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EAC musings, silverware update, and discourse on edible buffet varieties...

42 posts in this topic

Rumor has it that both Heritage and Goldberg sponsored dinner. Whomever it was, THANK YOU for one heckuva spread. I filled up on the hugest jumbo shrimp I've ever seen, generous heaps of al-fredo, a double helping of beef wellington, crisp fresh veggies in real blue-cheese dressing, tortellini in a light red sauce, and of course an ultra-cameo pile of chocolate mousse on with three pieces of some sort of sweet white-brownie dessert on the side. I believe I ate enough to skip breakfast and lunch tomorrow (but I'm still gonna have a beer). My only (mild) complaint was at dessert time. I couldn't find a cold plate, so I snagged a heated one off one of the entree bars, and it was hot enough to turn the chocolate mousse into chocolate souffle surprise, but hey, I'm not going to fret over free food!


I ate dinner with my good coin friends Rod W. and his wife, and Richard S and his wife. Coincidentally, Mark Borchardt sat at out table along with Rick Gross, but I didn't get an opportunity to talk to them, as Rod kept us entertained with his tales of getting burned on Perth mint Australian sets, and his failed attempt to buy an 1804 silver dollar for $50,000. Also at our table were Jack Beymer, Sondra and their daughter, but they seemed more interested in testing the limits of culinary indulgence than extended conversation wink.gif. Tastee food, and tastee conversation - an unbeatable combination!


The reception was thickly attended, and I saw several Heritage folks, along with a couple of representatives from Goldberg milling about. I did leave about 45 minutes early since I had a kid to pick up, but it was a very enjoyable time had by all.


I arrived at dealer setup and stepped out of my car at the precise moment that the cloudy sky busted open and supplied a plentiful amount of water for my wading pleasure. Furthermore, the ramp that I usually use to run into the convention center (I've set up at this particular venue several times) was closed off, so I had to drag my dolly up a flight of stairs to get to the bourse. After that though, it was smooth sailing, and I had my stuff set up in less than an hour.


Attendance was very light at this point, but that doesn't surprise me, since many dealers (and EAC members) would have been driving in from quite some distance, and I expect Friday to be much busier. I sold one fairly valuable non-copper coin to Harry Labstain, and sold five miscellaneous copper pieces to a couple of other dealers. I'm set up right next to Rod Burress, and we discussed setting up at the ISNA show in the future (Indianapolis).


Labstain spent $625 with me, so I decided to return the favor. I paid a whopping $8 on a 1954-D Franklin to his girlfriend - only to find out that it wasn't even a Labstain coin - it was his neighbors! She had been covering his case while he was out carousing the bourse floor. After really stretching for this purchase, she told me I had an accent and that I talk to fast frown.gif. I told her that she had an accent too, but that I talk fast because I have a lot to say 27_laughing.gif.


I purchased a couple of other coins as well, which I'll image later. But first thing tomorrow, I'm going to track down Hoot and demand an accounting of the silverware he swiped from the reception area....

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I'm going to track down Hoot and demand an accounting of the silverware he swiped from the reception area....


How'd he notice so quickly? yeahok.gif Must have been the clanking of the silverware in my pockets at the "happenings." You did attend the happenings, Mr. Garcia?


I found the dinner a miserable affair, as I had to sit with very nice and affable people who were utterly engaging in conversation - real numismatists, no less, and a former instructor in EAC. All-in-all it made me feel entirely too humble. I hated the food, as it required me to eat too much.


The "Happenings" are quite interesting affairs wherein one signs in, picks up a forms for ranking their favorite five of each of the varieties chosen for cents, half cents, and colonials, then goes to view a collection of each of the varieties. There were six varieties of each denomination. One goes to each collection and views as many coins as are present. Generally, for each variety there were seven to 15 or so pieces. The drool factor was high - some gorgeous coins of both high and low grade. One of the varieties of large cents reviewed was a 1793 Liberty Cap S-12. The coin came with a split obverse die. The coins presented nearly gave me a heart attack; three were of such high grade that I had to overcome my knee-jerk response to dismiss them as counterfeits out of hand. Just amazing pieces. I was also particularly taken with the 1839 N-1 varieties - i.e. 1839, head of 1836. A fabulous transitional variety that I need for my Transitional set.


