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Journal Entries posted by lanebrad

  1. lanebrad
    Hello Collector
    I got a problem maybe I can get some answers.the last couple days I been having problems entering coins in my collector manager raw coins is there a limite on coins ? and I have a new computer is that the problem? any suggestion would be nice.
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  2. lanebrad
    Wife present to me
    Well with Christmas fast approching I ask the wife how she was doing on getting present of course she seems not to have much time so she told me why dont you order yourself some coins!! Well she didnt have to ask me twice so I ordered some Franklin Halves and that 4 pennies set from 2009. figures that would be a nice gift. was thinking about the ASE to work on but I think I will let them rest for a while after the 2011 mega set came out It hard to keep up. and that shouldnt be the point of collecting anyway it not sour grapes I could get them but it seem like it was getting to much. I notice some of you collector have a complete set or darn close Rick for example congrates. so looking back on 2011 it was a good yr.I got help with questions on coins and made some new friends and keep in contact with some older ones. Now on a personnal note in Feb I will be going in for a Total Hip replacement so I guess I will have more time to play with my collection. well to all my fellow collectors I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and keep adding to your collection what ever it may be.
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  3. lanebrad
    New direction
    Well Iam pugging away on my ASE set added 1 more today a 2000 now Iam around 80% which I think is pertty good seeing I havent been at it that long. Anyway I thought about adding another set so I started a Franklin 50cent set 1st because there silver and a good looking coin.but also it a coin that has both me and the wifes birth year in the set which I thought was neat so there is my reasons.But why sugar coat it it something I wanted to start. Thanks for looking.
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  4. lanebrad
    Not a bad week
    Hello collectors
    This week I was able to pick up another Eagle for my 69 set with all that has been written about the 2011 on that coin set and probably beening pricey it may take awhile,but I will just have to see what happens. anyway I also pick up a couple proof sets from 1959 and 1962 I working on getting some Franklin Halves,and see how far I can get they wont be graded but I will pick the best I can find. I use to have a full set but sold them now I am intrested again so Iam kicking myself and thats funny looking.
    Happy picking Lane
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  5. lanebrad
    I like to thank you for the nice words of congrates on the 1st grand child. and hope you all find that coin you been looking for.
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  6. lanebrad
    Grandpa now
    Well this has nothing to due with coins, but made cutting into my coin money. But yeaterday at 9pm I became a grandpa for the 1st time 6lb 7oz Iam so happy about this cant wait for my chance to go see him. but I did hear him cry today maybe saying hello anyway just wanted to share with my collector friends.
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  7. lanebrad
    a differnt coin story
    So I was looking throgh the paper the other day and of course there been talk about the budget, and the subject of replacing the Buck with the coin again. My thoughts are it a good idea,sure it wont save a ton of money but it a step. I use to think replace the dollar what are they thinking!but I change my mind and I think the time is right for a change too using more change.
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  8. lanebrad
    been buying and selling
    Hi Collectors
    Well the last couple of weeks I have bought 2 ASE to add to my collection but noit paying that close attention I bought an 04 that I already had oh well still a keeper. also bought one of those NGc cases to hold my slabs. also sold all my unc ASe made out pertty well on them it was the whold set I even bought a nice book to put them in to make a better presitation when I sold them it makes a differnts. Also on the 30th Iam going to a coin auction again they have a few books and proof that caught my intrest. well thanks for looking and hopew you fine that one special coin.
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  9. lanebrad
    Now what?
    Yes this week I reach a mile stone in my coin collecting I reach 500 coins boy that a lot so I been wanting to get a 1oz gold Eagle for yrs now and just never pulled the trigger on getting one. the one that been offered to me were not graded but does that really matter? I dont know I figure now I could probable sell my proofs and uncirculated sets to help pay for this gold eagle it would be the corner stone to my collection. so at least it is something to work at. thanks for reading
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  10. lanebrad
    vist to the Pawn Shop.
