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1970 S large date ddo/ddr RD uncirculated cent
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Your photos are no where good enough to say much, the best I can tell from looking at the "I" in Liberty you do not.   You will need much better well cropped and in focus photos for any meaningful determination.   This DDO has a very minor spread.

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Q.A.:  Any early returns on that '70-S cent ddo/ddr by double ddo?

🐓  :  Yes sir, one: the ddo/ddr by double ddo is preliminarily a dodo/dud.

Q.A.:  What's that supposed to be, funny?

🐓  :  No sir.  Humor on the Forum, whether latent or blatant, is expressly forbidden.  :busy:

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Thank you Henri , I didn't expect a reply like that from someone who is supposedly a professional & a expert in coin collecting. May I ask, was you a beginner at one time? Just curious. At least I know one person who is not in a new collectors corner. Please do not respond to any of my future post. Good luck 

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On 9/13/2024 at 10:11 PM, double ddo said:

May I ask, was you a beginner at one time?

We were all a beginner at one time, no? Henri is harmless and has a lets just say unique way of responding to topics. It is hard to say to someone in a public forum that they are not allowed to comment on something, a difficulty present with all social media/public forums. There is a blocking feature if you are truly disturbed.

That said, I also agree that your provided photos are not exactly clear enough to tell of conditions on either the obverse or reverse. The FS-101 in Variety Plus is for a DDO for this date and mintmark and the doubling is very clearly evident in LIBERTY and IN GOD WE TRUST for this year, large date and mintmark. I noted immediately your mention of a combo DDO/DDR which I have not been able to locate anywhere even on Wexlers which has over 50 DDO minor varieties and a few DDR but none with both.

That leads me to believe that you are then probably seeing some form of either strike doubling or die deterioration doubling.

You could provide better photos that are more clear as well as closeups of some of the critical areas needed to determine what variety it possibly could be such as closeups of the legend and motto and date. With better photos we might be able to see what you are seeing with the coin in hand.

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On 9/13/2024 at 11:11 PM, double ddo said:

Thank you Henri.

I didn't expect a reply like that from someone who is supposedly a professional & a expert in coin collecting.

May I ask, was you a beginner at one time? Just curious.

At least I know one person who is not in a new collectors corner....

Not a pro; not an expert. I do not have to be one to merely repeat an exchange I overheard on a crosstown bus.

Let's not shoot the messenger from Western Union with a telegram from the War Department.

Contrary to how others may feel, I stand squarely behind the new collector in all matters numismatic.  So much so, in fact, I was deported several times. [My detractors can attest to that.]

If you can, provide additional photos and wait for an expert to weigh in.  As always, I will keep my ears open to pick up any chatter.

On the strength!  :makepoint:   doh!   :facepalm:

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On 9/14/2024 at 10:17 PM, Just Bob said:

No, he really isn’t. This isn’t the first time he has responded to a newbie’s question in a manner that offends or upsets them, and several  have never returned. And, who knows how many experienced collectors, researchers, authors, and dealers who, by the way, could add so much positive information and insight to this forum, refuse to post here any longer because of him?


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On 9/14/2024 at 11:17 PM, Just Bob said:

No, he really isn’t. This isn’t the first time he has responded to a newbie’s question in a manner that offends or upsets them, and several  have never returned. And, who knows how many experienced collectors, researchers, authors, and dealers who, by the way, could add so much positive information and insight to this forum, refuse to post here any longer because of him?

Others, including myself have brought up this topic before. He believes his post are funny and within the rules. Many have left this site because of him and won't be back. The mods must feel that no rules have been broken. In a way we should be thankful for the freedom we have here. Most other coin sites are not as kind. 

There is always the ignore feature but I don't care for it. It's not that hard to just skip over something you don't care to read. 

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On 9/15/2024 at 12:17 AM, Just Bob said:

No, he really isn’t. This isn’t the first time he has responded to a newbie’s question in a manner that offends or upsets them, and several  have never returned. And, who knows how many experienced collectors, researchers, authors, and dealers who, by the way, could add so much positive information and insight to this forum, refuse to post here any longer because of him?

Excusez-moi, but does the gentleman hailing from the Magnolia State have a REPLY TO THIS TOPIC or, barring that, would he care to substantiate the outrageous conjecturing he is given to making as unassailable assertion -- IN THE APPROPRIATE FORUM.

Absolutely unacceptable how members who ought to know better carry on like disgruntled ex-employees in of all places a new member's thread.  By long-standing tradition those who wish to carouse are free to do so on the Water Cooler Forum. No member, regardless of seniority, may disrupt or derail another member's thread and, most egregiously, to pursue a personal vendetta or agenda.

