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Henri Charriere

Member: Seasoned Veteran
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Everything posted by Henri Charriere

  1. My information is when it was discovered a formal portrait of the President was never done due to a conflict in scheduling with the artist [though the necessary funds were appropriated by an Act of Congress] his body was exhumed, positioned appropriately, and reinterred quietly under cover of darkness. If @RWB is so inclined, he can (pardon the pun) unearth the truth buried somewhere in the National Archives. Yours is an exceedingly rare example of a coin that was minted in an unspecified limited quantity for non-public distribution. As I am highly-regarded on the Forum, I decline to hazard a guess as to its FMV -- and do so politely.
  2. If I may, I should like to pose a question of my own... In light of the remarks made by the gentleman two posts down from your own upthread, characterized as always by its utter simplicity, succinctness, and crystal clear unambiguous, delivery, why would you allow yourself to yield to the irresistible, but inevitably fruitless quest, to validate your apparently mistaken belief that your coin has value beyond melt and mysticism?
  3. To be fair about it, a part of what makes it "nice," is because you were among the viewers who called it closest. "Dipping and re-toning" is highly speculative conjecture. You average member, including myself, still cannot state conclusively whether such scurrilous charges apply. I sould like to know what FACTS would you cite in support of such an assertion unsupported by any EVIDENCE. Though I would be the first to admit the following is highly irregular, I would still be curious to know what in the way of formal grading was one of our long-time members hoping to secure when he filled out the Submission Form, calculated the fees and costs involved, and dropped his gem off at the local transport of his choosing? Did we concede your suspicions, or surpass your expectations? (Posted at the discretion of Moderation.)
  4. As a graduate with a degree in D.D.S., (Doctor of Dentricalure Surgery) I am afraid I am going to have to award you with an assessment of AU-59. As there would be little point served in pointing out the deficiencies you are already painfully aware of having seen everything under the sun since the Truman years, suffice it to say you can bask in the glory of knowing you have a gem of a coin rendered in full technicolor.
  5. Any advice from our resident mad scientists as regarding acetone or a short, warm bath in acetone?
  6. To Whom It May Concern: I will return to the Chat Board when either of two things happens: 1. I receive confirmation that my recent order to Paris, France was received, receiving an acknowledgment indicating as much, or 2. The atomic clock declaring Wednesday July 31, 2024, 23:59:59 hours has arrived and chimes. (Receiving delivery of the merchandise in question will not be necessary as there is no urgency to this matter.) 3. There are those who do not believe the unthinkable is possible. I believe them to be wrong. However, they are entitled to confirmation either way. They will get it.... Unbeknownst to me, the condition enumerated as "1." above, was satisfied four (4) days ago. I failed to check my mail. There was never any doubt in my mind that my clever sleight of hand would defeat the screening apparatus of both the U.S.G. and the Republic of Paris. Will this entitle me to a dancing emoji from @Just Bob ? I seriously doubt it. My many detractors will be most displeased. Many will say, "No way this guy stuffed envelopes with cash and sent it overseas -- successfully." But that is exactly what I did. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, I always say. @The Neophyte Numismatist will insist on proof... photos, an invoice or certification number. As my cousin z says, "...all in time..." 🤣 .
  7. This Topic and thread only confirms what I have strongly suspected all along. I am not cut out for what was once known as the hobby of coin collecting, where fathers came home, shared their daily finds with their children, filled their modest collection of blue Whitman albums and checked their Red Books to find out if certain key dates and mm's showed up. No one I knew in my teen years was preoccupied with value. We were only interested in how much money they would need to complete a series before moving on to the next album. Some of us, pursued multiple albums simultaneously. This was easy to do since most of what we collected came from change. It was interesting to find coins we only saw in the Red Books, lining the walls of small coin shops. I believe many turned to coins which immediately preceded theirs: IHCs, BH nickels, Mercs, Walker halves and old Morgan/Peace dollars. I don't believe I ever found anything older although others had. A.S. (After silver was removed from circulation 1965,and thereafter) the hobby's cutthroat element began to make their presence known. Speculators moved in followed quickly by Investors. The "hobby" changed and with it, the atmosphere. They bought every coin they felt would appreciate meteorically and committed their funds, accordingly. *** I am frankly shocked by the offerings I see for sale and the monstrosities perfectly normal people truly believe enhances a coin's value. I identify most with those who taught me the importance of "quality" over "quantity." There was no rush to complete the finest compilations in the world and their patience paid off. My approach is best expressed here, paraphrased for effect: When I have money, I buy gold Roosters; and if I have any left beyond the rent, No, I don't buy books, food or clothes. What I really want to to do is get a spinning wheel and make my own clothes. Preferably white. When I am criticized for my lifestyle I ask the critics how much their smoking, drinking and drug habits cost -- and the return they realize, conservatively, on their investments.
