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OT: My most gracious thanks to all!!

67 posts in this topic

I want to thank everyone for thier wishes, thoughts, and prayers. Also for the beautiful Flowers Rons. My wife passed away this evening. I'm thankful that God waited until I was home from work so I could be by her side. She fought her cancer for 3yrs and 3mos. The battle is finally over for her but she left me with an inspiration that will last me the rest of my life as a person that had so much strength. She was one heck of a trooper. Thank you all very much again for your support. This forum is my escape from reality, and Ya'll are and have been very good friends to me. I may just be posting a little slower for a bit but I will remain around. Thank you all again!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I'm sorry to hear that. My step-father's mother died of cancer back in January. She didn't make it quite as long as your wife though, only about 1.5 to 2 years. Good luck going forward.

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My sincere condolences! I hope you take joy in the good times you had.


As you know, I can relate to how you feel. I sent you my contact information, use it any time!


Scott :hi:

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Bobby, I'm so sorry to hear that news.


We should be thanking you for showing us the courage, class, loyalty and inspiration that you have exhibited these past few months. God Bless you!! My prayers and sympathy are with you.



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Bobby, so many of us have experienced the loss of a loved one, and words can't express the void that is left in us by their absence. Take solace in the fact that she is in a better place, and she will always be in your heart.


God bless!



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Bobby, we knew what was coming but does that really make it easier? I'm very sorry for the void that will be in your life.


There will come a day when you will stop grieving for her but you will never stop missing her.


I'm always here for you, Bobby. All you need to do is ask.

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It's amazing how close we can get to folks we have never met....honestly when I read your post I got all choked up as my mother passed from Cancer this year. I can't imagine what it feels like to lose a wife to this insideous disease but as Chris stated....we all know the pain of losing a loved one.


I don't think it's possible to forget the pain you are feeling even for a moment but I do believe that remembering the good times can help drive out some of that pain over time.


I wish you and yours the very best in this difficult time :(

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That news hit me like a ton of bricks. I was thinking about you guys just yesterday afternoon.


I am so very sorry for your loss, Bobby. Please remember that we are here if you need us.

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I am so sorry to hear about your loss.


I hope that these boards will provide you with some measure of diversion and comfort in the days ahead. I think I speak for everyone here when I say I hope that we will be of some help during this difficult time.


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I too am very sorry to hear about your loss Bobby. I know, however, your wife is in a better place. I will keep you in my prayers daily.



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Bobby-----I can only "ditto" the remarks of all the rest of the folks here. Hope the boards here can be a place of calm for you in the days ahead. Will say a prayer for her----and one for you too. All the best to you and your families. Bob [supertooth]

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I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I lost my wife a few years ago so I understand some of what you are going through. Anything at all I can do--even if only listen--please PM me.

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You most certainly have my family's sincere wishes of condolence at this tough, tough time. I kknow there is nothing that I can say that will make anything better right now, but remember that I will always be available for you in whatever capacity that I am capable of. You have been a personal friend to me and I feel so terribly for your loss. I know she meant everything to you and she always will. Take strength in the fact you two had each other for as long as you did.

God bless you and strenthen you,


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May God grant you peace in this time. My wife's and my sympathies are with you, Bobby.


1 Corinthians 13:13:

"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."



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Bobby, it truly saddens me to hear this devastating news. You and your family have our deepest condolences. If there is anything I can do, please give me a call.


God Bless you my friend.

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You don't know me but I want to offer you my deepest sympathies. I lost both parents to this awful disease. Nothing I can say will help but I hope you can have peace and comfort as you go throught this most difficult time. You and your family are in my prayers.




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Bobby, my sincerest condolences and I am terribly sorry for your loss. I know that you will miss her. I hope that as you deal with her loss, the best face that you and your family can put on a loss is that she does not have to suffer any more and she is in a better place where there is no pain and where she will see you again someday.

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Hi Bobby.. So sorry mate .. you know where i am if you ever want to pm me.


i will always remember how nice you were to me when i lost my grandad (thumbs u





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My heart is touched soo much by everyone here on the boards. I thank everyone for thier kind words and gestures of help. I sympathize with those that were in my shoes in thier life also. It is tough, and yes, at least I do have alot of good memories to help me along, and I'm thankful to God for taking her sickness away, even tho' it meant losing her to do it. She's in a better place now I know. Just before she died, she looked up at something and then looked back at me and then passed. I know she wasn't scared and was going with someone she trusted. It will be soo hard missing her, but I know she's safe and will be waiting for us to reunite again. thank you all again! Thank you for being the friends that you are!

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Dammit Bobby you got me teary eyed again ... Too Loose a mate must be a terrible ordeal I am sure a lot of us probably would not be able to endure as well as you have. Having spoken with you off and on, I can tell that you thought she made you a better man and I can certainly attest that it was and is a fact ...not only to you personally, but how you handled yourself on the boards, talking about her illness and HONESTLY telling the world that you loved her, made us think in retrospect that you have made us better people as well. WE all will strive to be as strong and as tough as you have been in this tough time in your life.


It is said that 'we will be tested' and I believe in my mind you have and have passed!


You will see her again and she will be Healthy Happy and Smiling once again!


Carry on my friend! As I have said before - This board has a heartbeat like no other and the outpouring of well wishing just goes to prove that fact!











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This quiet Dust was Gentlemen and Ladies,

And lads and Girls;

Was laughter and ability and sighing,

And frocks and curls.

This passive place a Summer's nimble mansion,

Where Bloom and Bees

Fulfilled their Oriental Circuit,

Then ceased like these.


Emily Dickinson 74


She is part of eternity, as we all are, and she'll be with you always. I'm very sad for you and glad at the same time (please don't take that comment the wrong way) that you had your time together for a while. Peace.

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