    1st off got my 2011 Unc ASE from the mint. See I have a subsription so I get a Number of sets thoughtout the yr and this is my last from the mint this year. Well then I did some running around cause friday is payday and it always good on payday, well I stopped at the local pawnshop and notice they had 2 proof ASE 2006 I known I had this coin but didnt have the box or the little note they put in with it just the coin and case so I ask the price and it was in the ball park anyway it got me thinking with is danagerous why not try and make a trade? so I ran home pick up my 2006 and off I went I expected to pay a small diffents, but the owner was there and propose a trade turn out to be an even trade he said well I stop there a lot and you now what it made me fell good and that part of collecting too. just to update everyone I have 100% of both the Proofs and UNC ASE. Thanks for reading Lane
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  11. lanebrad
    Got a question
    Before I get to the question I just want to let you know that I got my 2nd Gold coin its a Eagle $10.00 from my father that past last week. sweet never knew pops had something like that now it in my coin collection.sweet! anyway I was wondering why some coins dont have a value in my Manager for example my ngc ASE 2011 minted in San.with the pt value I have a good idea of the range but I was wondering
    Thanks for looking Lane
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  12. lanebrad
    Small Set
    Hello collectors.
    I recieved 3 coins in the mail this morning and 2 are NGC 70 my 1st perfect coins Jefferson Nickles Proofs for my westward collecton yes I know it is only 4 coins but hey it a start. and of course a 2011 ASE for my 69 set. It still feels good to have completed a set. So I will keep plugging along and who knows whats will be next the Jefferson were just a spur of the momment thing. thanks for looking
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  13. lanebrad
    A year ago
    Well it been a year today that I joined the collector society My main intenson was just to have a inventory list of my coins But I have learned so much,for example pick graded coins from the top 2 grading companies. Also I have made my share of mistakes for ex. if the price on a coin is to good it probable a good reason to be cautious.I have enjoyed reading the journals and dealing with other collector who has the same intrests.There has been a lot of journals about auction and finially had a chance to take in my 1st coin auction it wasnt a big time auction, but I had a great time,and bought a few raw coins.Also I like to thank all of my fellow collectors that has helped me on either in buying coins or giving me an answer on a question. but mostly for making me a better colector.
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  14. lanebrad
    on my way
    Today I recieved 3 more ASE 69s in the mail and they are in great shape thanks (Rick). Not only that Iam over 2,000 pts so I was busy entering them in and will add the pic later. Not sure when I get more but Iam thinking about a Peace dollar that a friend has for sale,but I got tax to pay frist. I been going like gang buster since Aug lots of buying. At least I think so. So now to take a deep breath for a couple days, because I also see this Canadian $5 with a Bear on the reverse that I have my eye on
    so good hunting everyone
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  15. lanebrad
    Coins,coins and more coins!!!
    Hello Collectors
    Well the family is back from the 1st week off and boy did we find the coins. picked up 9 slabs of NGC, 4 slabs in PGCS I never intended to buy these but the price was right Then driving we spoted a sign that said Coin auction so we stopped ended up staying a couple hours this was my 1st and it was great I won 4 proof Franklins and 40 Buffalos Told the wife I dont even collect biffals I guess I do now and they were all dated clearly and some you could clearly see the horn even a type 1 1913 was in the mix.My stepson even got into the bidding war and drove up the price of some pennies he won a few and also won the bidding war on a 1914 not sure of the mint mark. he is the pennies guy of the house. had a great time and made some memories and thats what vacation and collecting is all about.
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  16. lanebrad
    sold a bunch
    Well today was one of those days probably most collector hate to think about I was I a spots sold my Maple leafs all but 3 just to have a couple examples I did make a nice little profit and I can use some of the money for other coins but for right now other matters need my attention boy My AC needed replacing so being cool takes 1st place and it has been bruely hot uphere in Northern MN
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  17. lanebrad
    cant find a home
    On Fridays my wife and a I hit a few garage sales, flea Markets and today we went to the local pawn shop to look around to see whats new. well I found 2 items a tool box and a MS60 1923s Peace Dollar well I bought both items but the Poor Peace dollar was graded by a differnt grading service it was a fair price comparing to the FMV. Well it cant find a home either in the competive or custom spots so it in my coin Manager. I know it's not the best pic.but I think the Lady would like to be seen.

