jayh749's Journal

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Entries in this journal

A difficult year

I had to become more discerning, as a collector. Hi there! Fellow collectors. What a year, for me. Let's see. Where to begin.. Collecting wise. I had to cut back last year, becoming a more descerning collector. I took a bad fall at work, which almost ended my time on this earthly plain. I fell 12 ft. Onto my head. They worked on me for 4 hours in emergency. I was cut from nose to ear. Went blind for a bit. Concussion, and Heart was having a few issues, but the final result ? A severely bro



I thought that I was going to feel FREE!

Talk about an addiction. First of all, congrats. To all the society members on their collections. Winning or not. After all, we all have to start somewhere, and without a collector pool. How could there be any great top sets. So, as I say, congrats. To all. Here I am in Jan. I've been collecting Canada pl coins for quite a few years. In Dec. I completed a few sets. My prize sets are the 1953-67 pl dimes and quarters. As well as the 1950-67 pl dollars. Now, the costs to complete these sets ha



The weird adventure of an eBay purchase

It got lost in the mail. O.k.. Here is a quirky story. It all started in early December 2013. I purchased an NGC graded coin on eBay. This coin is not all that rare. Not valuable at all. It is a top graded canada pl nickel from 1973. The coin? A canada 1973 PL-68 nickel. Now. Since I needed it for my collection, I bought it. Purchase price $32.00 plus $15.00 shipping. I know it was close to Christmas, so I didn't expect much for the delivery time. On Jan. 6 I went onto eBay to track it. To



well, it all comes together today.

The whole year's efforts to this day. He we are. Another year gone by. Everyones hard collecting efforts point to this day. Good luck to everyone. Ive finally finnished two very special sets.my canada pl 25 cents 1953-67, and canada pl silver dollars 1953-67. Pictures, descriptions everything. I still would like to do some upgrades, but im happy. Infact, I feel a sense of completion. Im still working on all the pl sets. These two sets are my favorites. Now, my focus will be on the pl 5 c



Panning For Gold "2"

It might be a good one! So, if you have read my last journal, this one is a nice part two. Here I am bored a couple of days ago. Ive surfed everything. Ebay, telatrade, great collections, and Heritage. Nothing I want, or could find. Anyway, I go back onto ebay and look for raw coins. There it was a Canada 1953 nsf pl-65 penny. So the seller's dad had labled on the cardboard 2x2 holder. Is it for real? This is rare, raw or graded! The price was like 4-5 dollars. If it is for real, it could b



Panning For Gold

Searching for that coin that could be worth gold So here I am. June 29, 2013. What a year so far. We have had some wicked flooding here in Calgary, Alberta. Rain, Wow!!! have we had rain! Anyway, thats another story. What I'm here for today, is to tell a really great storey about coin collecting. The story that all of us collectors live for. O.K. here we go. I will start this story about five years ago. I was on ebay and was just passing time searching for coins. I typed in "Canada, 1953, PL



our registry awards

Are they late? First of all, thanks for all of the good feedback on my last journal. I guess when the coins come back to me, I will have to " get cracking", on those pcgs holders to resend them in. Now, to my current journal. I thought that it was a little strange that I hadn't received my award certificates for this year. I know that they are just certificates, but I do enjoy receiving them every year. The other day I suddenly realized that they hadn't arrived yet this year. On Tuesday I se



This is killing meeee!

This is killing me/ driving me nuts!!! So, I tried a PCGS crossover again. I thought "GREAT!" they are moving on my submission so fast. Recieved, first day. Scedualled for grading on the second day. YAAA! Third day, quality control. WOW! this is great! Fourth day......#@!!??. What went wrong? "did not cross". I almost lost my mind. How? Why? I mean, I did everything right, didn't I? I left the min. grade open so that they could grade it to what they wanted. I couldn't hold back, I wrote a lett



Trying another attempt at a pcgs crossover

I am going to pray for a good crossover O.K. here I am again. I mean what choice do I have. I have so many PCGS coins. No, Im not crossing my PCGS pl-68's. They are too costly and valuable to have them graded down any level. I did get brave enough to go for a couple of pl-67's though. A canada dime, quarter, 50 cents, and a dollar. I didn't place a min. grade this time. IT'S in gods hands now. I did submit some other grades for crossover, but those were the top grades submitted. I will let eve



The Purge II

Totally sad O.K.. So sometimes I read about someone who submits an order, only to be dishartened when their crossover submission is returned, not to their sadisfaction. Personally, I say too bad, maybe they expected too much, or their coins were not what they thought. Today is my day to cry. None of my PCGS coins crossed over. I mean, these were top notch coins. how can this be. PCGS can't be that bad at grading, can they? Here is what I sent in. A 1954 and 1956 Canadian PL-68 silver dolla



Self Inflicted Wound

I guess that is why they call them "Competitive" sets So, here I was bidding on the Heritage auction the other day. I never won anything, but then again the two coins that I was remotely interested in bidding on went WAAAY more than I wanted to pay for them. I didnt really need them, but I felt Kind of funny about one coin in particular. A 1954 Canadian PL-67 dollar. I have a pcgs PL-68 with a heavy Cameo, but I felt like I should bid on this, just for the hell of it. Well, when it came time,



Childhood-like anticipation

It's Funny how we can retain our childhood-like emoitions at time O.K. here we are, into another year. No, I didn't win any special plaques for writing, or any coveted special collection awards. BUT, I knew that I would win some awards. Every year as the Janurary date nears, I wait like a child, to see if I still retain the set awards, which I have been getting for years. I have them all saved, and keep saying to myself, that I am going to frame them some day. Still havn't though. This year, M




I survived The great PCGS purge, by NGC, of 2012 It's been awhile since I have written. BUT, "I"M BACK"! I was very sad last year when NGC decided to remove all my pcgs coins from my sets. In some ways, insulting. I know it's their right, but I had worked so hard on my sets, especially my number 1 sets. Some coins, PCGS graded, cost me thousands of dollars. I had always looked at the NGC registry as the one proper registry, because a true number 1 set could be created using both top rat



Oh BOY!! What a Surprise.

