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Reverse 2008 eagle is hot with pics

The hottest of coin of the year is here Well everyone knows about the rare misprint eagle.If you dont, it is the 2007 reverse on the 2008 eagle.The raw coin went from 20.00 to 200.00 in a week.only 47,000 errors exist.If you break it down further that equals to 900 coins per state.They are over 900 people in a 20 block radius.Point given,If you cant afford this coin now,You may never be able to afford it.Silver eagles are the biggest among new collectors.I had to splurge.I have 32 comming to m

Paul Kiraly 31

Paul Kiraly 31

out of the 200s Catagory 199 and counting down

takes a lot of points to pass someone up Dear journal.I am now out of the top 200s and now I am 199.I just upgraded a roosevelt dime in my collection.I can see myself getting to be #1 someday.I just need 4 million more points.I am still waiting on Ed McMan to knock on my door.So I am dreaming,what is the harm in that.My goal this year is to break #150 and to get at least 8 registry awards.6 of them is in the bag.No worries here.I dont know about a slow economy,I know some of my coins arent che

Paul Kiraly 31

Paul Kiraly 31

Marine Dollar,More than just a Marine

World War 2 I recieved my marine dollar today.Everyone should know a little bit of history of this famous picture.Truth be told,I added this coin to my registry and I had to leave a note about this coin.So I said "Putting up the flag and killing the japs".That is what this picture of this coin is.We didn't want to get into this war and they sucker punched us.They got their asses kicked.I know,the mint should produce a coin that has the mushroom cloud from "Little Boy" is the nick name given t

Paul Kiraly 31

Paul Kiraly 31

My first person I am going to knock out of #1 status

Here we go... Dear ( matteproofdude )I am going to knock you out from #1 of your 1947 mint set..I am #4 and keep your eyes peeled..I hope you can stop me...The longer you keep me back,the less of a chance I have to knock someone else out of a different # 1 status

Paul Kiraly 31

Paul Kiraly 31


14 people will get knocked out of first place this year In my previous journal last year I became #1 in Mint State Roosevets..Now I looking to put a hurting on 14 people this year.I will disclose the names of all 14 people in my Feburary 1st journal.I will look for someone to give me a challenge and hold on to their #1 spot.Hope they can prove me wrong by holding their first place stature.I know coin collecting is fun and competing is more fun..Take care

Paul Kiraly 31

Paul Kiraly 31

New Bald Eagle Coins

2008 is heating up Majority of collectors already called the mint at 12:00 eastern today.Before 12 the mint website was fine,now it is shut down because of the volume of customes it is recieving.I called the mint at noon using speed redial and so did my 4 other family members.I finally got through after 25 minutes of trying.The other family members were helping me out to get in touch with the mint.Now what was the big comotion about..The rare 3 coin set of proofs.The gold,silver,and clad proof

Paul Kiraly 31

Paul Kiraly 31

coins _69 can't read or understand english

Dont you hate it when people put their 2 cents in and are broke I specified in my listing,"Ngc is not putting the special designations on these coins".I didnt specify anything about pcgs in any of my statements.Pcgs is crappy anyway.I was telling ngc collectors to beware of this scam label if they think they are buying it to send it ngc to get this special designation.If I wanted to tell people about pcgs,then I will go to the pcgs website.For someone who ranks a 0 in points score really knows

Paul Kiraly 31

Paul Kiraly 31

Beware! No early releases or first strikes for 10th Anniversery platinium

buyers beware To anyone who has a 10th anniversery platinum set,or trying to get a 10th anniversery platinum set.Watch Out!!!!Many dealers on ebay are trying to tell you these are eligable for the early release or first strikes.Ngc is not putting the special designations on these coins.Do not waist extra money if the dealers are telling you this.This is a scam!!!!!If you get a sealed box from the mint,do not open it.The box will not say U.S.Mint as the sender.It will read"fulfillment center" f

Paul Kiraly 31

Paul Kiraly 31

I ordered 2 platinum sets

2 is better than 1 Despite the mints 1 per household rule.I ordered 1 set in my name and I had my aunt order the other set in her name.They will be shipped to 2 different addresses.This reverse proof will take off like a rocket.Now I have 2 sets comming.If I had the money I would buy 3..Now when these sets come in.They will be unopened and sent straight to NGC..To those who can afford it,buy them..The price is rising on them right now and the havent came out of the mint..For all thse who cant

