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Henri Charriere

Member: Seasoned Veteran
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Everything posted by Henri Charriere

  1. Sure it's real. Look at the name of the person who wrote it!
  2. What we really need here is a few good close-ups, front and back. I approach any claim with an open mind, but I need something to sink my teeth into.
  3. 🐓: Hey Q! This thread's been revived! It'd be a shame to see it go to waste... 🤣 Q.A.: I agree. The following is going to earn me a whole new slew of enemies, but, ah, what the heck. I have never shrunk from my obligation as a coin collector to "broaden the body of knowledge," and I see no reason to do so now. In reviewing the foregoing thread, I have noticed the names of two alloys, brass and bronze, being used interchangeably. Each, however, is notably different. Generally, brass is comprised of two metals, in the following percentages: 67% Cu and 33% Zn. These levels can vary considerably, as seen in the specs of Lincoln cents, but no other elements, i.e., metals, are present. Brass is brass. Bronze is comprised of 88% Cu and 12% Sn (tin) + other elements such as aluminum, manganese, phosphorus and silicon. (Note: One 1943 cent struck in 86.41% Tin and 8.37% Antimony, with other trace metals, was authenticated by NGC in 2019.) While the composition of cents has changed over the years -- including a Cu-Ni alloy used briefly in the 1860's -- it has never deviated enough to justify the use of the term brass where bronze was indicated, and vise versa.
  4. Hi there! Greetings and salutations. I cannot resist the temptation to weigh in. You state you have a Double Eagle with "this marking where it should not be." Personally, I do not see the need for such marking at all, but if you feel it is "where it should not be," perhaps you can tell us where it ought to be. We take all customer complaints seriously. 🤣 (I am sure someone will stop by shortly to give you a valid explanation.)
  5. I do not feel your questioned was answered, but without feedback, it is hard to know. The problem is your use of the term "submitting." Submission means only one thing: sending a coin in to be authenticated, graded, certified and encapsulated. So we are definitely not talking about "submitting" an already graded or certified coin. On the other hand, one does not "submit" anything to the Set Registry. It is basically an inventory tool. One "registers" one's coins by entering the certification number in the appropriate category. While it is true NGC permits registering PCGS slabs, there are a few exceptions, one of them being World Gold. I do not know if this clarification was needed, but I hope it was helpful.
  6. I do recall hearing about this but there are many wrecks that have been found in the nearly ten years since this was discovered and I could not place it. Now it seems People magazine ran a story on it recently. The Spanish galleon "San Jose" was sunk by British warships in 1708 just off the coast of Cartagena, Colombia. (Now think about that for a moment... Colombia faces the Pacific Ocean. There wouldn't be a Panama Canal for another 200 years. That's a very long voyage in treacherous waters between the southernmost point of South America and Antarctica and many thousands of miles from England.) The then-president of Colombia declared this wreck to be the Most Valuable Treasure in the History of Humanity. Valued at $17B, it includes 11 million gold coins and 200 tons of silver and emeralds. The wreck had been tied up in litigation that has since been resolved and recovery efforts can now proceed. It will be interesting to see what they find.
  7. Oldhoopster was special. He gave as good as he got. He was a worthy adversary, a contender, and a consummate gentleman. Neither of us stooped to the level of a junkyard dog. You would do well to honor his memory by similarly engaging in more productive pursuits.
  8. The peak years for overcrowding in the Federal prison system have long since passed. They have closed all the private "contract" institutions. There is plenty of space. The emphasis post-crack era is on recovery of property and assets forfeiture.
  9. Passed on the ready cash. Passed on the gold. Early Morgans only... 🤔 Probably not an inside job, but insider information likely played a role. Had anyone expressed an inordinate interest for the old Morgans lately?
  10. I have been following law and criminal justice developments now for 60 years and in all that time I have never come across a case of a mother stealing to support her son's drug addiction. If anything, the reverse is true: sons and daughters who were disowned by their parents -- and one notable case where a mother killed her daughter and the community closed ranks behind her in an unusual display of support. (I believe she was a retired postal worker.)
  11. This would have been an able contender to revive JB's Token Tuesday thread!
  12. If you wish to conduct a personal vendetta, do so on your own thread. This is another member's Topic. Posting disparaging and demeaning comments on other members' threads is rude and disrespectful. Respect the rights of others; observe the Guidelines. As our Dena put it: "Be nice or Be gone."
  13. 🐓: I fail to see how all this talk about Revolutions Per Minute (RPM) are germane to the conversation. Q.A.: Beats me. It's all Greek to me... very exotic dialect.
  14. You kiddin' me? Every one of those bells 🔔 has a crack in it and not hairline either! 🤣
  15. In that case, it would be Penny's attribution, but who knows?
  16. I don't believe I have ever stooped to their level, but I cheat. I kill 'em with kindness. 🤣
  17. Let me explain... R.W.B. expounds upon such esoteric matters as the distinction between pedigree and provenance. He speaks with authority. His mark is irreproachably virtuous. Likewise, N.G.C., a gentleman whose acquaintance I have yet to make, dabbles in the fine art of certification. Desecrating a sarcophagus of his is the ultimate sacrilege. His word goes. In days of yore, when notaries were in short supply, he left his initials stamped into melted red wax. That formality was quietly dispensed with when submission volume made it unsustainable. A bit of trivia... the shortest exchange of correspondence occurred between Victor Hugo and his publisher. The former, inquiring as to the status of his work, simply wrote "?" His publisher responded: "!"
  18. I have never met the gentleman personally, but word has it if N.G.C. says it's so, it is certifiably so. 🤣
  19. I wish my 2016 gold centennial were as strongly struck as your little gem!
  20. 🐓 : An awful lot of cringe-worthy lines posted on this thread. I mean, how do come back from: ".... do you really think that you have two coins, one worth 6 figures and the other worth 4 or 5?" Positively Devastating! Q.A.: Not to mention that cold shot: "and can quit my job watching the self-checkout...." As Arsenio used to say, things that make you go hmmm." Or how about this one from the OP himself: "Very informative. When I get the 1943s penny I will do the magnetic test and...buy a...good quality digital scale..." No Luis, NO!!! It's too late then! The train already left the station!!! Any due diligence must be exercised before commitment. After? AFTER WHAT??? There is no "after," only GAME OVER. Your fanciful query straddles the line between plausible... and implausible. Credible... and incredible. Now, I want you to pick up your well-worn copy of the Red Book and tell us what you've got and we'll advise you, accordingly. I cannot, for the life of me, comprehend how you were able to determine whether the seller's prices for these major acquisitions was reasonable with a veritable paucity of information to rely on. One more thing... stay off the internet until we can hook you up with a chaperone well versed in numismatic tchotchke. 🤣
  21. From a memorable line (from a movie, the name of which I cannot recall) "Are you a Mexi-CAN or a Mexi-CAN'T?" I have never tapped a bad link, but as they say, Never say Never! 🤣