RRGUY's Journal

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I am back!!!!!

Back into the collecting fold!!!! Well, after an absence of a few years, I have returned to collecting!!!!!! I have been adding a few coins here and there to my sets. Doing my silver Eagles first, but dabbing in a few other coins as well. Feels good to be back at it again!!!!! I am going to go a lot slower this time around. Went in hot and heavy before, and kind of got the burn out. Going to take my time, and build slowly as I go. Exciting to be back for sure!!!!!!! bp RRGUY



Cleo's Coinage

1/2 ounce Gold Eagle Set Well, off we go again!!! Even though we have a few sets that are not finished yet, we are going to work on the half-ounce gold Eagles now. Our $5 and $10 sets are done, so...... Our first coin arrived today, a '95 W in PF-70. Really nice coin. A lot bigger than the others we have done so far!!!!! We will send in for re-holdering into an Edge-View holder. Scans when it returns. Really fun to be starting a new set. New things to be on the look out for. Always f



Lehmann's Park Set

Parks, Parks, Parks Today marked the start of another new set!!! The 2010 clad National Parks set was started!!! Really nifty!! I am looking forward to working on this beast. Added all 5 of the first bunch today!!! Silver proofs came out yesterday, I think, so will add them soon. Cool to work on a set that will go on for a while, and will also be more affordable than some of my other sets. Will be a blast to see all the Parks depicted on quarters!!!! Every one will be different, which



1 Year Anny

Celebrating 1 year of NGC membership Today I renewed my NGC membership. Hard to believe I have been a member for a year already! Time flys when you are having fun!!!!! I have had a great time collecting and getting to know some fine folks this last year. Looking forward to more fun to come!!!!! RRGUY To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.



Caesar's Commem Gold

Gold, Gold, Gold!!!! Here we go again!!! After much prodding from Caesar, we are embarking (heh heh) on another gold qwest. Our commem golds are complete in NGC PF-70, and we are down to one needed coin in $5.00 gold eagles. Working on $10 gold eagles, but will not go into the higher denominations due to cost. Way more gold Buffalos out there than expected, and old gold way out of our budget. What other gold to collect Caesar asked? Well, I said, lets do the commem gold in MS-70 and see



09 Registry Awards

Happy as a Clam!!! Congrats to all who competed in the Registry Awards!!! Some really awesome sets out there in NGC land!!! Way to go, folks!!! While I didn't win any big awards, my certificates came today for the sets I had completed. Really made my day! Work has been brutal this last month, and I finally had something to smile about today!!!! Thanks to NGC for making this guy really happy!!!!!!! Thanks to all of you for keeping this fun!!!!! Brent RRGUY



82 Jeff PF-70

Fun while it lasted!!! Well, it was fun while it lasted. Got word yesterday my 1982 Jeff nickel, PF-70UC, which was the first ever to grade NGC PF-70UC and was a pop 1 coin for a few weeks, is now a pop 3. Bummer!!!!! I did get to enjoy if for a while, and on the bright side, two more collectors can add this baby to their sets. Always an up side!!!!!!



It is here!!!!!!!

First NGC PF-70 UC 1982 2 Jefferson My first to grade NGC PF-70UC 1982-S Jefferson nickel arrived today. After a couple weeks waiting, the big day arrived!!! She is awesome!!! Perfect in every way!!!! I did check the pop report this morning, and still only one!!! I am so excited!!!! Coolest coin so far in my collection! A -001 certification number to boot!!!!! I added the coin to my registry, but added photos today so you can all check it out!!!! Sorry my scans are not the best. Than



Lehmann's Beagles

Bouncing Beagles Well, I Have done it again!! Starting a new set!!! This time it is the 1/4oz. Gold American Eagles. Love the gold coins!!! I started the set with the 1995, which I scored last week. It arrived yesterday, and I started the set registry today with the addition of this coin!!! First one in my set!!!!! It is a super example, just needs to go in for the usual re-holdering into the new Edge-View. Will keep adding as I can!!!! 2-26-10 My first $10 gold Eagle came home toda



79 Type-1 PF-70 #1 Jeff Nick

First 79 type 1 to grade NGC PF-70 Well, I lucked out again!!!! Scored the first 1979 type 1 Jefferson nickel to grade NGC PF-70. As an added bonus-first one on the invoice, so number -001. Goes great with my pop 1 (for now) 82, also number -001. The gentleman graded 2 70's, and gave me the first one!!! Thanks Mark!!! I will try to be patient, coin should arrive next week!!!! Can't wait. You all will have to check my registry set after it arrives, as I don't know how to put photos in



Lehmann's Nicks

First PF-70 1982-S Jeff nick Gee-I bought what is, I believe, the first 1982-S Jefferson nickel to be graded PF-70 by NGC. I checked the pop report-still at 0 today. I think it will show 1 tomorrow!!!! Made the deal yesterday, the number ends -001!!!!! It is a beaut, Clark!!! I will send off the dough in the morning, hope to have the coin in hand by weeks end to add to my set!!!! My very first pop 1 coin! Me so happy!!!!! Hope it stays 1 for a while!!!!!



