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2014 Baseball HOF

The census on grading? Has anyone seen or know how the new baseball commemorative gold and silver coins are running as far as the grading census? Just curious, I lucked out and was able to place my order before they sold out. I have all 70's in my collections, and was curious as to how they will grade when I get them.(anyone) To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.



New Coin

Its been a while Well it has been a while since i posted on here, I have been looking at the new Medal Of Honor coin and just decided the other day to pull the trigger on this one...Enjoy and Happy Easter all. To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.



Medal of Honor

Dakota Meyer What do you guys think of having a PF70 Medal of Honor coin signed by a real Medal of Honor recipient, Dakota Meyer lives just a few miles from me, I'm sure he would be more then willing to sign the slab for me. And ideals on what to use to sign it with, so it would smear or fade over the years? Just saying how cool this would be to have a Medal of Honor coin signed by a Medal of Honor recipient, being he is the first living Marine recipient since the Vietnam War. To see old c



Looking For !

2011 Army Commemorative .50 MS 70 Looking for a 2011 army .50 ms 70 commemorative, seen that they have only been 11 graded, but not sure if that is current or not. If anyone knows where I can come up with one at I would appreciate it. Happy Collecting to all... To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.



"Second time was a charm"

The post office finally got it right! After several months saving up to purchase the 2006 SAE reverse proof and one lost by the postal service, and then waiting several weeks for my refund from the insurance claim it has finally made it here. Now my decision is whether or not to start on the America the Beautiful quarters or not,and if so do I get the 5 oz. ones or not. Well happy collecting to all and thanks for the ones that gave me heads up last time on where to buy this one from.



Frustrated !

2006 Reverse Proof A few days ago I purchased a 2006 Reverse Proof PF70 from someone with 100% feedback, so i felt really good about the buy, I have been looking to purchase this coin for a long time now, just havent had the money to do so, But after my recent birthday i had the money and pulled the trigger on one , I got it for a great price i thought. I received notice to pick it up at post office on Sat. had to wait all weekend to get to see my new addition, Well when I arrived at post of



Toning Question ?

1998 American Eagle I have this 1998 American Eagle coin that I have had for sometime put away in a drawer, and when I got it out the other day to consider sending it in to be graded just to add to the collection I noticed that it was really toned, and as I am somewhat a Nubie, my question is does this affect the grading or is this prefered? I know is probably a matter of taste, but just looking for some info on toned coins if anyone out there has any input it would be appreciated. Thanks



My recent additions!

Problem with uploading pics. I have added this years prez's in PF70 along with the MS70 DAV, and I uploaded the pic as always its size is around 72kb, and is in .jpg , but when you go to view the gallery it shows image not available , but you can click on it and the image will appear, is anyone else had this problem or what can I do to fix the problem. No real big deal just handy to be able to see the pics.. Been my first journal entry in a long time, work has me hoping and its gettin




20th Anniversary! I have long wanted this coin , although I dont collect all of the Silver Eagle's (just yet) , I have just recently became able to purchase a coin like this one and would like some feedback on what a fair price for it would be. Now I already know that something is only worth what someone is willing to pay, its that I just dont want to pay 600 bucks for a 400 dollar coin, I know that it list for like 650, but I havent been watching this coin for months and dont know if its slid



Whats the best!

Who what will work! I am looking at sending in 10 of the new sag. dollars and I am breaking the out of proof sets, and needing to know what I need to use to submit them to ngc in. anywone that sends in several at one time may know this and can help me out. Thanks in advance. Happy Collecting.. Troy



New Addition

Braille Just recieved this MS70 Braille Commemorative coin in the mail yesterday. At first seeing the coins be released , My thought was it was not the best looking coin, but once in hand its a pretty good looking coin after all. Now waiting on the PF70 to hit my hands. Happy Collecting to all. Troy



"In GOD We Trust"

"Just My 2 Cents Worth" I am not starting a debate or nothing , nor am I trying to down Nevermans comments. The phrase "In God We Trust" is on our monies for a reason, Its the very principals this country was founded on. Its one of the main reason I collect money to begin with. It is part of history , our history. Our country has already gotten away from so many other things that our fore fathers fought for, I am just trying to make sure this isnt one of them. On the same side of the coin, t



My Newest Additions

"OLE" Honest Abraham I have waited for this coins ever since I read they was coming out, I was able to recently purchase the PF & MS 70 of the new Lincoln Commemoratives. Now I have them, now the search starts for the pennies.



