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Henri Charriere

Member: Seasoned Veteran
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Everything posted by Henri Charriere

  1. This is key and speaks volumes as to character. Very untroll-like behavior.
  2. Yes, but in cases such as this (a newly-minted member who spoke up for the first time six days later) we are constrained to recognize the faux pas for what it is, beginner's exuberance and as such must apply, "Q's exemption," which provides, in pertinent part, "give the new guy a break, or risk alienating him for the duration." The OP's got a lot of spunk and I, for one, am not about to write him off. I would like to think the Chat Board is a place of second chances. IMNSHO.
  3. It is what the gray lady (The New York Times) terms, "an alternative asset class."
  4. So how does this work? Nobody's buying their "merchandise." It sits there dead in the water. The seller is not making any money. And from what I've been reading, gold is not expected to change in the short term... so how does this work?
  5. Fallible? When? Where? What evidence can you provide to support such an hereto unsupported and wild assertion?
  6. IOW, a socially-acceptable way of saying, be advised, the goal posts are in a state of perpetual motion. Acquire accordingly.
  7. An early Sunday morning scenario.... EC: Hello? QA: Good morning, sir. Q here. I am prepared to make you a very attractive offer for that '33 SG. EC: [Did you say] Q, as in QA? The Rooster guy? QA: TWENTY MILLION. EC: To my knowledge, not that I follow such tawdry things, the Powerball jackpot was $1.5 billion. QA: That's right. EC: Well then... it seems to me you can do a whole lot better than that. 🐓 : Not for nothin' Q, but that's one smart cookie!
  8. @GoldFinger1969: I don't know. I can only report what I've observed. Yes, a dealer should sell at market prices. My experience, however, going back to the time, I bought and physically took delivery of my first Engelhard silver 100 oz. bar was different. I distinctly recall buying at $600. and selling a very short time later for $700. (I do not recall when, but I am aware they're north of $2,500 now.) The point being there came a time when, perhaps like now, the market was headed south and it was impossible to find anyone (pre-internet) who had one who was willing to sell one at a depressed price. How did they survive? The truth? They apparently didn't. Is that still true? I don't know.
  9. @MarkFeld: No roosters. Only me speaking to you directly... I believe it safe to say, based on prior posts ---- intemperate outburst notwithstanding---- that you and J.A. enjoyed a very special, long and cordial relationship that has evolved over time on a shared mutual interest in numismatic activities. That's the sense I get. Quite admirable sticking up for a friend, I must say!
  10. 🐓 : What does E.F. Hutton have to say about all this? Q.A.: "When E.F. Hutton talks, people listen"... that E.F. Hutton? 🐓 : That's right. Q.A.: They're long gone. Out of business. Kaput. 🐓: E X A C T L Y !
  11. 🐓: Where's the guy who discreetly inquired about jargoning? Q.A.: Promise not to quote me for attribution? Good. Do not pay attention to anybody that cannot remember where he was when the president got shot.
  12. Educated? You're not, pray tell, listening to Roosters, again?
  13. I find it difficult to believe you attended the same high school I did, but be that as it may, if you haven't been back since, it may warm the cockles of your heart to know the larger hill on 67th Avenue between Yellowstone Boulevard and 99th Street is no longer a mud rut having been paved over in the late 1960's, sometime before I allegedly graduated.
  14. The term was used in a non-fiction case book entitled, "On the Track of Murder: Behind the Scenes with a Homicide Commando Squad," by Barbara Gelb, the wife of a notable mild-mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper. 🐓: Q has a four-year degree in criminal justice, remember? [Edit: While it is possible the term cited above appeared in the 1975 work by B. Gelb, it is likelier I observed an actual example in the 1989 movie, "True Believer," starring James Woods and Robert Downey, Jr.]
  15. He is a relatively new member. He is all worked up about what he may, or may not, have. Perfectly understandable. In China, he would be relegated to a re-education camp. Here, we lend a helping hand. He has made some pretty outlandish statements, but haven't we all at one time or another? He will pick up things as he goes along.
  16. In NYPD jargon, this is known as a "through-and-through"... a crack to die for.
  17. Re restaurant service, in the old Ripley's Believe It or Not! series, Robert Ripley [or perhaps his life-long research assistant] suggested the word "tip" is an acronym for To Insure Promptness. Many years ago, a private source "minted" poker chip-like tokens that read, "The tip would be larger, if the service were better." That, today, would constitute a grade. The alternative is a scathing review or one filled with effervescence.
  18. The downtown local #6 isn't a bus; it's a subway line. JLo immortalized it in a 🎵 song. (It occasionally gets stuck with hours-long residual delays when [something bad happens.]
  19. Gentlemen, I sincerely wish you the best, but from my vantage point, when prices trend south----and I have nothing to back up my irresponsible theorizing----the pickings get slim. Dealers would rather hold onto what they have then let it go at a loss. This, of course, figures most prominently with bullion and bars. Your experience may differ.
  20. @J P M: And if the acquisition came sporting a die-crack, then what? Plus? Minus? Indifferent? Just curious.
  21. I believe ABC and XYZ are available--for an additional fee!
  22. I believe that movie, BORAT, was filmed in Hungary. Remember that scene where a horse-drawn broken-down jalopy was being "driven"? They may make the bulbs, but I seriously wonder if they are using them.
  23. You heard that guy, too?Downtown local #6? About 10:30 this morning? If I knew you were here, I would've canceled my doctor's appointment.