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Journal Entries posted by lanebrad

  1. lanebrad
    What in store for 2011?
    As I reflect on 2010 despite the fact the county was in the tank with the econony It was a very good year in collecting coins for me. The best year ever I got some quality coins. I started 2 NGC sets, got caught up on My Proof ASE, and worked on my Canadian S$5 coins. So I ended up purchase 17 coins and 4 sets. So My goal in 2011 is to work on my NGC 69 AES,and of course my weekly visits to the Pawn Shop just to see if they have anything new. So Iam hoping that this year will be a year of new friends and a pocket full of coins. And the same goes for my fellow collector. And if were lucky we will all fine that 1 coin that we always wanted. And for me it's a gold ASE $1 OR The Buffalo.Hope every one has a great new year.
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  2. lanebrad
    Hard to do
    Sold a bunch of raw coins today,I felt that I was all over the places and I want to focus on just a few sets my ASE that are graded my proofs,and UNC set of eagles and keep up with them seening that I am up to date on the Proofs and UNC.Then there is my Mint set both Proof and Unc Of course there is my Canadian $5 which is a very attractive coin but I am biase on this set. and I started a Peace set but that an inpluse buy and I havent seen any for sale lately.I sold all my Ike's Brown box (4) Bluepack(4)Bicentinal 3 coin set. a couple commemetive coins. Misc Mercury dimes. a beat up ASE how it got that way I dont Know expect it could have been the holder it was in and some more Misc Proof coins.It was hard to do, but it was nice to know other people think that what you have has value make you feel good It doesnt change anything but its nice to know it took the shop almost 2 hours to go through my stuff,but you know it was worth every minute.
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  3. lanebrad
    Free coin
    Hi Collectors
    Have this week off due to on going back trouble. Anyway between going to PT I have time on my hands to go through some coin and getting them all in my inventory,also went to the pawn shop and sold some silver rounds I was surprise at the price they paid, they were my wife's she held on to them for yrs.Also my wife called this place for some info on buying gold and In the info pack I got this week they had a 1939 s Mercury dime with it not bad. Free is Free
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  4. lanebrad
    Tickled Pink
    Hi Collector
    It been a really slow period for collecting.I have thus far got my Proof Set,UNC Set and New 2011 ASE. Anyway today in the mail I got some AES from Rick He has been my source for almost all 69 AES. So I opened the package and much to my surprise he sent me an extra coin 2005. Which tickled me pink. I couldnt believe it but there it was.It made my day.Thanks! Makes you think about the decent people out there, that go the extra mile to help you on your way. One thing I have learned about this hobby is patient looking for coins to buy or waiting for the mail.But You know I wouldnt change a thing. In such a fast pace world it nice not having a time line on something I enjoy doing. So I will just keep looking.
    happy hunting
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  5. lanebrad
    Coins for 2011
    Hi Collectors
    Today I got my 2011 ASE MS from the local pawn shop, I bought 2 that was the limite that he set because so many costomer wanted them.He was expecting more.So far for 2011 I got my Proof Set from the Mint and now my ASE.Well good hunting for that next coin
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  6. lanebrad
    Another Find
    Hello Collectors
    It been a slow last few weeks not sure if it is because of the cold whether up here or what. but last night while counting out the till I came across a 1976 $2.00 Bill what surprise me was that it was like it just rolled off the press,with no fold marks.I dont collect many notes,only when I see something in change. or in this case Laying right there in front of me. Other thenthat I been spending time looking through coin magizine to get ideas on what to purchase next. Well
    Happy collecting
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  7. lanebrad
    Hi collector
    Well it's cold out here in Northern Mn.so I thought I work on my pictures for my sets so I did both the ASE and my lonely peace dollar. oh well we all start some place there far from great but hey it something. Today when it warms up say -20 I'll make my way to town, to run some errans and stopping at the pawnshop to look for a ASE 2011. Thats going to be probably my next buy. well stay warm.
