jayh749's Journal

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Speaking of Obsesive

I'm going crazy waiting for my submission My order was sent in three weeks ago. I thought that I had become "patient" since my last submission, of last year. NOPE!! Not yet anyways. I was fine untill my order was sitting in quality control for over a week. Now the story to this is a little confusing, so let me explain. When I submitted my order, It was a ten coin submission. Now, I just had to get this one certain coin cross graded, I just had to. You see, it is a Canadian 1968 silver PL-10



Respect in the Market Place

What happened to honor, integrety, respect? A couple of months ago, I sold a coin on ebay to a fellow who, it seemed from the start to be a little sly. Now, I sell a few coins on ebay, mostly, coins that don't make the grade for my sets. I've never had problems before, so an expert in sale issues, I am not. This time though, it seemed that he just wanted to buck the terms of the sale from the start. Firstly, let me tell you about the terms of the sale. The item was to be paid in U.S. dollars,



Thanks CVCC

Nice people do exist Two days ago, I recieved a box in the mail. I raised an eyebrow. I pretty much know when and what is arriving in the mail to me. I keep pretty close tabs on the coins that I purchase. Well, on this day, I was BAFFLED!! I got home and opened this box. HMMM, three really nice early 1970's specimen sets, in leather cases. OH boy, the sender made a mistake. For one, I only know the ebay seller by the store name and only chatted by email once maybe a year ago. Never bought anyt



Recognition Finally For NGC

It's good to see the playing field is finally evening out. I just returned from the Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Coin show today. It's on for two days this weekend. I saw something that I was happy to see and proud to comment on. You see, for years, at the coin shows in both Edmonton and Calgery, I would only see the odd NGC graded coin. Word from the dealers was that NGC graded two points higher than PCGS and our top grading co. ICCS. That always bothered me. Every year I would express my findin



I picked my set to work on this year

EPcoins helped me get started Well, I finally picked a set to work on for the year. The Canadian 1953-76 PL cents. I bought about 90% of epcoins's set. I would have liked to buy it all, but one was too low of a grade, for me. The other was way too competitive with all the ebay bidders for that coin. Anyhow, it gave me a nice boost on the set, and a second place sitting. again, That "lantern Collection" is in first place. His points seem to be quite the challenge to try to catch, let alone beat



Thanks for helping out the NEW GUY

Top1flight is anxious to recieve his coins. A while back a new collector joined the society. A young person with an obvious taste for a healthy hobby. Rare for young people today, when everything has to have TV, Games, "Hanging out" or going to the mall. Not to mention drugs. It honors me to be able to help give this person a healthy helping hand. Without all of the society members who gave freely to help also, this wouldn't be possible, at least not as it has turned out. You all know who you



Presidential Proofs

I never knew that they were so nice I recieved my first presidential proof dollar today. Thanks to Chris Chambers. Now, I've collected Canadian proofs for a long time, but this is my first U.S. proof. My compliments to the U.S. mint. It's a beautifully made dollar. I never realized that proofs can be that different. I thought that they were the same, just differnt countries, coins, and mints. Not so, something that I noticed right away was the "sparkle" within the ultra cameo finnish on George



Cross Grading Vrs. Cracking-out Submissions

I need feedback / opinions on Crossgrading I finally recieved my Dec. 18 submission. The coins came just as described, and overall I'm very happy. The one that had to go through NCS first, before it could be cross graded, is on its way now also. it cross graded just fine. Now, for my quastion. A 1953 Canadian pl dime that technically has been crossgraded. Due to the fack that I removed it from its holder and sent it in. It was the coin that came back as a second highest graded. Great! I



Is NGC Is Teasing Me

My coin keeps flopping around and won't get finalized. So, as I wrote before, I had one coin go to NCS before it could be graded. I would like to say that I've been patiently waiting, NOT! So after two weeks, the status changes. It came back and was scelualed for grading. YEA!! Within one day, it then showed that it was in quality control. It won't take long, now. Today though, I rushed home to check the status and to my surprise, it was back in " shedualed for grading" status. I'm lost, what



To Gilmore

Here is the Obverse of the coin This is the obverse of the coin that I just taked about. Hopefully this helps somewhat.



Hopefully Helpfull To Gilmore

Trying to figuare out what is a cameo designation. I've sent in about 90 to 100 coins, looking for designations anywhere from cameo to ultra cameo. After being disapointed umpteen times, I did some investigating, and came up with some opinions. What I found is that It seem that NGC uses the same principals for designation as PCGS. The cameo has to be equal on both sides of the coin, or better. I have sent in Canadian coins graded by the supposed top graing service for Canadian coins. I.C.C.S.



