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LIBERTY DOLLAR NEWS: May 2007 Vol. 9 No. 5

3 posts in this topic

This organization seems like a cult! I'm sorry I ever bought anything from them. People getting arrested over this bull? No way.


LIBERTY DOLLAR NEWS: May 2007 Vol. 9 No. 5



Welcome new Readers, Associates, Merchants and RCOs!






Quite frankly, if you don’t read this first article, just forget this edition... There are major developments afoot and this is a very news-rich edition... Plus I am happy to report that the number of subscribers is now nearing 15,000! Wow! That says a lot about America ’s interest in the Liberty Dollar... and that is in spite of the US Mint Warning. Plus, if you are interested in attending the Annual Audit and Inspection of the Warehouse in Coeur d’Alene on Tuesday, September 18, please let me know. As always, your feedback is most welcome... even if we don’t have time to reply. Hope you understand and enjoy this special Newsletter.





1. Liberty Dollar to Close


2. Update: US Gov Does Not Response


3. Two Tons of Copper Libertys!


4. Gillie Liberty Gnaws at You


5. Coin World, CBS Lies and Portland News


6. E-gold indicted


7. 3 Events and Summer Slows / Summer Lows


8. Letter / Article to the Editor


9. Success Story / Incident of the Month


10. Question of the Month


11. Liberty Associate of the Month


12. Quote of the Month




1. Liberty Dollar to Close


[Editor note: If you have not read the Alert “G-boys Roust Liberty Merchant” please click HERE and read it first.]




Now is the time to be a “Good American”


When the poorly dressed G-boys entered Mark Lightfoot’s bead and jewelry store a short time ago, I had no idea what was to follow. After all, we have known for a long time that the Liberty Dollar was being “watched” by the government’s “eyes.” But quite frankly, who isn’t? So I didn’t give much thought to the G-boys except to poke fun at their tactics and bad shoes. Unfortunately, I underestimated the importance of their visit.




As I have commented several times, one of the most rewarding parts of the Liberty Dollar experience has been the people. Oh, yes, it is hip to shower praise on people in any organization even if it is nothing more than just lip service. But that is not the case with the Liberty Dollar organization. Since I retired from the Mint in 1998 and launched the Liberty Dollar, I have a whole new life. Complete with a whole new group of friends. But not just friends, fellow dedicated Americans who are deeply dedicated to restoring the American model and her values. Many people have given greatly to the Liberty Dollar. People who I am honored to be associated with. Real Americans. Good Americans.




Over the past nine years, people have come and gone. Supporters have come in all sizes, intellect, incomes, races, education, drives and motives. More stayed than left the ranks of the Liberty Dollar organization grew up by attracting a really wide group of supporters. One of the most interesting groups is the General Advisory Group... or just the “General Group.” This is a play on words as this group is anything but “general.” The General Group is a special group of high-ranking retired military officers, former well-known government officials and corporate insiders who really want the Liberty Dollar to succeed. Of course for obvious reasons, I cannot disclose the members of this General Group nor can they identify themselves. And while I don’t have to follow their advice, I would be a fool not to.




As you may recall, the last thing Mark’s visitors asked was, “Do you think you are a ‘Good American’?” I really did not give this final quip any great thought because I consider myself to be a ‘Good American.’ Don’t you? What else would I be? In fact, I would like to think that I am a super patriot. I retired from a very successful business in Hawaii to devote my time and money to “returning America to value – one Liberty Dollar at a time.” I have been tireless in my efforts to provide a peaceful, positive and even profitable solution to correct the direction of the country’s monetary system. In short, I never thought of myself as anything other than a “Good American.”




Well, after the poorly dressed the G-boys entered Mark’s store and my life, I got a quick lesson from the General Group about being a “Good American.” As it turns out, the term “Good American” has a special meaning “inside” government. It is a phrase that means you support the ideals of the country, if not the government itself. Right now, with the lawsuit filed, most people in government simply don’t know what to think about the Liberty Dollar. That’s why the G-boys visited Mark in Lexington. They are trying to find out... if the Liberty Dollar supporters are “Good Americans” like themselves.




From the General Group’s point of view, the Liberty Dollar should acknowledge the difference between the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve and side with the Treasury. While these two entities are almost joined at the hip, they are distinctively different. They are two personalities with different missions and goals. One is government and one is private. The US Treasury is the government’s monetary arm. It has very limited legal scope and is currently cursed with a very bad currency from the Federal Reserve. As we pointed out in our lawsuit, the US Mint has no legal authority to enforce its policy at all. In short, the US Treasury really needs our help.




