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Some sad News!!

95 posts in this topic

Well I lose my PC (crashed) come back after a week to see this :( How sad. We are all pulling for you and hope for a quick recovery if possible Glad to see you posting!

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I recieved some updated news about Rey. I didn't think he would mind if I shared it with his friends! Thanks again to all of you!



First of all, I can't tell you how much it meant to Rey that his membership was renewed. In fact he actually cried. He and I had just been talking about it. He had put renewing it on his "bucket list" so it could not have come at a better time. With all of the upcoming chemo and radiation he has scheduled, he really needs something he loves to focus on and keep him occupied...and this membership is the perfect thing. So with that, please thank everyone for me as well. It has made him very happy and that makes me happy.

As for him, he's doin good so far. He's experiencing more pain by the day so they put him on Morphine and that has helped alot. He still has trouble sleeping thru the night, but we are working on that. The doctors say we need to keep tweaking his meds til we get the right doseages and then he will sleep better.

He has the large tumor in his esophogus that goes down to his stomach and it has spread to his lymph nodes in his chest, back and kidneys. Because of that the docs say he needs the "double whammy"

Chemo and radiation start Monday thru Friday everyday for 6 weeks. After that if need be he will continue the chemo.

His spirits are good and we both are staying positive and busy. It means the world to both of us that he has so many people out there praying for him so again, please send our thanks to all.

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It may seem hopeless but Caleb, my St. Bernard, just celebrated 4 years status post rear leg amputation for bone cancer, osteosarcoma. That is nothing short of a miracle, beating all odds! To live just one year after diagnosis is a very long shot, let alone 4 and still going strong. Apparent miracles can and do happen from time to time! So, don't give up hope, Rey! Keep a positive attitude because a merry heart doeth good like a medicine.May God give you strength, joy and hope to battle, my brother!



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I recieved some updated news about Rey. I didn't think he would mind if I shared it with his friends! Thanks again to all of you!



First of all, I can't tell you how much it meant to Rey that his membership was renewed. In fact he actually cried. He and I had just been talking about it. He had put renewing it on his "bucket list" so it could not have come at a better time. With all of the upcoming chemo and radiation he has scheduled, he really needs something he loves to focus on and keep him occupied...and this membership is the perfect thing. So with that, please thank everyone for me as well. It has made him very happy and that makes me happy.

As for him, he's doin good so far. He's experiencing more pain by the day so they put him on Morphine and that has helped alot. He still has trouble sleeping thru the night, but we are working on that. The doctors say we need to keep tweaking his meds til we get the right doseages and then he will sleep better.

He has the large tumor in his esophogus that goes down to his stomach and it has spread to his lymph nodes in his chest, back and kidneys. Because of that the docs say he needs the "double whammy"

Chemo and radiation start Monday thru Friday everyday for 6 weeks. After that if need be he will continue the chemo.

His spirits are good and we both are staying positive and busy. It means the world to both of us that he has so many people out there praying for him so again, please send our thanks to all.

Bobby, thanks for posting that.


Rey, your awesome spirit and your strength are being sorely tested and I am hoping and praying that you beat this. We are all thinking about you.

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I recieved some updated news about Rey. I didn't think he would mind if I shared it with his friends! Thanks again to all of you!



First of all, I can't tell you how much it meant to Rey that his membership was renewed. In fact he actually cried. He and I had just been talking about it. He had put renewing it on his "bucket list" so it could not have come at a better time. With all of the upcoming chemo and radiation he has scheduled, he really needs something he loves to focus on and keep him occupied...and this membership is the perfect thing. So with that, please thank everyone for me as well. It has made him very happy and that makes me happy.

As for him, he's doin good so far. He's experiencing more pain by the day so they put him on Morphine and that has helped alot. He still has trouble sleeping thru the night, but we are working on that. The doctors say we need to keep tweaking his meds til we get the right doseages and then he will sleep better.

He has the large tumor in his esophogus that goes down to his stomach and it has spread to his lymph nodes in his chest, back and kidneys. Because of that the docs say he needs the "double whammy"


Hope everything goes well.

Chemo and radiation start Monday thru Friday everyday for 6 weeks. After that if need be he will continue the chemo.

