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Well I submitted coins to NGC and now I am pissed OFF!!

25 posts in this topic

I have 2 checking accounts, I use one of the account for my coins. Every pay day I

have money go into each account and that way I never spend to much on coins in

any given month.


Well the first submission was 10 world coins for my personal collection.

So I used my other "coin" checking account to pay the grading fees.


Well the second submission was 25 US coins. Most of them I planned to sell

and only a couple are for my personal collection. I used a credit card

to pay for the coins.


Well I went to check my "coin" checking account and found out that NGC

took it upon themselves to charge my checking account for both submissions.


Well I am now sitting with a negative balance and still have to paypal charges coming.

This made me really MAD and now I am going to have $39.00 x 3 = $117.00 in overdraft fees.

If NGC would have not messed up I would have never went into the red.



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How did they charge your so-called "checking account", as opposed to a debit or credit card? And did you include the correct payment instructions on your submission invoices?

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I have 2 checking accounts, I use one of the account for my coins. Every pay day I

have money go into each account and that way I never spend to much on coins in

any given month.


Well the first submission was 10 world coins for my personal collection.

So I used my other "coin" checking account to pay the grading fees.


Well the second submission was 25 US coins. Most of them I planned to sell

and only a couple are for my personal collection. I used a credit card

to pay for the coins.


Well I went to check my "coin" checking account and found out that NGC

took it upon themselves to charge my checking account for both submissions.


Well I am now sitting with a negative balance and still have to paypal charges coming.

This made me really MAD and now I am going to have $39.00 x 3 = $117.00 in overdraft fees.

If NGC would have not messed up I would have never went into the red.




Your setup sounds too confusing to begin with :)


NGC should be able to reverse it and the bank when exlained to them what happened I am sure will negate the fees - Its basically an Unauthorised transaction. In the future use the DEBIT checks OR make sure NGC knows in advance that you are using TWO DIFFERENT CARDS - I would think not too many people do that ...

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How did they charge your so-called "checking account", as opposed to a debit or credit card? And did you include the correct payment instructions on your submission invoices?


I used my debit card for my checking account. "World Submission"

I used a credit card for the "US Submission"


They used my debit card for both submissions.


Yes, I double checked both submission and I had two different account #'s listed.

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Your setup sounds too confusing to begin with :)


NGC should be able to reverse it and the bank when exlained to them what happened I am sure will negate the fees - Its basically an Unauthorised transaction. In the future use the DEBIT checks OR make sure NGC knows in advance that you are using TWO DIFFERENT CARDS - I would think not too many people do that ...



I would think that if you pay for something you should be able to pay

for it as you see fit.

I had two different invoices, it not like I was saying for ten coins use this account

and for the other coins use this account.


NGC should have check my invoices to charge my accounts.

They did have to check it, to add both amounts up.

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I would think that if you pay for something you should be able to pay

for it as you see fit.

I had two different invoices, it not like I was saying for ten coins use this account

and for the other coins use this account.



Sounds reasonable enough.....

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Last month NGC placed a shipping charge on a credit card I havent used with them in some time, despite having used a different card for the order. I figure they must have numbers on file, and/or perhaps they didn't double check the numbers against your invoices when they charged you?

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I have overdraft protection. It is a wonderful thing.


There are still overdraft charges tho'. That's what the charges x3 is he's referring to.


I'm sure they can get it fixed tomorrow Shatz.

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I have overdraft protection. It is a wonderful thing.


There are still overdraft charges tho'. That's what the charges x3 is he's referring to.


I'm sure they can get it fixed tomorrow Shatz.


I use USAA. I have no overdraft charges.


I think that you should call NGC tomorrow morning and nicely explain the situation. I would also consider changing banks.

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I have it happen to me everytime I send in coins to NCS and want NGC grading. I get a bill for the grading fees and I send in a check. Then they hit my debit card a week after I the check clears. Then the NCS fees come out of my debit card like they should have. One call to NGC and they fixed it.

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The way you are paying with different cards on the two invoices would surely confuse me....I wouldn't catch is probably half the time. With that shaid you do have a right to pay as you see fit and NGC should make things right by you if you have charges. In the future I might put some type of note in my shipment letting them know about the different accounts per invoice just to make sure they get it right......you know alleviate some of the confusion so you don't get hit on your account again?

