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No Census = No Registry

If they don't even keep track of what they graded, they don't deserve to be in the registry. ANY grading company that doesn't maintain a census, either through subscription or free to the public, shouldn't be in the registry. Include other companies, and you lose the ability to track finest certified, or pops, or any of the other good things that a registry provides. Keep the scoring relative to the known population/grade. Adding other TPGs will skew individual collection scores upward, u



Damsel in Distress...

To Cross, or not to Cross? Damsel, there's a good chance that if you submit coins in "unknown" slabs to NGC for crossover, you'll get back all the coins just as you submitted them, except with nice labels on them that say "Does not cross". My suggestion if you want them in NGC holders - crack them out of their current slabs and submit them raw ***** OR ***** Submit them as-is for grading with a note on the invoice, keep it short. "NOT CROSSOVER - Encapsulate at actual NGC Grade, even



ICG inclusion - no.

No ICG census, therefore no way to track finest certified, or pops, or any of the other good things that a registry provides. Keep the scoring relative to the known population/grade. Adding ICG will skew individual collection scores upward, unless the scoring system is recalculated downward to account for the additional top pops that surface. Score inflation will have the same effect as grade inflation - making really nice coins more expensive for everyone.   $.02