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Henri Charriere

Member: Seasoned Veteran
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Everything posted by Henri Charriere

  1. The first 50 years -- no offense to Coinbuf and other serious collectors of the series -- are, IMHO, the only ones worth collecting. Why? Because they were real. Today, coin collectors who refuse to be extorted by the U.S. Mint and their cronies, "the authorized distrubutors," are reduced to scavenging for "errors" dubious "varieties" and all manner of oddities which can easily be explained by "authorities" and "experts" who frequent this site. A very sad state of affairs indeed.
  2. Your stunning, seemingly straight off the presumably for-circulation minting press never ceases to amaze me!
  3. When you come right down to it, it is the investor-grade slabbed coins memorialized, in perpetuity, that separates the modest small-time coin collector from the old-time, card-carrying investor who looks to acquire a rare coin or accumulate a compilation worthy of top billing. France and Germany, unable to ignore the infusion of collectors (like me) who insist on the security and integrity of slabs, are now offering both the raw and slabbed coins and the sudden unexpected appearance of highly-graded restrike roosters only confirms my suspicions. [To date, Collectors Universe has never, to my knowledge, offered an upper-tier original French 20-franc gold rooster (1899-1906)].
  4. Forgive me for saying so, but I cannot recall a single case here or elsewhere where someone purchased a coin raw - or proceeded to have it authenticated, certified, assigned a grade based on expert opinion, had it awarded a CAC sticker -- and then, and only then, submitted it for public autopsy. My friend, you are a true numismatist not afraid to ask questions even after a nice pink bow has been tied onto your "pretty little baby," as you put it. I hope for your sake a satisfactory explanation will be forthcoming. As Archie Bunker once said to his wife, "You done good Edith. You done real good!" That's a nice little baby you've got there if I may say so myself, but I do not have the requisite expertise to offer a dissection.
  5. I have come across blackened coins from time to time. And if they are are of the clad persuasion, as this one clearly is [1989-P] I feel free to commit the ultimate sacrilege which is take a brillo pad to it which will not decrease its value by one cent. A cursory look clearly indicates its an ordinary dime -- take a look at the wear on Roosevelt's locks -- but, as the old Clairol commercial goes, "only [his] hairdresser knows for sure." For a more responsible explanation, I would wait until a Rosie lover like Just Bob weighs in. I suggest when all is said and done the term environmental damage will rear its ugly head. I myself prefer the less pejorative tarnish.
  6. [True indeed. It took the fall of the Berlin wall and the dissolution of the great U.S.S.R. to get them to acknowledge Hitler was dead and to surrender his bones for x-ray analysis.]
  7. Am I to believe lurking about on this site as long as you have, you are completely oblivious to the hullabaloo which ensued when the heavyweight champions of the Forum debated this very topic ad nauseam with an inconclusive result as to whether incandescence was far superior to elongated fluorescent lights? There are only a few gentlemen frequenting this site who can answer your query including Insider, Just Bob, VKurtB, RWB, and a handful of excitable types who have been warned and/or banned or destined to be so dealt who've been known to throw all caution to the wind who still might be inclined to assist you with this. I, myself, am not smart enough to respond to your query with intelligibility.
  8. No sir. It is a photograph of the person who purchased the item pictured - Quintus Arrius.
  9. I have not the slightest idea what any of you are talking about (though it's not hard to admire brg5958's mastery of history) but to quote Jimmy in Goodfellas (1990) addressing Billy Batts, You [Coinbuff] are a little out of order yourself." Accordingly, paraphrasing Eddie Murphy in "Coming to America," I have little choice but to get up in a crowded NYC subway car, and proclaim: "From this moment on, I renounce my throne! I am no longer the principal troll on this Forum. I renounce my throne!" I collect coins (earning a star on my # 1 set, Rooster Roster PCGS) you have a magnificent collection of Lincoln cents, but Mark Feld is in a class by himself and whether he continues to choose to ignore me or not, entirely his prerogative, I retract my previously unwarranted and wholly undeserving, intemperate remarks and will henceforth address him with the respect and deference he deserves.
  10. Is this a trick captcha question or the superb product of someone whose honed his remarkable tried-and-true surgical skills?
  11. It took thirty years to develop this interesting uncommon color. We will have to wait for one of our resident mad scientists to weigh in with a credible analysis.
  12. Bamboozled is a strong word. Like you, I have two coins only with two different dates and two different grades. Now imagine how you would feel if your upper coin which, given a choice, a buyer would reach for, were graded MS- 63, while your lower coin with all the distractions graded MS-64. I don't have any intention of doing anything about my quandary principally because grading as presently practiced is not a science.
