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Henri Charriere

Member: Seasoned Veteran
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Everything posted by Henri Charriere

  1. I spent enough time investigating the various scam allegations to quickly recognize it may be any one of many things, but most assuredly not a scam. A lot of members here with name recognition spend time there and not a single one has aired their own suspicions much less suggested there may be some truth to the allegations. In the time I spent lurking about, I quickly realized with my mercurial temperament I didn't stand a chance so I kept my opposable right thumb to myself... and survived. The late country music legend, Kenny Rogers, sang a song about such a set of circumstances... "You've got to know when to hold 'em, Know when to fold 'em, Know when to walk away, And know when to run...." NO TRUE BILL.
  2. Very lovely additions to the growing itinerary.
  3. I am deeply sorry and assure you there will be no such trespass again.
  4. What a motley crew! Where is the inspiration and imagination? Not a denticle in sight! This is what's become of the Empire the sun never set on? Squirrels and spiders? Has the "tuppence" come to this? Is there a story behind the selection of these fauna and flora? Definitive? How so? Where is the distinctive definition, or has the art of the engraver gone the way of the stone cutter? Now, what the U.S. can do to one-up these toy coins is put a dog on one of its coins. But not just any dog. I propose "Balto" the Siberian husky who led a dog sled team 55 miles thru the Alaska wasteland to deliver a life-saving vaccine for diptheria to the citizens of Nome in 1925. Maybe give the bison a breather for just a year, 2025, to honor a real-life celebrity that inspired New Yorkers to erect a bronze starue in its honor in Central Park. Once you've held a sculptured classic in your hand, you'll never go back. That's why those distinguished emissions, and not this pedestrian play money for the masses, will always be in demand.
  5. @EagleRJO : Moderation is a very sensitive topic. Put yourself, if you will, in their place. Outright violations can easily be dispensed with. But what about the member who comments on virtually everything giving rise to the appearance he is dominating the Board. What if he hasn't technically violated the Guidelines, but many members, beyond the well-known mainstays, simply tire of his presence. There are an array of tools Modineration can use to reign members in, stifle their creativity and ultimately discourage their presence. The "log-in loophole" is one. Delayed posting is another. Example: You write a comment, proofread it (a process I call die-polishing) press send, only to see it wiped off the map, parked on a spur which you make a mental note to retrieve later only to discover sometimes it's there, and sometimes it's not. The Website Coordinator once made a deliberate decision to retroactively review my contributions, find one she could take issue with, and use it as a pretext to show me the door. At some point, I changed my user handle, with permission, and re-invented myself restricting my interactions with emojis. I tried a different tack, several actually, reducing my presence on the Board, visiting other venues, avoiding "contentiousness" and finally suggesting Moderation simply block and delete posts they find objectionable. Right now, I am straddling an undefined border: serving at the pleasure of the Board. Should I overstay my welcome, for a specific reason, or no reason at all, I'm gone, residing only in the institutional memory of others. Key point: NO APPEAL. That's it. No muss, no fuss. The NGC juggernaut moves on.
  6. [FYI: This coin was the impetus behind my introduction of the topic, "< Pf-67 Why not?"]
  7. [As regarding the first part of your comment, check topic, "Unsolicited comments." As regarding the latter, after I had experienced a great fall resulting in lack of mobility, loss of memory and the fortuitous discovery I had Covid-19 (and the correct deduction my wife must have had it, too). I wasn't the only one talking to a rooster. The late great Oldhoop not only spoke to "Ricky," but demanded a retraction from him. Besides, if memory serves, you "spoke" to the Rooster, too, one of my greatest coups you owned up to.] 🤣
  8. Deja vu? This comment alone should put this matter to rest once and for all after three years and over four hundred posts. Besides, I took it upon myself to investigate each and every one of the allegations made, at length, and found -- nothing. I thought it telling that a number of long-time members with instant name recognition, shuttled seamlessly, without complaint, between this Forum and that one. If anyone should be incensed, it ought to be me. After all, I had been PERMANENTLY BANNED from this Forum four times and that does not include garden variety "exclusions" including routine deportations and exiles. The truth? There was justice in those verdicts if one takes the time to familiarize himself with the Chat Board Guidelines. My attitude remains, Man, I love this place!
