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So we wait...



Well, no grades yesterday. So that’s three weeks almost / 13 working days in “Grading/Encapsulation/Imaging” without getting grades back. When the submission arrived on 6/7/21 or 6/8/21 the listed turnaround was 49 working days and the coins have now been at NGC for 65 or 66 working days as of Monday. And I really don’t care if the turnaround now is 85 working days - it was 49 when mine arrived, it was 49 for over a month of the time they’ve been there, and it was only later raised to 61, and we’re past even that. But that 49 is the thing I’m scoring against.

So, I had a nice mad going on about this yesterday - bordering on a small temper tantrum - partially because yesterday had become one of those days when you’re just hating life and mad at the world and these grades coming back and having ANOTHER weekend without knowing was just the icing on the cake of grinding my gears.

We found out on Thursday night that Ben’s friend had tested positive for CoVID. He came down with symptoms late Monday, and this kid had been playing with Ben all day on Sunday and had had dinner with us Sunday night. So, neither kid could go to school or daycare yesterday. So, what was supposed to be my Friday off turned into accomplishing none of the things I’d hoped to knock out in and out of the house, 2.5 hours in urgent care trying to test a non-cooperative 5-year-old, and trying to contain the 2 year old and the 5 year old - who are on a serious mommy--obsession-kick - while Shandy tried to work and have meetings. So yesterday sucked. Hard. Yesterday was rough.

Today… today is better. Life feels kinder today. It’s a little easier to smile today. I’m still kind of salty and having a bit of a mad-after-glow on this, but life is better today.

And… we’re doing much better than they are across the street. Ben’s rapid test was negative and he’s feeling just fine 6 days after the exposure. We’re waiting on the PCR test to come back and confirm negative but at this point I’m not terribly concerned. We aren't going anywhere this weekend and we're hoping the results come back Sunday night so Ben can go to school Monday, but I'm fully expecting a negative result at this point. Across the street, the 5-year-old and the 3 year old baby sister and the father are now all sick, and so we’re dropping off coloring books, and fever reducers… and chocolate. Good chocolate. That poor mother…


On top of everything we have a tropical wave bearing down on us that may cause localized flooding and trap us all at home for a few days even if we manage to clear the test. lol

Getting back to the submission a bit… I feel like this is one of the cases were the submission tracker works just well enough to be a tease while also not being terribly helpful some days. In the past I’ve seen things be finalized and shipped within about a week (4-7 working days) of hitting “Grading/Encapsulation/Imaging.” In that situation it makes sense to lump all those together and not split them out. In the case of this submission, they’ve been sitting there for 13 working days, and it just becomes a tease after having been conditioned by past experience to expect results fast after they hit that stage.

It begs the question “what’s the hold-up?” but I’m thinking it must be the grading part of that situation, because these crazy-long turnaround times are ONLY hitting World Modern and World Economy. If the backlog was in encapsulation or imaging, I would expect that to hit more across the board and hit US modern and US economy too but that is not what we’re seeing. It has had me wondering lately if there could be something wrong that they can’t talk about - like one or more of the world graders being sick.

But, if it is that, I’ll hopefully never know, because they’d never be able to discuss that with us. The only way I could see that coming to light is if some poor soul died and they made and article honoring them and absolutely no one wants that.

I keep telling myself that I just need to just stop checking this and just wait for the emails saying they’re done to hit my inbox one evening, but it’s hard. The tease is very real, I’ve been waiting for 3 months, and I just really want to finally know how they did. My worst nightmare is I’m just going to have very disappointing grades come back after all this angst and all this waiting and the whole thing is just going to come down to one massive bitter pill.

But, disappointing grade results and long waits are far from the worst things in life.

Also: Coinsandmedals - I blame you and your fancy-smancy Early Bird multi-holder crazy-complicated submission for this. This is clearly your fault - holding up my dirt-simple modern submission. You should feel bad. lol I hope life is treating you well and we get to hear how those did soon - hopefully he can split those off and get them shipped independently of that modern submission or nobody is going to know how those multi-holders made out until December! lol Lesson learned for all of us! Never shackle and Early Bird to a Modern to save a few dollars on shipping! Just pay the money! lol



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I currently have for World Coin Submissions as follows: 

     1 World Modern NGC received 07/07/21, 1 World Economy received 07/07/21

     7 World Modern NGC received 07/28/21, 4 World Economy received 07/28/21

     2 World Economy NGC received 08/07/21

Subsequently I have not contacted NGC yet...Majority of Subs are in Grading Quality Control or Encapsulation...

