jayh749's Journal

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These New NGC Holders

What's All The fuss I just got back a submission today. I have to admit, I LOVE THE NEW HOLDERS!! With the coins that I had submitted, They show very nicely with the new holders. The light catches the coin better, the rim of the coin stands out better, and it appears that if I laid the coin down on a colored felt background, the coin would stand out, for a picture very nicely. Believe me, the coin is not in a mini tunnel anymore, and it really shows off alot more beautifull than with the old h



Mice Can Be Dangerous For Coin Collecting

A Failed Mouse can sure cost some money I've finally recieved the fruits of my mistake. During the last Long Beach auction, I had bid on a few coins through ebay, and thought that I would watch the goings on. During the auction I thought that I might still be interested in bidding on a few more. As the coins were running through, at a very fast pace I might add. My cordless mouse started to fail. After banging my mouse around frantically, and realizing that I need to change the batteries, that



Friends that I have never met

Those rare individuals who help out, even though they don't need to. HI~! It's been a while since I have written. Today though, seems like a good day, with a good reason. Even though I want to name the person that I am talking about, I won't. Today I had the rare pleasure of recieving help from a fellow collector. I needed his coin for my set, and offered a trade. I felt that it was a good trade, but at no time did this fellow collector have to trade and help me out, at all. He did though!! He



NGC vrs. PCGS and ICCS. A Canadian's opinion

NGC is the top grading service by far Having a good read here, with all those opinions out there. Now, after all that good reading, my mind starts to whirl. After having so many thoughts on this issue, I thought it best to share. In my personal experiance, I have found through many ebay purchases, NGC submissions, and attempts and purchases of PCGS, NGC, and ICCS graded coins, here are my findings. Over the past year I have submitted aprox. 15-20 pl-66, ICCS graded coins to NGC for gr



Thanks NGC

My registry awards arrived!!! After waiting a month and ahalf. They arrived!! My registry awards certificates arrived. I am happy to recieve these. My most cherished is the Canada Pl quarter award. Here is the picture. Again, Thanks NGC.



I've finally Completed it

The 1953-67 silver proof like quarter set Well, I've finally done it. What a feeling of acomplishment. I thought that once complete, I could rest. WRONG!! Now I have an overwhelming feeling to try to crown the set with all mininum grades of PL-67. I guess that the "obsession" has taken control of me. I trully think that the pl-67 thing is a pipe dream. Oh well, I'll give this one more good shot before trying to get my "fix" by working on another set. Hey, go take a look at my babies. There are



Aint She A Bute?

the promised picture of that lotto winner Here she is folks! the winning lottery ticket. As I said, it's a beauty. Just as I promised, here is the picture.



WOW!! I Just Won The Lottery

I Finally hit the jackpot with this coin The NGC gods finnaly came through for me. I just recieved my last submission back from NGC today. Most came back pretty much as expected, BUT WHAT DO WE HAVE HERE? A little gift. There could be no better grade for this coin. With only a population of two in this grade out of approx. 500-600 coins graded by all the grading services. I recieved a PL-67 ultra cameo for my Canada 1955 PL quarter, that I submitted. Finally, I got one. Besides where this take



Looking for a little help from all the poeple who are in the know!

What can I expect from the registry awards. Being new to the registries, I was wondering if anyone could enlighten me about the registry awards. If a person has a "best in catigory" award symbol next to their set, do they recieve a plaque or certificate from NGC too? Or is it just the little ribbon beside their set, that they get? Also, if there are any certificates or plaques, when could a person expect to recieve it? Another question. Every year upon renewal of the paid subscription, does a



Don't Give Up Mr. thompson!

Try to have some hope. Hi! Mr. Thompson. You write a mighty sad journal. Listen, don't give up. Yes, maybe you have to liquidate a few of the straglers and non favorites from your collection. Don't go full hog, untill you really need too. We all go through bad and sad times. Hey, I just got autited by the tax man for two years. They came up with a very corny amount, and I never did anything wrong, Just their gross negligence. I'll get a lawyer and work it all through, even though I just want t



response to "Points"

You've got a good point To respond to "audrop". Good observation. I've done the deed that you are talking about. In defense of the double sets. I record/ register 2 Canada Pl quarter sets. I do this for two reasons. First, the value of some of these, I feel should be secured. By photo, and registry, if something happened, like fire, or theft. I would be able to claim these with insurance easier. Secondly, I really want a top NGC set. However, sometimes I can only find PCGS slabbed coins. Now,



Reponse to " Rankings"

The real value of points I have to say that I pretty much agree with "silverDollar". Even though it would hurt my standing ( way back in the peanut gallery ) There should be, in my view, a more cautious approach to awarding the points. Maybe, only allow the points to show when a collector has a mininum of 35-50% of a set. This should show that a person really is working a set, thus awarding the hard efforts of the people trying to build a set. I, myself have some "straggler" coins. Yes, I have



Gett'n jiggy with it

Finally starting to figuar this out Well, it's been a couple a months now. I been a paid member since December. I'm on my fourth submission. Once again, believing that I know how to "pre-grade" those coins. Probably, only to be brought back down to earth again to the reality of bodybags, and lower grades than anticipated. Coins that I thought would grade high come back lower, low ones come back higher than expected. I sit here with my head spinning. I've had huge disapointments with my first s



I Can See Clearly Now!