  13. I, too, was flummoxed by what the original poster (OP) had written, but soon realized as a relatively new member with a presumed unfamiliarity with the volatile personalities who frequent this site, the only responsible thing to do is laud him for his passion, encourage him to listen and learn from the more amiable types and gently suggest he may or may not be onto something. I wonder what our esteemed globe-trotting colleague, VKurtB, would say. I suspect he might allow that with all things being equal, necessity is the mother of invention. If there is a void to be filled, market demand will address it. As I am fond of saying, water seeks its own level. Who'd've thought a "Pet Rock" or "Rubic's Cube" would be all the rage? I would be very pleased to see something extraordinarily beautiful and desirable produced to honor the country's sestercentennial, or 250th Anniversary in 2026, but no one has expressed any interest in it so it remains a pipe dream.
  14. Valid observation. Each of their ads is accompanied by comparatively microscopic printing at the bottom of the page disclaiming association with any governmental agency.
  15. On my member profile, which I have not visited of late, you will find 3 WARNINGS in "Second Coming of Jesus"-type. That sits well with me because a professional panel deemed me worthy of it, and the ten-day banishment which accompanied it. The captcha nonsense responsible members were repeatedly tortured with in seeking to place an order with the U.S. Mint is inexcusable, but my all-time favorite I was at a loss to do anything about is one others may have encountered: "Your e-mail address," -- you know, the one and only one you've had for umpteen years -- "is INVALID." I have not had any problem at CoinTalk but I suspect my profile at the time of application was clear, I am a Set Registrant and have a 100% rating as a buyer with no complaints from sellers using eBay and PayPal, and what other more confidential data they have access to that (I am not privy to). On the other hand, at last count, I have in the neighborhood of 33 ignorers. How they have been able to manage fulfillment and enlightenment in their daily lives minus my voice is but another of life's enduring mysteries. I do enjoy hearing from the relative newcomers thouhh and am delighted to know more than a few stopped lurking, and decided to take the plunge and have their voices heard. To all who've spoken up, a hearty welcome!
  16. The melting points of gold and copper are 1948F and 1981F, respectively. That of lead (which I melted over my kitchen stove as a teenager when I didn't know better, oblivious to its poisonous fumes) is only 621F. So how difficult or inconvenient could it have been? We are talking about a 1:3 ratio, right? I am sure anyone interested in doing so would be far better equipped.
  17. Two things... Firstly, I can definitely appreciate the ire of those who were taken by a counterfeit coin but counterfeit trademarked goods such as Gucci handbags, and the like, are actively sought by buyers and the substantial price differential makes it so. This is why we hear the refrain, "Buy from an authorized dealers." [I was denied a wire transfer to a very well-known, long established coin emporium overseas when the woman asked me a simple question at the behest of Western Union: "Have you met the seller?" Obviously, I had not. So-called bank wire transfers are generally made to individuals. Maybe, along with errors, varieties, and replicas or copies, we need a category dedicated to counterfeits as a repository for educational purposes. Secondly, if you have a C-note, that talks!, I am prepared to make you a very attractive offer for it. 😉
  18. Always delighted to here from you wherever you are but travel of any kind outside of an emergency is discouraged. Enjoy the light traffic while you can. (The annual Macy's Thanksgiving Parade was only one block long and I seriously doubt a celebration in Times Square for the New Year will be permitted.) Be safe.
  19. ]Would you, or anyone else, happen to know why there is a marked difference in the wear pattern on the reverse, i.e., N-NW vs. E-SE?]
  20. [I refuse to bear ill will toward anyone's acquisition. In the best of worlds (where folks still believe in Santa Claus) I would argue this is a rare variety with partially beaded dentils and well-nourished, forward-looking CC'S. If the OP hasn't yet checked vamworld (as suggested) or submitted it for formal autopsy, I would be inclined to give it an unobtrusive facial, weigh it on a sensitive scale, spin it on a formica table using a forefinger and thumb -- and possibly releasing it onto a polished wood surface from an elevation of two or three inches to prevent damage. If everything is still inconclusive, you may be the proud owner of a rare dollar with a tilting mint mark. I like the coin regardless of provenance BUT if you bought it from Etsy or Ratzie33 or at a fly-by-night flea market fire sale, feel free to PM me to explore possible options. What I don't want you or anyone else to do is recoup your loss by making your problem someone else's. The key here is from whom you purchased your dollar and any representations you recall having been made to you prior to purchase. Good luck!
  21. "I'm dream-ing of a blast-white Christ-mas, just like the ones I used to kn0w." Truly beautiful example!