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The way you are paying with different cards on the two invoices would surely confuse me....I wouldn't catch is probably half the time. With that shaid you do have a right to pay as you see fit and NGC should make things right by you if you have charges. In the future I might put some type of note in my shipment letting them know about the different accounts per invoice just to make sure they get it right......you know alleviate some of the confusion so you don't get hit on your account again?
Based on what has now been presented, it doesn't look confusing to me. I don't think it's asking too much that the card information provided on the the individual submission invoices be read and used. If there isn't more to the story (I'm saying that because I think it's always better to hear both sides) hopefully NGC will reimburse the submitter for the fees he incurred.
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If I was at NGC and saw the two submissions and then glanced down and saw mastercard on both I doubt I would make the leap that it was two different cards. On the flip side...if I worked for NGC....it would be my job to do so therefore any error on my part would constitute a reembursable situation I would think? (shrug)

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on overdraft protect you can open a savings account and use that for the overdraft account. i do that cause they say my credit isnt good enough for protect. this way if it ever goes in hole then the money comes out of the savings to cover.


also when dealing with ngc and ncs they sometimes take the money out right away on recieving item and some times it takes a bit to be charged. my last submit to ncs took 2 months to come out.

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Well I called both the bank and NGC.


NGC credit my one account and charged the other account.

They said that when they got to accounting they just charged the document that

was on the top.


I called the bank and they dropped 2 of the 3 fees but I am still being stuck with one fee for $39.00.



Well after this whole thing...I guess I will never try and use my debit card again!!

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Well I called both the bank and NGC.


NGC credit my one account and charged the other account.

They said that when they got to accounting they just charged the document that

was on the top.


I called the bank and they dropped 2 of the 3 fees but I am still being stuck with one fee for $39.00.



Well after this whole thing...I guess I will never try and use my debit card again!!

If you haven't already done so, I'd suggest that you politely request that NGC reimburse you for the $39 you are out due to their error.
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On a couple of occasions NGC has charged my wrong credit card on file. Sometime no big deal, but other times it blew me past that cards limit and I got hit with fees. All the times it was a big deal, I talked to NGC (Jeff in Accounting, I believe) and he reversed the transactions and charged the correct card. My credit card company reversed the fees automatically. I'd talk to your bank/credit card company and tell them that since it was not authorized you should not pay any fees. Talk to the manager if you need to or call their headquarters. They should easily waive it. Waiving a fee if cheaper than losing a customer.


As for NGC, on one occasion I wrote on the form asking if they would hold off on charging the card until after a certain day, but if not, go ahead and charge it when they needed to. They held off until that day which was very nice as they did not have to.


I have no idea why people would use a debit card.

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If you haven't already done so, I'd suggest that you politely request that NGC reimburse you for the $39 you are out due to their error.
I would highly recommend this, I've had success at asking the party who was in fault to pay and they have.
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If you haven't already done so, I'd suggest that you politely request that NGC reimburse you for the $39 you are out due to their error.
I would highly recommend this, I've had success at asking the party who was in fault to pay and they have.


I tried and the guy in accounting said "sorry" thats all I got.

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If you haven't already done so, I'd suggest that you politely request that NGC reimburse you for the $39 you are out due to their error.
I would highly recommend this, I've had success at asking the party who was in fault to pay and they have.


I tried and the guy in accounting said "sorry" thats all I got.

Then speak to someone else there and consider taking gmarguli's advice too.
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It was an unauthorized charge to the credit card. It is the credit cards responsibilty to follow up with the VENDOR who charged your account - Liability will eventually fall upon NGC for charging the wrong account. If NGC reversed the charges then there is NO overdraft to the credit card - So the credit card company has to remove the overdraft charge because in theory it never happened.



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i also put on ngc forms in the special requests or comments that i need them to charge on reciept of items. now the last 3 were in recieving and i was charged the same day.


also mike in recieving is awsome and if you feel the need to let them know to charge he will be glad to walk it over to accounting. he did this 2 times for me now. they are great people just bizzy!

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