On the other hand, the Federal Reserve is the power behind the throne. It is the monetary engine that generates all the fiat money, finances the war and the greedy little bastards who profit from our slavery to their immoral monetary scheme. It is the private company that profits from what is taken from you through inflation, taxes and fraud. The janitor at the Federal Reserve now “earns” $140,000 annually. The Federal Reserve Act deserves our contempt and needs to be repealed.




The Federal Reserve started in 1913. It will not last forever. The United States of America was established by the US Constitution. Our country is not going away. Likewise, the US Treasury is not going away. Our goals for a value based currency would be best served with a positive focus to change the money the US Treasury issues.




One way to do that is to educate our fellow Americans about the national debt and the extreme danger it puts our great country. Most people are in debt. Aren’t you? Likewise most people don’t realize that the United States does not have to be in debt. Nor should it be in debt! In the past, there was practically no national debt. It has only been with the rise of the greedy war-mongering Federal Reserve that the national debt exploded and the US dollar tanked. The national debt is representational of the monetary fraud. America needs a US Treasury issued currency backed by gold and silver. The sooner the better!




Another important way to accomplish our goals is to acknowledge that we are “Good Americans.” We are not opposed to the US Treasury so much as in support of a value based currency. As I have said many times, the only reason I started the Liberty Dollar was because the US Treasury was not providing the type of money as required by the US Constitution and the Mint Act of 1792.




So I encourage the G-boys to visit me personally and any of the Liberty Dollar supporters. We need the government to understand that we support their efforts to do what is right and urge them to return our great county to a value based currency system.




I hereby publicly state that I am a “Good American” and will close the Liberty Dollar as soon as the US Treasury begins issuing a value based currency as they did for 172 years from 1793 to 1965. We should all support the US Treasury and urge it to do what the US Constitution mandates. Good Americans should not have anything less than a US dollar that is 100% backed and redeemable on demand in gold and silver.




2. Update: US Gov Does Not Respond


I regret to report that after waiting for nearly 60 days for the government to reply to our Complaint, the US Attorney called our attorney of record in Evansville and he agreed to a 30 day extension. Of course, I am not happy... as we will now be waiting for a quarter of a year for the government to reply. I have been assured that any additional requests for an extension will be hotly objected to.




The US Government now has until June 19th to reply.


Filing is posted at: http://www.libertydollar.org/legal/lawsuit_extension051407.pdf




Meanwhile, I am happy to acknowledge an increase in donations. Thank you! It is very gratifying to receive more donations and know more people support our position regarding using gold and silver as barter money. Currently we have received $19,021.00 in donations. Thank you! We have distributed about 877 Silver Defense Libertys and are now on #030 Gold Defense Liberty. One Gold Defense Liberty is being auctioned per week on eBay at http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZchooney.




If you want to make a difference... please donate a few dollars. And remember, for every $20 you donate you will receive a very special Victory Dollar that is only available by making a donation of at least $20. And, yes, you will get one Victory Dollar for very $20 you donate after we win. Trust me, these Victory Dollars are going to be HOT on eBay after we win!




Click HERE to donate on line with a bankcard. Or just call the office: 888.LIB.DOLLAR / 888.421.6181. Thanks again!




3. Two Tons of Copper Libertys!


WOW... I said the Copper Liberty was hot and it was very hot! I guess a one dollar item still sells! In fact, over 10,000 Coppers were ordered on the first day and over 40,000 were ordered before the special offer expired. And the orders continue, due in large part because Coin World put the Copper Liberty on the Front Page, in color. Oh, it looked good... and it’s good looking! Click HERE for the Coin World article.




So we have ordered 60,000 Copper Libertys... almost two tons! There are still a few thousand Copper Libertys available but they are going fast. Orders will be accepted until all 60,000 are exchanged for US dollars. And remember the $1 Copper Liberty is only $0.90 each for Liberty Associates. Please click HERE to place an order online or call 888.LIB.DOLLAR to place a telephone or bankcard order.




ETA is August 1, 2007 . Shipping will commence immediately upon delivery of the Copper Libs in Evansville . Orders will be shipped in the order received. Please remember the “E” in ETA is for estimated... We will ship ASAP.