There will be too many coins to look at and consider here. And to top it off, the JRCS is meeting here with EAC. Great bunch of folks with similar goals and processes as collectors. I have not seen so many "raw" bust coins ever. Stunning.


Now, if only I can find that fast talker with an accent! laugh.gif



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i await your report hoot and james for sat. and sunday 893applaud-thumb.gif


Hey, Michael! You forgot about Friday mad.gif.




I'll try to post more tonight (this being Friday morning), but it depends on what time I can drag myself out of the show. I can promise you this: I will be accumulating evidence in the form of pictures 893whatthe.gif, so good behavior - at least on camera - will be mandatory!


More later....

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Yesterday morning I spent a little more than two hours at the eac grading and counterfeit detection seminar. It was hosted by Doug Bird and Steve Carr (dealer and collector), and it was terrific. I missed the first thirty minutes, but the session was roughly divided into an informal didactic session and a 30-coin grading exercise.


Regrettably, I missed much of the first part, but did sit in on the discussion on market vs. technical vs. eac grading, net grading, cleaning and conserving your coins, avoiding coins with hidden problems, and other meaty topics. There was the expected disdain, if not derision, toward the TPGs and their grading foibles.


Part II consisted of a grading exercise. 30 coins were passed around on trays, and each of the thirty attendees had a minute or so to give a detail grade, net grade, and/or indicate if the coin was authentic. This was a lot of fun and very educational. The first coin I received was a 1799 large cent which I started to grade, realized that there was no way this could be authentic, and called it a fake. The second coin I was given was another 1799 large cent which had a poorly altered date. There was another 1799 that came around later that I figured had to be a fake, but this one appeared to trip up some of the more seasoned collectors. I was dubious that anyone was going to pass around such an expensive coin loose as it was.


Later, I did get tripped up on the 1815 classic head large cent. I go distracted by a large dent in the coin and did not pay attention to the other glaring problem with that coin!


After most of the coins were graded by the attendees, the moderators went around the room and asked the participants to reveal their grades. Some of the more difficult coins were those with nice detail but huge problems. It is hard to be objective with the detail grade when there are huge hits, bruises, color problems, significant porosity/corrosion, etc. Nonetheless, I was surprisingly close to the experts and other participants, and even with my lack of experience in early coppers, was not the outlier on any coin.


I had to scoot out early to make a meeting and plan to return this afternoon. The bourse does not open to the public until tomorrow, but I am looking forward to putting my new grading lessons to work.

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As an EACer not able to attend, I appreciate these posts. Please keep them coming...Mike


Here you go...


I returned this afternoon and spent a few more hours at the EAC convention, entirely on the bourse. The bourse was held in the same large ballroom that houses the local 120 table shows, so this 50 table event seemed rather empty in comparison. That said, the activity on the bourse seemed lively with many coins trading hands. One observation I would add is that I saw a total of two collectors who picked out half cents from a case to look at them (compared to dozens of large cent collectors). If there is an area in early copper that is underappreciated, it has to be half cents.


For me, the highlight of any coin show is meeting with other collectors and forum friends. I met Hoot early on, and he gave me some great perspective and information and nearly goaded me into buying a terrific Chain cent from Doug Bird. It was a problem-free coin on a really nice planchet. I did some of the calculations in my head--then immediately remembered the big hole that used to be my backyard--and realized that Mrs. RYK could not be denied at the expense of a 214 year old piece of base metal!


I also met 1798Collector (Dave), who was set up to sell coins, Regulated who showed me one of the coolest, most storied gold coins I have seen in quite some time, CoinRaritiesOnline (Dave Wnuk) who showed me some very interesting pieces of all metals, James Garcia (EarlyUS--former Jade partner) who had the wildest MPL I have ever seen (and I almost bought a Lincoln! ), and Pistareen, who is clearly wise beyond his years. I heard that BillJones was running around the floor, but did not get to see him.


