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Henri Charriere

Member: Seasoned Veteran
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Everything posted by Henri Charriere

  1. No one will know who the new Treasury Sec'y will be until his appointment. (I don't care for the present one and care less for his primary donna wife.) The cent serves no useful purpose. Worse, it's not even real; it is an embarrassment. The nickel is okay. For now. At some point, I hope the whole shebang is revamped and a fitting tribute is created for observance of the country's sestercentennial in 2026.
  2. This, in a nutshell, is why I have refrained from getting involved in these auctions. A quick look at prior sessions should let you know where you stand and what your chances are, taking into consideration prevailing sentiment and the situation in the marketplace, as to whether you will succeed as well as you feel you should. I am no expert, but I do know speaking strictly for myself, the difference between a complete collection -- and one that exudes greatness, and mine still has a ways to go. I wish you the best of luck on the lots GC has accepted.
  3. Regarding my rooster query... lousy pictures? What do you expect with a knock-off cell from a Cracker Jack box? I believe of the four dozen or so roosters I have, this one is truly magnificent. In fact, it's exceptional eye appeal is intense. With 3% of all precincts reporting, the voting has broken down thusly: gmarguli - MS 66; Hoghead515 - MS 65; and MarkFeld - MS 63. A European outpost of NGC assigned the coin a grade of MS 67. I had it cross-graded on the West Coast at MS-67. (The cryptic scribble I received from some unknown party suggested, contrary to Alex of PA's earlier-on-this-thread reference, that had I submitted it raw, it would have graded MS 68 -- which would have made it the first in the entire series graded by any TPGS assigned that grade. Contrary to the observations made by the aforementioned members, the surfaces are pristine, the example is strongly struck with ample original mint luster. In short, it is a gorgeous coin which, quite frankly, puts all five of my other MS 67's (and most of my MS 66's) to shame, each of which bear minor distractions with some being quite staid, unappealing and downright boring. There would be little point in pressing the issue without actually having the coin in hand but I do appreciate the input and accept each of your opinions based on the circumstances at hand. The actual differential in value represented by the single-point chasm is of no concern to me. An accurate appraisal is the only matter of paramount importance to me. To illustrate my point, I have asked a California concern from whom I just purchased an 1908 rooster to forward it to PCGS for cross-grading at its present MS 67 appraisal. Without prompting, she assured me if it failed to cross, she would have it re-encapsulated. The truth is I was more interested in an accurate grade even if it meant a loss of hundreds of dollars in value. I believe it was my esteemed colleague, MarkFeld who questioned what bearing (validity) this had on the OP's complaint. The truth is I too am disappointed with the verdicts rendered on my coin but I won't know whether I ought to be until I am privileged enough to examine examples of higher grades when and if they should become available.
  4. Thread closed? Already? You just got here! Do drop in from time to time...
  5. Alex, my dear friend Alex. The gentleman has stated repeatedly all good-faith attempts to communicate with them have failed. He is relatively new here, he is clearly upset, and out a comparatively large sum of money considering his expectations and actual results. (We've had two other members unload here recently; I am very interested in what each has to say because there is a grain of truth to each and none of us have emerged unscathed in the TPGS juggernauts.) We should encourage all comers. None of us are infallible and immune to being taken advantage of. I like to hear people out.
  6. They say condition is irrelevant when you're talking about counterfeits, but I am curious, nevertheless. Is your Barber well worn? Does it appear thin? Is it silver or possibly pewter (or some other elements commonly found on such coins such as lead and tin?) No sign of reeding at all? Very interesting!
  7. Okay Dimeman. I'll meet you halfway and call it an early nickel. 😉
  8. [I don't care if Uncle VKurtB sees this or not, but I love the rich gold and iridescent blue toning on that well-preserved dime!]
  9. [I still cannot fathom the blatant hostility leveled at the OP, still a relative newcomer with a smattering of posts -- and a compelling desire to share his grievance with the membership at large. Since not a one of you dared stick his neck out to venture a guess as to the condition "assigned" to my coin, the "upright, unblemished and without sin" 1909 Rooster, I will take the liberty of sharing with similarly disgruntled former members of PCGS three things I felt was a turn-off. Firstly, automatic re-subscription to the service at its highest tier necessarily denying me that choice upon reflection and forcing me to jump thru unsubscribe hoops to accomplish same. Secondly, producing a submission form which rivals the IRS in unnecessary complexity including a gratuitous additional charge based on the fair market value of a coin which very often has not been determined or is out of date. And thirdly, arbitrarily cancelling a grading credit, without notice and/or consultation prior to one's subscription expiration. (Interested parties who want to play "Grader for a Day" are still welcome to make their assessment providing any substantiation, for or against, as they feel is warranted (on my coin which has since migrated mid-thread to page 2 of this post.)]