Please note your order will be marked “back order” as it has not been filled yet. But it will be just as soon as possible.




Thanks again for your support! The Copper Liberty has been a great boost while we suffer under the effect of the US Mint warning that use, not possession, of the Liberty Dollar is illegal.




4. Gillie Liberty Gnaws at You


I am very pleased to announce Dave Gillie’s Coney Island Restaurant is the first business to issue a private label Silver Liberty since we announced the new project. While the California Bear roared into existence last month, the Gillie Restaurant Liberty gnaws at you with the promise of good food and good money. Please visit Gillie’s in Mt Morris, Michigan, for a lot of great home cookin’. Plus it is open 24 hours! Photos are available at http://www.libertydollarmichigan.com/. Dave can be contacted via email at DaveGillie@aol.com for First Day of Issues and Limited Numbered Edition of the Gillie Liberty. Thank you, Dave, for all your support. See you at LDU-14!




5. Coin World, CBS Lies and Portland News


The May 21, 2007, issue of Coin World carried a photo and a brief caption of the $1 Copper Liberty on the home page. It was one of only three stories on the front page with the US Mint’s gold First Spouse coins and the Royal Canadian Mint’s $1 Million Gold Coin. The front-page announcement was followed by a major, half page article on page 4, available HERE. This is the sixth article by Coin World since the US Mint issued their warning. All the articles have been well balanced and represented fair reporting. Many of the collectors who called mentioned the articles and how much they appreciated Coin World keeping them informed about our struggle with the US Mint and their right to use gold and silver as barter. It is encouraging that the world’s largest numismatic publisher takes an interest in all the different avenues that coin, money, medals, and currency encompasses. What’s most impressive is that they produce a very high quality newspaper of over 100 pages every week. If you are not familiar with Coin World, please visit them online at www.coinworld.com.




Unfortunately, CBS Lies, as it is not worthy to be called News, is at it again. First, was the bias Liecast in Austin, Texas, where they didn’t think businesses would accept the Liberty Dollar. But they had to change their story when three out of three businesses that they chose accepted the Liberty Dollar. The second CBS feature in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, on the Liberty Dollar was the best and deserves to be called “news.” CBS presented an informative, balanced newscast. Unfortunately, the CBS Liescast in New York City was the worst. It was totally stilted, biased and edited to misrepresent a Secret Service agent’s comments about the Liberty Dollar. If we could sue, we would. It was total fabrication. Links to all three of these are available on our home page. Now CBS Lies in Sacramento continues the misrepresentation with US Attorney Brown. While Brown does not lie, he is obviously poorly informed. Please watch it for yourself at: http://cbs13.com/topstories/local_story_138005618.html. After all, there should be no doubt why CBS Lies has the lowest ratings in 20 years. They deserve it! It is obvious the American people are fed up with their lies. They deserve our contempt and worse.




Tony Fettig, the RCO in Portland, was also blindsided by his local television station, KATU Channel 2. Again, like CBS Lies in NYC, Tony was lured outside and videotaped by a hidden camera. And, again, the motive was not noble. And although it was not a Liescast like CBS, it was not fair and balanced. Decide for yourself at: http://www.katu.com/news/team2/7413126.html.




To be attracting such wrath, I guess the Liberty Dollar is coming of age.




6. e-gold indicted


[Editor note: Doug Jackson and Barry K. Downey have been indicted by the US Government for operating e-gold, www.e-gold.com, a private digital gold currency, illegally. I know Doug Jackson and consider him a friend. I certainly do not consider him a criminal. I find it hard to believe that Doug and e-gold would knowingly run “an unregulated financial network which catered to criminals moving money” as they are accused of doing. Please read this mainstream article below and then read Doug’s denial that follows.]



Two Brevard County men accused of catering to criminals moving money

Jim Leusner, Orlando Sentinel Staff Writer

April 27, 2007, 4:14 PM EDT


Two Brevard County men and two digital currency businesses they operated in Melbourne have been indicted by a federal grand jury in Washington, D.C., accused of running an unregulated financial network which catered to criminals moving money.


A four-count indictment handed up Tuesday and made public Friday charged E-Gold Ltd., Gold & Silver Reserve Inc. and owners Dr. Douglas L. Jackson, of Satellite Beach; Reid A. Jackson, of Melbourne; and Barry K. Downey, of Woodbine, Maryland. Each was charged with conspiring to lauder monetary instruments; conspiracy to operate an unlicensed money transmitting business; operating an unlicensed money transmitting business; and transmitting money without a license in Washington , D.C.


