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Everything posted by RWB

  1. Date is on the reverse, lower right in Roman numerals - 1847. It's one of the few coins I own for pleasure, not research, and one that I do not intend to sell.
  2. Yes. Christian Gobrecht did excellent work cutting the matrices and master dies, but he did not design the coin.
  3. Patman54 - Your 1973 D coin was struck from strongly clashed dies. That means obverse and reverse dies came together in the press without a planchet between them, and they left parts of their designs pressed into each other. The obverse clash is very clear and the reverse is nice too, but not as interesting. With both sides showing strong clashes, you have an interesting coin that should be worth authentication and grading. The coin is not a high uncirculated pieces, but you should be able to get a good price....certainly much better than $30.
  4. The item originally pictured, now gone, was a common counterfeit of no value. No reputable company would authenticate it, and no dealer or collector with even slight experience would buy it. If the original poster wants to waste his money, that is his decision - but it is a poor one.
  5. Lee G has the most complete and informative classic commemorative coin information ever assembled. The so-called "standard guides" are little more than rough summaries by comparison. Where's the publisher who will bring this work to all collectors? (I don't have the funds....otherwise I would.)
  6. Not sure there are any except possibly Hettie Anderson's family or Augustus' brother? National Park Service might know....?
  7. Only a few standard silver dollars using Sully's seated Liberty and Titian Peale's flying eagle were produced for circulation in 1836, 1837 (dated 1836), 1838, and 1839. Here are mint director Patterson's reasons for abandoning the reverse design. July 5, 1838 Sir. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 3rd, and I send with this mail, a box containing fifty of our new dollars, in compliance with your request. You will perceive that they are of the coinage of 1836, and consequently of the old standard. The coinage of dollars has not been renewed, partly because the coin is not so convenient as the half dollar, and partly because I am not satisfied with the eagle. [RG104 E-1 box 19 Patterson to Woodbury. The secretary requested an additional 25 coins in a follow-on letter.]
  8. We all know there are a small number of coin dealers whose knowledge and expertise is at the top of the field. Yet, we lump them under the same tired rubric "coin dealer." Maybe those top coin sellers should have a new title such as "croupier," or "provisioner," or "purveyor," or "master."
  9. When was the last time you could find someone who would do windows? Mention that and cleaning folks run away and hide behind the shrubbery. I can understand the Mint postponing doing windows. Their building in DC has a lot of windows and all sorts of cubicles, too -- but they have a long enough record to anticipate the reaction.....
  10. The message clearly says they are postponing the windows. Everything else is OK -- doors, cabinets, plumbing and electric, HV/AC, etc. Also, there's no silver shortage - the immediate demand has outrun pandemic stockpiles and it takes a little time to bring production back to normal levels.
  11. Here is a genuine 1799 US silver dollar certified by NGC. هنا دولار أمريكي فضي أصلي 1799 معتمد من NGC.
  12. آسف. العنصر الموجود في الصورة مزيف. غالبًا ما يُباع للسياح في البازار (السوق) مقابل دولار واحد. Sorry. The item in the photo is a counterfeit. Often sold to tourists in the bazaar (souk) for $1
  13. لدى كلتا الشركتين تعليمات مفصلة على الإنترنت. سيسعد الأعضاء هنا بمساعدتك ، ولكن من الأفضل التأكد من صحتها أولاً.
  14. Photo is not visible. Drag the photo onto the message board page. الصورة غير مرئية. اسحب الصورة إلى صفحة لوحة الرسائل.
  15. azizz - If you first post sharp, clear photos of the 1799 dollar the members here can help you take the next steps. Only after experienced people have seen photos will it be reasonable to send the coin to NGC for authentication and independent grading. [There are huge quantities of counterfeit US coins all around the world, so it's best to check the coin first.] عزيز - إذا نشرت لأول مرة صورًا واضحة وواضحة مقابل 1799 دولارًا ، فيمكن للأعضاء هنا مساعدتك في اتخاذ الخطوات التالية. فقط بعد أن يرى الأشخاص ذوو الخبرة الصور ، سيكون من المعقول إرسال العملة إلى NGC للمصادقة والتصنيف المستقل. [هناك كميات هائلة من العملات المعدنية الأمريكية المزيفة في جميع أنحاء العالم ، لذلك من الأفضل التحقق من العملة أولاً.]
  16. Not true. You might actually bring new and valuable insights gained from experience and organization of 65-years of exposure to the real world. (The first 5-years don't count for humans - too busy with sippy-cups and learning communication.)
  17. Much depends on what you expect to learn from the program, and how you intend to apply the new information. Many of the ANA's programs are presented by some of the best numismatists and coin dealers around - but few are very good teachers, and that is a considerable impediment to effective learning.
  18. Not a deflection of anything. This is the context of my original question, something evidently lost.