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World Coin News 12 issues $25.99, Coin World - Weekly News Resourse 52 issues $69.99, Coin World 12 issues $24.99.  Three publications.  I am wondering which is the better of the three to subscribe to.  They all have strengths from what I can get from the few reviews listed for them on Amazon.  As well as some grips for issues delivered on time or at all.  I currently subscribe to Numismatic News for many years and issues delivered is always a problem I think because they are sent via dead last shipping.  I however hate online subscriptions, because after a day on the computer, the last thing I want to do when I sit in my favorite chair in the evening to relax is grab the tablet to read a magazine.  Nothing is better than picking up an actual piece of journalism during a commercial when watching the tube and reading an article.  I can put it down and pick it up again at the next commercial.  Any who, thoughts on the three publications would be appreciated.  As always, thanks.  PS  Anyone have the PF and MS70 of the Boys Town in brown label for sale?

Entries in this journal


I DONT'T THINK IT WILL STOP. Just thought I would post my latest to my collection and to share it with you all here today. I am coming off a terrible couple of weeks, my brother died and his services were Friday. I say this, because he was a highly decorated Vietnam veteran, and myself being a disabled Vietnam era veteran, I pay some homage to him to let everyone know, I am and always be very proud of him. To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added




A NEW WIDE AM? This is a reverse of a 2004D Lincoln cent. Looks like a wide AM. I say 2004D because the strike on the obverse is very weak and I can barely make out the D with a 20X glass. Thoughts please. I have another one for tomorrow a 1983D 1/4. To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.



Lincoln cent find???

What have I got? I found this interesting 1992D cent while looking for the "close AM'. Looks like a DDO on the 1992D. Any thoughts out there? Plus I may have another interesting on I'll put up next. To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.




On alot of them. I suppose lamination separation? To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.



The pits

Just what causes this? It does not appear to be on the letters. To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.




IT IS VERY INTERESTING INDEED Going through some of my Lincoln Memorial rolls and found 4 very weird ones I hope I can get the pics uploaded at one time. One is full of pits, 1976 on the reverse, a 2008 that is full of what looks like bumps or bubbles, my favorite a mint green 1978 D, and a 1984 D missing some of it. Just stuff I thought may be interesting to show, and maybe get some comments or other pics of weird ones. Thanks for looking. Oh yes, I am finally seeing some 2009s and alot o



Wrong Picture previously

Date and mint mark? Is the date and mintmark on my previous pic strange? Here is the right pic I hope. To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.




ANOTHER ANOMOLY Found this in my change, thought it may be interesting. Any help on the line through the date? Thanks everyone. To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.




ERROR COIN? I was going through my cents again and came accross this 1975 D Lincoln. It appears to have 3 cracks in the obverse the most prominent accross the scalp line the second accross the bridge of the nose the third just nearly accross the middle of the chin. They all appear to start at the top right at theouter lip of the coin going down and to the left. The top one almost makes it accross the coin, the other two alittle less so with each one. The reverse does not show any of this,




LINCOLN CENT To all the Lincoln cent people out there. I just started to dabble in the buy a few rolls of pennies to see what would happen. WHAT A SURPRISE. I bought 10 rolls from my unfriendly bank, they really did not want to sell me the rolls, but the big wig over rode them. Anyway here is what I am getting at, It seems like anything new is junk. Green, crusty, very very poorly struck, and quite frankly a big disappointment. Of course it seems only the 2000 and up is the worst. I fig




INTERESTING. I found this 1864 Indian Heat cent while going through some of my old penny rolls. It is TWICE as thick as regular cents. Is this commom? A little help? Thanks To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.




WHAT IS IT? Here is the best I can do. I will have to make another entry to show the other side, cuz I ain't computer savy enough to put up two pics at once. Keen eye Six Mile Rick. And you know who my friend is but even more so your friend. I AM very proud to own the set. Anyway hope you or someone else can help me on this coin. To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.




Other side As promised, here is the other side of the coin. To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.