I also met up with a collector whom I know from several previous shows. Last I saw him, he was at the Atlanta pre-ANA buying a piece from the Duke's Creek sale. We both looked at each other and simultaneously said, "What are you doing here? You don't collect copper!" He, of course, was right, and I was dead wrong. I forgot that he own a SP-65 Chain cent and an MS-68 Red Wreath cent, as well as the finest known 1793 Liberty Cap cent (ex-Garrett?). (I know he reads these boards, so I apologize if I am off with the numbers) Heck, maybe I am off enough that it will convince him to sign up and post!


I ended the afternoon at 1798 Collector's table and, on the sage advice of Pistareen ("If you don't know what you are doing, just spend a lot of money on things that you like and go home and learn about them."), I purchased two coins: one, of course was a 1798 large cent S-165 R4 and the other was an 1837 N4 R2 Tied for #10 on the Condition Census and ex-James Stack. Don't bother asking for photographs because I am afraid to take the coins out of the envelopes! confused-smiley-013.gif

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RYK kindly showed me a 1798 eagle with a breathtaking die-crack on the reverse. Awesome coin in that regard, though he did mention that the coin had a little less crust than he normally prefers on early gold.


I did finally meet the illustrious Mark Hooten (Hoot), and am glad to report that he is not nearly as dangerous around silverware as the persistent rumors would indicate wink.gif. Unfortunately, I had failed to get a ticket to the EAC dinner, and so was unable to attend, but Hoot and I have agreed to try and round up a couple of fellow EACers and take ourselves out to dinner tomorrow night.


I was pleased to be allowed to peruse Hoot's copper collection, and two coins stand out in my mind - his '93 cap, an awesome VG-details (in my opinion) coin with much better surface quality than what's normally seen, and the single WOWest coin in his box (for me), a lovely 1839 Petite-head that displays a fabulous, razor-sharp strike and immaculate eye-appeal. He has the coin graded 58 details, net 55, and I couldn't agree more. It's the kind of coin one can build a collection around.


Hoot was also kind enough to run a couple of my cud-ded large-cents around the bourse floor for opinions on die-state, and we had a lively discussion regarding whether one of my coins displayed an actual cud, or some sort of weird strike-thru effects. Grellman denounced the coin as merely a damaged piece, and frankly, that was my opinion as well, but the majority of other dealers felt the coin had a legitimate cud. I'll post images later.


Bill Jones joined the fray by showing us some excellent images of a few of his coins that he has recently written an article about. He is a storehouse of knowledge, but I think I understood that he plans to scale back his coin dealing activities in the future.


Ken M, who was a long-time grader for one of the well-know grading companies, spent some time at my table. I hadn't seen him in a couple of years, and enjoyed talking with him. I consider Ken another walking near-encyclopedia of knowledge, and he helped me debunk an alleged proof Buffalo nickel that a friend of mine had asked me to get opinions on. I felt the coin was questionable - most likely an altered business-strike, and Ken confirmed this.


Back to copper, I did manage to pick up a couple of pieces, including an 1836 that I haven't attributed yet, but which displays delightful eye-appeal and originality, an 1845 N-9 that is practically flawless for it's VF-30 details grade, and another example of one of my favorite coins, an 1839 Booby head, though only in a lowely VG grade (at best). Other incidental purchases include an 1833 half-dime that is uglier than a slice of molded pepperoni (which is why I like it), 1820 and 1830 bust dimes in low-grades, which will make attributing fun and challenging, an 1822 bust half with luster, and another 1822 with nicely original surfaces and VF detail.


I have targeted some fifty coins in the auction for review, but I was so swamped all day that I never had a chance to grab my bag of Doritos and distribute liberal helpings of Doritos-crumbs on the auction viewing floor (yes, I like to eat while viewing lots, but I seldom accidentally swallow coins). Tomorrow, I am definitely going to view those lots!