The Jorney

"Value" While watching the news report this morning on John Calipari coming to Kentucky as head Basketball coach, He made a statement that I really like, He said "You MUST value the journey as much as you value the prize at the end" This is like my coin collecting , I have enjoyed putting a few sets together, and hope one day I can value completing these sets as much as starting them. Thanks for taking time to read my journal , and hope everyone enjoys Your journey as well. And glad t



Just Wrong

Just not Right I will not mention any names at this point, but i recieved an email last night to release one of my presidential coins to someone else, well I have this coin in my hand, and went to the rejection option, when i give a reason as to not release it, I by mistake clicked approve, , and now my coin is in another person name and registry, and i found it , they also stole my pics and added to the coin in there registry, I have emailed them to make them aware of the problem, I also look




The new Presidents Just wondering if anyone out there knows any of the census reports on the new Presidental coins that have been sent in. NGC does not show anything as of yet for the new coins. As I am looking to purchase the new coins and just curious what the census is on a couple of them, but you know what they say about curiousity right!



Just Added

The 2005 Marines MS 70 I have liked these coins since they have came out but they had been kinda pricey, or for me anyways. I was able to get the ms and pf 70 of this coin over the past month or so to add to my collection or should I say my Son's collection. And now I must set my sights on the 2009 coins, and maybe add a older coin here and there. Hope everyone has a great week. And whether we like it or not Obama is now our president, and we all should stand as 1...... Americans



2009 Native American Dollars

"Proof" Just wondering if anyone knows when the proof of the new native american will be released, I have seen the P&D . Being that they have change the looks of them , I am thinking of starting another set. Any imput or info is appericated. Looking forward to a very interesting year in collecting as I only started last March, and this year already is more exciting to me then the last. Is this a never ending road I am on.(boy I hope so) Happy Collecting to all!!!!!!!!!



Merry Christmas " To Me"

Gold Coins Well this year I ended up with a larger then usual Christmas bonus or should I say gift. So I decided to purchase another gold commemorative for myself. This is only the second gold coin I have and I am starting to like them even more. Just would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and safe Holidays. Troy



Happy Thanksgiving

Giving Thanks I think this is one holiday that is overlooked by us all in someway or another. As I look back on the year I can see I have alot to be giving thanks for . My family and our health, most of all. Just would like to wish all of my friends in the coin society a happy thanksgiving. And hope all of yours is happy and healthy as well. Now go and Eat too much. Happy Collecting.



New Commemorative

"The Granite Lady" I have been watching this coin for a while now, and it got cheap enough I could not pass it up. Looking back at the past few months I have really added several coins to my collection,, as this year comes to a close I think these will be about all I add this year, due to christmas and all coming up for the kids. But I look forward to see everyone else's coin pics on here and reading their journals. So keep em coming and happy hunting.



Upcoming Commemoratives

The 2009 collections So far this has been a pretty good year for collecting, and looking forward to maybe adding a couple more before the years out. But mainly looking forward to the Nasa Collection to become available hopefully in the next year or so, as I have always be a great fan of Nasa and the things they do. Now I am just looking forward to a couple weeks off, traveling south to Tenn. smokey mountains for a while and enjoy the fall colors from a cabin on a hill somewhere, then cont.




Remember When? I know this is suspose to be a coin journal , but this one is not sorry, Seven years ago today ... I was sitting in a training class, when suddenly several members of the classes pagers begin to go off requesting them to return to their station as soon as possible, then the instructor turned the tv on just seconds before the second plane flew into the towers. I was numb, I could not believe that people would kill innocent people like this. I was then requested back at my station



Finally Got It

My first gold coin Well its been a long road to get here seems like, but I was finally about to purchase my first gold coin, It is of the 2008 gold commemorative bald eagle set. I have liked this set from day one they came out, The eagle is a very important symbol of our country , And they done a great job with this coin. Now i'm am trying to figure out a way to get my next gold coin. this road has no end.. thanks for looking and have a good week coming up.. Troy



Plastic Sleeve Protectors

Is this going to far? Was wondering if anyone else uses some sort of the plastic sleeve protectors that slides over the slabbed coin , just to help in protecting the slab. Was looking to get some , but not sure as to what or where to get them, and was just wondering if anyone else out there uses them, and if so could you share with me where to get them at. thanks for any info. Troy NREMT-P