  8. It is not intentional. It was recently reported that a fully-involved measles outbreak had affected a floor in one of the many shelters in NYC whose mission had been changed to house undomiciled migrants of families with children. Malheureusement, cases of infectious and contagious diseases take precedence over the rampant tampering of L's on cents which mimic scarlet fever, or worse.
  9. I see a few problems, with no easy solution. 1. If it were advertised as a '16-S, and I were a collector of the series, I would have purchased it the same way I acquired all of my Roosters: solely on the strength of the description. Subjecting a seller from a reputable firm to a cross-examination, I believe, is poor form. As far as I am concerned, the seller held up his end of the bargain. If the coin is raw, whether interred in a cardboard or plastic flip, it behooves the potential buyer to do his due diligence. He bought a coin described as a '16-S Walker in Fine condition -- and appears to have gotten what he wanted. I do not know if the seller's return policy, or ebay's guarantee applies, but it is clear if this example (which I actually like) no longer applies. It is too bad @Walkerfan who spent 99 years at hard labor assembling a set of this series is unavailable for comment. 2. Granted, not everyone has the means to enjoy the lifestyle of our gallivanting aerial ambassador, but barring that, there are only two alternatives: sticking to certified (encapsulated) examples or familiarizing yourself with the series intimately enough to avoid such mishaps. 3. @RWB 's bombshell revelation is news to me. If the price were close enough to the prevailing FMV of the coin when purchased, it is quite possible I myself would have acquired it. The following would undoubtedly reflect poorly on me, but judging the coin from the pictures provided, I would deem it to be authentic and assign blame for the incorrectly positioned mintmark on the new employee which official records recorded as Q. Arrius, who had a well-documented work history of "failure to follow instructions," and "failure to scrupulously adhere to local branch Mint policy and procedure." My sincere condolences to the OP.
  10. Seeing as how you are one of the few members I would unfailingly and unflinching "take a bullet for," I wholeheartedly support this endeavor. As I noted in previous communiques regarding this same matter, I would still urge Top Management to set up a dedicated subforum to address all matters relating to same, as comprehensively noted in your very first post on this Topic, upthread. I shall allow all others to elaborate on this matter, each in their own inimitable way. As for me, I say, "Aye," loudly, clearly, unequivocally and without hesitation. I shall continue to push for my proposed (clearly made-up) proposal to declare certain posts as being Time-Barred by the 25-year Statute of Limitations, unless discouraged from doing so, and muzzle Ricky 🐓 so as to permit gentleman such as @The Neophyte Numismatist to participate in Chat Board activity without distracting commentary.
  11. I saw the writing on the wall and promptly skedaddled. One look is all it took. Special mention goes to @cladking for enlightening me on the matter of clads and applauding them as an innovation which had simply gone thru birth pangs. He explained the greasy feel and indistinct look to my complete satisfaction. Looking back, I had to admit he was right. They improved over the years. Contrary to the official notice dispatched to collectors from the Mint, I also believe our Grandmaster, @RWBmade the right call on SMS coins -- buttressed by the fact he never flinched in the face of over the top, personal criticism.
  12. I suspect she may hail from New York City where women by law are permitted to appear in public, topless. They have a parade commemorating passage of the law every year; where men parade around in T-shirts, reading: "I AM NOT A GYNECOLOGIST BUT I'LL TAKE A LOOK; Gay men holding hands wearing matching T-shirts, reading: "WE WILL TRADE YOU OUR HOMOPHOBES FOR YOUR MIGRANTS; and young women wearing tops that read: "KEEP YOUR ROSARIES OFF MY OVARIES!" It's no big deal. I live here. And you see how well I turned out. (Posted at the discretion of Moderation.)
