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New forum suggestion - COIN PHOTOGRAPHY

42 posts in this topic

At the suggestion of one of the moderators, I am reposting this here to see if there is any support for the idea.


I'd like to see a forum for Photography and Imaging. This would cover everything from cameras and lenses, to microscopes, "drop in" digital lenses that feed to a computer, lighting, and image editing software and enhancement techniques. Posts would include questions, tips, and examples.


There are a fair number of posts on these subjects but they're scattered all over. I suspect that a separate forum for this would generate even more posting.


I suppose that because of its broader appeal, it wouldn't necessarily be under the coins forums, but perhaps higher on the tree to include stamp and card collectors, etc.


If you'd like to see this happen, now is the time to chime in.


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I think it would be a great idea! I agree with you that "How to", tips & equipment options are currently scattered all over, and it would be nice to have one forum for continual reference. But, I don't think coins & currency, comics, stamps and cards should be grouped together.





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At the suggestion of one of the moderators, I am reposting this here to see if there is any support for the idea.


I'd like to see a forum for Photography and Imaging. This would cover everything from cameras and lenses, to microscopes, "drop in" digital lenses that feed to a computer, lighting, and image editing software and enhancement techniques. Posts would include questions, tips, and examples.


There are a fair number of posts on these subjects but they're scattered all over. I suspect that a separate forum for this would generate even more posting.


I suppose that because of its broader appeal, it wouldn't necessarily be under the coins forums, but perhaps higher on the tree to include stamp and card collectors, etc.


If you'd like to see this happen, now is the time to chime in.



I love the idea!

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I agree with Chris. But I love the idea of somewhere that we could go to that would help all of us learn a little more---NAMELY ME


Taking pictures is a MUST. And learning the best equiptment and methods would be a definite PLUS. Good idea.


Maybe Arch or someone could bring all the previous info into one new title of "Photos and Methods and Equiptment". Or something like that?? Bob [supertooth]

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I think this is a good idea. I do look at the possibility of this post getting so large with photos of everyone's examples and all, that it may be hard to access for dil-uppers after some point in time.

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I too think it is a good idea since there are numerous posts throughout the forums. There are at least two in the WYNTK Forum dealing with digital imaging and photography techniques. Would this be the proper place for a dedicated post, one that encompasses everything? There is already a good start with the ones there in the WYMTK forum.



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"Make it so", "engage", "First star on the left"....


Great idea, it would help losers like me, immensely. While your at it, can you make a po-boy WYNTK post too. I can't seem to make myself buy a DSLR when there's gold and silver just floatin' in the Bay.



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Maybe Arch or someone could bring all the previous info into one new title of "Photos and Methods and Equiptment". Or something like that?? Bob [supertooth]


"Numismatic Photography" should cover everything in a nutshell for coin, currency, medal and token collectors.



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I like the idea a lot too :) It would be very beneficial as a reference as I, along with other countless others, attempt to improve our photography skills. Terrific

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Coin photography is technically different than most imaging techniques that are used on stamps, currency, cards, and the like. It should have its own forum.


I suggest a separate sub-forum for "I just took this image, what do you think?" kind of posts, to keep them separate from the regular technical posts.


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I suggest a separate sub-forum for "I just took this image, what do you think?" kind of posts, to keep them separate from the regular technical posts.


Maybe it should be included and maybe it shouldn't. If the person is asking for an opinion about the coin, then no. If the person is asking for an opinion about the photographic technique, then yes.



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I suggest a separate sub-forum for "I just took this image, what do you think?" kind of posts, to keep them separate from the regular technical posts.


Maybe it should be included and maybe it shouldn't. If the person is asking for an opinion about the coin, then no. If the person is asking for an opinion about the photographic technique, then yes.




Agreed, but the hard part will be getting posters to use the forum and subforums properly. I suspect that many will just see the parent forum and start reaching for their pics to post. If they're posting them to ask for a technical critique, that shouldn't be a problem. If the forum traffic gets so high that it needs to be sub-divided, we can address that later.


I'm more worried about the "what do you think of this coin?" posts. We may have to do a little diplomatic "enforcement" by gently requesting posters not to clog the photography/imaging forum with non-technical pic posts.


