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is ngc giving up on customer service?

34 posts in this topic

i have been sending alot of coins in even though there has been many problems. the moderns are flying through while our more expensive submissions are not even touched for 1 month (other than recieve and take our money).

i always request a return shipping of overnight (ALWAYS) and i get a email saying my coins were shipped via regestered snail mail.


when i submited my order that has been sitting a month the turnaround was a huge 31 days. 1 month later it just barely moves to SFG. i look at turnarounds and the economy tier now says 40 some days turnaround.


i hate to say it but i may be submiting to pcgs and anacs till ngc can get there turnaround time back to a somewhat normal time.


and to ship a sub via regestred mail when express was requested is just not kool!


and you would think that those orders that cost more to submit would get better attention but its the cheaper submitions getting the front of the line treatment.



rant rant rant :)

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i will and do everytime :( i was just stating a vent :P one of those sat sadness things.mike is always so kool and calm in recieving. i know he gets sick of my calls :P


im just happy this mix up didnt cost me over 100$ again :P ill just have to wait for the package and deal with it. but will circle the return shipping part on next submit.

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a friend said "maybe the acount for my usps wasnt correct" which i replied " then they need to call me to tell me, not just send a different way".


it seems as though they do just what they want :(


mike (recieving)is the only one with the kindness to call and ask if there was a problem. ie i left out a coin that needed to go and he called to make sure i still had it in my posession. that was awsome.


most of the time ngc is awsome in everything (thats why i use them). but lately its kinda frustrating :P

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sorry, but you think NGC turnaround times are frustrating, you haven't seen anything until you deal with PCGS. Add to that the fact that their customer service people seem to be apathetic at best, and you have the worst possible scenario.


If i were you, i'd call NGC customer service and explain to them your frustration. I have been pleased with the calls i've made to them, unlike ATS.




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Ant, have you considered changing your name to "lion", "dinosaur" , "sledge hammer" or something like that? You might get better customer service if you did. ;)

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My solution to such problems is to be an infrequent submitter. An alternative is that I have a dealer submit the coin for me. Currently I have deal where the dealer is submitting the coin for grading. If it grades I get the coin, no matter what the grade is. If it gets a body bag, which I’m 99.9% sure it won’t, the dealer refunds my money.


And yes it is an expensive raw coin.


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Ant, have you considered changing your name to "lion", "dinosaur" , "sledge hammer" or something like that? You might get better customer service if you did. ;)


thanks mark :) (thumbs u i used to go by SIAFU but i didnt use it here. that made my day :)

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i hate to say it but i may be submiting to pcgs and anacs till ngc can get there turnaround time back to a somewhat normal time.


Try the other services. :devil: PCGS is as slow as ever. ANACS is supposedly flooded with coins. ICG has a month backlog (but you get free grading certs!).

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At the FUN Show, I submitted two PCGS Morgans requesting the inclusion of the Top 100 VAM designations. Pretty simple, right? It took about six weeks to get them back. The same day at FUN, I submitted an NGC Morgan requesting the inclusion of the Top 100 VAM designation. I got it back the next day.


Personally, I don't understand why you feel the need to have overnight shipment unless they are megabuck or super rare coins. To me, it's just a waste of money.


Please don't be offended by this:

There is an old adage, "A squeaky wheel gets the grease." or "A squeaky hinge gets the oil.", but people are hardly inanimate objects. Have you ever thought that just maybe the rest of the NGC staff is growing tired of your demands?


There is another old adage:

"You can attarct more flies with honey than you can with vinegar."



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Ant, have you considered changing your name to "lion", "dinosaur" , "sledge hammer" or something like that? You might get better customer service if you did. ;)


lol Funny mark!

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As soon as the coin market cools a bit, the grading services will be much more accommodating. The Colorado ANACS is going to take many months to get things straight.

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" Have you ever thought that just maybe the rest of the NGC staff is growing tired of your demands? "


i pay them to do a job. im not demanding anything. if they dont want to do what they offered then thats there bad and of course the customers going to be upset.


*they give the choice for overnight, i give them the info, yet they dont do it!

*we send in when the turnaround is 30 days and after 30 days it changes to 40+

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When I had to do something I did not exactly relish,

my Dad would always tell me, "Boy, you're as slow as molasses in January!"