Within the past 20 years the opportunity to acquire some truly unique and Rare Coins that were in certain collections was occurring while the Run up in U.S. issues were taking off. Varieties I should mention in this focus, with that also comes the Joy in knowing myself and maybe a dozen others care. Maybe more people are into it now, the Central American and South American Coins, really enjoy learning and searching about and for them...

I wanted several of these submissions to be completed earlier but then I also remembered to double check that certain ones were shipped together by my choice, so...with that said...Yes, a couple of mine might be overdue? I have not confirmed that yet. Really excited about the Canadian Coins in there too...1947 1C Both Blunt and Point 7, Should be an Extremely High Grade 1980 Mexico Peso Closed 8 (Mexico Mint), Not sure what will happen with the 1984 Costa Rico Colon....I'll post a Picture or two...

Pray everyones alright and stays Healthy.....Covid things stress me out and yeah, you know...



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I wonder if it isn't just a "resources shift", U.S. coins are the TPG's bread and butter and it's probably more important to turn those than to catch up on world coins.

Or maybe they just want to clear the decks of U.S. coins before the tidal wave of 2021 Morgan and Peace Dollar commemoratives hit them in October. lol

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Man, I'm sorry to hear about the COVID exposure, William.....that's awful.  I sincerely hope you guys don't contract it and the tests come back negative.  But I won't go on and on about that.....I'm sure you're thinking about that one enough as it is.  As far as the submissions go....man, they are backed up!! I really only submit coins for my little resale venture now (gotta fund those Faustinas somehow....... and Faustinas don't go in slabs in my little world), so I've seen some of that myself.  I've got a bunch of nice Canadian Cameo Proof Like coinage and I know I'd have buyers for it.....but I've been sitting on them, wondering if I want to add more to the backlog.  I guess I probably should, because I have to take the plunge sometime.......but the waiting, man the waiting!!! It drives me nuts and it probably doesn't help that I go on VCoins and MA-Shops, chasing my Faustina addiction while I wait for the coins I'm going to sell to fund it once I get them back from NGC!!! But, I guess we have to play the game if want stuff graded.  But the waiting still sucks!!

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...fyi...one of the submissions i turned into ngc at the ana in person on 8/19...has been graded n shipped traking indicates arrival on monday 9/13...it was world-economy....i would assume that by skipping all the mail room chaos n in person submission has a tendency to expedite, i noticed that vkurt did the same at ana, no clue on status any his submissions...my other submissions r in grading quality control....i did not tie my submissions together for return shipping...for whatever its worth...

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On 9/11/2021 at 7:40 PM, zadok said:

...fyi...one of the submissions i turned into ngc at the ana in person on 8/19...has been graded n shipped traking indicates arrival on monday 9/13...it was world-economy....i would assume that by skipping all the mail room chaos n in person submission has a tendency to expedite, i noticed that vkurt did the same at ana, no clue on status any his submissions...my other submissions r in grading quality control....i did not tie my submissions together for return shipping...for whatever its worth...

That and it sounds like all the ANA submissions went to the front of the line / skipped the line to grading. My coins were marked as received- clearing the mail room - on 6/24 and were scheduled for grading on 7/7 - both well before your submission in August. Based on the listed turn around times when I submitted, mine should have been done and coming home by the day you handed yours in. 

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On 9/11/2021 at 8:49 PM, Revenant said:

That and it sounds like all the ANA submissions went to the front of the line / skipped the line to grading. My coins were marked as received- clearing the mail room - on 6/24 and were scheduled for grading on 7/7 - both well before your submission in August. Based on the listed turn around times when I submitted, mine should have been done and coming home by the day you handed yours in. 

im sure there r pecking orders scattered all thru the grading services on how diff submissions r handled...just as im sure the big auction houses n bulk submitters r handled diff than others...i do know that in person submissions cut off days if not weeks of waiting time...thats one reason i save up submissions n submit at the coin shows in person, but then again i dont really care when they grade my coins its all mostly a moot point to me, its a hobby n they r just coins n regardless of when or how soon they get graded changes nothing anyway...once i submit its out of my thoughts until they arrive back...i sometimes have 8-9-10 submissions in at same time if i sat around wondering bout each n everyone id never get anything else done...heck if one submitted coins every week one would get coins back every week.....

