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Collecting with Friends

WB, Wheaties and me I barely ever post to the journal, not my thing to be put out here in the public forum like this but, something happened both these past few weeks and today that really made me feel as though I needed to. I will start with the fact that as with most mornings I heard the familiar honk of my mail person at about ten AM to tell me I had to sign for a package. I went outside and did the normal deal and came inside to open my bounty. For the third time in about a month, a



Thank you for the Acetone reinforcement!

I would have used my nail polish remover Thank you so much for the reminder on the pure Acetone! You have no idea how much you just saved these Buffalo's! Unfortunately, I believe two look like they were touched with a cleaner that isn't approved just by the uncharachteristic color but the rest were left alone which is best. I believe I have some treasure's in these once they are de-grimed! Oh, and to the unhappy journal poster...no I do not ask a Barber how to cut my hair as I am female



Buffalo Nickels Again!

Okay, forgot how to read archived answers, but I really need to remember the cleaning buffalo nickels thing! Six months later, and who know's how many buying and selling activities later etc, now I'm back to my original question. How can I clean a dirty Buffalo? I bought about eight off this person, all just dirty as all get out but early twenties and you could tell their are mintmarks and good detailing (horn's etc.) under the grime, so for me to do anything with them...most likely just sel



Dirty Buffalo Nickel

Is Acetone Really Safe?? I have a Buffalo Nickel that is in excellent condition, without any flattened surfaces and a really nice strike however, it is really dirty. It isn't corrosion, it's just dirt. I am so scared to touch the nickel with anything since I am so new to all this and I was pretty much handed over (inherited) this 2000 coin collection that wasn't well cared for and I've heard everything from mineral oil, to olive oil, to acetone can be used to clean coins but, I'm scared of th



Registered Mail vs Fedex

I am about to move and even though I sent my coins in to be graded via registered priority mail, it still took four days. So, I asked my mail person how long registered mail generally takes and they said it could take up to twenty days. Does anyone have advice on this. I've already paid for Express grading service for my first six coins (inherited a huge non-graded collection) however, I really didn't think much about the mails turnaround times and marked registered mail for the return rout

