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what do you think?

18 posts in this topic

my goal is to get AT into some slabs :P i know a person that can tone a coin where it fooled pcgs.if people want to pay so much its time to get him to work. right now im just trying myself smile.gif


i know that this might upset some but as many "toned" crayola looking coins that people buy has brought this on.


i must know!

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Since you asked... I think wannabe coin doctors are morally repugnant, your experiment's result are equally objectionable, and you should find a better subject for your curiosity....Mike

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thanks mike! i also think that it is wrong to do but i see so many coins with black light paint colors on them it makes me sick. every where ,every post has some sort of colorfull ruined coin. if i didnt see a new colorfull coin a day i wouldnt be so nosey but every day some1 posts a "toned" coin. some of these coins are just tooo new to have such colors but people still buy them smile.gif


im just confused to see people go crazy over a peakok coin but lay an egg on ones i post :P


im just trying to find out about so called toning smile.gif


im not ever going to sell AT nor if it did get by @ grading i would break out and not sell. im not doing it for the money im just curious smile.gif

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I didn't realize that you had done this yourself. In that case, I totally disapprove. I know that it is important to know all about these kinds of things, but you are traversing a dangerous path. Once you have gotten good at this, what is to stop you from deceiving people and making money off of these? Nothing, except your willpower. I've found that when money is involved, that is a poor barrier to evil. Take caution, and stop these experiments.

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i will stop but i have to know. i see colors already in slabs that i have seen on my coins so i need to know why some r in slabs.they cant be natural with those colors due to i kan create the same colors.


i am not a crook nor will i ever be! i make enough money to support 3 families so this as i stated b4 is only to test. i dont like toned coins let alone have my name on a sold toned coin! natural ugly toning is alright in some cases but all the blues and reds and purples dont come that fast unless its man made.


some say its stored in a certin way so i will store some in natural storage(wine celler) in basement and some in the hot tin tool shed.to see what they r speeking of and if they change fast i kan just store them wrong to get it to happen fast. but either way i will find out about how the toning ocures for myself smile.gif and you will never se me buy nor sell a colorfull coin like this.any color other than the color of metal ruins the coins look smile.gif i kant be having that


but to make people feel better i will not try another like this.just storage tests now smile.gif

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I think the coin was over-heated or heated too fast. You turned out mostly a burnt coin. Hey I attepmted to tone a Morgan that had bad hairlines. Not to sell, but to experiment with. It failed, but nonetheless, it was an experiment for my own curiosity. You stated correctly also Ant, I've seen rainbow 2000 series jeffersons on here in slabs to sell. Your experiment is no worse than those!

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thanks boss smile.gif
ant if you don't play with the junk you never know what to look for..I baked a 64 Pr Kennedy to see what would come of it...I was surprised at how much I didn't know..After I was done I put it back into the oven and put it on clean... It is now black,I have it around somewhere..I'll see if I can find it and post a pic.
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