Regarding whether the new forum should be under numismatics or higher on the tree, I'm now thinking that it should be under numismatics. I don't want to be sifting through pics of stamps and cards, and yes, shooting coins is different than 2-dimensional objects.


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While I would certainly find a forum on this topic interesting, I'm not sure that I would actively look at it. Also, it's not like there are a hundred posts on the topic here, so I guess I just don't see a problem or a need to change from the status quo. Just my $0.02, respectfully submitted...Mike

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I guess I am the only one who doesn't like the idea and in fact am strongly opposed to its implementation. Isn't this topic, and others like it, the reason for the existance of a Numismatic Tangents section? Coin photography fits perfectly into the Numismatic Tangents section and if this subject should need to be broken into its own forum then why don't we have every rather common subject broken into an independent forum? I can just envision the "Counterfeit Coin on Ebay" forum, the "I Got Ripped on Shipping" forum, the "Do You Think This Coin Would Slab at PCGS or NGC?" forum all alongside the "Coin Photography" forum. The search feature is easy enough to use on the NGC site so that anyone truly interested in reading previous threads or posts regarding this issue should be able to pull up myriad posts.

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While a worthwhile topic, I'm not sure it needs its own forum. The Tangents forum seems the right place for these topics. Are there really enough posts on Photography and Imaging to make it a sustainable forum?

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OK, I did. Seems like a lot of posts contained in a few threads. IMO, it didn't look like nearly enough threads to get its own forum. I suspect a few WYNTK threads could cover enough in place of its own forum.

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Hey Arch---- You know this comes from the dumbest guy about computers here on these chat boards. But maybe could we take Chris's idea of "Numismatic Photography" and somehow put it in the WYNTK threads?? It sure would be what you need to know about photography.


That way you would not need a separate forum? Just an idea. Bob [supertooth]

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If you don't give me my own forum. I'm going to have to keep posting my bad (extra-wide, 5 mega-pixel out of focus, wash outs.) pics of prez dollars to the US coins forum.

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However, I do find it difficult to search a particular topic when they are scattered throughout the NGC, NCS & PMG forums. When I keyed in "Photography" in a search of these forums during the last 9-month period, there were ten pages listed in seven different forums. Then you are faced with the task of sorting through all of those posts to find the one you want. By having photography as a separate forum, it would be a little easier and less time-consuming.




Excellent point. Last night I did a 3-month search on a few keywords and yes, there are hundreds of hits to sift through. It took hours because I was documenting the results and not just searching. I ignored all the many casual references and looked only for legitimate examples. FWIW, I found 15 threads where technical photography & imaging issues either started or entered into the discussion. So it would seem that there is interest in this subject area. But like you, I had to filter out all the incidental references.


I don't see massive growth in posts from having this forum, but it's only common sense that there will be some simply because people will realize that there is gathering place under the Collectors Society/numismatics tent where people who know about that subject will congregate. I never gave much thought to coin conservation until I saw that forum. Now I'm looking over a few of my coins to see if conservation could enhance their desirability and value. It doesn't matter if your passion and only interest is Indian Heads or Peace Dollars or whatever, conservation might be of interest to you. Ditto for photography & imaging.


The real question is not whether a majority of members want a Photography & Imaging (sub)forum. It's whether enough participants think that being able to quickly locate relevant material on this subject warrants taking a bit of the valuable web page real estate to label a gathering point for such postings.


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Instead of doing a sub-imaging forum on "I just took this great photo of this new coin I bought," could you make a sub-forum of the US Coins section for this? It's an incredible clog for those of us who may not be in the mood to look at yet another toned Morgan dollar.

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Instead of doing a sub-imaging forum on "I just took this great photo of this new coin I bought," could you make a sub-forum of the US Coins section for this? It's an incredible clog for those of us who may not be in the mood to look at yet another toned Morgan dollar.