The indictment was announced by Jeffrey Taylor, the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia , and the Justice Department. Officials said the three will surrender in Washington at a later date.


"Douglas Jackson and his associates operated a sophisticated and widespread international money remitting business, unsupervised and unregulated by any entity in the world, which allowed for anonymous transfers of value at a click of a mouse," Taylor said. "Not surprisingly, criminals of every stripe gravitated to E-Gold as a place to move their money with impunity. As alleged in the indictment, the defendants in this case knowingly allowed them to do so and profited from their crimes."


A call to E-Gold and Gold & Silver Reserve offices was not immediately returned Friday afternoon.


The probe was the result of a 2 1/2-year probe spearheaded by the U.S. Secret Service in Orlando , along with IRS, FBI and other state and local police agencies. Federal prosecutors also obtained a restraining order and seized millions of dollars in 58 accounts believed to be used in money laundering and the operating of unlicensed money transactions.


The indictment charged that "EGold" digital currency functioned as an alternative payment system and was purportedly backed by stored physical gold. It charged that customers needed only to provide an e-mail address to open an account and that no other customer information was verified. The indictment accused some customers of using fictitious names such as "Mickey Mouse," "Donald Duck" and "No Name" and could conduct international transactions without any government regulation.


Because of that, it became a "highly favored method of payment" by investment scammers, credit card and identity fraud thieves, and sellers of Internet child pornography, authorities said.




e-gold® Founder Denies Criminal Charges

April 30, 2007

Melbourne, FL




On April 24, 2007, a Federal Grand Jury handed down an indictment charging e-gold Ltd., Gold & Silver Reserve, Inc., and the Directors of both companies with money laundering, operating an unlicensed money transmitter business, and conspiracies to commit both offenses.




Dr. Douglas Jackson, Chairman and Founder of e-gold, speaking on behalf of his fellow Directors and both companies vigorously denies the charges, taking particular exception to the allegations that either company ever turned a blind eye to payments for child pornography or for the sale of stolen identity and credit card information.




Dr. Jackson states, "With regard to child pornography, the government knows full well that their allegations are false, yet they highlight these irresponsible and purposely damaging statements in order to demonize e-gold in the eyes of the public. During the Inquisition, accusations of witchcraft and heresy were used to sanctify torture and seizures of property. In post 9-11 America, child porn and terrorism serve as the denunciations of choice. e-gold, however, as a matter of incontrovertible fact, is the most effective of all online payment systems in detecting and interdicting abuse of its system for child pornography related payments. e-gold Ltd. is a founding member of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children's (NCMEC) Financial Coalition to Eliminate Child Pornography. e-gold is the only member institution to demonstrate with hard, auditable data a dramatic reduction of such payments to virtually zero, while billions of child porn dollars continue to flow through other (heavily regulated) payment systems. [Most members, that is, all the banks and credit card associations are utterly unable to even provide an estimate of the volume of such payments processed by their systems. eBay's PayPal subsidiary, who may have the ability to make such a determination, has refused to do so and has indicated they destroy payment records after two years.] What is worse, until August 2005 when NCMEC courageously broke ranks with US law enforcement agencies and began directly notifying e-gold of criminal sites via the CyberTipline, component agencies of the US Department of Justice purposely concealed their knowledge of child pornography abuses from e-gold's investigators, subordinating actual crime fighting to a policy agenda designed to dirty up e-gold."




Click HERE to read Doug’s complete statement of denial




7. 3 Events and the Summer Slows / Summer Lows


Please join me at the prestigious American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, on Thursday, June 21, 2007, at 3:00 for a major presentation on: “Private Money - The solution to our monetary quagmire." Five major fields will be discussed before a very astute audience including Federal Reserve employees, hard money devotees, economists, and students attending the AIER Summer Fellowship Program. Please check out the AIER, one of our country’s oldest and strongest supporters of real money and ideals that made our country great at: www.AIER.org. Additional info is available via info@aier.org.




Free State Project annual 2007 Porcupine Freedom Festival, June 18 - June 24, 2007, at the Gunstock Mountain Resort, in Gilford, NH, follows AIER presentation. The title this year is: "Discover New Freedoms, New Communities, and New Beginnings!" For more info please visit: http://freestateproject.org/festival/. Hope to see you there!