What A Nice Piece Of Silver

I found a smart buy, And a stroke of luck too. Two weeks ago on ebay, I found a listing for a 1953 PL Canada quarter. No biggy if you don't know what I am talking about, so I'll explain. The 1953 Canadian PL quarter has actual unkown mintage of somewhere around 1000 piece, divided over two different varieties. Now the question is, how many of each have survived and were not put into bubble gum machines by someone's kids. Only 16 of one kind and 123 of the other have been graded. Thus she is a



It's O.K. To Help Mr. top1flight

I guess that it is OK with his mom Hey all you guys that wanted to help me put together some coins for top1flight, he told me that it's OK with his mom. I told him that I would get you guys to send them to me, and when he gave me his address in a couple of weeks(he's moving into a new place) I would then send them all to him. Send me a line so I know what to expect also, if you could send them to: Jay Heywood 419, 300-8120 Beddington Blvd. n.w.



I Thought That NCS Had Killed My Coin

I Got a reponse about my missing orders. Well, I got quite a few responses today about my orders. The first was from Amy, telling me that my 1973 Canadian large bust quarter was still in conservation. That was nice, I felt good. Then When I checked on my 3 orders, they were all finalized and shipped. YA HOO! I started checking and confirming my grades. I thought that It was strange, with the one order, after all the one coin was in conservation still, OR WAS IT? Maybe they got it done. Without



Where Oh Where Can My Little Coins Be

My submission has been in quality control since Dec. 31/08 You guys talk about your submissions. Well, I do the same. After hours, weekends, you name it, even seconds to 6p.m. Florida time. I just Keep hopeing. I had 3 submissions that I had sent in on Dec. 18/08. Now I knew Christmas was around the corner, but in my mind that didn't matter. I just kept on checking. In my mind, that's ok as long as they come back with good grades. Then on New Years eve, I was eating breakfast at a restaurant,



Accept our help, PLEASE!!

We all need help sometime Please accept our help, we all had to start somewhere. Coins are beautiful. Helping is part of what life is all about. Believe me, there is sooo much to collect that we could never wreck the hobby by giving you too much. Take our help and some day you'll help someone in return, Hey maybe, it might be us you'll be helping back.



We Need A Computer Tech.

NGC Needs some sort of instant messaging or split screen columb so that we can communicate easier Just read the teaser!!




Help top1flight Boy this is great, maybe we can give this youngster something we never had as a young collector. That person/ persons who is interested in what we are interested in, or even a whole whak of mentors for him. Keep them comming guys, lets keep helping.



Lets Try To Help " top1flight "

We all Had to Start Somewhere I just sent a message to " top1flight ". If he wants I'll send him a couple of slabbed Canadian Coins to help get him/her started. How about a few of you guys out there pitching in to help out also. It must break him to try to collect coins. Maybe we can all pich in and get him engulfed in this hobby, with the feelings that we get when we get a fresh batch back from grading. As well as the anticipation of what he is getting sent to him.



Weighing In On PCGS Being On The NGC Registry

The more that I grow in the hobby the more it matures me. Over the past couple of years this subject pops up every now and then. Each time I read some articles, I sense anger, frustration, loyalty, pride, and the list of emotions goes on. I understand all of these, as I feel them more and less at times. I do, though, fall into the catigory of using PCGS to my advantage. I have a few, about 20% of my coins registered, by PCGS. They are usually the rare, top graded coins that I can't aquire in N



Congratulations To All 2008 Registry Award Winners

Hopefully All The Hard Work Has Paid Off Here we are, another year gone by. I had the day off today, and sat waiting for the winners to be announced. Boy, they took their time. Finally, there it was. I have to admit that I had known that I had a good chance for a couple of awards, but it hadn't been finalized yet. Now it is official. I wonder though, how in the world does a person win those awards for best world set, etc. I spent alot of time compiling info on the coins, mintages and all. May



I've Finally Done It ( 1 of 2 )

A difficult task to get to the top and have the number 1 Canadian 1953-67 PL set. Boy what an adventure. First though let me wish everyone HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! It has been quite the task this last year to complete this set. Although, it isn't technically finished untill I upgrade a few and get that last, almost impossible coin to get. I'll keep working on it. I thought that this was going to be pretty easy to make this set. The coins were out there, and reasonably priced as well. I'm kind of c



I've Finally Done It ( the last page )

I didn't think that I had that much to say!! Here I am Now. Jan. 2, 2009. My 1953 PL dime has been graded, but not sent back. I did get notice that it graded well. Not the dream number, but second highest out of NGC, PCGS, and ICCS. It came back as a PL-66 Cameo. Absolutly nothing to cry about. It is now in my set ( no picture yet ). I've got a good solid lead in the top spot, but there is still work to do. Hopefully I can retain the lead as I have with my 1953-67 Canadian PL quarter set. I kn



I've Finally Done It ( 2 of 2 )

The 1953-67 Canadian PL dime set. So, to continue. Buy November now, after getting help and all, what do I do. I'm just going to be short, and what do I find on EBay, a 1967 PL-67 dime by PCGS. The excitement is back, I've got my second wind I CAN DO THIS! Now, I am 27 points on top in first place, and am I excited. But wait. If I show my hand too soon, he could top my 27 points, I'm too close. So, I wait. While I'm in my waiting mode, and it is eating me up, come on, I just want to get them a