My apologies to the OP.  The Forum has never been in better shape than it's been in right now.



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On 9/16/2024 at 7:43 PM, Just Bob said:

I will be happy to substantiate - right here.

#1 This OP thought you were accusing her of trying to fool members:

You: "Respectfully, my provisional assessment:  Dodo.

Translation:  Ain' nobody gonna try to pull the wool over my eyes with a DDL, i.e., not a doubled-die obverse; not a motto; only a single letter of a name.  I ain' havin' it.  However, being a reasonable person possessed of sound mind, I am open to plausible alibis." 

Her response:  "sorry not tryin to fool no one just asking ?"


#2 Here is one where you blew off a lady who had asked about a coin she found. She never returned.:

"The coin is practically 50 years old.  Here, do what I do and dispense with all the endless scrutiny of a product of modern machinery churning out stuff expeditiously under tons of pressure involving moving parts;.

Case closed.


#3 Here is another one like the one above. This poster hasn't responded, either. You think these are funny, but to a newbie who is just looking for some help with a coin, these can be perceived as a rude brush-off:


"Sorry, time-barred by the 25-year Statute of Limitations.

Mon dieu!  A gouge -- a laceration -- on a cent that's been in regular circulation for 32 years.  What would you expect?

No scarface.

No die break.


You don't think you can duplicate this feat at home in mere seconds?


Bailiff!  Next case, please..."

#4 This newbie was apparently confusing wear, bagmarks, and weak strike on coins he had seen and a coin he thought might be mint state:

"Wear. WEAR!!!  FULL-STOP!  That four-letter word is not even applicable to ANY of the eleven grades that comprise the Mint State series."

The OP's response:

"Henri, Thanks for taking the time to make a new guy feel like an insufficiently_thoughtful_person. Bye "

("insufficiently-thoughtful-person" is the NGC modification of the word "i d i o t."  According to his words, YOU made this new poster feel like an insufficiently_thoughtful_person.)

#5 A re-post of the response above by the OP:

Thank you Henri , I didn't expect a reply like that from someone who is supposedly a professional & a expert in coin collecting. May I ask, was you a beginner at one time? Just curious. At least I know one person who is not in a new collectors corner. Please do not respond to any of my future post. Good luck


There are probably more, but that should be enough for everyone to get the picture. The posts that you think are funny, and that members (myself included) know are in jest, are often misunderstood by newbies who do not know you. And that is made all the more sad by the fact that you are the one who has pointed out the "waving hand" that signifies a new poster, and declared that members should be more accommodating and understanding.

As far as a "personal vendetta or agenda," I have none, but I will repeat what I said to you back in 2021: 

"Although I will admit to being nice, I don't recall ever having suggested that "we all just try to get along." In fact, I do not feel that way at all. There are definitely posters on here, past and present, with whom I did/do not get along, and there are undoubtedly some who feel the same about me. I have no problem calling out, arguing with, chastising, ignoring, or refusing to respond to anyone who comes on here and tries to push misinformation, lead newbies astray, act stupid, or otherwise make a nuisance of themselves. And, I certainly expect others to do the same to me."


I get that you are old and in bad health, and that you use humor as a way to cope. Unfortunately, newbies often don't get it. And what you find funny, others may find annoying, disruptive, rude, or hurtful. I also get that you think that you are always right and everyone who disagrees with you is wrong; that is human nature. But consider this: how many people have placed you on "ignore" and how many times have you been suspended from this forum because of the things that you post?


The second part of my post was not an assertion, but a question, but I will address it, also. Larry has stated more than once that he knows former members who will no longer post here, and have evidently given your posts as the reason, or possibly one of the reasons, that they choose to stay away. I also know of several. I will not name names.

 Honestly, I think that if my posts upset multiple newbies, and multiple members had complained about my posts, and multiple members were skipping over or ignoring my posts, and I had been suspended multiple times because of my posts, and my posts were keeping quality members from participating in this forum, I might see a pattern emerging. I believe I might have to take a step back and ask myself if my posts might be the problem, instead of everyone else.



This is so laughable that I will only reply with these two words: pot/kettle.


This sentence is so, so wrong. The quality of posts and the number of quality posters has gone way down from the way it once was. You were not around fifteen years ago, so there is no way you can know what it was like then, unless you go back and read all of the threads from that time. Even then, you will never get the feel of the atmosphere. The names of many members read like a Who's-Who of numismatics, and the forum wasn't dominated by threads about parking lot coins and other "errors." There was also a lot more bickering back then, possibly because of the overabundance of dominant personality types. But it was, in every way, in much better shape.