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  8. lanebrad
    Mail call
    Today was a very good day at the mail box I recieved my 3 ASE and my 2011 Proof set. also this week I been practicing on taking photos of a few coin, but Iam not quite there yet on what I like.so I will keep working on it.
    So happy collecting to all.
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  9. lanebrad
    In The Mail and Bank Visit
    Hello Collectors
    Got up this moring and went on the computer to check my e-mail, before heading out to the local Credit Union and checking to see if they have any Kennedy halves 64-69 or anything they might have put aside for me. Yes they let me look throw what they have,which I find usally but again I been banking with them since the stone age.Today I walk away with 8 silver Kenedy and 4 were 1964 and a mixer of the other dates. Also walked out with 4 Iks Not bad for face value for all the coins And found that I have coins,comming in the mail next week 3 NGC 69 ASE from a fellow collector,and my Proof set from the Mint. So looks as 2011 going to be a year of the coin hunt. at least its starting out that way. Well Happy Hunting
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  10. lanebrad
    Coins and something else
    Hello Collector
    Not only did I make my 1st purchase of the year today of 3 NGC more ASE coins for my competive set. from a fellow collector,I have almost bought all my 69 ASE from him and been very happy with the the purchases.Thanks Rick. I also stop at the local pawnshop and I also like to buy usally banks.and tube radios well today they had sitting in the back a post office bank, you know the ones with the old bank doors with the alphabet combination. They had a$15.00 price on that,but no combination offered $10.00 and got it. Got home fiddled with it for about 1 hour and got it opened the combination was written inside the safe. Now just have to wait for the coins, and place my new safe with the rest of my usally stuff
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  11. lanebrad
    never know whats out there
    I guess yrs ago banks use to hand out small coin holder where you could place dimes in. well I came across a old bank book that was filled with Mercury dimes the oldest one was from the the 20s to the 40s they were all in XF condition. so keep hunting you never now what you may find out there
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  12. lanebrad
    more coffee change
    Hello Collectors
    The last few weeks been kind of slow with collecting I have a few coins comming in the mail that are NGC-69, but during my week I stop for coffee and low and behold I got some unually change back. One was a Canadain 1c dates 1867-1967. and it is probably XF the date is clear and Queen Elizabeth 2 with a flying bird above the date. portrait is also very clear it suprised me it the same picture on the $5 Mapleleaf. My job is one the I get to interact with people from all over and so the collector in me.bring me to ask for a trade in currency or spare change and living close to the neighbors of the north Its easy and the worst that happens is they say no,but most of the time after a little story (B.S). they usally have something. I have gotten Canadian or Eruo coins,a few Marks And I usally care around a couple President Dollars to trade.
    So there is always coins out there just have to keep the collector always ready to jump in.
    Happy Holidays to all
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  13. lanebrad
    Last purchase of the year maybe!!!!
    Hello collectors
    I Recieved 2 coins in the mail, most likely the last two of the year. Recieved my 2010 Proof Eagle which looks
    great, and my 2011 B.U. Silver $ 5 Mapleleaf. I still think the Canadian Coin is one of the most bueatiful coins
    made in the modern era .I been practicing taking picture of my coins, I think tho I need a new camera but of course
    I probable dont take the time need to do this right. Well it something I will work on next year.
    The other day I just spent time looking at some of the journal that my fellow collectors have written just to get some ideas and see what other are passionate about collecting . I see that a few of the journals are about storage of coins and one
    place that was mentioned a few times was a Bank Saftey deposit box .I cant agree with this not saying that when
    they work and if nothing happenes there are fime, But did you know that local law enforcement can open your Box
    if they feel thats something up with you . and of course the thousands of box of year that the bank say are unclained
    , and error do happen and your stuff is gone. So I think its may not the best place no Iam not a conspiracy
    theroist.just feel that there are better alternative.