  9. (...before I utter another word, I suggest the pallet-stacker retrieve his emoji depicting retching... he's going to need it... ) 🤣 Ready? Here goes... Back from the hospital after surgery, I was lying in bed, minding my own business, when I asked my wife for her far superior antique Android w/ internet capability (as opposed to my talk-n-text cell I got in a Cracker Jack®️ box). 🤣 Mesmerized by its capabilities, it suddenly occurred to me it may be able to bring me up to speed on my old hobby, coin collecting, after silver was taken out of change from which most collectors amassed their collections by filling holes in the familiar blue Whitman folding albums. In time, my attention was directed to eBay. where, in time, I viewed my first gold rooster. I did not know what it was but noted the French inscriptions and old dates. Without knowing anything about the series, e.g., how many comprised a complete set or whether some were rarer than others and what an average coin ought to cost, I bought one... and was smitten. I found another one, and bought it. I became curious as to how many more there were, found out there were only 16 and decided to collect them all raw because I knew nothing about certifications or mintages or TPGS, etc. I vowed I would never buy an encapsulated coin. At some point, in early 2019, I became aware of CAC and HA. I learned CAC did not accept raw coins and HA auctioned off the best of the best mostly certified coins, though not exclusively. I also learned Set Registries did not accept raw coins, certifications required paid memberships and, was rudely awakened when I found out World Gold from one Set Registry could not be displayed in another unless they were cross-graded. I had come to a fork in the road and had to make a decision. At the time, it became clear that half the series appeared to be dominated by one TPGS and the earlier part of the series, the "originals" were more difficult to acquire than the latter "restrikes." I saw little point in compiling parallel collections here and on the West Coast, but experienced an epiphany: if you are seeking French coins, where would you be more likely to find them? Along the way, I learned about PayPal, conversions from USD to CAnadian dollars, British £, €uros, bank wire transfers, the larger, more reputable coin establishments in France, England and Germany -- and not being averse to taking risks, ordered a coin from a hole in the wall check-cashing place, sent it to Slovenia and was pleasantly surprised when it became only the 2d gold rooster certified for that date as well as a Top Pop. Along the way, I learned the history of the coin (just yesterday I found out the original copper rooster which had been placed at the top of Notre Dame cathedral, already rebuilt, will be returned to its pinnacle.) I hold two records: Best French Set four years in a row on the West Coast and member permanently banned most times from the Chat Board. I learn something new every day. Man, I love this place! 🤣
  10. Very lovely rivets but I doubt they are silver. 🤣
  11. Thank you Messrs. Sandon and J P M. You will excuse me now while I put on my suit of armor and await a response from the "nattering nabobs of negativism." (distinctive alliterative phrase purportedly written by William Safire for use by Spiro Agnew, Nixon's Vice-President and former governor of Maryland.)
  12. That's correct, and if it's not, why not? If a Proof coin is produced from specially prepared polished planchet and minted for non-circulation, it is a PROOF. If a Proof coin, becomes impaired and incurs damage, it is a PROOF. If a coin is minted as a Proof, its provenance is of irreproachable virtue regardless the indignities visited upon it. If it was born a Proof, to the manor born, it remains a PROOF for LIFE. But if it is defaced or defiled -- or chop-marked, what then? It is a PROOF with a disability. I should like to propose an extension of the Sheldon scale to embrace all Proof coins, whatever the infirmity. The ceiling, Pf-70, is palatable, but why should the minimal grade, arbitrarily set (and apparently widely-accepted) as Pf-60 be the point of departure? If anyone rejects this with a violent objection, speak up and feel free to suggest how I have been led astray, or forever hold your piece (with the applicable and valid carry permit). 😉
  13. What enquiring minds really want to know is what effect, if any, the discovery and certification of yet another '69-D would have on the FMV of the one auctioned off only a few years ago for $33,000. 🤔
  14. Q.A.: As always, a pleasure to hear from you! ...Incidentally, the only time the word is spelled with a "c" is in ostracism; otherwise it's ostracized... Capiche? 🤣 🐓: Touche.
