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W.K.F.'s Journal

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Up for air after a while.



Greetings Collectors,

   I’ve been away for some time. I think I’m back? Hardly recognize the site from what I recall? Never left this hobby. Never forgot any of you. I took a vacation from cable tv, social media and other what I came to view as distractions to sanity?

And, to use an old saying... to find myself. Well...

 I’ve found that while this hobby can’t be shared with all of those we know, (for security reasons) it can be shared here, somewhat annonomosly. With those here that can relate to each other. And God knows I’ve wished many times, that I could have shared that which I’ve been blessed with, with so many down through the years. That was...  probably... very luckily... decided against... my doing... Many times. Thank God.

Many things to say. Those of you that may remember, I can be long winded. So probably best if I split these ides/comments up a wee bit. I just signed up for a twelve month tour of duty, and it took several minutes to even find the “Journals”?

Us old guys all use to see them on the front the NGC home page lower left.

So... you all may actually be quite fortunate to only have read this one journal entry, as I may never find my way back to this spot again? I’ve been third world for some time. Tech rusty is what I’m using for an excuse this day.

Anyway, it feels good to be back. (if I am really back?) hmmmm?

Before it was mostly all about points. How many of my slabbed coins could I tally up? How many sets could I come up with? What’s my point total now?

Not anymore. I have many coin interests. Foreign and domestic. And I’ve sold nothing. (so far)

so many interests. Yet I have only two true loves.

Pre 1908 Ten Dollar Liberty Gold

MS Franklin Halves

(Franklin’s are my only coin set here. It is a set that has been upgraded, & is currently not accurate) new additions this week on the way, and hopefully from Long Beach early June in both Franklin & $10 libs. ? We’ll see I guess.

Another thing is, I’m  unsure I can enter all my current coins here now, as some are in PCGS slabs?? (rules may have changed) Guess I’ll find out that later.

i remember the day I deleted dozens of sets here, and left just the one. I remember the reason. Soon I’ll have just the two. And this time it won’t be about the points. It’ll be about, what it’s supposed to have always been about.

Just want to say to all of you. We have a great hobby here that I dearly love. And I’m sure that you all love as well. Until next time... may that post person deliver something happy to your door today! And maybe instead of hiding it from the wife, you can both share in the joy!

Happy Collecting!




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Nice to see / hear from you! I came back after a long absence a few months ago. Seems like lots of us have peaks and troughs that naturally correspond to peaks and valleys in how crazy the rest of our lives are.

As far as the PCGS slabs go - you'll be out of luck. PCGS coins were removed from all World sets in 2012 (not sure if you were here for that). PCGS coins can no longer be added to US sets as of about mid-2017 - coins that were already in sets were grandfathered in. But since you removed your old sets / deleted them you won't be able to add them back.

Hopefully you'll be happier with the change in focus. Collecting for points is a recipe for disappointment. I remember when they did a massive downward adjustment on the point values of the FDI presidential dollars. All the people that had been buying those up and making sets with huge point values saw them go down - I think by 50-70%. There were some fits thrown when that went down. O.o In other sets I've bought something when it was worth 125 points, seen it go down to 37, and then go back up to 607 a month later. Point collecting is the trail of tears.

Edited by Revenant
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Well said. Thanks for the update on the new rules. So much for my pcgs tens with + and green beans huh? Lol

It’s so nice to hear from a friend here. Thank you for reaching out. Just read some great things about our friend  Gary. Wow what a talent!

It will be great to be back once I’m settled back in. Will go smoothly since I’m only a two set collector on the surface now. Ha ha.

my sets will be smaller, appearance wise, but who’s counting? Lol

I know the other dates I have in adversary slabs. Lol

Take care my friend.


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3 hours ago, W.K.F. said:

My sets will be smaller, appearance wise, but who’s counting? Lol

The more time goes on, the more convinced I am that it's better to have fewer sets. It's easier to let the ones that are mostly complete and which have been shown a lot of love stand out.

Sometimes it feels like the sets that have been my main focus with all of their best images and descriptions become needles in a haystack, lost in all the low-ranking sets with 1-3 coins, bad pictures and non-existant descriptions. Even so, I can't convince myself to delete the other ones.

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5 hours ago, W.K.F. said:

Just read some great things about our friend  Gary. Wow what a talent!

Here I am!!!! :):):) Great to hear from you Kerry! It has been a while and a lot of things have changed. First my employer offered me a buyout of 60 weeks pay and 60 weeks vacation that at my age was just too good to pass up! In other words, I am officially retired! Now I cannot tell a lie, I briefly contemplated buying a first generation turban-head liberty half-eagle. A few milliseconds later sanity returned and I decided to pay off the house. (That one is a much easier sell to the wife anyway). Most of my type collections are complete and I'm working on a few selected upgrades plus additions to my signature sets or what are today called custom sets. While I'm not adding as much to my collection, I will be working on write-ups and possibly delving into displays. I was also accepted as a Money Talks presentation speaker for the ANA Worlds Fair of Money. I will be giving a 35 minute presentation on "The Coins and Medals of Laura Gardin Fraser" on Thursday August 15 at 12:00 PM in room 6. I have been spending big bucks on coins the last couple of years to get ready for this life change. While I am pulling away from the acquisition side of collecting, I am in no way pulling away from the hobby. So Kerry, "Welcome Back"!!!!!!!! It is good to have you around here again, and I am looking forward to more of what you are up to.


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Wow! That’s great news Gary!!! Took the time to read a couple of your latest pieces and I said dam! Go Gary. Wish I could be there at the ANA to hear that. Who knows? Heck, I’m retired too. Ain’t it swell! Long Beach in June anyway.

Seriously I feel very blessed to be where I’m at right now in life. So glad to be back here too. I look forward to meeting some new people and getting re-aquatinted with some old friends as well. Look forward to reading all that you have to say! Keep it up! Take care my friend.

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Greetings Kerry,

I left NGC boards for about 6 years for reasons similar to yours.  I am glad to be back also.  Looking forward to your future journals.




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Hi Kerry,

I don't believe we ever talked when you were here before, but it's always good when good collectors find their way back.  So, hello and welcome back!  I can relate to a lot of what you said in your entry.  I've been doing some soul searching myself over the past few months myself and I've had some major realizations about myself which have made me a much happier person and collector, much of which pertain to the fact that I've realized that I'm a minimalist.  Like you, I have some main loves which I plan on focusing in on and indulging.  For me they are Silver Roman Empress coins with a focus on Faustina the Younger and her daughter Lucilla, coins depicting birds and coins depicting babies.  Everything else I did was basically clutter that I don't need, so it's being sold off.  I've also decided to pursue my pursuits off of the Registry as I've decided that grading coins for collecting myself wasn't fun for me anymore....like you, I needed to get back to being a collector, in its simplest terms.  So I'm using stock books and 2X2's and I'm having a blast doing it!  There's no wrong way to collect, provided you enjoy what you're doing and you don't damage your coins!  And I think a smaller collection that is well selected is a great thing......smaller goals let you focus more and buy really awesome coins when you do make purchases.

In closing, it's nice to cyber-meet you and I look forward to further entries and discussions with you!



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On 5/23/2019 at 8:04 AM, Six Mile Rick said:

Welcome back Kerry!!  It has been a while but sure glad to read your journal. (thumbsu



Thanks a bunch Rick! Let’s reconnect over this future of ours! Wanna pick your brain on some things. Hope all is well with you and yours!


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