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Ostromecki Editorial

14 posts in this topic

I'm surprised no one's bothered to start a thread about this already, but did anyone else happen to read Walter Ostromecki's editorial in last week's Coin World? It was like 3 times as long as a normal op-ed, but they printed it in its entirety. I must admit it was pretty scatheing towards Cipoletti and the rest of the board, though unfortunately not surprising. I can't wait for the next episode in this soap opera when the ANA folks respond to him. Anyone else have any thought?

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"Double secret probation" seems like a better solution than expulsion. I'd say more, but I'm bound by an ironclad confidentiality agreement and don't want to risk revocation of my ANA membership.

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I only have a print copy since I don't have an online subscription. You can probably find a copy at a coin shop or your local library.

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No one in this whole deal has any backbone. ESPECIALLY the life member who resigned because of the naming of the library thing and is now back in the ANA. What a whimp!





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After reading both Ostromecki's and the ANA's missives on what took place, I am more sympathetic to the board's position.


Ostromecki characterizes his missteps as "rookie mistakes" and there's no doubt some truth to that. But assuming the ANA's retelling is not completely fabricated, I think they are somewhat justified in taking the action they did.


I had always thought that a 7-0 vote to remove him had to mean something. It couldn't have been just a couple people with a personal vendetta. I won't say that I think the board had no choice but to oust him, but there appeared to be plenty of problems.


The most troubling thing to me is that both sides are now saying "here's the entire story that couldn't be told before", and the two stories still have plenty of discrepancies between them.


He could run again next time and probably win, and things would be a lot better with a fresh start.

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After reading both of the "stories" I tend to side with the guy that got bammed. He went much further into details while the other guy was very vague.


I do know that when I get a ballot in the mail next time it won't be going in the trash can as usual. I'll be voting and there won't be an incumbent get my vote.

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Agreed, it's not an open-and-shut case. It's just a mess.


Greg, I re-read the articles (in Numismatic News) written by both sides and I regret I do not know how to even summarize the details. It's quite long and convoluted. The core issue is that the ANA board booted Ostromecki for breaking the confidentiality agreement surrounding board actions, specifically the Cliff Mishler situation regarding a donation to the ANA Museum. Ostromecki did communicate with others on the subject, but denies he did anything meriting getting the boot.

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