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Henri Charriere

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Everything posted by Henri Charriere

  1. Somebody say "dentils"? It's real alright and quite a masterpiece into which a great deal of time and effort was expended in producing. The question is, is it a genuine, authentic piece? I would be proud to own it whether it is or isn't unless it's an ultra-rarity, condition scarce and highly valuable in which case I would proceed with caution. Perhaps, in short order, you will have your answer.
  2. Roger, I am not ashamed to say you occupy a special place in my heart. This is neither a typo or misspelling but merely another example of a mind moving at Mach One speed saddled to toggle-speed fingers. If memory serves, you went so far as to notify the membership you were looking for an able proofreader. That, in and of itself, qualifies you for a variance or special exemption from further scrutiny. And the products of the ongoing research you provide qualifies you for that privilege. I only hope others appreciate your cerebral output as much as I do.
  3. Da Vinci code. Lemme run it thru my Enigma... it reads "the coin may look irregular, but it's not. Trust me." So there you have it!
  4. I don't have heirs, but I have an unexplained proclivity for putting on airs.
  5. Clearly, you expect to live 'til time indefinite. A most admirable trait.
  6. [Cosmology is the science of the origin and development of the universe. I believe you meant cosmetologist. And while we're on mid-course corrections, the expression you likely intended to use elsewhere was "sleight" of hand. Let it never be said ol' H never tries to be helpful when he can.]
  7. Maybe, but of the 392 million minted over a hundred years ago, how many are still around today? When's the last time anyone got one in change? When's the last time anyone got a Wheatie in change? Few get certified unless they are in exceptional condition (or minted in San Francisco). The 1919 depicted in the first post is quite lovely and ought to be set aside and passed on to newer generations of hobbyists [if not sold].
  8. According to what source you consult, this coin's melt value as a "wheatie" is just about three cents. In Good condition, it is worth 20 cents; in Uncirculated condition, it is worth $5.
  9. Hey, I am only quoting the Act'g Director... maybe the BEP should have their vendor switch to cotton Duck if it's that durable. Then the dollars would last longer. I wonder if the envelopes of divisible were made of that stuff.
  10. Two things I would like to know is are the 1913 V nickel and 1933 SG DE inside a red envelope accompanied by a note explaining they were promised to me, among the effects found? 🤣 Enjoy, Mike!
  11. The last time I banged on the door and boldly set up a free-standing "Off-Topic" topic, the gentleman from Texas, as we all know, objected strenuously, I was kicked out, sent to bed without supper, and had to have my User Name changed. The repercussions continue to this day. 🤔
  12. As the premier numismatic expert on the subject, and one of the few remaining go-to sources acknowledged by the hobby today... Got your attention, didn't I? No, just a dues-paying lurker who would like to run an idea by you, and the community at large... Interspersed with talk of weak strikes on Morgans and in consideration of the massive amounts of material unearthed by RWB during his intermittent historical excavations, I cannot help but recall a number of discussions regarding optimum design size and weight and practical matters having to do with relief and its effect on stacking. To produce an UHR and what I call High Wires, a number of adjustments are required. Is it then possible, that the product collectors of every stripe are fond of was the ultimate design choice? Coins that will wear evenly on every surface and stack well? The high-relief date on the Buffalo Head nickel is instructive in this regard. Complaints streamed in and the Mint master engravers went back to the drawing boards. As the comparatively heavy Morgan was presumably produced for circulation and not show, perhaps that may be the reason for an intentionally "weak strike." [If my idle speculation is denounced as the crazed, uninformed musings of a charlatan, I may very well accept the Great z's importuning that I "get out more."] 🤣
  13. It is the lead story on Google Search. It is explained in detail there right now.
  14. FYI: 1 USD = 15,467 IDR (or Indonesian Rupia or "rp.") I have nothing against this archipelago nation, its people, culture or religion but a purported error coin from an exotic, off-the-beaten track, location is always a Red Flag. I am just happy you didn't get involved in this potentially messy international quagmire. Had the coin depicted been of the caliber of that posted by member Idhair upthread, I would still have my doubts.
  15. In it's favor, it has nice even minimal (for its age) wear.
  16. This is actually no laughing matter. I would be curious to know how you came into possession of this.
  17. Perfectly understandable, but don't let it happen again. We are still at the tip of the iceberg. 🤣
  18. I was quoting our highly-esteemed member, Sandon. There is wear, a two-by-four taken to the president's face -- and that as yet unexplained meteorite strike to the bell.
  19. Contrary to commonly-held belief, not all gold is the same. Experts with sophisticated equipment can determine the origin of gold from Australia, the Klondike, Yukon, California, Mexico, Australia and Peru, etc. The same goes for marijuana (skunk sess) silver (Comstock lode) "blood" diamonds -- even cocaine. Ever here of Peruvian flake? But, I digress... I don't quite understand the intensity of your fixation on attribution. Does Red Gold have greater value? At any given time on eBay, one can find 20 franc gold roosters, like copper cents, that are noticeably more red, reddish-brown and solid brown. They are valued on grade. Not a single label notes the distinction. The French Red Book mentions it in passing. It means nothing. And as you yourself pointed out, the attribute can change over time. I had the least attractive gold rooster I own certified despite its brown color and it turned out to be a Top Pop with only one other (now two) previously certified at that grade: MS-65. When one is certified at MS-66, my coin loses its allure. Big deal. It's inevitable. Who knows, 20 years from now, what's going to stop you from complaining to a TPGS that your once Red Gold Lire, attributed as such, had turned darker?
  20. With that meteorite strike on the bell? One hundred cents... if no one notices.
  21. There are some people who have never been able to "accept" the fact that the half-dollar ought to be worth so much more than the dollar because it's so much bigger.
  22. In the wake of The Disclosure, this comment emerges, by far, as the most intriguing, in aggregate. "These are all common..." "I value them" [one and all at only a smidgen above gold spot!] And there is "nothing special about any of them." Bold statements. Kinda turns the philosophies I've heard aired here over time, on its head. I am going to assume the member who chose # 1 did so after sizing things up and assuming the OP had a surprise for us up his sleeve. That saying, "pick the coin, not the holder," played a part, as did labels. (Things "may be better with Coke," but what if Pepsi tastes better?) Far from playing Negative Nancy, we were presented with the unvarnished truth: nothing special, even at one of the loftier grades. I don't know whether this could be arranged or not, but I'd love to see a presentation with just the coins [on a nice velvet pad] minus the holders and fancy inserts, signed or not. Now that would truly be a challenging GTP. Great exercise, GF1969! Man, I love this place! 🤣