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Banned By PCGS

45 posts in this topic

Hello NGC, Where do I sign up?


Some of you may or may not know me but my name is David and am known on the message boards as Dakra. I collect Peace Dollars, Jeffersons, Lincolns, Washingtons and Roosevelts. As I complete these sets I plan to continue to collect other great coins.


I accept free coins. So if you have coins that you don't want, just send them my way smile.gif





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Maybe I am missing something here, why were you banned? Greg, even though I disagree with him getting banned I can understand it given some of the things he has said.

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I have been banned many many times but I am learning now. The policy they have over at PCGS is akin to communism. Freedom of speach is not the rule. To much of a power struggle over there. Here you can conform but I still see others getting away with words that I would have been banned for. Don't stick your neck out to far they will chop your head off.



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Congrats on being banned at PCGS! I would consider it a badge of honor! If I hadn't left of my own choosing back in December, I have no doubt that I would have been among the first to be banned under the new edicts from der furher. That said, welcome to this side of the street, please leave any cups of kool-aid at the door!

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Well, as a fellow baneee (admitedly for some of negative commentary on the open forum at CU), I find the banning of anyone who disagrees with PCGS SHAMEFUL. As collectors (iindependent of personalities and personas on "open" discussion), we have a right to act as comsumers. Diasgreeing with "company policy" is tradition in the United States---basically, the consumerist attitude prevails.


CU did NOTHING to discourage the forums from becoming an openly hostile place to post. IN FACT, I feel that they promoted said hostility by not attempting to have a uniform policy towards every poster. Messages that in any way questioned the policies or marketing strategies of the COMPANY were deleted, and individuals who were deemed "obnoxious" were gratuitously banned, without warning.


As one who did cross the line several times, but as a good CUSTOMER of both NGC and PCGS (I DO own many of both company's slabs), I find it reprehensible that Gereg, and some of the others may have been banned for debating company policy and integrity. After all , it is a free country---if one doesn't like a Chevy, then one is free to buy a Ford. Likewise, the same holds true for collectible authenticating and grading services.


PCGS, you are acting in bad faith, and will lose busniness for your actions.

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You'll like it at the Water Cooler. There's a lot of brother liberals floating around, and as long as you don't cuss, they'll let you troll all you want.

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I think I shall stay out of any open political discussions, and stick to the coin hobby here. Politics got me into trouble there, and I shall avoid the controversy that went on there, over here.



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I think I shall stay out of any open political discussions, and stick to the coin hobby here. Politics got me into trouble there, and I shall avoid the controversy that went on there, over here.



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Why was I banned? It must be David Hall's time of the month. I know my last posting was based on a Def Comedy Jam (?) skit but I can't say it was any worse than David Hall posting a message asking the message board "Should I let Ms. Know-it-all have it?" in regards to Laura@Legend. The messages prior to that were discussions on webpages.


Personally, I think what they did was cowardly. They never gave me an explaination, never gave me a warning, they(Carol) haven't even responded to my inquiry about the situation.


I enjoyed the PCGS board, I picked up a good deal of information, shared some information, had fun, passed time, passed gas.... I will miss being part of the board but hopefully I can pick up where I left off here.



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Personally, I think what they did was cowardly. They never gave me an explaination, never gave me a warning, they(Carol) haven't even responded to my inquiry about the situation.


Agreed. Someone there should have at least had the courage to contact anyone they had a problem with. I've been a member over there for 2.5 years and a PCGS customer for 16+ years. Both came to an abrupt halt yesterday. And to think that David Hall came up to me and shook my hand and said "nice to meet you" a few weeks back at Long Beach.


Oh well, it's comfy over here. Lots of good posters, friendly and helpful staff, and I like a lot of the features of this software better.

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Greg, about your sig line... I think a lot of us can use shirts like that. Those of us in the PCGS fingerprint club.


I agree, the way they went about banning the two of you was very cowardly. I think it's almost like DH had a vendetta against you and just decided to act. I don't know if you've visited the boards in the last few hours, but you can see that it's turning into a bunch of crickets chirping.



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I also have a submission in there, so I have just gone silent over there. I really do believe this plan of theirs has backfired. The only ones who seem to be posting over there are the teacher's pets.

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You know, I do still have an ID over there, it might be fun to get kicked off. I bet I could do it in one post to as long as I'm honest! shocked.gif

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I received a message back from Carol who works the boards at that other place. I hadn't recieved a response for days and noticed she was online. I emailed her and said "I see your online but have never answered my question on the ban"


....and finally she responded (as close to 5pm Calif time as she could) "I sent your e-mail to David Hall for response. I felt he was the best person to address your concerns in this matter. If he has not responded to you, please let me know and I will follow up with him."



Say, did any dealers get banned?





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Pretty much as I had suspected, we now know who got their you know in a wad over your post. That is a shame, I admire Hall's "edge". He just took it too far. A warning would have sufficed IMNSHO smile.gif

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Dave, I think your seal of approval is pretty close. One thing, though. Shouldn't there be at least 3 or 4 of them?

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Yes, there was a lot of trolling and negativity over there (been there/done it myself). However, truth be told--they brought it on themselves. If one creates forums and then states "go ahead folks, voice your opinions freely," then that should be the exact expectation. Once again, they allowed things to run wild, and all of a suidden, the lid came crashing down, because it was affecting "company performance?" I don't think so--actually, it was an awfully good commercial for them, had they used it as a positive tool.


If there's going to be a free speech policy on a board, then it MUST be consistent. If the board will be censored, then expectations need to be deliniated more clearly. I think the environment is more than a little friendlier on this side of the street.

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