  13. Greetings, Mr.Bill347! I seriously doubt any of the "defects" in surface preservation evaded you or your bird's eye. Taken as a whole, there is only one thing that militates strongly against noting them, much less emphasizing them. If silver was where it once once, we may have considerations. But with spot silver at a fairly strong high, meeting resistance at a level I never thought I would live a.long enough to see, the details become academic. Right now, if you were so inclined, you could not pick up a silver as fine as yours at the price you paid. I believe you have done very well! Is anyone aware how close that $35. is to current spot -- and I haven't seen or heard of any prognostications suggesting anything but silver champing at the bit to go higher. All the best!
  14. A little premature as regarding the use of the word lamenting in the Topic Title, but in consideration of the fact Tisha B'av (Hebrew year 3784) shall soon be upon us, I shall allow it, and entreat my fellow members, whatever their persuasion, do likewise. (I have polled the local crack houses and, without objection, no one voiced an objection.) 🐓
  15. ... coins. To be fair about it, what motivates a person to collect anything is a matter even psychiatrists cannot agree on. As regarding collectors of coins driven solely by the promise of reaping huge profits, there ought to be a choice given in warnings: "There's the signpost up ahead -- your next stop, the Twilight Zone." It's either that, or a sign posted above the entrance of every banking institution: "ABANDON ALL HOPE ALL YE WHO ENTER HERE [HELL- BENT ON FINDING ERRORS.]" (Posted absentmindedly without malice; may be deleted by Moderation at this member's request.)
  16. Very well said, Greenstang. Very well said! Cancer cures smoking; what's needed now is a fool-proof cure for this insidious form of plague that seems to manifest itself disproportionately in Newbies.
  17. I do not know how long it should take a letter to reach, Paris, France. I figure, a week tops. I expect a text by August 1st, acknowledging receipt should be sufficient enough to establishing it had reached its destination and processing the order would soon follow. I am very optimistic. I am not sending them a shipment; I am sending them a "Greeting Card I expect the mails to function as intended. If it does not, I won't jump to conclusions. Both the firm and the gentleman who had been assigned to assist me have been apprised payment is on its way. If in the event nothing materializes, the very worst that can happen, judging by remarks made here over the years, will range from ridicule to a sober apology: "Well, I wouldn't have gone about it that way." to "What did he expect?... Who sends money in the mail, especially overseas? " As always, I remain optimistic -- "What, me worry?" -- and restate my promise that whichever way things go, I will report it to the membership. 🐓
  18. Is this a forerunner to the "rain check" or a discreet reminder from a funeral home? 🤣
  19. True, if you had opened the capsule which, unlike TPGS encapsulations, are not welded shut or otherwise "locked" or hermetically sealed, and observed facial abrasions -- one of places collectors look at first -- grading becomes a moot question. As a bullion collector (who may fancy birds) if "flawless" coins of anything depicted appeals to you, by all means sell it and acquire something else. I believe silver spot was in the 14's when my purchase was made for just under $500. Today, of course, it would command twice as much money. As a newcomer, irrespective of subject matter, my only advice would be strive to acquire the best available pieces. Those you or your heirs sell to will not relish the thought of having to "explain" why your acquisitions deserve higher prices. Capiche?
  20. ." Q.A.: T'was my intention to pursue this matter the following day, 7/22/2024, but Moderation, ever vigilant, thought the better of it and using the cutting edge technology at their disposal, effectively excluded me. 🐓 : Your alibi strains credulity. Q.A.: I entered three terms in the space provided for search. The results, after a respectable interval, came up zero: "0." Not to be deterred, I posted a topic entitled, "766 bulk submission," and proceeded to make my point. I had known during my absence an undercurrent of hostility and dismissal would result but was helpless to do anything about it. I do not subscribe to the notion that public shaming and ridicule serves any useful purpose. Errors were made but I do not believe in kicking a man when he is down -- and after he has suffered a monetary loss whatever the cause. If any of the more responsible members were given the opportunity to confer with this member, a submission would have occurred but the outcome would have been vastly different.
