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Henri Charriere

Member: Seasoned Veteran
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Everything posted by Henri Charriere

  1. MWL [Mutual Welfare League] circa 1914-1915. Obverse: n.d. SING SING PRISON "ONE" cent , earned thru prison labor which may be exchanged for items available at an on-site commissary [bracketed by two stars] Reverse: M W L (inside a circle [bracketed by stars,] with the slogan, DO GOOD (on top) and MAKE. GOOD (on bottom). For obvious reasons, they are rairly seen, scarce, and few coin-collectors ever heard of them. They join two similar coins, a 5 and 10 which may be found a year ago of more on this thread. They were withdrwn from use by or before 1920, having also been tried in Auburn State Prison, New York's oldest, built to accommodate both men and women, before a dedicated prison was built for them at Wesfield State Farm, predecessor to Bedford Hills State Prison, re-named Bedford Correctional Facility, as were all state prisons in the wake of the Attica State Prison riot in 1971.
  2. @zadok: As I have observed, you are generally a member of few words, but when an issue gets your goat, a fountain of wisdom gushes forth. Much to my surprise, Merriam-Webster backed your contention (on numismatic-related terms) stating that however the O.E.D. chooses to regard etymology, they are obligated to report [and print] current usage as borne by recent written accounts. It took me a while to accept that, and while there are word applications that clearly defy what I was taught as a child, this is no longer my generation. [Grass is grown; you don't "grow" your money in a bank.] It is for generations half the age of the leading vocal candidates to choose who they wish to represent them. [Frankly, I no longer give a d**n]. 🤔
  3. I cannot answer that. [Matter of fact, I do not believe I would be permitted to answer that.] Wrong agin, I got the green light. By the way, 30 years ago, I took $1000. to the bank and requested ten strapped packets of $1.00 bills. She did better: she asked me to step to the built in lucite-box used to transfer bulky transactions. The entire BEP/FRB block was wrapped in heavy-duty grade plastic, and contained a strap of starred notes. I spent them after realizing the serial numbers were not at all unusual. Besides, I am not generally a bill collector. The only bills that ever made an impression to my young eyes were the Educational series. An oversized eagle with wings outstretched on a bill from 1897 or 1917, a Watermelon note and notes featuring Indian chiefs resplendent in headdress and locomotive trains. I am, frankly, disappointed with the work produced today. Those bills that werr printed using dyes that bled, or were obliterated with wear, were a real disgrace.
  4. Funny, all the records I consulted said she was born "deaf and dumb," and was raised in my neighborhood, Forest Hills, which was where "Captain Kangaroo" and "Simon and Garfunkel" and the "Ramones" were from. They were all gone by the time I showed up, graduating from FH HS in 1969.
  5. No, no matter. They most assuredly won't post the one I just sent them! They lack the necessary testicular fortitude. Plain and simple.
  6. I am too upset about Norway killing that walrus. A female no less! Time for me to let my view be known at the N Y Times.
  7. I don't even have to speak up anymore. I point to you, and say, He's my mouthpiece. Our whole approach to life, personal philosophies, and coins, coincide.
  8. [From the looks of it, maybe the Great Zadok was right. He said I'd missed out on some very important things by not buying and reading books and exploring coin shows. Hmm.] 🤔
  9. [MM, if still active, detested long-drawn soliloquies. He would mock me and say things like, I lost you after "your letter of the 5th..." (from the opening line). I hate to have to admit it but I miss him. Problem is, he did not feel my writing measured up to trolling standard. That was a stinging shot! Great work as usual @RWB! Thanks for sharing that long-winded memorandum.]
  10. To @CoinJockey73: A late evening anecdote. My wife and I are both on the subway train heading back home. When the last person on the train gets off I start to say something to my wife about a roll of currency that had apparently slipped unnoticed out of the departed straphanger's pocket. As I go to reach for it, around her waist in front, she slaps my hand and says, "It's not yours, leave it alone!" I come back with, Honey, I know it isn't but that money will simply be picked up by someone else. I tried reasoning with her, pleading with her to yield. She dug her heels even harder. I had to walk away from that and come to think of it, we weren't even married yet. True story!
  11. I am 70 going on 71. I appreciate the gesture, but @RWB's advice on another thread not long ago, was on-point. Your lovely '51 and my Roosters are not going to do anyone any good. At this point, my only course of action is to cease collecting and begin DIVESTING.
  12. @CoinJockey73: I believe you've disqualified yourself from the Forum. You are way too accommodating. Amiable. You're never disgruntled, disaffected--or G-d forbid, contentious enough.
  13. I stand corrected. Joke's on me. I suddenly realized the practiced sleight-of-hand you pulled off here. You're good. Real good! And you had the audacity to question my relinquishment of the throne to you?
  14. All I know is the '48's got something to do with Truman holding up a paper that called an election result wrong. And the '51, if I am not mistaken, is Q.A.'s birth year. I love all your coins and cannot believe you managed to find them! Maybe the quote was misquoted: the streets are paved with silver, not gold. Regrettably, my wife will not permit to pick anything up off the street. (I was summonsed by the Metro North police at Grand Central Terminal for retrieving a newspaper from a wire cage-like trash bin on wheels, specifically designed to keep commuters out. I told the judge, "Your Honor, respectfully, the ticket cites, "Removing Rubbish." I maintain a copy of The Wall Street Journal is not "rubbish." Case dismissed.
  15. [I am going to respectfully yield to the experts on the Forum for a more coherent reply. I gave up on the Mint long ago. Everything looks computer-generated. I expect creativity and artistry. Maybe that's too much to expect. I hear you on this, Larry.]
  16. I worked at the Strand Book Store, billed as the world's largest used book store boasting 8 miles of shelving, since increased to 18 million miles, and was amazed at how book prices have soared ever upward since 1975. But the figures you've provided, stunned me. Not unexpectedly, I share your views. To me, living on a fixed-income, choices are made for me. For example, I can buy Roger's book--but would have to withhold my next month's rent, or sell a 🐓. And I live in Federally subsidized low-income housing. 😉
  17. Why do you gentlemen persist in muddying up the waters with facts. As the Hon. @VKurtB put it, "I'd rather be right than be nice." I'm willing to abide that.
  18. @GoldFinger1969 This is actually a sensitive situation wrought with implications. "Hey get a load of dis! An advisory! "Far as I am concerned, an acknowledgment is tacit admission you are experiencing operating difficulties. Some geek in Nebraska will go to town on that: "It's so sim-ple! All ya gotta do is..." Yeah. 🐓
  19. Have you never come across a thread requesting a look at the edge? I buy, or did buy, sight-unseen. One prominent member attributed my recklessness to simple ignorance. But they were slabbed! Doesn't matter. I later concluded there was method to his madness. Then, an epiphany! It suddenly occurred to me that my set was complete, but wasn't the best because anyone can outgrade me with a few upgrades should they materialize. I am a Noo Yawker; if the ultimate is unavailable, the best will have to do for now.
  20. [When this used to happen to me, awhile back now, I took it personally and would ask Customer Service: "For which of the innumerable offenses I have committed, am I being banned for?" I would get a delicious, "revenge is best when iserved cold"-type retort: "You haven't been banned! Why would you think that? Reasoning throwing myself out the window would not yield a satisfactory result, I would try a different tack--and finally succeed. It's like trying to open a vault to which you have evidently forgotten the combination, and suddenly, unexpectedly, you're back. Man, I love this place! 😀
  21. Okay, that leaves one. Hawaii too expensive?; Alaska too cold?