ANNOUNCING: Liberty Dollar University 14 (LDU-14). Please join the incredible group of RCOs in Michigan – July 25th to the 28 at Birch Run, Michigan, 20 miles north of Flint off of I-75. Meet & Greet starts at 6:00 PM on July 25th. Co-Hosted by Dave Gillie and Jeff Kotchounian, it promises to be a great event to discuss the evolving RCO model, lawsuit, and the latest HOT developments. The very first Copper Libertys should be at this event. Liberty Associates and RCOs are encouraged to attend. Please call the office at 888.421.6181 to reserve your spot! The annual RCO Congress (for RCOs only) will follow this LDU.




Summer Slows/Summer Lows: It is already the end of May and we just had Labor Day. With silver at $13 per ounce, and the central banks in Europe selling off gold like there is no tomorrow to keep precious metals depressed, is there any doubt that we are headed for the annual “summer slows/summer lows”? It certainly looks that way to most hard metal commentators. Bottom line is that the down side is a lot less the upside. I would encourage you to pick up some silver.




8. Letter / Article to the Editor


Suspicious Visitor Report (SVR): Filed by Dr. Jay Constant of Good Food Conspiracy North in Meredith, NH. As you may recall, he is an official Merchant and initially alerted us to the fact that Meredith PD was hand carrying a negative letter around to all the businesses. Here is his SVR:




Pretty sure, but not positive, I had "someone" in my store "working under cover" in reference to Liberty Dollars. Not a suit and tie, rather "biker" appearance. He hung out about 10 minutes while I was helping someone out. Then began conversation about photos on my wall. Then he said he just came from "Ed Brown’s" compound (back in early April). I asked if he knew Ed, and he said yes. I then asked if he knew Mike LaMesa, and he said "no." We talked for a few more minutes, and he switched the conversation to the Liberty Dollar. Then he made an "odd" statement. He said "didn't the Meredith Police Department inform me a few years ago that the Liberty Dollars were not legal tender"? This raised a red flag, as he had told me he was from the west coast, and very few people knew that Meredith PD had hand carried a negative letter around to all the businesses. He then wanted to buy one, and I told him I only had a few left, and based on $13 silver, I was waiting for silver to go up. He then got very "insistent" that I sell one to him, even for "face value." Well I kind of lucked out, as the one I took out was the special "New Hampshire" Liberty that I got from you, and told him I would have to get more than face value as it was a "collectors" strike. Even though he still wanted it, I held out, and he finally left. Something just didn't seem right, and he shouldn't have had any knowledge of the visit from Meredith PD.




Have you heard any "similar" stories? If you have a suspicious visitor, please report it to the Evansville office.




Wish to comment about the Liberty Dollar? Please submit your “Letter to the Editor” to: Editor@LibertyDollar.org. Thanks for reading the Liberty Dollar News.




9. Success Story / Incident of the Month


Shaun Kranish, a 21-year-old Liberty Dollar supporter, who describes himself as “damn loyal” with his “heart is in the right place,” was arrested while attempting to use a $20 Silver Liberty at an outdoor ice cream place. Although I have not received a written report from Shaun, he did send this account to a fellow Liberty Dollar supporter:




My fiancé and I were arrested for attempting to make a trade at an outdoor ice cream place! I offered the lady a $20 Silver Liberty, and she took it. She came back a few minutes later and says that “this doesn’t exist” and I replied that it’s real silver. So she took it and went away again. At first I thought she was accepting it! Then she was away awhile, so I figured she wasn’t going to take it, so I got green paper out and laid it on the counter. Instead of her coming back to say she doesn’t want it, the cops show up! They ask if I was the one, and then asked me about the silver. I explained it all to the officer, but he arrested me anyway.




My fiancé wasn’t even with me when I attempted to make the trade. But the cops arrested her anyway because she was pleading with them not to arrest me. They took my car keys from me and began searching my car. They said, “I know you have a gun” and kept searching. After 25 minutes and still not finding my gun, they threatened to tear my car apart. So I told them where it was (in a zipper case laying on the floor). They stole the gun, our groceries, three packs of cigars, my fiancé’s wallet out of the car, my wallet off my body, and perhaps other things. They impounded my car. They took us to the police station separately. The officer that arrested me then tried to say I was drunk (I had one beer that night, two hours prior to arrest – this was my only alcoholic intake). He said I had to do a field sobriety test or they would charge me with drunk driving. I refused, because I knew that the cop knew I wasn’t drunk, and I didn’t trust him to say otherwise on paper.