:( :( :( :( :(


I wish you hadn't said that. Now, someone may suggest a separate forum for Morgans. lol





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I guess I am the only one who doesn't like the idea and in fact am strongly opposed to its implementation. Isn't this topic, and others like it, the reason for the existance of a Numismatic Tangents section? Coin photography fits perfectly into the Numismatic Tangents section and if this subject should need to be broken into its own forum then why don't we have every rather common subject broken into an independent forum? I can just envision the "Counterfeit Coin on Ebay" forum, the "I Got Ripped on Shipping" forum, the "Do You Think This Coin Would Slab at PCGS or NGC?" forum all alongside the "Coin Photography" forum. The search feature is easy enough to use on the NGC site so that anyone truly interested in reading previous threads or posts regarding this issue should be able to pull up myriad posts.


I have to agree with Tom. Leave it here! I will be happy to answer any questions!

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Excellent point. Last night I did a 3-month search on a few keywords and yes, there are hundreds of hits to sift through. It took hours because I was documenting the results and not just searching. I ignored all the many casual references and looked only for legitimate examples. FWIW, I found 15 threads where technical photography & imaging issues either started or entered into the discussion. So it would seem that there is interest in this subject area. But like you, I had to filter out all the incidental references.

Let me get this straight, you found fifteen threads over three months and believe that justifies another forum? hmlol Obviously, the search feature worked just dandy for you, so why is it again that we need another forum for an infrequently posted topic? hm

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I guess I am the only one who doesn't like the idea and in fact am strongly opposed to its implementation. Isn't this topic, and others like it, the reason for the existance of a Numismatic Tangents section? Coin photography fits perfectly into the Numismatic Tangents section and if this subject should need to be broken into its own forum then why don't we have every rather common subject broken into an independent forum? I can just envision the "Counterfeit Coin on Ebay" forum, the "I Got Ripped on Shipping" forum, the "Do You Think This Coin Would Slab at PCGS or NGC?" forum all alongside the "Coin Photography" forum. The search feature is easy enough to use on the NGC site so that anyone truly interested in reading previous threads or posts regarding this issue should be able to pull up myriad posts.


I have to agree with Tom. Leave it here! I will be happy to answer any questions!

iI also agree with Tom and Bruce. But I don't have time for any questions.. :popcorn:
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Excellent point. Last night I did a 3-month search on a few keywords and yes, there are hundreds of hits to sift through. It took hours because I was documenting the results and not just searching. I ignored all the many casual references and looked only for legitimate examples. FWIW, I found 15 threads where technical photography & imaging issues either started or entered into the discussion. So it would seem that there is interest in this subject area. But like you, I had to filter out all the incidental references.

Let me get this straight, you found fifteen threads over three months and believe that justifies another forum? hmlol Obviously, the search feature worked just dandy for you, so why is it again that we need another forum for an infrequently posted topic? hm


The first thing you need to get straight, Tom, is that this kind of insulting tone is uncalled for. As a newcomer here, I saw a perceived need, made a reasonable proposal in good faith and have been trying to make a case for it, including a truthful summary of what I found doing research. FYI, my participation on forums goes back to the original CompuServe boards in 1983. The only thing I can say for sure from my experience is that every interest group site is different, including how it slices and dices its forum/subforum structure. I've seen (sub)forums where 15 threads in 3 months is not at all unusual but the members keep it separate because they find it useful to do so. If you have anything useful to say, I'm listening, but lose the attitude.


I realized when I posted my findings that 15 threads, even if some of them ran 50+ postings, was hardly a massive amount of traffic. But that's what I found, so there it is. Too bad it took me so long to isolate it all, though. I could understand and live with that if I wanted to look for material on, say, proof Eagle Cents or hubbed Jeffersons. IMO, photography and imaging already is of interest to more than two or three of us, and potentially is of interest to every collector at some stage of their collecting career.


Let me ask you: What are your criteria for justifying a new forum or subforum in CS/numismatics?


1. What is the minimum amount of traffic?

2. How many members need to vote yes?

3. How much opposition (no votes) is sufficient to deny the proposal?

4. What are the valid arguments for voting no?

5. What are the valid arguments for voting yes?:


Please be precise. I'd like to understand exactly what it takes to meet your standards. Seriously. As I said, I'm a newbie - here on CS, that is.


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