  15. As most collectors of this series are aware, the minimal price of any rooster, irrespective of grade, is $400. now that gold spot has risen past $2,000./oz. Aside from price, a disturbing trend has emerged abroad best exemplified by the following routine listing from a company advertising its coin with MA-SHOPS. I PITY THE COLLECTOR WHO BUYS RAW FROM ABROAD WHERE CERTIFICATIONS APPEAR TO HAVE BEEN LARGELY ABANDONED. EXAMINE THE QUANDARY OF THE COLLECTOR WHO MUST DECIPHER THE FOLLOWING LISTING: THE FRENCH 20-FRANCS GOLD ROOSTER IS KNOWN BY DIFFERENT NAMES BY EVERY COUNTRY. THE CLUE COMES WITH THE GRADE. A SPECIFIC COIN'S GRADE WAS IDENTIFIED BY THE FOLLOWING ACRONYMS: "SUP/FDC/EF." It's price is USD 625.98, so you must decipher the grade before you make a decision as to whether this coin is for you. SUP stands for SUPERBE in French whose U.S. equivalent is AU -55 to MS-62. Next is FDC. It is French for Fleur de Coin, or Flower of Coin whose French and Italian U.S. equivalent is MS-65 to MS-70. Finally, is EF whose British and U.S. equivalents are 55-62 and 40, respectively. All three are lumped incongruously and unhelpfully together. I bring this to your attention because it's not like you can pick up the phone and call someone to help you. You are on your own. The date is not important. That is not the problem, the condition of the coin is and it ranges from a minimum of 40 to a maximum of 70. No one expects any coin struck for circulation to grade MS-70 but barring certification, which the seller evidently does not wish to assume the financial burden of, what do you do? Language, too, is critical. If learning new terminology is too tedious for you, gold roosters are not your cup of tea. So what do you do? What can you do? In any event, that is the reality facing collectors of this series today. There are 10 times as many F20F gold rooster set registrants here, than there -- and spot gold is on the move. I wish all my fellow collectors the best of luck! 🐓
  16. Just saw your beautiful 43P war nickel on another thread. I cannot remember where I read about the only (unique) FS 69D, but now I know why you asked. Would you, or anyone else, know what the oldest FS nickel is?
  17. [Speaking strictly for myself, I have been reading the comments of others for years now and have developed a theory as to approaches to coin collecting. My experience is limited to B.S. (Before Silver, 1964) and A.S. (After Silver was withdrawn from circulation) and have come to the conclusion in the beginning, leading up to that pivotal year, 1964, hobbyists collected whatever they wished at whim. More experienced, seasoned collectors gravitated to either completing their type sets, electing to concentrate on a particular type of coin and upgrading as finer examples became available. At some point, with collecting from change no longer possible, particularly with the unavailability of Silver, investors jumped in with ordinary Silver topping out at just nigh $50./oz in 1980, before falling. TPGS entered the picture. Coin collecting from local coin shops evolved with the proliferation of coin shows, the internet, encapsulations and access to international sources. Younger collectors in the Sixties collected what they wished. But many got married and it is my belief, looking ahead, those that did began to fine-tune their collecting. They gave their collecting (and what they collected) a bit more thought. Tastes became more focused. Some began to consider, "What exactly would my heirs appreciate?" Would you want to leave your heirs something any average person would find meaningful, or continue to hoard dateless Buffaloes and parking lot finds? Most would probably feel U.S. Mint products strike the right balance. Or hoards of bullion. If you are a young numismatist today, these are back-burner issues to be considered, if ever, sometime in the future. That's perfectly understandable. What I would be curious to know is whether any member's tastes have changed, in any way, to accommodate their heirs. I settled on gold roosters but I believe those of us who've begun Set Registries have been held in a holding pattern. (Several, finding the upgrade wall impenetrable or disenchanted with the interminable waits to thaw, have bowed out.) The sand in my 5-year collecting hour glass is set to run out on the First Day of Spring.
