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The Battle of the Camera

There's nothing worse than to have a nice coin and post BAD pictures of it. I have struggled over the years with taking pictures of my coins. There have been times when I nailed it, but always out of perseverance and simple dumb luck. I'm not the type to apply the Scientific Method. I just get in there and poke around with a stick.               With a little bit of advice from some friends here I started a more systematic approach. Controlling light and the movement

Captain Clipon

Captain Clipon

Custom Set Update

I have no idea the last time I updated this one. I had a look at the custom set that I created for the Lincoln Satins today. It's been some time since I paid it any heed. It has been tucked behind that little tab for years. It was filled with 67's, 68's and a few MS69's. There was even a 66 in there.   I have upgraded all but the 2010's to MS69, most of which are top populations.   Updating it was somewhat of an epiphany. I have spent years putting the set together, but somehow I forgot

Captain Clipon

Captain Clipon

It's worth what someone will pay for it.

I'm thinking that I am beating around the wrong bushes at the moment. My focus is Lincolns. Always has been. It stands to reason that I got excited when I saw the long-standing Memorial reverse coming to an end and was looking forward to adding these new coins to my collection.   Forget it!   Even Memorials are selling at exorbitant prices.   I challenge anyone to look over the census of the 1930's Lincolns and compare quality and rarity and price to the modern 09 and Shield coins

Captain Clipon

Captain Clipon

Does the smell still make it a rose?

A rose is a rose is a rose. Right? Not so sure. I love doubled die coins. I love having them in my registry set. the 1972 DDO has been eluding me for a while so I decided to do a little research on the 72 Doubled die, or should that be dies. There are at least 8 that are recognized and probably countless more minor ones that no one pays attention to. To most the 72 FS 101 is THE coin.   My research took me to the registry points listing in the NGC archives and low and behold, the FS 103 RD

Captain Clipon

Captain Clipon

Just One Bid

I suppose I should have known this was going to happen. I was recently watching a business strike Lincoln Birth & Childhood 2009 MS68 on auction. Actually, I was doing more than watching it. I was checking it every 30 minutes for 4 days.   I have all the Satin varieties in MS69 and the business types in MS67. I was tied in 4th place in the Life of Lincolns set here on NGC.   I got a little stir crazy and thought I needed to draw a line in the sand. Which I did. I lost the auction b

Captain Clipon

Captain Clipon

Just as an example

It's BROWN! Just thought I would toss one out there as an example... To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.

Captain Clipon

Captain Clipon

Smile! 1, 2, 3!

Does anyone else hate it when they count before taking a picture? OK, having troubles taking consistent pictures of my registry coins. I am able to get a great white (NGC) background in one picture but with the same elements the next pic comes out brown. The coins show up nice, but it's a horrible presentation. I use a finepix S1000 (old). Is it me or could the camera simply be wearing out? Come to think of it, I've never had luck with this camera regardless of what the subject is.      

Captain Clipon

Captain Clipon

I know, I should do research FIRST before asking...

Oklahoma isn't any magnet for coin shows, but I'm sure we have one pass through occasionally. If anyone knows of coin shows in the OKC area please let me know. It's been 20 years and I remember staying hours and hours till my back hurt. I would surely like to meet other people of like-mind other than online. Seeing some nice coins would be fun too... To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.

Captain Clipon

Captain Clipon

Does anyone know the way to Denver?

For several years I have hunted for the fabled "D". I have been putting together a Satin set of Lincolns since... well, since they started making them. I decided to make the goal of MS69. On my budget that made for a lot of hunting and a lot of waiting for the magical price. I made pretty good progress until I got to the 07D and 08D's. They were non-existent or way out of my price range. I have been neglecting my search for about a year, having other things of precedence, but started lookin

Captain Clipon

Captain Clipon

First Batch!

Good news and bad news... I sent n my first batch of coins to NGC for grading. My Kennedy got a MS64 grade. I really didn't think it would be worthy, but I'll take it. Even at a lower grade it's still beautiful. My dad's 55-S Lincoln also got a 64 RB grade. After sitting around for 30 years I guess I took pretty good care of it. The 99 Wide AM was a surprise. I expected a high AU grade. I love the toning on this one, although my son called it ugly. The other Wide AM coins were disappoi

Captain Clipon

Captain Clipon


Even without the 5 free certifications I think it is worth it. I just sent in my 5 free certifications that I got with my NGC upgrade. They are as follows; 1955 S Lincoln My father gave it to me when I was a teen. It's the first UNC coin in my collection. It is heavily toned. It should grade MS65RB. That's my guess. 1964 Kennedy Half. The reverse is end-of-roll toned. Looks one of a kind to me. Should grade MS62-63 probably, but the toning makes it one of my favorites. 1999 Wide AM

Captain Clipon

Captain Clipon


After all this time I finally did it! I have been thinking about it. I have saved money for it and spent it on coins. I have the coins ready to send off. I just haven't done it... until now. I upgraded my membership to premium and am loving the added features of the site. The 5 free submissions that come with the upgrade was the final reason that I did the upgrade. I have a rainbow 64 Kennedy that will be sent off and a 55S Lincoln that my father gave me many, many years ago that

Captain Clipon

Captain Clipon

Death and Destruction

They come with fire, they come with axes... gnawing, biting, breaking, hacking, burning. I made the decision that I would complete my raw Lincoln set with the ever illusive 1909-S V.D.B. Obviously, I don't have $1000.00 + laying around waiting to do something with, so I looked over my collection and I decided the set that I was the least emotionally attached to was my 1960's SMS set. Forging ahead, I posted and waited and posted and waited some more. I was lucky to find a coin that was o

Captain Clipon

Captain Clipon

Obscured Sets

Should obscured sets be disqualified from competition? OK, so, I am playing poker with this guy and we go through the whole thing of betting, gimme two cards, raise, etc... But when it comes down to laying down the cards, he refuses. How can you play with someone that won't show their hand? How is it possible to compete with a person like that? To top it off, what's the point of posting your set if you aren't going to let anyone but the judges look at it? It's all very confusing to

Captain Clipon

Captain Clipon

So, Who's the Bozo?

