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Phase 2 - The Proofs - My Second Child - Almost a Week Late

Another substantial accomplishment* that, over time, will also slide in to obscurity having never reached the top ten. *In my humble opinion anyway.Amazingly, it has been exactly 9 months and 5 days since my last journal entry (The Bucks). With thanx to Ed's Elegant Coins (www.edselegantcoins.com), I am a Father again.Today I registered the last two coins in Modern Commemoratives 1982-Date, Proofs Only! Like The Bucks, The Proofs came in just shy of the lofty single digits, ranking 13 with o



Phase 1 - The Bucks - A Long Journey to Completion

A substantial accomplishment* that, over time, will only slide in to obscurity having never reached the top ten.   *In my humble opinion anyway. Well, I finally got as close to the top ten as I ever will with my registry set for "Modern Commemorative Silver Dollars 1983-Date".   My labor of love (read obsession) is 100% complete as of today; simultaneously debuting as a full member of society and reaching the zenith of its existence.   I knew from conception, by its very design, that

