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Yeah... we're running a little behind.

Still waiting for a green flag to get the coins out of pit road. Once again I call NGC and "yeah, we're a little behind." The lady looked at the system, aka checking with the computer Gods. Yes, we are running about 12 days in world value... hmm, the coins have been there 15 days so far. Well the long and short of it, she will see if she can move the coins along. Makes me wonder, they can get all these new fangled, 1st day, last day, special strike, any strike new type coins done and to th

No Photo finish this trip.....

The last time I submitted coins to NGC I kept a journal of days and estimates posted online. This trip I did not start a journal of my coins race through the many laps(e)at NGC and chart the finishing times from receive to grade to QA to final imaging. Perhaps I should have. I currently have 14 coins at NGC of which 3 were for a multi-holder. Currently I have the 3 multi-coins in QA and the other 11 somewhere in a place called receiving. Sounds like someone is still trying to add gas to th


The coins came back as graded. The body bags were ok on two questionable on two others. The coins arrived by the mail man in the regular Brown registered mail box today. I looked over the items and they were nice and fairly done. A couple of marginal items - 65 BR vice 64RB, The 1918 Lg S centavo was slabbed as Sm S, although a "regular" designation at no cost, coin graded correctly, but wrong lable. No surprises. ALL THIS AS A BIRTHDAY gift from NGC.




The coins made the race in record 10 days. Met the limit, no speeding and only one caution. The coins made it out of grading and made nice grades: 1913 S USA-PHIL 1C MS 64 BN 1920 USA-PHIL 1C AU 55 BN 1938 M USA-PHIL 1C MS 64 BN 1929 M USA-PHIL 1C MS 65 BN 1920 S USA-PHIL 1C AU 55 BN 1918 S USA-PHIL 1C AU 53 BN 1918 S USA-PHIL 1C MS OBV DAMAGE (TRIED TO SLIDE) 1917 S USA-PHIL 5C AU 55 1921 U




The coins have made it to quality control from receiving, turnaround time still at 10 days. QUALITY control is a good sign. Will advise when I get the WHITE FLAG for last Lap. Things moved along from receiving to quality control. Will advise if times change.




Must be changing the tires and refilling the gas tank... Looking at my order status today they are still in receiving. At day 8 still in receiving and turn around time still listed at 10 days for World Value. Looks like BS to me. It's not going to happen unless something freezes over. But beyond that, on Tuesday someone called from NGC to get me to give expiration date on credit card. That is odd... I paid by check. But I called and low and behold... I don't know, yep your check cleare


The race continues It has been a week so far with the coins mailed out and received on 21 August 2006. SO far no phone calls from NGC so everything must be ok. Have to like that... Current turn around is 10 days, the coins stay at motel NGC is now 10 days 2 less than originally expected. Well let me go now.... By the way 4 coins submitted at the Baltimore Show to ANACS are still in Motel ANACS... With 3 still being decided on how to handle by the ANACS guru's. In their slab, but wont

Let the counting begin....

The race just began... I just mailed my package to NGC at 4:45 pm, lets see what the turnaround for World coins is going to be. The package should get there on Monday or Tuesday so we don't need to worry about the "ANA" effect. Lets see what the turnaround times reflect. I am sending in 14 coins with the 5 free coupon for being a CCG member. The current (as of mailing) turn-time is (10/12 days) for the value service. Coins received at NGC 8/21/2006, curreny trun time still (10/12) days m

You had to wash your hands and coins before using....

What times change but the money doesn't I just purchased a 1913 Aluminum one centavo leper coin that has corrosion. How do you at a minimum stop/neutralize the corrosion. The coin is in great detail but had been corroded by the Leper's sanitation. The coins had to be cleaned to get rid of leprosy as part of the disease prevention methods. How times have changed. Now we only clean coins because.... we do.

Number one is great but number 3, 4 or 8 is better.

I am number one but my rank means more as 3 or 4 I too am a novice collector and new to this ranking system. I have been collecting coins for 10 years now and specialize in the off suit US series of Philippine coins. I find my sets ranked 3 and 4 in the series more fruitful than the chase for number one. In my series some coins are almost non existant in raw and slabbed slabbable availability. Granted they do exist, but at what cost or what trade. My coins include many NCS coins not inclu