  21. Actually, there is something to be gained... You will always get a mix of positive and negative responses. One thing that was not mentioned, possibly because we took for granted everyone's familiarity with the product, is the small print found under KOOKABURRA on the reverse. It is a bullion coin and, speaking from experience, I can assure you, unless there are other redeeming factors, this "coin" which was not minted for circulation represents nothing more than a small premium over melt. I once had a 1-Kilo size Kook which one dealer, apparently more familiar with junk than articles of numismatic value, seriously wanted to decapsulate, for testing. Testing! One would think weight, fineness and a Mint-produced product would obviate the need for such unnecessary action. I asked him, "Then what?" With a poker face, he said, "Melt it." Meshugana! As a general rule, such pieces should be permitted to lie in state, in perpetuity, in OGH, as there is no purpose served in having them formally graded. Way I see it, the one sure way to recover any additional costs occurs when silver (or gold) spot rises.
  22. Any newfangled device that can magically change a mid-grade MS-64 to an MS-70 is alright by me. But was this Chat Gat shot using ordinary ammo? You done good!
  23. I should like to apologize to the membership for my inability to participate in the recent post regarding the bulk submission of an apparent mix of 766 coins. In scrubbing the matter, we lost a rare opportunity to review the roles of both submitters and receivers of same. Charges of discrimination are understandable and common where there is a breakdown in communication. I still maintain @Sandon assessed the problem most accurately. Others had as well. I was profoundly disappointed one member rejected another member's suggestion the OP obliterate all references of a personal nature. Providing photos addresses only a single aspect of an order submitted with mistaken beliefs and a clear lack of experience. We lost an invaluable teachable moment that would have greatly benefitted the entire membership parts of which, I believe, have not a clue as to how to properly fill out a submission form. @rrantique immediately detected a obvious deficiency, a submission form that was not filled out properly with the ever-helpful @Sandon providing a correct definition of what "bulk" submission means. It would not have mattered if some of the coins were legitimate candidates for consideration. That does not ameliorate the glaring flaw: failure (likely unintended) to fill out a submission form properly. I once enjoyed upgraded membership, but never assumed that entitled me to prima donna treatment. It certainly did not entitle me to "dealer" membership. I believe looking at the Form objectively, one would be hard-pressed to assume anyone who had been a member here for Three Years submitted it. Had any attempt been made to group the coins by denomination or perceived errors or varieties or rarity? We will not know. One thing I am certain of: if anyone who considers himself a coin collector, he would never have submitted them in unprotected, "change-jar" fashion. Suppose, unbeknownst to him, there had been a true rarity there? Considering how heavy boxes are routinely handled by ground transportation services, that would be nothing less than disrespectful and contemptuous. My idea of a bulk submission is best expressed as an intact Monster Box. Such submissions, whether one believes in the concept or not, constitutes an ideal and any Form submitted in support of the shipment would be routine to fill out: same date, denomination and adverbial description. If you believe you can unload your load of metal bearing considerable weight onto a TPGS with the attitude it's their job to figure it all out, sorry, you're wrong. It isn't. There is a proper way of doing things. The real tragedy here is the problem was never adequately addressed. Stating the TPGS did you a favor in the absence of hard facts is quite a reach and predictably found offense with the submitter. Some members have to be taken by the hand, and walked thru the process. The member is one of them. I honestly feel he had not an inkling as to the disaster in the making he had unleashed in Sarasota. One final note: the yellow Post-It note attached to the Submission Form, bore the name Matt. There are members here who have long regarded me as a nuisance, incorrigible and intractable, deserving of no consideration in the matter of involuntary disciplinary deportations. It gives me great pleasure to cite Matt as one of the few members before whom my case was tried, who generously gave me the benefit of the doubt. I should therefore like to commend the Website Coordinator, Customer Service, the CCG and Moderation for investigating the facts, weighing the evidence and extending to me the ultimate courtesy.of allowing me to return -- with the explicit understanding this is my last chance, regardless what the naysayers not privt to all the factors to persist in insisting. Man, I love this place!