Paul Kiraly 31

Paul Kiraly 31

2007 Registry Awards are now over !!!

I appreciate the Mint State Roosevelt Challenge !! Thank you Dennis Edwards and Miami Heat..I started in Feburary on Roosevelt dimes.I went from last place to #1 in 11 months.Dennis and Miami kept me on my toes this whole year.Even though I accomplished the near impossible,I wouldnt have got this far without them pushing me to stay ahead of them.Miami heat obscured his set in april and It kept me trying to figure out what he had.I want to sincerely thank you two for keeping me on my toes.I do

Paul Kiraly 31

Paul Kiraly 31

State Quarters and Crazy Laws

Honoring the 50 states with a few laws we never knew existed. From 1999 to 2006,I left a description on all of my state quarters about laws you never know existed.Every Quarter has a different Law.For state quarter that I have in my collection (clad and silver)there is a different law.If you want to read the coin descriptions you will laugh until it hurts on some of these laws.As I get more state quartes in I will update the laws.I tried to keep it a clean as possible.Some laws I couldnt add b

Paul Kiraly 31

Paul Kiraly 31

This Registry is Competition the American Way

Only the strong Survive I just want to let everyone who reads this.This registry is more than just fun,or a hobby.This is your basic hardcore competition to become the best you can ever be in any set you choose.If this was not a competition then everyone would be ranked the same.A G-4 coin will be the same as MS-68.But sorry to say it is not.This country was built a little over 200 years ago and we are the worlds superpower.No other country can beat us.Why do you think that is.We strive to be

Paul Kiraly 31

Paul Kiraly 31

Thank God I don't buy PCGS coins

PCGS is starting to lose the Certification War I have been collecting coins for over 10 years.Through trial and error I realized what coins to buy.Which coins are worth wild and some,I was ashamed of what I bought.I starting to buy Pcgs,Ngc,Anacs,And Icg.Well after close observation,I got rid of my Anacs and Icg.My only delima is that I am a creature of habbit.Once I make my mind up about something I will stick with it forever.I carefully looked at my Pcgs and my Ngc coins.I took in account at

Paul Kiraly 31

Paul Kiraly 31

I favor all your opinions

I know this is more than a hobby I see this all your point of views,and I have to disagree with alot of you.First let me make a clear understanding of what i meant by a (real set).Many sets are fairly easy to collect.peace dollars,ikes,susans,new presidents,statehoods,sacagua(however you spell her name)two and three cents..I am talking about those big sets:morgans,Saint gauduines, lincons, buffalos, jeffersons,franklins, Kennedy,mercury, and my favorite Roosevelt's.These collections are vast a

Paul Kiraly 31

Paul Kiraly 31

Ngc Needs To Change The 2007 Registry Award Rules

2007 registry award for roosevelts is in my grasp,or is it Lets all just face reality.Becoming #1 in a real set take cunning,luck,and a lot of money.(Real set)meaning more than 60 coins in a set.I started my roosevelt mint state set in feburary 2007.I was in last place,now I am #1.Now this takes determination and I dont think anyone has gone from last to first place in 10 months.They have 3 different catagories 1946-1964,1946-present,and 1965-present.My small problem is from 1946 to present i

Paul Kiraly 31

Paul Kiraly 31

Ngc needs to correct the scores for a no S roosevelt dime

Rare and Expensive Score correction is needed for roosevelt dimes proof catagory.The no S dimes are very scarce and rare.Why should you have a 3 legged buffalo and it is 60 times more common than a proof no S dime.It is an error coin and not many exist.You are going to pay 10 times more for a no S than a regulal proof dime of that same year.You also give more points for a type 2 coin,this is a lot more rarer than a type 2 coin. You really need to reconsider how many points it should have.You

Paul Kiraly 31

Paul Kiraly 31

too many different labels

Ngc Whats with all these labels unlike most collectors I have over 200 ngc coins certified MS70 or PF70.Why is it all of a sudden that NGC has labels that are: 1.First Strikes 2.First year of issue 3.Early Releases Why are some collectors paying more for these labels.A 70 is perfect.You can't get no better.The label doesnt make your collection better.It just throws off your collection.Example:You have 10 years of eagles and 3 of them are early releases now your set doesn't look perfe

Paul Kiraly 31

Paul Kiraly 31

Silver Eagle Problems for Everyone

Ngc should stick by their guns Last year 2006 the silver eagles came in proof,mint state,20th anniversery proof,20th anniversery reverse proof,20th anniversery mint state,Burnished early releases.I still don't know why they make first strikes.The registery points is still the same.First strike is a waiste if time.I have a vast ngc collection and I wont buy a first strike because of the different label.Pcgs,anacs,and igc sucks .How come in the registry it has just 1 spot for 2006 eagles.This is

Paul Kiraly 31

Paul Kiraly 31