  10. NevadaS&G is merely divulging a truth the vast majority of viewers find makes them uncomfortable. In one of my earliest posts, the venerable VKurtB mocked me for complaining about the fees charged by a TPGS I did not identify by name: PCGS. One viewer recognizing the futility of defending the indefensible, dismissively wrote me off: "Life is unfair. Get over it!" It seems the beef here aired by the OP has struck a sensitive nerve with those too intimidated by offending the overseers to speak up. I myself have provided photos of a coin (above a post or two) to illustrate a point made by Alex of PA which suggests the ring of truth. I purposely withheld both the grade and TPGS which assigned it. So far, no one wants to take a stab at it. Not even MAULEMALL who seemingly condes cendingly intimates he knows more about grading while urging the OP move on to less challenging pursuits. Unspoken throughout the ongoing thread are thoughts such as, What if I were to submit my coin to NGC? What grade would I expect to get? What if I were to submit the same coin to PCGS? What grade would Iexpect to get? Now, the hard part: What if my NGC graded coin were sent to PCGS for cross-grading? Or the reverse: what if my PCGS graded coin were sent to NGC for cross-grading? Both have declared in their submission forms they would NOT render a higher grade, presumably however deserving. As soon as I have gotten a grade from a viewer here, I will share with you, the rank amateur novice and chief numismatist/grading finalizer alike, the contents of a cryptic note I received regarding the grade that was ultimately rendered. There is merit to NS&G's complaint.
  11. To all the professional numismatic experts out there with over 150 aggregate years of experience: Guess the grade assigned by PCGS to this 1909 French 20-franc gold rooster I paid a ransom to have brought to the United States.
  12. Thank you sincerely, Lancek, for your Public Service Announcement. It seems like I am being bombarded by those who've expressed an interest in moving my collection, including GC. When I was much younger, I was only interested in filling the holes. Now that I am much older, I've set my sights much higher and though my collection is complete, I won't feel comfortable letting it go until it is as close to perfection as possible. I think a number of us feel the same way.
  13. Simple punching malfunction. For a cleaner line, squeeze the feeder directly onto the cardboard -- then punch.
  14. The thrill of victory... part 1. I purchased a 20-euro banknote (for 28 and change) threw it in an envelope and mailed it directly from Grand Central's adjoining post office. Not 24 hours later, a 1908 MS 67 French 20-franc gold rooster arrived, professionally packaged, with an invoice which indicated, based on my prior satisfactory buying experience, some fancy footwork was engaged in to justify the shortage (13.45 euros) they termed a "global discount." I placed it in my Set Registry ATS and my overall standing, now 65.688, was increased by a whopping 0.093, within hours. My intention is to compile the finest possible set rating which currently stands at 67.219. Yes, even if doing so reduces me at [damned near] 70 years old to scavenging for bottles and cans in the street. Stay tuned for part 2 which involves a similar purchase from a reputable dealer in California and a request to have it cross-graded. Hopefully, with the sluggish way things are moving, I will get a sneak preview on the verdict sometime early next year.
  15. Seems like the pandemic has inspired its own pandemonium. The U.S. Mint, the various TPGS and on-time performance has been altered to such a degree that when outfits like FedEx which formerly used to brag, "when you absolutely, positively must have something," no longer do so. I recently got three different text messages from DHL advising a package I was expecting would be delivered late in the day, Wedneday, 1/9, Thursday, 1/10 and Friday, 1/11. (It arrived on my doorstep early yesterday afternoon.) The only guarantee is, there is none. When you're dealing with the Federal Government, you're in good hands -- but anything goes. Just be patient. After all, they've got to rely on the USPS, and that's a whole other spectacle.
  16. Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves here. When Judy in her very first post feels confident enough to say her dime is "identical" to that of the OP's, I have two crucial questions: in what way? And does it include the off-color staining "WonderCoin" referred to as a "diagnostic marker"? I would not expect Judy to understand any of this -- and I am impressed she went through the entire thread suggesting she feels she is on to something (not to mention the promise of Ratzie33's possible vindication) but I would still like to know the particular distinguishing characteristic she observed which led her to believe her dime is more than just similar to Ratzie33's.