  18. Blast from the Past! A Brooklynite on Trial for his Life at London's Old Bailey... Barringer representing his majesty, quoting Poe: "....Have we not a perpetual inclination, to violate that which is Law, merely because we understand it to be such? Who has not -- Q.A. (representing himself): -- "but-chaw Hon-nuz! Moiduh, mos' fowl! Maliss a-for'-taut? Way-yuh? WAY-YUHHH???" [From coroner's inquest]: "Contusions noted, subdural hematoma present, pronounced lacerations abrasions... conclusion: homicide." Q.A.: 'twuz 'n ax-si-den' What Abrazhuns? Dem's jus uh-jus-mint mahks! I-kin-splane-ev-ree-ting. Barrister: Everything? The deceased was found minus a limb. Q.A.: Mere plea-strike planchit a'justmint. Bloke tripp'd, hit duh why-yuh, loss hiz hedd. Axzi-den. Happinz awl duh time! Barrister: (aside) I thought you said you spoke English? Q.A.: Dialekk Numismystique... the King's English. MODERATORS: FEEL FREE TO DELETE AFTER A DECENT INTERVAL.
  19. [My guess would be Lithium which, following on the heels of Hydrogen and Helium, numbers one and two, respectively on the Periodic Chart, would lead one to assume it too is a gas, but it is the world's lightest metal.]
  20. Welcome back! Haven't the foggiest where you've been or had been quiet for so long, but welcome back! It would appear to me this type of dilemma would qualify for forwarding to the knowledgeable staff member whose principal duty appears to be tackling questions of this type -- unless someone here has a conclusive explanation. If none is forthcoming, you may want to direct your interesting query to the Forum "Ask NGC/NCS." It is my belief a question such as yours would be right up their alley. As a fellow member, I wish you the best of luck!
  21. You will be pleased to learn I have been swayed by your thinking and tactics. I address sellers of the series I am intimately familiar with: F20F GR. I always summarize my credentials and zero in on those attempting to exact unjustifiably high selling prices for uncertified examples linked with a No Returns Accepted policy. As a responsible hobbyist, I take umbrage with those whose main line of seller items are non-numismatic in nature and set forth my argument with unassailable logic. I wholeheartedly applaud your efforts.
  22. I wholeheartedly accept your explanation. I am familiar with the raised dot topographical feature unique to the 1836 Canadian cent but the problem presented here is a TPGS has apparently validated your claim and formally acknowledged it. It's tough to challenge an opinion rendered by an established TPG. This instructively recalls a line attributed to President Lincoln: "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt." Mine may simply be a case of sour grapes or low-baller's envy. I could argue my coin was a post-Ike 1979 Sacagawea dollar and could not possibly be confused with any other introductory coin, but the DATE seemed to be a key consideration to at least one U.S. TPGS. I may have to research this further but if it appears I am incorrect in my assumption, I will have no choice but to honor the commitment I made to leave unprodded of my own accord, with no parting shot.
  23. I am afraid I am going to have to pull rank on you not because member Mike's latest bump felt more like a thump, or because I've got a few more weeks than you on the Forum as a Rising Star, but because it's taken me months to solve this little enigma. I do not believe your example qualifies as a "low-ball." According to seemingly unwritten definition, to qualify as a L/B, the date must be legible. I supplied a TPGS before and after photos of a coin I used Brillo ®️ on to within an inch of its life, and the verdict I received was terse but polite: "From whom did you obtain this blank planchet from?" 🤣 I stake what little remains of my entire reputation (tattered and torn) experience (barely perceptible) and credibility (non-existent) on my incredible assertion and if I am wrong, I shall apologize, resign my commission forthwith, and see my way out. To paraphrase President Nixon at his last press conference [November 2, 1962]: "You [w]on't have Charriere to kick around anymore.] 😉