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Coin Photography - a resource

There is alot of information on the message boards. You might want to check out this post: http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=1274447&an=



Friends and Journals

And the winners of the "listed as a friend by the most number of people" award in the system so far are... (drum roll) Before we open the envelope let me just take a moment to explain the friend system to anyone who doesn't understand it. When you view another user's home page, you have the option to make them a friend or ignore them. Here's what it does: Friends - They show up on your friends tab on your PUBLIC home page so people can see who you've friended. Friends also show up on y



Closed Society? Barb wires?

It's just being on-topic for the area you're posting in, guys. It's not exactly an opppressive policy. It's not that there aren't areas to discuss these things. There ARE. If you'd like to continue discussion of this topic, do it here. http://boards.collectors-society.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=1252492&an=&page=0&vc=1 If you need an account, you will need a paid email address. If you have internet access, then the service providing you that internet access is also pro



Journal usage

As noted in the guidelines on the same screen where journal entries are made, there are places other than here for non-journal type content. If your topic fits into non-journal categories, we suggest these other tools: Buy/Sell/Trade - Visit our Chat Boards in the MarketPlace forum. Grading service issues or questions - use the contact us form and customer service will get back to you. Discussion topics - asking others for opinions or information is best done on the boards.   The purp



Collectors' Journals... the purpose... the dilema...

Ronday raises a good point and one I've thought quite a bit about myself. The Collectors' Journals were originally conceived with a pretty straight forward purpose; to allow collectors a place to post their thoughts about and experiences with collecting in close proximity to their registry sets. The vision was that you might visit the home page of a user and be able to get a very personal sense of what they're collecting and why in a more general philosophical way than just commetns on coins a



A note on Collectors' Journals

We'll make some changes soon... So that people can reply to a journal entry directly in that entry instead of posting a rebuttal on their own home page. In case anyone is wondering...



A few new features worth noting

We've added several new features to the registry and the Collectors' Journals that are pretty fun. On the set detail page, we've now added a gallery view:   http://www.collectors-society.com/registry/coins/PeopleSetDetail.aspx?PeopleSetID=5673&Tab=list   We have also put in some code to block people from spamming views on their sets. Back when we put this feature in, we did put in a simple block to prevent logged in owners views of their own sets from counting in the views, but we di



Signature Set Creativity

Well, we've just launched the Signature Sets and I have to admit that I'm already surprised. The new collections that have been entered really prove that there are more ways to collect than anyone could define.   From Overdates http://www.collectors-society.com/registry/coins/ViewPersonalCollection.aspx?UserCollectionID=11   To toned coins http://www.collectors-society.com/registry/coins/ViewPersonalCollection.aspx?UserCollectionID=18   Tops pops http://www.collectors-society.co



Back Stage Pass to Site Development

Just a quick update on things I'm keeping an eye on in terms of web development. Many times, new features or enhancement begin as simple observations about how the site is being used, and only blossom into announceable features later. The "chewing on an idea" phase isn't of interest to everyone, but for those who wonder what we're looking at on an average day, this might give a bit of a peak into things.   There are also usually larger updates in progress. I can't always let the cat out o



Photographing Coins - A compilation of expert answers and samples

Get out your copy and paste, because these are the web pages you want to read - from cameras and scanners to lighting and lenses. I saw someone else ask about photographing coins in a collectors' journal entry, but rather than answer directly, I thought it might be nice to put up an answer for everyone to peruse. This question is a really common one that I've seen come up many times on the NGC chat boards, and while I'm no expert myself... I know a few people who are. Copy the web addresses



This new feature might make our messaging system a real hit!

I got to cheat a bit and be the first person to post a journal entry, since I had a little insider-knowledge about when it would be going up. But I've already received 3 or 4 "Contact Member" messages on that first article, and from people that I don't THINK I've seen hanging around the message board much. I knew that this feature would be a great way to get people started sharing their thoughts about collecting. In a sense it's quite different then the message boards, in that you have a muc



The Collecting Bug - Holistically Speaking

Well, at this point I've absorbed quite a bit about collecting through osmosis. You can't be involved in putting together web sites like the CCG companies have without starting to really "get it". But I haven't been bit by the collecting bug... yet. I have to admit, though, that I've felt the pull on occasion. I bought a Roman coin, I own a Dave Sim graphic novel... little tiny tastes of collecting. But while I have yet to take on the collecting addiction directly, the experience has left

