would be in favor of granting him a pardon based on the information and sources cited, and, yes, responses elicited thus far from fellow members earlier in this thread? I am curious because you have a curious thought process that encourages independent thinking. ] πŸ€”
  21. [I don't know who to believe but I love @GoldFinger1969's narrative style. I suspect my πŸ“'s are envious of his love of Saint-Gaudens's golden eagles in flight.]
  22. [Interesting how we went from auction shills to puppy dog πŸ• mills. Bizarroworld, indeed!]