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My U.S. Submissions have always moved fast...not out of Country but the U.S. Coins, those out number the World Coins by quite a bit every month due to more collectors and the U.S. Mint products being graded, run of the mill stuff, but this last few months World Coin Submissions are important to me this time. Patience is key...Also, being an Elite or Top Tier with NGC helps, in my opinion, along with discounts, especially on large 100 coin order or more there a bulk savings. Also, if you message or call they have ALWAYS taken care of things and explained reasonably. I know its easy to be impatient (myself included) but Patience is key....

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On 9/11/2021 at 2:11 PM, ColonialCoinsUK said:

Hope everyone is OK, moderns and multi-holder wasn't me!xD

2nd test came back negative, so it's back to school tomorrow, until the next exposure/ scare.

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On 9/12/2021 at 12:46 PM, Numismatic, A.A.S. said:

I know its easy to be impatient (myself included) but Patience is key....

I think I was mostly doing okay on the patience until they'd been in grading over 2 weeks. lol

Oh well. I'm gonna keep waiting and hope something finally happens this week.

But like I said in the post, it was a terrible end to the week - I've even had to replace batteries in both cars in a week - and this is just one more thing adding to the pile. 

Edited by Revenant
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I hope your coins are well graded and swiftly, safely mailed/delivered to you...I personally would be stressed but what even stresses me more is the Return Mailing...I swear, I just can not sometimes deal with some issues with the USPS, Registered Mail...I could go into detail but being an honestly sincere with the postal people helps. I can't sometimes get over the transit journey our beloved little disks take.....I'm sure we all have those stories. Also I'd like to share...when my coins are held up it changes lifestyle a little bit and what a bummer. (was also thinking what if some coins people had were going to Registry, re-grade or raw...and the entry deadline was missed because of hold ups, etc....Damn..

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I got tired of USPS Registered Mail and opened a UPS account and all my coins are shipped UPS Ground. Living in NC, UPS gets my coins/medals to me in 2-3 days, easy to track and they allow you to sign on line or leave with neighbor. Sometimes the Post Office would take 7-10 days for Registered Mail--I would look each morning and the box was setting in Charlotte or Raleigh for days. For me UPS is no more expensive and much faster and reliable. You might give it a try.

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On 9/13/2021 at 1:55 PM, Mactanboy said:

I got tired of USPS Registered Mail and opened a UPS account and all my coins are shipped UPS Ground. Living in NC, UPS gets my coins/medals to me in 2-3 days, easy to track and they allow you to sign on line or leave with neighbor. Sometimes the Post Office would take 7-10 days for Registered Mail--I would look each morning and the box was setting in Charlotte or Raleigh for days. For me UPS is no more expensive and much faster and reliable. You might give it a try.

I don't mind the week it takes to come back in the mail usually. If I was waiting on USPS at this point I'd know the grades and I'd have my answer. My curiosity and angst would be largely satisfied. 

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Whew, what a sigh of relief that both tests came back negative! I am glad to hear all is well on that front.

It appears you have a terrible case of the “wait game” jitters! I am sure many of us have experienced this. You bring up a good point about the bottleneck, and I can only assume that higher tiers are receiving priority (as they should). We likely will never know the complete picture of their current situation, but all of your suggestions seem plausible. Hopefully, your order will start moving through the process again, and your agony will dissipate.

Given Mike’s comment, I can’t help but wonder if that last part was meant for me with my seven multi-holder invoices currently at NGC? Yeah, sorry about that! If it makes you feel any better, those have been there since June 11th. Part of me is excited to get them back, but the other part is very nervous about the resulting bill even after correcting for the $700+ credit I have with NGC. Maybe the world economy tier taking longer will be the delay I need to fully prepare myself for the resulting bill.

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On 9/11/2021 at 2:11 PM, ColonialCoinsUK said:

Hope everyone is OK, moderns and multi-holder wasn't me!xD


On 9/16/2021 at 12:05 AM, coinsandmedals said:

Given Mike’s comment, I can’t help but wonder if that last part was meant for me with my seven multi-holder invoices currently at NGC?

Yeah… Wrong member with a C-name. Probably one of my bigger recent brain farts, but it's hardly the only one. lol 

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