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Member: Seasoned Veteran
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Everything posted by RWB

  1. "circulation strike" - meaning made for general circulation.
  2. Shawn11 -- New photos are much better at showing the coin as-is. Clearly AU and cleaned. I agree with Woods020 and FlyingAl. Arrows point to the "halo" of abrasion and field disturbance that separate a circulated from Uncirculated coin. On your coin these areas also have evidence of cleaning/chemical dipping. The obverse has similar indicators to left of Liberty's profile.
  3. Mechanical doubling can produce some very interesting looking coins. There are 1921 Peace dollars that look like they have a doubled profile, but are really machine doubling. "Mechanical doubling" (aka 'machine doubling' or 'shelf doubling') can be virtually identical on a large number of coins. This is because an equipment defect causes the planchet to wobble slightly during striking, and the problem will occur until the coinage press is repaired (or wears through).
  4. Small mintage but saved in large quantities in original bags.
  5. Reverse photo suggests the coin is not Uncirculated, although some TPG will claim an AU is "MS-63." "Conservation" will stabilize the surface and remove most extraneous debris, but nothing will "restore" the coin.
  6. Mechanical doubling (aka "machine doubling"). Very common. No value. Look here for truthful information: http://www.vamworld.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2647
  7. This post on VAMworld should help: http://www.vamworld.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2647 Your coin has mechanical doubling - there is no cure...
  8. I understand from another member that the tornado warning siren went off just a few minutes after the show closed. Did you know that cats have been carried for up to 20 miles by a tornado. Presumably the cats slept the whole time.
  9. If you can, attend a local coin club meeting and get to know people who have been collectors for several years. If you suspect you have a special coin of some sort, show it to real collectors, not the people you've mentioned. Reflections off the plastic holder can sometimes look like doubling on a coin. Your photos all seem a little out of focus, and high contrast. Also, there's no filter that will make this kind of coin photo "better."
  10. Yes. This is an off-topic discussion for off-line communication.
  11. Members here have a lot of honest, useful information, and offer it freely to new collectors. Those who post coins, ask for input, then offhandedly reject members' comments merely do themselves a disservice. Please remember that someone new to any specialty subject cannot have the knowledge that persons with years of experience have.
  12. Members here have a lot of honest, useful information, and offer it freely to new collectors. Those who post coins, ask for input, then offhandedly reject members' comments merely do themselves a disservice. Please remember that someone new to any specialty subject cannot have the knowledge that persons with years of experience have.
  13. You do not have the knowledge or experience to draw any conclusions from what you think you see with or without a microscope. That knowledge is gained by listening, asking questions, and not by presuming you have answers, when you really have merely routine guesses. You asked what the other member's rat character meant. That's what I posted. There was no assumption of anything about you.
  14. Look at the education, income, social and civil rights equality, and almost any other measure of a positive society - the named states are at or near the bottom, and show no sign of changing. Failure = is institutionalized and politicized. Outside of the Federally funded facilities, and small university campuses, there is a vast waste of human talent and resources. Much like the Taliban in Afghanistan, who have discarded the talent of half their population, the named states and a couple of others destroy their futures by coordinated and calculated ignorance and social/economic blindness. Every locality has some portion of this -- so those named places are not alone - but most other places are more diverse and do not have the success-stifling approach change. There is no "...brain trust in the DC general area?" any more than the result of a positive approach to education, ideas, economics, individual talent, and tolerance for differing ideas over the broader region. Beneficial change is not easy, and many mistakes are made and will continue to be made. But unless a large jurisdiction, such as a state tries, it will never give its residents the same opportunity to succeed that exist elsewhere in the country.
  15. What members are saying is not a scripted fantasy, or "tabloid numismatics." Certainly submit the coin for authentication and grading. Be sure to specify the variety and pay the extra $18 (I think) fee. Members here will be interested in the results.
  16. I think he's referring to the squiggle-shaped damage at center.
  17. It's an oblique reference to member who refused to accept what experienced coin collectors were saying about his imaginary errors and counterfeit coins. Members tried to help, but he refused so people stopped paying attention to him. He attempted the same thing on other hobby message boards and got identical responses from members.
  18. Nope. "Some dictionaries" does not make it a correct spelling.
  19. What would they be testing?
  20. Completely phony appearance.
  21. An aside --- "Jefferson Nickle." There are "Jefferson Nickels" but no "nickles" running about.
  22. That's a nice group of Morgan dollars. It seems typical of what could once be picked up from a local bank. None of the coins would benefit from independent authentication and grading, in my view.
  23. It's a damaged 1884-O (round O). The number of photos posted doesn't change anything. Further, VAMworld's variety listing shows no O/S variety for this year.