Merry Christmas

Ho Ho Ho Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!! bp



Caesar's Mini-Eagles

Somebody get me a doctor!!! Oh man, I need help!!!! I can't seem to stop. I think I need Coinaholics annon.!!!! Last night I bid on and won a 2006 $5 mini-eagle. Didn't expect to win it, but I did. Caesar told me to bid, as remember, he likes gold coins. Never listen to a dog!!! The gold big Eagles and Buffs are way out of my price range, so went for the minis. Wow-another set to work on!!!!! I am anxious to get the coin-have never seen one in person, so should be fun to check out!!!



Lehmann's Nicks

Here we go again..... Well, I did it today. I've been tossing around the idea of starting a new set. Today I did. Going with the Jefferson nickel proofs. I will try to put together a nice set. I wanted to collect a set I liked, and most importantly, could do over time. Won't be in a huge hurry to do this one. Going to take my time and have some fun!!!! Should be a bit less expensive to gather as well. I started it with the 2009 S, NGC PF-70, which I won on E-Bay about 15 minutes ago




Lehmann's Big Beagle Bonanza Bash My NGC PF-70 Silver Eagle set story begins on April 19, 2009. While working on my state quarter series, I saw some Eagles on E-Bay and I bought one on a lark. It was the 2005 W. When it arrived, I was very pleased. What a monster sized coin!!! These things are huge I thought!! That was all it took. I began to watch for them on E-bay, and checked with dealers and such as I began the search for perfect Eagles!!! I decided to build the coolest, most comp



Commem Journey

Caesar's Proof Commem Set My PF-70 Commem set story begins on May 30, 2009. I had looked at some of the commem coins, and really liked what I saw. My state sets were nearing completion, and I wanted to start something new. I liked the fact that I could collect three different things in one set-dollars, halves, and the biggie, GOLD!!!!! Caesar said "Let's go for it" and we did. The first coin was the Braille dollar. It started it all moving!!! We were underway!!!! The first half was t



Caesar's State Set

Caesar Speaks!! Here's the story.......... Of some Statehood Quarters............... This is the story of my Chow-Chow Caesar's state set. It all began on a dark and stormy March 4, 2009, with the purchase of a 2005 Silver state set. The first clad purchase was on March 7, 2009 with an Arkansas quarter. As the days went by, I bid on E-bay on other quarters I needed. Man, what a blast! I had so much fun, I didn't know how to act!!! I won some, lost more, and slowly put this set toget



Presidential Proof 70 Dollars

Presidential Ponderings I started my Presidential Dollar set after looking at one of the wifes coins. I really liked the design, and thought the dollars were very cool. It was also a set I could put together at reasonable cost, unlike the State quarter set I was also working on. I bought the 09 year set first, winning an auction on E-Bay on 3-28-09. It was a complete set of the four, in the new NGC Edge-View holder. Really cool looking set! I then got busy, winning the 07 and 08 year s



Clad State Quarters

Journey from start to finish on my Clad State Quarter set. My coin collecting story starts 40 years ago. I collected a bit in school days as a fun hobby. Liberty V nickels and Silver Dollars were my favorites. I also collected World coins my folks brought back for my from their travels around the Globe. My coin hobby took a back seat to my train hobbies though, and I was out of the hobby for many, many, years. Fast forward to 2009. I needed a new collecting hobby for fun. I decided to c



Silver Territories

Silver Territories Sampler I added the last six State Series quarters in silver to my collection 4-10-09. I purchased them as a complete set. I got an extra VI and no DC, so had to send in for a replacement. That's why the numbers don't all match. They are all in the new NGC Edge-View holder which is awesome! All the coins are perfect 70 coins. No defects of any kind on any of them. They are all truly beautiful coins. Fitting end to a great series!!



Clad Territories

Final in Clad Series. The six final Clad State quarters. I consider these part of the State set. I purchased them as a group on 3-9-09. These were the first coins I owned in the new NGC Edge-View holders. I was hooked right away!!! I had all my other State quarters put into the new holders as well. Now the set of 56 matches!!! Really a neat set of six. They are all perfect 70's, no defects of any kind. I wish my photography skills were better so you could see what I mean!!!!