I spent some time looking at Denis Loring's bust quarters, and have found three that I really like. He is a total non-slabber. As he explained to me, whenever he buys a slabbed coin, it is only in the slab long enough for him to get home and remove the plastic. It just so happens that I had one Precision Slab Removal Apparatus available, but wasn't able to convince of the need of owning one. For that matter, Hoot didn't buy one either, though he did laugh at the one I had on display. I suppose my asking price of $25 was too much.


More to come tomorrow!

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Today was a good day. I can't say that about many days, but this day was the certain exception. After awakening at the crack of 10 smile.gif, I made my way down to the seminars and listened to Brad Kareloff speak of Incan Gold, Mexican silver, and the early supplies of specie to the mints of the world. Quite interesting, but a sad legacy of human behavior for the sake of conquest.


I eventually made my way to the bourse and found a peculiar man who talks fast and with an odd Colorado accent, a.k.a. James Garcia. An affable fellow, laid back to the point of being laid out, and entirely too trusting with his coins. (I now have several.) I was impressed with James all over again, as he's a very sharp-witted character (unlike TomB) and vastly more likeable than his coins - odd but true.


James was a bit busy so I left my coins with him (everyone needs a good laugh now and then) and went to make the final payment on my 1793 Liberty Cap cent. That's where SageRad (a.k.a. RYK) scared the wits our of me by sneaking up to me from my rear left. (He probably didn't realize that I nearly stabbed him with my hand Swiss Army knife.) He and I had a great conversation wherein I learned that though he is ready and willing to purchase old gold, he's scared to death of making a reasonable copper purchase, such as a perfect S-4 Chain cent in high fine condition. He used the word "goaded" in his post above, but truly understated my prodding.


The remarkable thing about both James and SageRad is that they are locals for this show! St. Louis has a couple of excellent people, I'm now sure.


I went to another seminar entitled "A penny Saved is a Penny Got - Ben Franklin's Numismatic Contributions," by Frank Noel. Just superb. I also held my first Continental dollar at that seminar and mysecond Libertas Americana original. Unbelieveably sweet pieces. We had met at last year's ANA seminars, and spoke of the early development of the effigy of Liberty a bit. With this kind of history, the hobby truly comes alive.


I went back to the bourse and tried to find 1798Collector who had just left for another seminar. I then turned to Charlie Davis who had a few great books left. I ended up purchasing two books: A hardback edition of Roger Cohen's half cent auction catalog with original photographic plates, and the second a rare book entitled The Art and Craft of Coinmaking: A History of Minting Technology, by Denis Cooper. The catalog was one of those that Cohen's wife had recently owned and was in perfect shape. The book is unique and like no other treatment of the subject, describing the minting process of the most primitive form through the middle ages, and into modern day. These were two pieces of literature superb finds, but expensive. I just love books as much, if not more, than coins. blush.gif


I went with a large group of EACers to Washington University for a visit to the Eric P. Newman museum followed by dinner. At the museum, we saw many things, including a full proof set of aluminum patterns from circa 1870 (can't recall the exact date). Simply extraordinary. We also saw the unique gold 1792 Washington penny that's said to have been Washington's own pocket piece. The piece has not auctioned since 1890, so it's value is not well determined. We also had the treat of having Eric Newman speak for a half hour or so. An amazing man at the age of 96, and deeply a historian and numismatist. Extraordinary.


After dinner I had the pleasure of speaking with 1798Collector, at last. What a pleasant gentleman he is and a truly empassioned collector and budding dealer. His former life with was fractional gold, and he still deals in the tiny pieces. Tomorrow he promises me to show off some of his 1798 Condition Census cents!


I've met many extraordinary people here and they are very friendly and generous with conversation. This is a good and welcoming bunch of people whom it's an honor to be associated with.