    Anyway Iam rambling now so I just want to wiish my fellow cohorts a Happy Thansgiving and that for Christmas
    we all get that one Coin that we reeally-really want, and my is a GOLD EAGLE $20.00 I had one in my hand once and thought I was going to pass out from excitement
    Since joining up just a few short months ago I have learned a lot of things including a few good ideas that I never considered before and put them to practice and thanks to those that have help me on my way
    Happy Holiday and Collecting
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  14. lanebrad
    What it's really worth
    Like I mentioned before I have this freind who is a Professor at the local university andfromtime to time he stops by and brings in a usally coin from some part of the world in the past he brought me a few Iranain coins and otherfrom the middle east, well Yesterday he stopped by and handed me 2 coins from Moldavi. Of couse I said your making this up now!!! Well I went on-line a low and behold there is a National. and this is what I got.a 25 Bami and a 5 Bami.Features:
    form: - round, composition: aluminium diameter:the size of a dime,edge: plain Description:Obverse;The Coat af Arms of the Republic of Moldova is placed in the central part The image of an oak branch is placed in the bottom part;The inscription "REPUBLICA MOLDOVA" is engraved in the upper part of the observe following the coin circumference.
    Reverse;The nominal value of "25 BANI" is placed in the central part;The year of issuance mine are 2004 The letter "M" (Moldova), superposed on a square is placed in the bottom part What it's worth well my friend took a intrest in my hobby and took the time and energy to go out of his way to bring me something unusall I may not have many certified coins or coins of great value but the adventure I have and the people I run across thats the real value of my collecting. so I keep collecting whatI like and that what I think collecting is all about
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  15. lanebrad
    Best Month in 15+ years
    Usally I collect coins one here one there,as my budget permits. But October I went wild ended up with 9 coins, best Month ever since I atarted collecting coins over 15 yrs ago. finish off my Proof Eagles (4) then went and got a good start on my Certified set with (5) I have (2) more in my sight before the Year is over, then will have to replish the war chest a little before starting anew.
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  16. lanebrad
    just needed a kick start
    On staring to collect Certified coins. I wasnt sure on a few things so I turned to my journal for help and now Iam armed with some good info and Iam ready to begin the Hunt anew
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  17. lanebrad
    Staring on Certified coins
    Well now that I am all caught up on Proof and UNC Silver Eagles. I am now on the hunt for the Certified Silver Eagles. But I have a question? I dont want to be taken advantage price wise. and beside getting some help from the Shop I frequent, any suggestion would be helpful. I never started collecting to make a profit I do it for a hobby and like everyone else has a limited about of spending money on coins. It like baby steps one at a time. Iam thinking about grades like 69 for Eagles and buying from the only well repected geading services. But that really all I know.
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  18. lanebrad
    Wife helped me out.
    This was a good week with help from my wife, she had a work shop a couple hours away and It has my favorite coin shop there. so on Wed I kissed her goodbye and gave her THE LIST ask her if she could stop at the shop and pick me something up. This shop that I goto Is like if a collector went to heaven that it would look like the inside of this shop. Well anyway I am rambling on She surpassed my expectation she pick up the finial four Proof eagles that I needed.Now I have completed both UNC and Proof coins in that set. Too bad the Mint Skipped 09 and maybe 10.anyway good hunting
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  19. lanebrad
    unusally change back !
    Stopped for coffee at the local gas station and got a $10 Jamaica coin as change they thought it was a Quarter. I looked it up on line and found it was worth 12c. unbelievable find in northern Mn. Keep you eye open for usally things.
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  20. lanebrad
    new hunting trip
    I use to hunt and fish a lot but I had an accident at work yrs ago to my lower back and hunting and and ice fishing became very difficult because of my lack of mobility. I did get better but never fully recoverd so I found a new hobby coin collectng. I got a job working with the public and my frist coin was a peace dollar the women that had it didnt really know what it was and I was just starting to collect I offered to buy if from her and gave her $10 for it. and turn out to be a B.U.coin and after that I was hooked on collecting. In my early days I was all over the place in collecting Morgan, Peace dollars. But as the Yrs went by I settled in on Eagles and Canadian $5. as my main coins The coins now are better better grades and even certified coins now and then My goal is to get a $50 gold coin, but like everyone else we all have a budget. So you can say that collecting coin is now my hunting trip and I love it. So happy hunting
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