They interrogated my fiancé. They took me to the hospital and forcefully drew blood without my consent supposedly to test for alcohol. I’m probably in a DNA database now – I’ve read about Wisconsin doing this very often. They threw us in jail for 24 hours – my fiancé was placed in solitary confinement with no windows, or anything to do. Neither of us was afforded a phone call, until my fiancé demanded it (then they gave her a phone call, and not me). My lawyer tracked me down and they pulled me out of the cell to talk to him, but that was already the next day!




When they brought us to the jail, they read charges of “Theft by fraud” for me – 3 charges to be precise – all misdemeanors, and one charge of “carrying a concealed weapon” – because apparently an unloaded pistol zipped in a case in your car is considered a “concealed weapon” in Wisconsin (one of only 2 states with no concealed carry provision in law). This was also a misdemeanor.




We were placed on closed-circuit video TV the next day to appear before a judge for a bond hearing with no lawyer. The judge read off three felony charges for me and set a $10,000 signature bond, $2500 cash bond, and with the condition that my fiancé and I may have no contact whatsoever with each other. They did the same for her. My parents paid to get us out. We drove home in separate cars and everything.




[Editor note: The bottom line is that “intent” must be proven to be found guilty of fraud. So it is obvious that Shaun is innocent. But as he has been arrested four times in the past two years and only once for the Liberty Dollar, this should be saying a lot to anyone, especially if you are 21 years old. I hope to hear from Shaun soon.]




10. Question of the Month


QUESTION: When will the new $1 Copper Libertys be shipped?


ANSWER: We anticipate receiving the Copper Libertys about August 1st. We will start shipping orders immediately upon receipt. Orders will be filled in the order received. We know everyone is anxious to receive their new Copper Libertys. We will ship them ASAP. If you placed your order in April, your order will be shipped in August. If you placed your order in May, you may not receive it until September. Earlier if possible.




11. Liberty Associate of the Month


Many of the Liberty Associates and Merchants are just invisible. That’s what made the G-boys’ visit to Mark in Lexington so amazing. Likewise, many of the people who make up the Liberty Dollar organization are ordinary people doing extraordinary things to support the Liberty Dollar. Such was the case when I went to Liberty Dollar University 12 in San Jose , California . When this month’s Liberty Associate of the Month showed me the well-done lapel pin he had done, I was amazed. When I found out all that he was doing with the Liberty Dollar and how many he had used, I was very impressed. For many many reasons, I am proud to acknowledge Mike Parkin, a RCO in California , as the Liberty Associate of the Month. Congratulations, Mike, and thank you for all that you have brought to the Liberty Dollar.




12. Quote of the Month


"The budget should be balanced, the treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt." Cicero, circa 63 B.C. [Editor note: It took Rome 473 more years to fall on August 24, 410 AD. But with the Internet and our instant global communications I doubt that it will take nearly that long for us to experience the shorting comings of our current fraudulent monetary system.]




Closing Remarks:


There you have it. Another exciting month. Certainly we will hear from our favorite government regarding our lawsuit before the next newsletter. If you have read this whole newsletter and are one of the first ten readers to call the Evansville office, you will win a special ten dollar silver liberty with the scales of justice hallmark.




Thanks again for reading this whole Newsletter, for it is only by banding together and adopting a free and independent currency which provides us with “just weights and measures” will we be able to throw off the yoke of a manipulated monetary/tax system and generate a peaceful and prosperous society.




Thanks again for all your efforts to return America to value – one dollar at a time!




Bernard von NotHaus


Monetary Architect/Editor









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I'm sorry I ever bought anything from them. People getting arrested over this bull? No way.
Yeah, I also think "no way" because the Government isn't putting any lawyers behind this like they did against the Freedom Tower Dollars.


Here's the executive summary:

1. Liberty Dollar to Close [... ... ... ... ...]


I hereby publicly state that I am a “Good American” and will close the Liberty Dollar as soon as the US Treasury begins issuing a value based currency as they did for 172 years from 1793 to 1965. We should all support the US Treasury and urge it to do what the US Constitution mandates. Good Americans should not have anything less than a US dollar that is 100% backed and redeemable on demand in gold and silver.

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