Perhaps I'll buy a coin tomorrow! smile.gif



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I learned that though he is ready and willing to purchase old gold, he's scared to death of making a reasonable copper purchase, such as a perfect S-4 Chain cent in high fine condition. He used the word "goaded" in his post above, but truly understated my prodding.


Okay, perhaps goading was the wrong word choice. Coaxing may not be correct, either. Hoot's advice was well-intentioned and well-received. Nonetheless, I am still thinking about that coin and how I have always wanted one and how I can return to the show later today and buy it.


One thing that I have learned in my short but intense numismatic career:


If you cannot get a coin out of your mind and it is something you have always wanted, if you can afford it, BUY IT!


Hopefully, I can get back to the show today. wink.gif

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Well, I returned to the show today with my son, with the intent of buying the Chain cent. I had James offer his opinion, and he liked it. Hoot still liked it, and after an extensive negotiation with Hoot (not the seller wink.gif ), I was able to purchase it. This fulfills a lifelong coin dream for me. smile.gif


I must add that the dealers were extremely gracious and generous with my son, Jack. One gave him an 1838 large cent, and others gave him various other trinkets. He was the only YN in the house while we were there.


I enjoyed once again seeing Hoot, James, and 1798CentCollector.

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This was quite an extraordinary day for me. Too much to tell. However, seeing SageRad and his son was at the top of the list for fun, and I was more than a little impressed with SageRad Jr.'s enthusiasm for coins. If each of us had such enthusiasm, there'd hardly be elbow room in this hobby - a great boy! (Not a bad dad too. wink.gif) And the chain cent - oh my, my, my.......


James sold me an 1833 half cent today that I liked and he wasn't so taken with. I sold him my 1794 S-21 that I want to upgrade. (It's a fabulous variety that has the head of 1794 (by Robert Scot) and the reverse of 1793 (by Joseph Wright). It's the only head of '94 variety with the reverse of '93. Cool coin.


I later had the pleasure and delight of going to the University area of St. Louis with James and eating dinner at a Lebanese restaurant. cloud9.gif Man-O-Man the food was good, but it made my innards groan quite a bit - it was worth it!!! Afterward, we went to the EAC auction and our jaws dropped with the prices realized. The auction included 16 (pedegreed!) electrotype pieces of some rather famous 1793 cents. They went for as much as 3 grand!!! None went for less than 1.5 grand! Amazing. All prices were very strong across all grades for even the most common varieties. Some coins, however, did not make their reserve, so I think that good prices were anticipated.


Back to the show... Though I would have liked to, I did not attend any of the excellent seminars today. However, I perused quite a few coins, talked with many, many people (met Conder101 - a very affable and humorous fellow!), and got author/photographers and owners of coins in the new book "Provenance Gallery of the Year 1794" to sign my book. It was great fun and made for some fabulous conversation. I met "BigMoose" in the course of this and had a grand conversation. He's an amazing collector, and owns cents that most of us would die for (many of which are worth more than my entire collection). I got to hold a couple of CC#1 1794 pieces!


I also visited John Kraljevich today (whom I had had some great conversations with yesterday) and he showed me the colonial coins in the upcoming Stack's sale. Absolutely unreal. These included a Hogg Island shilling, two Higley coppers (one of which is a recently discovered unique specimen), and a continental dollar. I was mesmerized by the coins.


I purchased only one other coin - a 344-336 BC bronze piece that is quite thick (about 3/8 inch), and about the diameter of a Sac dollar. (Excellent sling-shot material.) The coin has Minerva on the obverse and two dolphins/porpoises on the reverse flanking a sunburst, and with two stars overhead. The coin is extremely cool, and beats the PanPac $50 pieces to heck. (It was cheaper too!) Oh, I almost forgot that I purchased a very pretty 1845 N-5 MS64BN cent for a client - quite pretty.


BTW, yesterday I met Bill Jones who had brought with him his "body bagged" cents. All I can say is "go figure." The coins are easily as nice as any in NGC or PCGS holders, if not nicer (likely why they got BB'd).


