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1909 S Indian Pics

Sorry my camera sucks, but I tried! This is it To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.



1909 S Reverse

Reverse . To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.



Find of the year

WOW What's up guy and girls. So my parents went to visit my grandmother for a couple weeks. Got back yesterday. Mom hands me a mason jar full of pennys. I go through them pulling the coppers, 99.9% are all commons. I got 2 wheeties, and about $1.50 in coppers. But about half way through i see a indian head. I think to my self cool but nothing special. Pick it up and it's a 1909. So there's a chance. Flip it over and there is a beautiful S at the bottom of the reverse. I just found a 1909 S ind



West Point sets extra box?

Hi Hello every one. Just a quick question. I received 10 sets Friday from the mint. They have been sent to pcgs already. But the weird part is they came in 2 different packages. 1 being 14 lbs and the other being 2 lbs. I couldn't open the boxes for first strike reasons. Just wondering if anyone else who ordered 10 sets got the extra small box? If so, what was in it? I'm guessing the 10th set. But this is driving me crazy. To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments



check out this proof

. Been a while since I've posted. Just wanted to get some opinions on this coin. I saw it on ebay tonight and fell in love with it. I got the winning bid for $626 shipped. Doesn't seen like a bad deal for what is. But, I know nothing about world coins. These pics do not show off the iridescent colors that the coin showcases. The brown with the heavy cameo is a thing of beauty. Just wondering if I did good or got ripped off. Brian To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. N




check it out HI everyone. I'm sure most of you seen this coin on ebay from datentype. I just purchased it for $127.50. I've only been dealing in coins about 4 years now, and I've never seen one of these. All I know is I wanted it. Just wondering if anyone has ever seen another 70 star out there. NGC says they do not grade 70 stars. Could this be the only one out there? Do you guys think I over paid?   I would love anyone's input. Thanks Brian To see old comments for this Journal



The secret behind toning?

MONEY MAKER??? This one guy has been coming into my store for years now and he knows I collect coins. We've had many conversations about coins and we both love them. Well the Christmas before last he gave me an untouched 2002 MS silver eagle for a present. When he gave it to me it came out of a mint roll. So I grabbed a large napkin and securely wrapped the coin. Got home and set it on the computer desk. Since then, My desk has been over flowing with with stuff. From mail to silver coins, grad



75th San Fran sets

Received my shipping email today So I sent in 10 set for grading (20 coins). 13-69's and 7-70's were the results. Enough to make 3 70 sets. Wasn't impressed with the grades. But, I guess it could be worse. When I sent them in, they all looked perfect to the naked eye. So i will sell 7 sets and keep the 3 perfects. So all i'm trying to say is. All the people presale 70 auctions on ebay. Be careful. To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.



What is wrong with teletrade

I guess third times a charm So I collect Jefferson nickels. That's basicly all I search for. About 3 months ago I find a 1987 D MS67 6FS that I need for my registry. Getting all excited and looking closely at the picture's, I notice the coin clearly says P for philly. The coin got mislabled. Which the D is about twice as rare as the P. So I email teletrade and let them know what's going on. They pull the coin from the auction immediately. Then about a month ago i'm doing my usual search's a



First time buying from HA

Not very excited I bought my first coin from heritage auction around a 3 weeks ago. Finally received it today. As I take it out of it's packaging the first thing I notice Is the ngc holder is chipped badly and looks like It's been taken out of the holder once or twice. Then I try to add the coin to my registry, but i can't. Still registered to the last owner. I don't have very good camera, or I would show you all the holder. I guess It will get crossovered my next shipment. By the way. The coi



1938 QDO MS 66 5FS

Check out this one Just bought this one of Ebay last week. Not only is it the only 1938 P nickel with steps from ngc, It's also a QDO. Picked it up for $665. Still waiting for NGC to figure out how many points it's going to be worth. Tell me what you think?