  17. Superlative beyond words! And yet, there are some, among them -- our much beloved VKurt "embrace the change" B, who has publicly declared he has never, and will never buy a coin, sight unseen, and not in his hand (and does not see the utility of a Set Registry citing non-strategic competition.) What more would one need to know beyond what's been presented here? Just minutes ago, I received from DHL a coin I never laid eyes upon from an overseas location, an 1908 MS 67 French 20-franc gold rooster which I expect to supersede the MS 66+ now lying in my Set Registy ATS -- at a cost differential of $300. All I knew is what I had seen in pixilated form. I am not at all ashamed to say I would not hesitate to purchase a coin, sight unseen, from someone I do not know and never met. Nice catch, robec1347! You've got Coinbuf droolin' and that speaks volumes. (He won't refute this because he's got me on Ignore.)
  18. Great piece with fine dentil insurance and an iridescent glow to die for! (First evidence I've seen that submissions have exceeded the 50-million marker). Lovely copper!
  19. "My broker is E.F. Hutton. And when E.F. Hutton talks, people listen." Anyone old enough to remember that? 😉
  20. If "Virginia is for Lovers," is the way you've described it, where does that leave me, a lifelong denizen of the Empire State and a resident of El Barrio a/k/a Spanish Harlem, and all that that entails, including but not limited to drug sales and use, urination, drinking, petty thieves selling stolen goods and muggers all conducting their trades openly, publicly and shamelessly. And let's not forget, I pay for the privilege of living (surviving) here? 😉
  21. Two take-aways from all this: it's still alright to be partial to so-called "blast whites" but it has never occurred to me to carry around a magnet. Copper scrap dealers use them routinely to separate the chaff from the wheat. Some of the more powerful, portable ones can fit in your back pocket may be had free by simply cannibalizing stereo speakers discarded on the street. Very useful thread.
  22. [I cannot help but feel, sir, that you have more than earned your honorific. It is always a pleasure to watch you weigh in on somewhat sensitive matters with discretion.]
  23. Well, to quote actress Marisa Tomei in "My Cousin Vinny," your half's a splendid example of "dead balls on accuracy" (which she assured Joe Pesci was a standard term used in the automotive industry). Take a look at those strongly struck reeded edges! That's quite a fine Benjie you've got there. I'm impressed.
  24. [Is there no one here, or any other thread, willing to stick his neck out and say disinterment from a slab, coffin, or whatever you wish to call it is a sacrilege and an abomination unworthy of the ideals upon which this hobby was founded? I have only been here a few months and it has begun to seem a number of members regard this vandalism as normal human behavior. It isn't, and I for one, refuse to accept it. If you disagree with the opinion rendered by a TPGS, there are procedures in place for having your disagreement reviewed and otherwise addressed. I don't know what I find worse: discovering activity which reflects adversely on the hobby actually exists, or finding those the numismatic community universally holds in high regard tacitly approving of this disgraceful and disrespectful approach to problem-solving with their deafening silence.]
  25. [With kbbpll's indulgence, who may or may not have permanently ensconced me on his "pay him no mind list," a/k/a ignore, I should like to offer the following startling update on what he refers to as my "precious niche." It seems, based solely on my own observations as undertaken during my regular monthly population censuses that sometime within the past two months, a sizeable dump of French 20-franc gold roosters, many in various grades of mint state condition submitted mostly in high grades primarily to PCGS' European outposts. In addition, possibly with the recent run-up in gold prices, those graded MS67 which were nowhere to be found anywhere, suddenly inundated the market from all quarters. This gave me an opportunity to do something VKurtB, our much esteemed seasoned veteran, likely in transit, swore to the heavens he has never done and never will do: buy a coin sight unseen, out of hand. I just purchased two -- sight unseen -- and it remains to be seen if I will ever get them. I used a bank wire transfer on one (because I refuse to generate income for PayPal's "overseers" with whom I have had two fruitless "discussions previously, and USPS money orders on the other though they do not list it on their site as an approved form of payment. With Roosters, you must expect the unexpected. Sometime soon, I expect to learn the thrill of victory... or the agony of defeat. The more interesting facet of this venture is my Set Registry is complete and has received a * which I take to mean is ranked #1, but is not the best possible. Right now I have to find a way to transmit 16 euros to France. A wire costs $50. and your local cash checking establishment which uses Western Union, transfers funds to individuals -- not companies. I asked the coin emporium to carry the shortfall (on a nearly one thousand dollar order) as a debit, having done business with them several times in the past without incident. If anyone within the sound of my voice has any ideas, I would be happy to hear from you.