Now that's it's summer time, it will speed up.

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" Have you ever thought that just maybe the rest of the NGC staff is growing tired of your demands? "


i pay them to do a job. im not demanding anything. if they dont want to do what they offered then thats there bad and of course the customers going to be upset.


*they give the choice for overnight, i give them the info, yet they dont do it!

*we send in when the turnaround is 30 days and after 30 days it changes to 40+


You pay through the nose (or some other orifice) for doctor's visits and guess what? You get there 15 minutes early and still have to wait an hour before you see the doctor.


As for the turnaround time, of course it changed after you shipped your coins! They knew yours would be coming. Chill out!


I think you should take Mark's advice and change your name. How about Sniffles or Whiner ?



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My submissions vary all over the map! Small ones seem to go through fast and larger ones go into a long queue, it seems. I have never been able to figure out this labrinth. All the services are slow and PCGS Customer Service (an oxymoron itself) is normally just plain rude to regular collectors, if they respond at all. I had a PCGS sign-in issue where my password jammed their site on my computer. It took over a month before a PCGS Customer Service person responded to a simple password question. I had fixed the problem myself (4) weeks before PCGS responded. I'm just glad that NGC people normally do respond, try to be helpful, are respectful and polite which is not the norm at PCGS unless you are a powerful dealer.

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i agree old.

ngc is very nice and curtious. i have never said i hate them or am knocking them. just seems LATELY there is a bustle of coins that im not aware of :) ngc has in the past been very good about calling and making sure things are done to the T. i have stated that before. this was a frustration rant :P

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" Have you ever thought that just maybe the rest of the NGC staff is growing tired of your demands? "


i pay them to do a job. im not demanding anything. if they dont want to do what they offered then thats there bad and of course the customers going to be upset.


*they give the choice for overnight, i give them the info, yet they dont do it!

*we send in when the turnaround is 30 days and after 30 days it changes to 40+


You pay through the nose (or some other orifice) for doctor's visits and guess what? You get there 15 minutes early and still have to wait an hour before you see the doctor.


As for the turnaround time, of course it changed after you shipped your coins! They knew yours would be coming. Chill out!


I think you should take Mark's advice and change your name. How about Sniffles or Whiner ?




Chris, who peed in your cornflakes?

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i dont apreciate the name calling 9ball! knock it off!


Ant, you have complained openly on these boards more than once, and it is getting old. There is absolutley nothing that any member, here, can do to help you. If you hate the car you're driving, trade it in for a different model. If you want to vent your frustrations, buy a punching bag.



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It may simply be that Chris believes there might be more to this rant than meets the eye. After all, less than a month ago ant was also complaining about NGC shipping in this thread when it turned out that NGC did nothing wrong regarding shipping charges.

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My submissions vary all over the map! Small ones seem to go through fast and larger ones go into a long queue, it seems. I have never been able to figure out this labrinth.


I've noticed that large submissions seem to move faster than slow ones. :shrug:

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I have never sent any coins in for grading but I would think that a small case of impatience could start to overcome me after 30 days. I've learned in my older years to just sit back and relax and just let things happen.

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i dont apreciate the name calling 9ball! knock it off!


Ant, you have complained openly on these boards more than once, and it is getting old. There is absolutley nothing that any member, here, can do to help you. If you hate the car you're driving, trade it in for a different model. If you want to vent your frustrations, buy a punching bag.




and if you dont like what you are reading dont read it! a mesege board/forum is for just this. letting others know what you are going through in collecting. if you dont care or think it is minut then dont post.

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I won't bother to add anything more (after this). You can go the way of CarsonCity. I don't care if you do the same to me.



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sorry, but you think NGC turnaround times are frustrating, you haven't seen anything until you deal with PCGS. Add to that the fact that their customer service people seem to be apathetic at best, and you have the worst possible scenario.


If i were you, i'd call NGC customer service and explain to them your frustration. I have been pleased with the calls i've made to them, unlike ATS.




PCGS turnaround times have been fairly quick recently for me. My last 2 Economy submissions were turned around in 25 and 20 calendar days respectively. Recent regular order turned around in 12 days. Many others posting across the street have had similar turnaround times as well.

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