Sounds like I prefer it the way it is now. PCGS has too much garbage, and CoinTalk is loaded with egomaniacal “moderation” (as if…).

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On 9/16/2024 at 6:48 PM, VKurtB said:

Sounds like I prefer it the way it is now. PCGS has too much garbage, and CoinTalk is loaded with egomaniacal “moderation” (as if…).

I don’t know. You probably would not have gotten along with everyone, but you also could have been a good fit. Sure there were some egos, but not as much as you might think. And, you know many of the former members personally, I’m sure. Guys like Skip, Tom Delorey, John Feigenbaum, Bruce Morelan, etc. And there were almost no “ how much is my error coin worth?” posts.

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On 9/16/2024 at 7:57 PM, Just Bob said:

I don’t know. You probably would not have gotten along with everyone, but you also could have been a good fit. Sure there were some egos, but not as much as you might think. And, you know many of the former members personally, I’m sure. Guys like Skip, Tom Delorey, John Feigenbaum, Bruce Morelan, etc. And there were almost no “ how much is my error coin worth?” posts.

Skip’s insistence on promoting fluorescent light for examining coins drove me straight up the wall. It really got under my skin. In fact, it still does. 

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On 9/16/2024 at 9:01 PM, powermad5000 said:


I wish to stay out of this discussion as I respectfully decline to get caught up in it. I'm just not here for that. That said, QA cannot be blamed for these two things. These things came from shiesters and scammers that made YouTube videos purporting on how you can get rich with your pocket change that is loaded with error coins and is merely a pitch for their garbage they are selling on eBay and elsewhere for astronomical money. These same fly by nighters got hold of a few coin terms and turned a tiny die chip into a major numismatic auction shattering event the likes nobody has ever seen. These posts and threads did not pop up here because he drove people off the platform. They popped up because it is a sickness now festering in the hobby that is going to be extremely difficult if not impossible to eradicate started by people who only have a drive to get rich quick and turn into a lump because they no longer work.

That is all I have to say here. Carry on.

I did not blame him, nor did I imply that he was the cause of these posts. I was merely pointing out the differences between then and now. 
I have always been of the opinion that this obsession with “different” coins and the notion that they are worth lots of money has its roots in Ken Potter’s “Strike it Rich With Pocket Change” book. I am not blaming him for all of these posts, but I do think that the idea that errors and varieties are all around us began with that book and others like it.


My apologies to the OP for taking this thread way off course. I have said my piece, and I am done.



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On 9/16/2024 at 11:14 PM, Just Bob said:

I did not blame him, nor did I imply that he was the cause of these posts. I was merely pointing out the differences between then and now. 
I have always been of the opinion that this obsession with “different” coins and the notion that they are worth lots of money has its roots in Ken Potter’s “Strike it Rich With Pocket Change” book. I am not blaming him for all of these posts, but I do think that the idea that errors and varieties are all around us began with that book and others like it.


My apologies to the OP for taking this thread way off course. I have said my piece, and I am done.



I think you have nailed the perpetrator of the problem; it IS Ken. I wonder why he continues to be allowed numerous column inches in numismatic hard copy publications. He’s stinking omnipresent. I think publications are so freakin’ desperate for articles that they’ll willingly shower accolades on the most harmful garbage. When you compare that harm, Quintus and/or Henri show up as far LESS HARMFUL than Ken’s influence in the field at large. 

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The little-known TRUTH is @RWB blew my cover and used his dog whistle to lay bare my diabolical plot for the whole world to see.  He pointed his finger and raised a hue and cry refusing to accept Henri, blatantly addressing me as Quintus. My cover, exposure of which was inevitable, was blown prematurely.

You see, much of the mischievous antics Quintus Arrius and Ricky (🐓 ) engage in routinely, are misattributed to me.  I do not speak for them. They do not speak for me.  I simply report on their activities for the perceived benefit of the congregation.

I leave it to the reader to decide whether they are amusing, insulting or instructive. And Moderation, ever-vigilant, is there to screen content and does an enviable job.  Honestly, I cannot see how anyone could take those two seriously. My greatest coup, which will go down in the annals of NGC chat board history occurred when a senior member demanded a retraction for something Ricky, said!  That put me in the awkward position of having to bring to that very popular numismatist's attention that he was addressing a mere figment of imagination.

Man, I love this place!  :roflmao:  

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