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Henri Charriere

Member: Seasoned Veteran
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Everything posted by Henri Charriere

  1. Monnaies Francaises, 1789-2023, 26th (50 Anniversary) edition The latest edition of the "French Red Book" has just been released, according to informed sources, and is winging its way to the U.S.A. The price, $49.95, is unchanged; shipping & handling is $6.00. From the flyer: "Monnaies Francaises has been the Bible for the coins of modern France since it was first published in 1973...." new chapters, many new photos. Also: Metal, fineness, weight, diameter, edge, engraver's name and privy marks. 696 pages, all in color. Hard-bound. Published by Editions Victor Gadoury, Monaco. Published every two years, in French, a copy of "Le Rouge" (The Red) may be obtained through the Coin & Currency Institute... E-mail: mail@coin-currency.com. Or call toll-free 1-800-431-1866 or order online: www.coin-currency.com Note: Once again, I credit a member, the venerable VKurtB, for bringing to my attention the existence of a book I was completely oblivious to despite my sixty intermittent years of involvement in the hobby, the last five devoted exclusively to compiling a complete set of French 20-franc gold roosters.
  2. Interesting idea. Doubtful it would ever happen, but if it were entertained I would hope they would consider calling it a HALF-DISME. I see there is one available for sale on eBay for a half-million dollars + shipping... $1000. 🤣 Yeah, right.
  3. This is an outstanding thread. There are threads, however, so good -- and this may very well be one of them, where caution is advised. You know, VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED! Barring that, viewers with thread-bare knowledge and experience would be well-advised to traipsing through the threads accompanied by a chaperone well-versed in the subject matter. Interestingly, YouTube went unmentioned. Now that's a platform which must be approached with extreme caution, antennae fully extended. 🤔
  4. I do know every 5- or 6-Full Step nickel must be in Mint State grade condition. I do not know if the '69D was the oldest Jefferson given that attribution, or whether it had 5 or 6 steps but am sure that information may be found in the Stack's Bowers' archives.
  5. Captain rich, eh? Any relation to RichieRich2020? 🤣 Whether you are new to the hobby or the Chat Board and whether you agree or disagree to the tips expressed herein, take it from me, a breath of fresh air is always welcome on the board. Now, that does not necessarily mean I agree with everything voiced. For example, the OP insists on No Cleaning, period. While there are those who might object on technical grounds, I will baldly add: if you wish to make a good impression, and still want to maintain a hardliner's stance and insist on presenting your '09-S-VDB in its original, muddied state, feel free to do so but bear in mind it will matter little if you hold the coin properly by its edge if your fingernails are unclipped and dirty. Remember, first impressions count. Great thread! Informative, opinionated and unorthodox, but falls squarely within the Guidelines.
  6. [Respectfully, see my post in topic: Unsolicited Comments] [Actually, much better than Red and Brn: a bee-you-tee-full touch of iridescent blue!]
  7. [ 🐓: Thank you! You're a gentleman, a scholar, and a good sport.]
  8. Blast from the Past! A.D.A.: Your witness. Q.A.: What facts do you wish to cite in support of your assertion that this coin, in effect, displays wear? A.D.A.: Objection! No such four-letter word was used or alluded to! Hon. Z: Sustained. Antics such as those exhibited by opposing counsel shall not be tolerated by this Court. [🐓 : My grade is AU59]
  9. The Jefferson Nickel was issued during the waning [90] days of 1938 and is now 85 years old. They apparently were such a novelty, coming on the hooves of the Buffalo, that many were not found in regular circulation until the early 1940's. Ardent collectors will forgive my impertinence and audacity for suggesting a design change, but quite honestly, the most recent such design changes, whether permanent, or temporary, such as those that have been proposed for the 250th anniversary just don't cut if for me. If it were up to YOU, with congressional approval -- momentarily scrapping the recent U.S. Mint's quiz on possible classic designs, what would you like to see featured on a new nickel, post 2026? [FWIW: an interesting factoid: only one 1969-D Jeff' graded a MS-60 was found to display a version of one of two FS. It was auctioned off for $33,000 in August 2021 by Stack's Bowers Galleries.]
  10. With the OPs indulgence, I should like to suggest that members who wish to exhibit their wares on the Chat Board's most popular, long-running threads, do so with an eye toward positioning their numismatic possessions, whether horizontally or vertically, hewing ideally to a North-South, East West axis, with little or no die rotation.