NGC 's PCGS Decission O.K., I've been out of circulation for a couple of years. Sorry. I've been a little active with the community, but, poorly. Concentrating in paying off my house takes alot of time and energy. What a surprise though. Seeing that PCGS coins are gone from my sets at the end of January. I have worked so hard on my sets. I always believed in NGC for the registry due to the fact that they would alow a "collector" to build the best set possible. I called my sets "hybrid" sets. Y



How often do we get a chance at a top ranked coin, that we can afford?

I purchased the "Flag ship" of my collection. Up here in Canada, we have the "Torex" coin show and auction, in Toronto every year. This,in my opinon, is probably the top coin show/ auction that Canada has. I can't afford to ever go, but I can bid on line. the other day I went on to purchase a mid valued coin for my collection and to just watch what some of the coins were going for. That was good. I won the mid value coin. however, what I should have done and didn't was watch from the "watch" s



Ever wonder what happened to that coin that got "lost or stolen" in the mail to you?

I kept the registry number of my coin and "TA-DA" It showed up. Now, before I go on into my story, I must say that I will not give away the type of coin, who sold it to me or any other identifying comments, just in case the buyer really did get this coin legit. About two years ago I bought a year set of coins for my collection/ mom and dad. Not something that I have ever done before, but it was the year that my parents got married, and I was going to give it to them on their anniversary. I



I Feel For "Walnutto"

Sometimes the playing field just seems so uneven. Reading walnutto's recent journal activated my thinking gland. in some ways he said so much about some of our registry plights. I do feel for this collector, as I somethimes, well, all the time fight the same battle. However, as a past athlete, I have this urge to compete. No, I cannot compete with some of those guys dollar signs, nor could I ever. It would be the same though if all pcgs collector's had all NGC slabbed coins. It's their disposa



Coin collecting, a gage to the state of the Economy ?

Buying coins today is definately different than even 3 months ago. There has been alot of talk about the economy. Well, is that an understatement, or what? After competing for mid range priced coins on heritage, teletrade, ebay, as well as auctions held here in Canada, I must give my own personal review. To start with, those who don't know me, or what I collect, let me introduce myself, relating to what I collect. I collect, Canadian coins primarily. Right now concentrating on PL coins. Wh




A total shock to see this attached to my registry I was casually sitting at my desk writting out work invoices and thought to check out the registry just to see if the awards had been placed yet. WHAT a shock!! When I signed on, there it was! I strangely, unexpectedly, got the biggest surprise. I had won a journal award for this year. WOW! When I was in high school I used win awards every year. Got a couple of accomodations from the army, That made me proud. In general in life though, eve



I lost one and won one this year.

It's quite a challenge to keep your sets in the number 1 spot. I don't "journal" that much, like some people can, I just only talk when I feel that I have something interesting to add to the collector world. Well, Hey!, here is my first entry to the next year! Keeping a set at the top is, what I feel, like playing chess. You know where you are going to try and be, but you can't give your opponents a "heads up" to your intentions. My game started patiently, at the beginning of the year. F



I'm just- a- scweeken by

Oh boy, this is getting tough For some years now, I've been trying to compete against the "Lantern" collection. Now I know that my coin budget is definately not what his budget is. Still though, I've been proud to hold a Few #1 sets. Today, wow, what can I say. He placed his final coin into his Canada 1953-67 PL quarter set. Talk about close. I'm now only 28 points ahead of him. We both have 100% of the coins. Finding anything higher in a grade would take a miracle. Well' I guess not. He did i



I GOT tossed out of first place

Watch out, there is always someone gunning for your seat! Well, for a couple of years I proudly held the top seat In the Canada "folklore and Legends" Proof 50 cent set. There wasn't too many sets entered, but it was my first number 1 spot, and I was really proud. I got the boot today! Now, don't get me wrong, I like competition and congratulations to the new #1 seat owner. Although, it does sadden me a bit. Man, we work so hard to get there. Keeping it is the other task that can be a bit daun



"NEW" details slabbing

What does it do? How do the coins place in society, let alone the registry society? The brief description that NGC and NCS gave about the new system for problem coins, kind of baffles me a bit. After reading how they would now grade/ slab those coins, I now see a slot for registering them into my registry set listings. Now I am confussed. Will points still be atributed to the details listing? I have a Canadian "1950 Arnprior" dollar that was recently bodybagged back to me. Now they did say tha



Working, Collecting,and worring

I've been away for awhile! Hi guys, and gals. I've been very occupied these days. Too occupied to write most anything. On my collecting front, I've kept myself, enjoyably, working quietly on my sets. Mostly still in the PL area. It's hard staying at the number 1 spot with my Pl dimes and quarters. Always looking for who is catching up to me, searching for a better coin. Although, there are not many choices, when you pretty much have all the top coins. Still, when someone is catching up, and yo



I wish that I could help out.

Times are not at all bad, or as bad, as I thought that they would be. Collecting coins is a passion, and a way to get away from what is going on in the world today. The news has got a little better, but still. If I could offer mr. Thompson a job, I would. I am a Journeyman carpenter, here in Calgary, Canada. I have my own buisness, and for a while just after Christmas, I thought that the world was collapsing. Within the last 2 months I am seeing job starts rise to the point that I can't keep u