Oh! I also got to check out 1798collector's "new" 1798 cent! I can't recall the variety, but the piece is spectacular and ranks #2 in the CC for the variety. A superb EF40 A+ example. I hope he'll post it here.


All-in-all, perhaps the best day I've had at a show.



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It took a lot of willpower to drag myself out of bed this morning, but I managed, and hopefully, I can now manage to assemble a couple of coherent sentences. We were out much too late last night partying it up at the EAC auction. Man, what a show! What an auction!


I'll come back to that shortly. I was glad to finally establish a friendship with Hoot, and I must say that he has a much less threatening persona than has been rumored on the boards. I found that there is only limited danger in having him around silverware. As long as food comes with the silverware, all is well. We went to Saleem's, a Lebanese restaurant down on the U-City (University City) loop. The loop is THE popular hangout for the younger crowd in St. Louis, and though we had little time for sightseeing, I did get to point out the Tivoli, Blueberry Hill, and the Walk of Fame to Mark. Weather was extraordinary - 78 degrees of brilliant sunshine, a light, balmy breeze and dinner on the sidewalk. We ruminated over the meaning of life, the diabolical influence of organized sports on the country's youth, and even managed to solve several of the world's problems, all while enjoying garlic-laden hummus and generous portions of cous-cous.


We got back to the hotel just in time to find a couple of EAC members who were more lost than we were and had no clue where the auction was being held. Fortunately, Cindy Grellman was in the house, and kindly led us to our intended destination. This auction represented an interesting dichotomy of results. A surprisingly large number of coins were passed "to the book" - which means they weren't sold - despite frequently advancing well beyond the max I might have paid. I guess it's possible that someone put a bunch of coins in the sale with insane reserves just for the purpose of feeling out the market, because several of those passed pieces were at multiples of what I thought was retail value. On the other hand, the coins that did sell sold for VERY V-E-R-Y STRONG money. Anyone who tells you a coin "must" be in a slab to sell for top dollar is full of, uh, digested oatmeal. To give you a flavor of how strong the sale was, I had forty-five coins on my hit list, and I ended up winning exactly: 1 of them - the cheapest one (a cleaned coin at that). I was so desparate that toward the very end of the sale, I just picked a lot of coins and threw up my hand until I won it - and it wasn't even something I had looked at! So there will be a surprise waiting for me today, I am sure, but doggone it, I wasn't about to have just spent four hours in a room filled with drooling, copper-crazed maniacs and have nothing to show for it!


Being used to market-caliber auctions, the pace was slower than I'm used to, but Denis Loring and Chuck Heck made the time spent there worthwhile. I truly enjoyed the injections of humor, as well as some of the bantering that went back and forth. EAC has gone high-tech - they are actually entering bids into a computer now (a laptop at that)! We didn't roll out of there until close to midnight, and that's why I'm a little sluggish this morning.


Sales on the floor were very good, and I am well over my expectations for the show. I'll post more details later.


As Hoot and RYK alluded to earlier, the purchase of the show by far was Robert's acquisition of an absolutely gorgeous Chain Cent which Doug Bird had recently acquired. Incredibly, he also had a matching Wreath cent avaialable. I suggested to Robert that the Chain had 12 points of detail, and would net down to a VG-10 due to a minor rim bump and a couple of trivial circulation marks, but the coin is a WOW-caliber piece struck on a fabulous planchet. To my relief, Doug gave precisely the same evaluation, so perhaps my grading skills are finally starting to develop. If I only could have sold more buffalo nickels and state quarters at the show, I would have made a down-payment on the Wreath!


I'm proud of Robert for stepping up and reeling in a coin of that caliber, and I hope he'll discuss it more shortly. The price was strong in terms of what price-guides show, but in my opinion, it was truly a bargain. You simply DO NOT SEE problem-free Chains in that kind of grade on the market.


I'm getting ready to haul myself back to the show, but I will try to post more tonight, and for sure will include images tomorrow (some pretty good ones!)