  18. lanebrad
    Both ASE
    Hi fellow collectors
    Thing have been slow this summer but over the last week I added 2 coin a NGC 04 69 I about 70% complete now, and today I recieved my Proof ASE. But hopefully when Iam on vacation I be able to pick up some more silver
    good luck on your hunt
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  19. lanebrad
    Thanks for the Feedback
    Yes it sure gave me something to think about Thanks a bunch and it looks similar to the pic jxs525 added,but just similar I didnt ask the price cause I was more or less looking again it didnt have a grade it was just slabbed and saying where it was from Wtc and the word Clad which means to me not silver but it sure looked like real ASE.comparig to all the ones I have at home. so I guess I will pass and wait for something thats on my ASE list to pickup Thanks Again
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  20. lanebrad
    pawnshop find,but no buy
    Well fellow collectors
    I stopped at the local pawnshop today and they still Had a 2001 ASE2001 and the writting on the case said it was recovered from ground Zero of the WTC the grading service I wasnt that fimilar with I know its not NGC or PGs something in the back of the my mind said not. 1st because I have 3 differnt ASE 2001 2nd It didnt seem right What do you think?
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  21. lanebrad
    coin and phone calls
    Well Today is Father's day and I was surprise by my wife she got me a coin a 1956 Franklin very nice. Then both the kids called to wish me well which really suprise me. Because my Son is in GA. now getting ready to go of to war. but still had time to call old Dad. Next Monday I have a big day planned been saving up for a spending spree on some coin, cause it been a long dry spell without a good buy.
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  22. lanebrad
    Points or No Points
    Does it really matter. I say no about the points I might hear well he doesnt have that many pts r (sour grapes) well my friends It just a small portion of my collection.Collecting to me is sharing what I know and learning what I dont know about this great hobby.For example a few yrs back I bought a MS 70 on the cheap and at the time was very happy with the buy, But after some more research I found out it was from one of those 3rd or 4th teir grading services and this company was the worst of the worst.Fast forward- I ran into a young collector just staring out and got to know him rather well I gave him this coin as a teaching tool to spend wiesly and do some reserch. He was very happy just beaming both from the coin his 1st silver dollar and the time I spent with him that to me is what collecting coins is all about
    so happy hunting, collect what you like and let the pts take care of themselves
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  23. lanebrad
    Pricing/ and the Appeal
    Hi collectors
    Like I said in my earlier post I bought my 1st PCGS coin formy ASE collection.Well I ended up paying $13.00 more them price thats posted in my collection.And it is ok. my father always told me to what ever it in when its advalible. So lastI took a survey of one my (wife) I ask her which coin is more appealing in the case She was divided she thinks the coins is easier to see in the PCGS coin but the NGC has a cleaner look if that makes sense so it a toss up collectors either one is ok and crossing over isnt the end of the world As I founf out so
    Happy Collecting
  24. lanebrad
    Unsure of outcome
    While doing some errans this morning I thought I stop at the local pawnshop and today they had a 2010 pcgs ASE in 69. First Stike Well I pulled the old walet out and bought it. The coin looks real good hopefully I will catch up on some pic. over the weekend. So until later.
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  25. lanebrad
    Silver price and other things
    Hi collector
    Things been kind of slow around here with adding new coins, just added 1coin in the month a ASE 69 2006W Havent even found anything to pull out of change.So I been chomping at bit to get to the coin store and find more ASE. Just havent had any spare time I guess I have to make time. Anyway what up with the price of silver I agreed with the idea it would be over $50 and oz At the rate it was rising and probably stay there for awhile. But I really dont follow the pricing that much, and I still buy what I like reguardless if its $50.00 or $15.00.
    Happy Collecting
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