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California Conspiracy...Presidential outreach disappoint..MINT

Even the Main branch of B of A in downtown San Francisco did not get dollars for first day! What a major dissapointment! I have spent all day in search of the elusive dollars, even to go as far as having a friend run to the main branch of Bank of America in downtown San Francisco (not a small town or institution)- This after trying 8 different local banks / credit unions. As far as I am concerned the mints outreach to our area was NILL. Needless to say, this has left a very sour taste for t



RE: Sparks and Slabs

Collectors set the market....not the guides. The only true value I have found for a coin is to put it up for auction and see what it goes for. Case in point- a 1976-D Kennedy Half Dollar graded by NGC as MS-67. In NGC's lookup (numismedia)the coin was valued at $500. on ecoinprices it was $825. In "Coin Values" it was valued at just $45.00 !! Quite a range ! In reality, this coin cost me less than $20, and that INCLUDES the grading fees, so I put it up for auction at a low start ($49.99)an



Years Best & Worst ~ and a note about submissions

First Years experience Well, the keyword for this year was education. Although I have been collecting for about 30 years, it was just last year I "made the jump" and started slabbing some coins, and have to admit took a while to get a focus area (now Nickels 38-64)--thats still a work in progress...which was the first lesson, You can't get it all ! The next and probably most important lesson was the difference between "Market" grading, and what I had been doing for years, or "Technical" gradin



Any other State Quarter DPL 's ??

Gulp....could it be ? Got my most recent submission to the long awaited Finalized/Imaged/Shipped stage, and eagerly clicked on the invoice link....not toooo disappointing! The most intriguing submission was a 2002 P Tennessee state quarter...it only came back an MS 66, but , came back with a DPL strike char !! I have searched, and checked, but is it possible....could it be ? Do I have the ONLY DPL state quarter ?? or do they just not list them ?? This is how a collector suddenly shifts ge



Lesson Learned

Luckily not an expensive one! I went to the local flea market today, and browsed the usual booths and noticed one dealer had numerous proof and mint sets, so I went for a look ~ there was the good one...the 1999 silver proof set with a tag of 250. Figuring the dealer hadn't checked his books lately, I snagged it, and grabbed a 2000 set as well. In my haste for the deal, I hadn't even checked for the coveted Deep Cameos, In my car I opened the boxes to check out my new "treasures" -- imagine



RE: Mint Set packaging Error - Double Mint Fun

I received a Bonus from the mint! I have come across this at least 2 other times, but never had a coin "missing", It has been a BONUS double coin each time! I have also gotten mint sets with foreign objects sealed inside the cello (lint, cotton fibers, grease...etc) Makes you wonder if NGC would photograde it as an authentic mint error , haven't tried that one yet! Anyway, heres a look at the double mint 2005 P Kansas. kansasdoub



Jefferson Jumble

A "reverse"-able debate Recently I have been diligently plodding away at developing a respectable "Jefferson Nickel" collection. Imagine my surprise when I recently jumped from 51% complete, down to 47% complete! (the collection is from 1938-1964, so I didn't think new dates would be added) Well, new dates were NOT added, but new Varieties were. We now have 6 new slots for 1939 - which is indeed more accurate. My only real dissapointment was that they no longer counted the "plain old



MY 4 Cents Worth

(California prices) My impression of NGC has GREATLY increased over the past few months. I guess my first couple "body bags" taught me quite a bit, and I was disappointed at the "missed" imperfections. We live, we learn...My most recent submition of 12 coins resulted in 0 body bags, and a brand spanking new MS 67 1976-D Bicentennial 50C. What REAALLLLY impressed me though was the fact that I had requested my modern nickels be placed in a set, if they graded equally, in hindsight, I never

Opened Containers II

Has this coin holder been opened and re-sealed? Or, has the inside somehow slipped between the sides during sealing? I am not sure what to make of this Silver Eagle I recently purchased, it has several points around the body of the case that are definately seperated, and what seems like plastic, or glue, sticking out between. If the seriel number is punched in the system, it comes back as a 1996 MS 68 Eagle which is what the label says too. Has this coin been switched out ?? why would someone