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The purchase of the Chain cent certainly fulfills a numismatic objective that I have had for at least 30 years. Since I was a boy, I had always wanted one. This coin, IMO, was as nice a coin as I could expect to obtain. I was attracted to the strong legends and date, relatively problem-free planchet, and nice color. The portrait has that eerie/spooky appearance that is often seen in 1793 cents at this grade level, and the chain itself is very strong.


It was very helpful for me to have the expertise of James and Hoot advising on the purchase. Were it not for this, I doubt that I would have stepped up to the plate.


I posted some of my lame photos of the coin ATS, and they really do not do the coin justice. James offered to image it for me, and I hope to take him up on this offer at some point when our schedules allow.

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Sounds like a like of fun, guys! I'm glad you all had a good time, and managed to find some coins to your liking.

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Rumor was that the consignor of most of the passed coins came into the auction in (literally) the final hour and presented the auctioneers with the reserves. I understand that certain parties weren't exactly delighted by the high level of them.


I forgot to mention the stunning prices paid for museum-caliber Reiver electrotypes (not made by Reiver, but owned by him). These were visually astounding pieces that would have fooled most novice collectors, though the more jaded collector would have realized that coins of those "grades" (commercial MS-67 RB chains and wreaths, MS-60 Liberty caps) are of the utmost rarity, and something must be amiss. But I am not kidding, these "fakes" brought more money than what you could buy a genuine coin for (albeit in a much lower grade). We're talking $3000, $4000 dollars! Hoot and I found ourselves gasping frequently at these and other extreme prices (and you were wondering what that hissing sound was).


Sadly, 1798collector was called away on a matter of personal business and had to leave the show early. I was unfortunately allotted an opportunity only to be introduced and shake hands, and to offer some words of encouragement. I eagerly look forward to spending more time with him and Hoot in the future. Rumor has it that EAC plans to hold a convention in Bozeman, Montana in 2156, by which time Lincoln cents will be considered "early copper".


The show petered out rather quickly after mid-morning today, so I began packing up around 11:30. Hoot and I got back together for awhile to discuss future plans, and that also gave me a chance to show him some coins from my personal 7070 set of toned coins, which I very seldom show to others. They are rather personal in nature to me, but I've posted a couple of them here on the boards in the past. In all seriousness, I had a blast enjoying much of the EAC experience with Mark Hooten, and I am delighted to have secured a good friendship with him. He is every bit the collector and numismatist that his forum persona presents.


From the standpoint of buying, the show was a near-disaster for me. I spent a solid 1 1/2 hours at the auction viewing looking at lots, and had 37 picked out as coins of interest. Another 3 1/2 hours at the actual auction yields FIVE hours of time spent in buying mode, and all I have to show for it is one miserable 1802 large-cent - the cheapest coin on my list at $160 (and not even a very nice coin). I expect to make ten dollars on it, thus yielding a salary of $2 per hour.


And you think coin dealers are making money hand over fist? 27_laughing.gif


From a selling standpoint, I would characterize the show as "very-fine plus" in numismatic terms. I will provide intricate details tomorrow after I've had a chance to update my ledger. In addition, I will post all my images, and close out my final comments on EAC 2007.

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Photography is not my strength, and the image of the Chain cent is subpar and not representative of the coin in-hand. I did get a slightly better image of the 1837 large cent (see attached).


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Prior to an EAC convention, the host hotel must be prepped for the arrival of a bunch of wild and crazy guys. This upper-story window is being prepared for installation of bars. None can be allowed to escape!




Disguised as a hotel groundskeeper, an EAC member uses a camouflaged metal detector to look for coins hidden deep in the ground.



Not to be outdone, "Brickman", another incognito EAC member, sweeps the grounds for any old copper coins that might have been buried sometime long ago.



Success! Here are three old quarters that were dug up from the grounds outside the hotel.




Here is how the bourse looked on Friday - pretty lively!