1 thru 5 brown Standard label Well here it is, what many of you have been asking for. Picture of my recent aquisition. A 2011 25th ANNIVERSARY 5 COIN SET. This is the perfect set as you can see by the serial #s. Plus it is the only known one in existance with the Standard Brown NGC Label. I got it from my friend, and yes I do have permission to post and tell about it. I put the three MS70 slabs in my custom sets, so you can see how may different ones were made for 2011. The total # shou




NGC Members are friends Back at the end of February, a fellow member had decided to sell off and reduce his collection. I knew that he had a rare set he aquired that I was very interested in. I contacted him and we agreed on a price and to make it short, he decide not to sell off, but if he did the set was mine. Well a couple of weeks ago I got an email asking if I still wanted the set as he was definitly calling it quits. Of course I said I still wanted it, and we made the purchase arran




In who's eye? Here is a pic of my latest aquisition. MS69 W Silver Eagle. I have looked this coin over and over with a 10x glass, and can find no faults. Used diffferent light, angles and such. It seems all my MS69 W burnished Eagles are totally problem free. Am I lucky, is it the burnished blank that doesn't let small imperfections show? I don't know. Perhaps some of you more experienced members can help. I have MS70s not burnished that should be 69s or even 68s. I know grading is a



Latest find

Stumbled accross it. Well, here is another to add to my MS70 custom sets. This is in addition to the previous two brown ones. I have stumbled onto so exciting things lately. Has anyone gotten some of those double-dye fat numbered Silver Eagles from the 25th Anniversary set? They are really different. I wonder if they will classify them as a true error coin? Here is a pic of my latest. No need for you S to reply, I know enough of how you feel about me. To see old comments for this J



Kennedy Halves

Circulated or uncirculated I need some help here from some Kennedy half collectors. I was under the assumption that after 2002 and including no halves were struck for circulation. I ask this because I got a few bank rolls to snoop through and nearly all were 2005 and 2008 with a few other dates from 2003 on up to 2009. A Kennedy half education is needed here. Thanks to anyone who can help. To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.




IT IS WHAT IT IS. Thanks to everyone who wrote or replied to my last posting. YES! I do buy the coin for my other collections that are and some that are not slabbed. As far as the 25th Anniversary goes, I felt it would be neat to try and get all the labels and mint marks. I thought the 2011 ASE was a good time for collecting, and I made it fun as well as expensive. When I was a kid I collected baseball cards, marbles, pop bottle caps. I guess that I am guilty here also for not collecting




It took over a year. I have finally done it. I have captured the elusive 2011 Silver Eagle in the Standard Brown label. I have been told that this label was a mistake because they were wanting the 25th Anniversary brown labels instead, and these got out into circulation. One dealer told me about 8 months ago that he got some and was given the chance to return them or keep them. He kept his and I had one on order through him and suddenly they were sold out. This now brings my collection to



I've done it!!

Filled it up I/we, my wife and I have completed the 2011 Eagles Set, Mint State competitive set. We have never been able to accomplish anything like this in our lives. I must say thanks to a few members and a few dealers who helped us get here. THANK YOU, you know who you are, and I know they did not want to share their names, and I respect that. Thanks to all the members who read my journal entries and have given advise, help etc, and those who scoffed, I say thanks because it made us work




Standard holder I am looking for this coin holder MS70 2011 Silver eagle. Sometimes called the standard label, the regular label, or the brown/gold label. This is just like any other yr. Eagle holder, and other denominations. It was used early before they came out with the 25th Anniversary brown label. They then called that the standard label. But it was only for the 2011 yr, because the 2012s have the "standard" label. If anyone has one for sale the 2011 label or knows of someone who is



Too many sets

Dealers/brokers? I suppose I am the only guy in the universe who doesn't know the answere to this. Did the Mint produce extra coins for the brokers, dealers/mints who are big internet sellers? Buy this I mean besides the 100,000 for sale to the public. Could they have gotten rolls upon rolls of these coins just for the purpose of a tremendous price cascade? Its seems that everyone said get a set if you can cuz there won't be any left. Just look at Ebay and the on-line folks how many ther




Christmas Just loaded my 2011 ms69 christmas snowmen to my sets. Have the ms69 25th set in there. I am looking to buy non early release 69 or 70 and brown label 69 and 70 anniversary sets. Reasonably priced. prefer the ms69 ms70s. Let me know ok everyone, hope thanksgiving was good for you all. To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.




HAPPY HOLIDAYS Congrates to KAMAKAZY on your set. Yes I am jealous, And I am listening to my ears buzzing now Seth. To cheer you all up there is a Christmas set of labels out now, so HO HO HO! There is the snowman and then the Christmas tree, next I don't know yet. But I won't be Scrooge and spoil it and say the brown labeled set is worth less. I think it is worth more down the road. I wish I could have got it I think it is terrific. Oh yes! I go by Eagles-R-it, not Eagles -R-fun, bu