I've finally got pictures I was always capable of taking reasonable pictures of my coins. However, being able to upload them onto the NGC site has been a big challange due to the 120k requirements for the photo. Finally though, I've made a break through. To get them to be the right size to put on my registry. I had to place them onto my desktop, from my kodak easyshare. then, I had to right click and "open with" paint. After that, I had to go to "stretch and skew" off of the edit in paint. I s



Opinions About The Grading Companies

Values of one grading company over another I read alot. About coins, grading, and most of all, about dealer's and collector's opinions about the grading companies. I like swishing the different opinions around in my head, It makes for good thought. I have found that, over all, the dealers are to blame for the off balance of opinions towards the grading companies. I have talked to the same dealer at different coin shows, and depending who was around he would lift or put down NGC. I personally b



A Little Disheardtened To say The least

Continued From "WOW!! talk about fast" I don't want to rant and rave. However, I am so disheartened I almost feel like quiting this hobby. Today I recieved my coins back from NGC. My anticipation and excitment was so overwhelming. I could hardly keep my mind on work, waiting for the coins to come back. I had visions of my coins in their new holders and such. What a surprise when I opened this large FEDEX box sent from NGC. NONE of my coins were crossgraded. There they were in "Bodybags". I was



WOW!! Talk about Fast!!

Getting my coins graded, so much for "SCARED STIFF" So, here I am writing about my grading adventures again. O.K., the other day, Monday January 28, 2008 I sent some coins in for crossgrading. ( See "scared stiff" article) I went on the site last night and saw that they had been recieved. Only 24 hours, thats what I paid for in the shipping. However, My biggest surprise came today. When I checked the status of my coins, it says that they had been crossgraded, encapsulated, pictured, and sent.



Scared Stiff

So much for self confidance and patience Boy what a week. Trying to get up the confidance to send my coins in was a killer to say the least. Finally, last night I got my feet wet. After weighing all the info. that I recieved about sending in some valuable quarters to get cross graded. I did it. I took the plunge. ( see collectors journal "HELP" ) I cut off the grading card that ICCS places with the coin, and went to work getting everything ready to send. After my final acceptance of what felt



Thanks For The " HELP!! "

Many Thanks To The Collector's Society Members A very heart felt "thank you" to all the society menbers who have given me their opinion and advice. Please if any one has more advice, please give it to me. Even if I have already made my decisions, the info. is always welcome. The reading is good too. Collecting, for me, seems to be a solitary life. When I talk to "interested" friends and family they always spur on my excitement or should I say passion, for the hobby. However, that being said, v




Cross grading ICCS coins to NGC Help! I need some advice. I have never sent any coins in yet for grading. I am nervous and worried. I have asked questions to NGC as well as to members. The water is till too cold. I keep pulling back at the last moment. You see, my problem is that I have recieved just enough conflicting advice that I am too scared to commit some high valued coins for grading, when, in my eyes, I'm going to do something wrong and I won't have the orrigonal graded value after the



Bammer Needs advice

Sharpness verses lustre Try getting a bit more light onto the coin. Then try to refect the light away from the camara lens by adjusting the coin or the camara on a slight angle. I've been playing with coin pictures that way for awhile now. Sometimes it works out real good and sometimes not. It does work out real well when the coin has a heavy cameo.



A New Use For An Awkward to Use Case

Here's A New Itea For Using PCGS Cases I don't know if anybody has the same problem as I have run into, trying to use PCGS cases. Here ,though, is a hopefully new use for those limited use cases. One day, not too long ago, I was sitting at my desk with a bunch of ICCS graded coins. Some of them are extremely rare coins. I just didn't know how to store them safely while I keep them before sending them in to NGC for re-grading, or cross grading. I have this one case from PCGS that I had bought a



I Love It When A Plan Comes Together

My beloved PL Quarter set It feels so great to be a winner. After all the work that I have put into building this set. A great feeling of recognition, pride and respect comes out of having the best "1953-67 Canadian Pl 25 cent" collection, for this year. Even though there is still alot of work to completing this set, to make the "ultimate" set. I do feel that I am finally on the right track. The hard part is just beginning now. To get the upgrades. I'll have to get the coins from other graders




2007 journal award winner Congratulations!!! Keep up the good work. It is with the "participation" of members like you, that will keep this alive and growing. Creating a community that will help entertain members as well as inspire them, beyond just the collecting factor.



By Jove I think I got it!!

Where is that elusive 1961 PL quarter? (act II) I've looked and looked, searched and searched. FINALLY!! I found one! It's not in the holder that I want. ICCS, well I can get that corrected easy enough. I'll send it for grading at NGC. It's a Canada 1961 PL-65 Heavy Cameo 25 cent. I thought for a bit that I could loose it. There was someone else interested, and bidding for it as well. Alas, I was vicorious! It sure would be nice to get the cross grading done and get it into my registry set. Bo

