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Ray Tatum

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Everything posted by Ray Tatum

  1. -Burner- is parallel to the use of -heater- for pistols in general. We generate both metaphors from a word that represents something that produces heat. We use -to burn- as a metaphor for to throw away; a -burner- becomes something disposable as well. A -burner- is a handgun that you throw away; currently, for a while, maybe. Tell your curiosity to invent more.
  2. I read eBay offers for practice. I see die breaks across five years of issues that are similar, attempting to reason that out. So: A hub weakens a die in such a way that the die breaks in time and leaves a raised line on the coin. Worker replaces the die with a die made from the same hub. That replacement die carries the same structural weakness? Replacement die breaks in a similar way and makes a similar raised line. Can the strike of a hub on a die cause that die and the successive dies that it makes to have the same propensity for failure?
  3. —I don’t know—I answer (a)musingly; I reckon that you lose a chunk of aesthetic sensitivity each time you help a n00b, I get it. With all the gorgeous pieces out there, I post this gimcrack disk. Twenty years of it. Thanks for the stiff upper lip and the asides. I am a bottom feeder; without pedigree. Fenntucky Mike, thank you. I hope that some soul does not disagree.
  4. I think that it is machine doubling, (random pic from auction), however I must ask you. Thank you for the help.
  5. Nah, great segue. My friend and I pan gold on his farm at the corner of Alamance and Chatham counties in Piedmont North Cackalacky. Well, seven flakes so far. This thread sends gives me spasms of empathy. Let’s use our communality, now and here, to post a picture of a coin that tugs at your heartstrings, for the damage that inflicts it, or the bureaucrat who approves it. Other than that Let the last person who writes here be the fool of the fora this year-Craig. for You:
  6. Numismatic controversy registers low seismic results. controversy, though: in 1909 hero worship replaces devotion to virtuous concepts. Coins get ugly, Dead things on the reverse appear. Leave the human face on the pulp. Our eyes take a hit now.
  7. That is more apt than you imagine; not tragedy, though, the opposite. I nominate my avatar pic.
  8. I noticed that an ad for forty modern proof coins of all denominations had two coins in each in forty plastic flips; shipping was twice normal. I don’t collect proofs nor flip. If the deal were legit they were seventy-five cents per. I sell rummage to buy coins, no pride here. I describe my Craigslist ad style above.
  9. Well, she looks like my granny, My question is answered, banter is okay now? Right?
  10. Rummage flippers vend all in general and naught in specific. They feel their pocket and see a coin date for the first time, sully their fingerends for the close-ups, and aim their camera at at them—then create a dark page for a lot of coins without terminology to search for coins; tucked into grids of beanie babies, manicure kits, Bakelite-handled utensils, emergency radios, and sump pumps. Once in awhile there is a good deal. I search the word “inherited” lately. The offer interests me because she asks less than than a K for the four bits and 17 cents. Here is a fresh one: https://www.ebay.com/itm/125601830283?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=GrQ7FhsfTwW&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=cCktvnWqQRO&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY I’m not asking if this is good, I posted it as an example of inventive search terms to find odd pages.
  11. Thanks, dang, you’re right. I was worried, though, because I thought that an eBay rummage flipper showed me something.
  12. I have never seen one. The one on the right?
  13. Never would I pen “error coin” in a thread’s subject line after reading the trainwreck threads in many coin forums. Even after the stir, when I posted that the experts are envious of OP’s coin? (I wrote—I hope that it gets the grade that you deserve.) However, I have a rare find: (I shot myself in the clown shoe the other day. I’m wearing them again, though.) Page fourteen of the tutorial on the attribution of varieties contains an error in the captions. They read my posts when someone reports me; dunno if they see this to emend. Coin authorities—You educate us. Don’t beat yourselves up because this place ain’t perfect. I enjoy the humor, too. It’s not easy to be as dumb as you think I look. Gimme props.
  14. I apologize for my silly comment at the end of the ‘55 DD thread. I came to ask about an eBay coin this morning, and wonder, now, how much I should pester you all. Straws break backs. I ain’t innocent here. Serious threads sometimes end with banter and that chat with other readers puts me at ease among strangers. I don’t mess with serious discussions, until they break down. I went to forum refugees. My introduction thread for them is a week-long blog as I wait for approval. I learn a lot here, lurking. I prefer to buy from regular contributors to forums on eBay.
  15. Yes, you call me out. Not a great way to make an appearance, I agree. Who posts seriously after three denials and more? I have to earn credibility in matters numismatic and financial. It is hard to be credible when when I write something absurd. I wouldn’t want to be disliked by you, OH, in particular, I enjoy your posts in other forums.
  16. I want to see his skills in a slab if he has more skills than ye whom he informs. I have opinion without authority, I shoot my foot aiming at the thread. I regret that my text caused your unease, that is not what I wanted.—Craig.
  17. Do you all know Karen? I married her. One phone call to corporate and corporate gives her the grade she grades. She’s fast, too. Never wrong, once. MS = more shoes.
  18. Thread reeks of envy, I hope that it gets the grade that you deserve. Good luck.
  19. You guys are kind. I wanted to say too kind, but this is a sad trainwreck. If I don’t heed the good advice in this forum one day, then let me waste my money, and then shake your heads, roll your eyes, click your tongues, and call me what I am. You can’t fix my stupidity. OP, I hope that you come to understand the concerns of the responders. I don’t count the coins that I think are DDs, I weigh them.
  20. Could the slightly off-center (if that is what you call off-center) strike on the obverse result in that deformation of the letters? Is the “extra ring” on the left of the obverse what you call a “fin”? Parse on, fellers. Amazing is the power of observation of a forum!
  21. Thanks for posting your practices and advice. True that about high power scopes–you see everything for which you search, and everything else the next day. I have mastered that defect with loupes, as well. Thanks, SVs, for your observations. I did not understand what you said the first time that I read them. It’s like using a dictionary to learn a word, but the definition has another word that you don’t know. I have noob grading vouchers and this cent was a candidate for submission.