Mark Hooten practices the skills he learned in a Third Party Grading seminar, and demonstrates the "1/2 second per coin" rule used in grading early coins. He says that this coin grades MS-69, shot 70.



Steve Butler ponders the skyrocketing values shown in the last issue of Coin Values.



Some of James_EarlyUS' goodies:





Rod Burress enjoys a Pepsi and a slize of pizza while catching up on the latest sports news (the Cardinals lost to the stinking Cubs the night before). In the background, anticipating a future career as a door-to-door computer laptop salesman, Harry Laibstain explains to another dealer the advantages of carrying a laptop around to coin shows. "For one thing," explains Harry, "MicroSoft has improved the solitaire game, and Windows Vista has come a long way since MS-DOS." Harry is also known to sell a coin or two at shows.



Proving that the hand really is quicker than the eye, Jack Beymer demonstrates the proper technique of using the five-finger discount to save big money on coins. Hey Jack! Come back with those coins! Quick, someone call security!



Jack's wife Sondra, and their lovely daughter Laurel, wonder where all those extra coins in Jack's case came from.



As if on cue, some EAC members strike various typical coin poses.



Robert Kanterman (SageRad) notices some old coppers loose on James' table, and asks if there are any trays of unsearched Dahlonega gold coins that he can look through.



Feeding time? No, it's just the lot-viewing table.




Collector Pat Devine talks to Rick Raaf of Scotsman Coin about consigning some of his valuables to an upcoming auction. Rick insists that Pat sign the contract in blood. Lying on the table between them is my last available Precision Slab Removal Apparatus - a show special at just $25. Rick thought my price was a little steep, considering that Lowe's sells the exact same model for just five dollars, but at least mine comes with the "James Garcia" pedigree!



Jamey the half-cent collector asks a passerby how she thinks coins in the auction will do. She merely points to the sky.



Striking a pose seen throughout the evening, auctioneer Denis Loring predicts the level that bids for the next coin will achieve.



Why worry?



Denis Loring's arm became numb from holding it up so many times, so Chuck Heck takes over the auctioneer's duties.



Chuck does his best Denis Loring impersonation.



Midway through his stint, Chuck begins to complain that he feels like his arm is going to fall off.



Intermission at the EAC auction. Off to the right, Rod Widok wonders how they are going to sew Chuck's arm back on.



Proving that the EAC is a progressive organization, and not about to be left behind, a laptop is now used to record auction bids! Does anyone know how to turn this thing on?



Is this the line for the bathroom?



Key members of the EAC pose for the upcoming "Men of the EAC" swimsuit calendar. Thankfully, most of them forgot their swimsuits.





Aftermath of the EAC convention on Sunday:



Now that everyone has left, Rod Widok figures this is a good time to stock up on light bulbs.



A few dealers hold on 'til the bitter end. Off to the right, Jack Beymer cackles contentedly as he adds quite a few coins to his already-impressive inventory. And the coins didn't even cost him anything - a very, very good show indeed!


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James, I wanted to wait until all of the reports were in before I commented, but first, I have a few questions:


I'm surprised that you didn't remind this EAC member that he left the door to the vault ajar. Were you plotting some skullduggery?

Disguised as a hotel groundskeeper, an EAC member uses a camouflaged metal detector to look for coins hidden deep in the ground.



Is that a coin watch that Mark is wearing? Do you think we should take up a collection and buy Mark a shirt since the airline lost his luggage?

Mark Hooten practices the skills he learned in a Third Party Grading seminar, and demonstrates the "1/2 second per coin" rule used in grading early coins. He says that this coin grades MS-69, shot 70.



I thought this was about Early American Copper. Why do you have all of those bright, white coins at your table? Were they freebies to lure customers?

Some of James_EarlyUS' goodies:



I want to thank James, Mark and Robert for their wonderful and informative updates. It would be nice to be able to afford to travel to all of the shows, but since that is impossible for me, this is the next best thing. thumbsup2.gifthumbsup2.gifthumbsup2.gifthumbsup2.gif




PS. I rate this thread ********************

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