  11. I appreciate the undeserved adulation. As you may know, I have two Set Registries. The one on the East coast features a solid line of "Restrikes," (1907-1914) all graded MS66. The one on the West coast is comprised of the "Originals" (1899-1906) as well as the Restrikes. It is complete and recently acquired its 4th annual gold shingle for "Best French Set." But, is it really? No, because it is not the best POSSIBLE set. So why two sets? Well, the two top TPGS (sumo wrestlers) classify them differently and being World Gold, have deemed them ineligible for inclusion together in either's set. Besides, the West Coast has a lock on the Originals in France and Germany. Do you doubt me? Fact: There are roughly 10x more Set Registrants here, than there. Don't take my word for it, peruse the NGC Registry at your leisure. The dividing line lies between the Originals, eight coins terminating in 1906, and the Restrikes, eight coins beginning in 1907. Regarding your thoughtful gesture: I am painfully aware of the Top Pop grades awarded Roosters both here, and there. I have a 1905 in MS-64 and see little point in adding yet another one. Besides, the # 1 ranked member here spent a lot of time and money getting to where he is. He deserves the recognition and may even be a dealer with sets galore elsewhere. One fact frequently overlooked by everyone but nuts-and-bolts collectors like VkurtB... the coin has, a lush, frosty finish, and therein lies the rub. If you were afforded and opportunity to examine it in hand, up close and personally, you would see why the distractions added up. It is a shame the coin failed to earn a descriptor for luster. I appreciate your taking the time and effort to bring this to my attention. You know you're a fanatic when your set is declared 100 % complete -- and you persist in looking for upgrades. 🤣
  12. Respectfully, what alleged wear do you wish to cite in support of your assertion this coin does not qualify for a Mint State verdict?
  13. Is he the squirrel, fish, or one of the fireflies? How, pray tell -- barring symbolism that eludes me, is this representative of royalty? Elsewhere, early on, I expressed the opinion that Charles III, on one coin, was a dead-ringer for FDR. 'nuff said.
  14. Re the "nagging question," what happened -- according to unimpeachable sources -- was Sacagawea caught Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings, in flagrante delicto, in a seldom used drawing room, and the rest as they say was herstory. 🤣
  15. This is the type of coin I dug up in my elementary school garden. Whatever the cause they develop a dark sheen and are accompanied by uniformly consistent irregular wear. More so for silver. All things considered, this is quite a find -- with a story.
  16. My sincerest apologies. My off-topic Topic was dismantled and I had wanted ti bring the topic up where It was introduced. Your wish is my command.
  17. There is only one unestablished historical fact that can overcome the missing denticles, wear on the right wing tip and the most unfortunate PMD to LIBERTY on the obverse: the as yet unproven allegation that it was this coin that Millard Fillmore, America's 13th President carried in the left vest pocket of his suit. I like it a lot.
  18. I have cast my vote but bear in mind, I am a rank amateur who learns, not by hands-on experience, but my listening to what other more influential, highly-regarded members have to say.
  19. FWIW: The period following the denomination indicates this an abbreviation for French "centimes."
  20. When bank robberies, larcenies and burglaries became problematic years later, the FBI advised banking association [and presumably the mass media to refrain from providing specific figures on the losses expropriation. Wise move.
  21. My take on "stand by" is in the wake of all the quick sell-outs experiences by collectors elsewhere, there is no waiting. Operators are available to take your calls for orders immediately. It's merely a way to indicate their telephone operators are ready when you're ready. a typical advertising ploy. Strict limits, in this case, 10 per household, are one of the tools in their arsenal to get you to avoid procrastinating, and act quickly. I have always wondered how strictly these arbitrary limits are enforced.
  22. I believe it is an audit tool used to gauge actual membership participation at different times of the day and night and across time zones.
  23. Generally speaking, the term "celly" bears no relation to the Bitish term, telly, used by the British to refer to their television sets. In the U.S., to my knowledge, its universally accepted use is to refer to the gentleman one shares his jail or prison cell with. (I, of course, do not speak from personal experience). 🤣 The following is good-natured ribbing, and nothing more... the chuckling you hear in the background emanates from members who've been here at least five years who.cannot help but be amused a relative newcomer asked moi, a member with a contentious past many are unable or unwilling to overlook, being asked to approach the Website Coordinator -- to advocate for change on behalf of others. Too risky. I serve at the powers that be and contrary to what a learned colleague may fervently believe, I serve at their pleasure and have already been advised, Chat Board Guidelined notwithstanding, I can be removed, without notification or justification, without cause--or appeal. My running commentary, "Blast from the Past," is the closest I can come to engaging in mischief in a bearly tolerable socially-accepted manner. It is my hope your post is brought to the attention of the powers-that-be and they will consider the matter on the merits.