I have been working on my Lincoln Satin (ms69) set for some time, but did I pay too much? I just picked up the last 2009 Lincoln Satin MS69 coin for my registry set!! I now have all 8 of them. I paid $75.00 for the last one (09-P Presidency). I feel pretty good at this moment, and am continuing to look for the other Satins that I need (07-D, 08-D, 2010 P-D). OK, so I am poking around trying to find total mintages for the Uncirculated Mint Sets, AKA Satin sets, and I find this Bozo claimin

Captain Clipon

Captain Clipon

1960's SMS Set

Short and sweet! I have been working on my 65-67 SMS registry set for a couple of years and am very proud of it. It is a small set and even guys with a low budget like me can compete. My set sits at #13 as we speak!!! Embarasin, ain't it? To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.

Captain Clipon

Captain Clipon

Does NGC Hate Dimes??

I am surprised at the nod that NGC gives to some high-quality dimes. OK, so I find this 1966 SMS dime, MS69 for $300.00. I am putting together a nice SMS set, so I look up the point value for this particular coin. 45 POINTS!! The MS69FT only gets a paltry 54 points. Being curious, I look up the other two dimes in the 60's SMS set. The 1965 MS69 is worth 220 points, but the MS68 is only worth 12. The 1967 fares a little better in MS68, but it has a lower value in MS69 than the 1965.

Captain Clipon

Captain Clipon

Birth of another Saville

If all goes well, our ranks will swell by one tomorrow. I have a grandson that is due to be born tomorrow. I find myself wondering what kind of legacy he is being born into. I have decided to put together a set of coins for him with an explanation for each. Here is my list; 1955-S Lincoln Penny MS67 My first uncirculated Lincoln was given to me by my father, and is the corner stone of my collection. It remains ungraded, but I consider it the most valuable coin in my collection. The M

Captain Clipon

Captain Clipon

Another SMS Set, Or Maybe the Original One

The SMS coins have always sounded so exclusive to me that I can't stay away from them. This is one of my more successful attempts to date. The 1965 through 1967 Special Mint Sets, produced in lieu of proof coins for those years, have flown under the radar in my opinion. Actually, I think that ALL SMS coins have been under estimated. My set is currently in the top 20! That is a major accomplishment for me. The dimes (which are conspicuously missing) seem to present quite a challenge. The mor

Captain Clipon

Captain Clipon

Too Many Irons (or in this case, silvers)

I need to teach myself a new discipline... FOCUS! I deleted one of my competitive sets today. I had a sum total of 1 (yes, ONE) MS67 Oklahoma Quarter in it. 20 Points. Just sitting there by itself. I had told myself that I was going to take that path some time ago, but it never happened, and for good reason. My meager budget does not support all of the coins that I am interested in. I allocate $100.00 monthly for my acquisitions, which isn't much when one is chasing high-point coins,

Captain Clipon

Captain Clipon

Too Many Irons (or in this case, silvers)

I need to teach myself a new discipline... FOCUS! I deleted one of my competitive sets today. I had a sum total of 1 (yes, ONE) MS67 Oklahoma Quarter in it. 20 Points. Just sitting there by itself. I had told myself that I was going to take that path some time ago, but it never happened, and for good reason. My meager budget does not support all of the coins that I am interested in. I allocate $100.00 monthly for my acquisitions, which isn't much when one is chasing high-point coins,

Captain Clipon

Captain Clipon

Too Many Irons (or in this case, silvers)

I need to teach myself a new discipline... FOCUS! I deleted one of my competitive sets today. I had a sum total of 1 (yes, ONE) MS67 Oklahoma Quarter in it. 20 Points. Just sitting there by itself. I had told myself that I was going to take that path some time ago, but it never happened, and for good reason. My meager budget does not support all of the coins that I am interested in. I allocate $100.00 monthly for my acquisitions, which isn't much when one is chasing high-point coins,

Captain Clipon

Captain Clipon

Is settling a form of quiting?

I tend to be pretty unbending when it comes to most things, but is it OK to change one's expectations for no good reason? I have been putting together a set of MS/SP69 Satin Lincolns for a few years now. I have a few MS68's in the set as placeholders, waiting on a good deal on their upper class men to show up on my radar (and my budget). There are three holes in the set, the 2010's and a 2009P Presidency. I am considering picking up the MS68's for these and calling the whole thing finished.

Captain Clipon

Captain Clipon

Satin Coins Volume two

Well, they did it. There has been talk about doing away with the Satin coins that were distributed with the Uncirculated Mint Sets for the last few years. It is official; the Satin coin is history. I have been putting together a MS69 Lincoln set and have done pretty well. I have never had to pay $800.00 (eBay, or beg, borrow or steal to get the coins I want. They come up on auction occasionally and I get them at a price I am willing to pay. If memory serves, I have 5 coins left; 2007-D

Captain Clipon

Captain Clipon

Satin Coins

I keep hearing rumors that these coins will no longer be minted... I have been actively working on my Lincoln Satin set. I have three or four coins to complete my MS69 set. Many of these coins are top pop! NGC shows no value for them as of now. If these coins are discontinued they either skyrocket in price or fall away in obscurity. Since the set contains the bicentennial Lincolns, I figured the would be a good spec set. Only time will tell, and I will continue working on it. I guess we'll

Captain Clipon

Captain Clipon