His spirits are good and we both are staying positive and busy. It means the world to both of us that he has so many people out there praying for him so again, please send our thanks to all.

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It may seem hopeless but Caleb, my St. Bernard, just celebrated 4 years status post rear leg amputation for bone cancer, osteosarcoma. That is nothing short of a miracle, beating all odds! To live just one year after diagnosis is a very long shot, let alone 4 and still going strong. Apparent miracles can and do happen from time to time! So, don't give up hope, Rey! Keep a positive attitude because a merry heart doeth good like a medicine.May God give you strength, joy and hope to battle, my brother!



Ditto for Rey and glad for Caleb.

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Rey, I strongly suggest to supplement the chemo and rad tx's with two things.


1) apricot seeds


2) asparagus


Go on line and read about them but they have been proven to person_having_a_hard_time_understanding_my_point cancer. Use everything available in your arsenal to combat your enemy. There's also some teas that are suppose to be good. Go online and find out more, especially about the apricot seeds!!!

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Thought I'd give an update on Reys condition. Keep him in your prayers please. Thanks!!


Just wanted to give you an update on Rey and see how you're doin....

He finished 7 weeks of chemo and radiation and had a CT scan last Monday....good news is the cancer reacted and improved to the areas that the radiation pin pointed. The tumor in his esphogus shrunk a little and some of the lymph nodes.

The bad news is the cancer did not react to the chemo and has spread to many other lymph nodes outside the radiation area AND many other areas....including a new tumor on his pancreas, spots on his liver, kidney and abdoman. As a result of the new findings he is no longer eligible for any further radiation because the cancer is too widespread. They started a new chemo regiman this past Thursday which will go 8 hours every 21 days. They had to double his morphine and additional morphine for break thru pain which has seemed to help alot.

We are heading to Texas next week on the 4th to see his mother in Midland and we come back home on the 11th (my birthday.) I was wondering where exactly you are now, and if it's not too much of a trip, maybe we could figure out a quick visit. I know he would love to meet you as I would too.

When we return home he plans on taking the rest of his vacation time and then going on temp disability with hopes that he improves and is able to return to work.

He still remains positive and determined to beat this "bump in the road" as we call it.

Hope all is well with you and you are settling into your new home comfortably.

Take care,


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Thanks for the update...I wish it were better news but I am glad to hear he is still fighting this thing....way to go Rey :golfclap: , we are all pulling for you and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Too many have been taken from us due to Cancer including my mom..... :(

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Donna and Bobby, thanks for the update.


Rey has sounded very strong and determined in the communications I have had with him. And I hope and expect that his incredible attitude and strength will sevre him well in this battle. Rey, we are all pulling for you.

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When this news first hit, I asked my wife (she could care less about who, where or what I post) if she remembered Rey Brown, that nice guy from back East? She thought a minute and said, yes I do remember, he sent you some coins to look at once and I said, that's the guy. He is going through kemo therapy to fight cancer. She told me to express her wishes for a speedy recovery...so I am.


Rey, take care buddy.



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Thanks for the update. My wife and I are praying for you Rey. Stay strong!

Yes indeed, well stated.


Same here. Glad he is fighting it. Dont give up.

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Cancer is a tough diagnosis, but I know that the love, support, and prayers of family and friends, as well as the determination to fight and win, are crucial to beating it. Looks like Rey's doing well in those departments.


Prayers sent up! Hang in there!

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A Strong support structure around you help and around here REY ... you have a LOT of support - Stay strong and keep your head up as friends are only a click away.

Thanks Donna and Bobby

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I talked to Donna today. Her and Rey had an enjoyable visit to Tx to visit his Mother and family. It seems that things have fallen for the worse as of now though. Rey is in ICU with his liver and pancreas failing. They are trying to sabilize him enough to go home and have Hospice involved. Doesn't sound like he has too much time left. Just thought I'd update!

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Not exactly what I wanted to hear...Rey is going down one tough road. :(


I just ran across a Thank You card from Rey's Mom, Floy who I would imagine still lives in Midland.

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I'm also praying for Rey that he finds as much comfort and peace as can be found at this time.



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