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WYNTK THREADS! I propose a schedule to my fellow board members

18 posts in this topic

I like writing articles for the WYNTK series, but even moreso, I enjoy reading what others write. Would anyone else be interested in some sort of scheduling of articles? It could be something as informal as just posting back to this thread with a message saying "I'll post a WYNTK thread on March 30, 2007" or something like that.


Whadaya think?

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I think you're on to something.

Perhaps an educational WYNTK article on the merits, pro and con, of scheduling future authors would be appropriate?

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If you get enough participation, maybe NGC would create a separate thread line for the WYNTK posts...This way they will be front and center when the information is needed and not mixed up with other posts. Good idea James!

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I would participate...barring any problems with my future plans/health. I'd like to do an expose' on Walking Liberty Half Dollars.


Not much of a response so far...hopefully this will get off the ground.


Good point zrlevin...but more can be added to WYNTK

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No offense to the WYNTK originators, or to anyone who supports them (James, et al.), but I just don't get the idea. Indeed, I'm anti-WYNTK because I've always been of the opinion that a person can choose what they need to know for themselves and does not need the idea presented in their face.


Good threads come and they go, and I like the idea of archiving them, but I already do that for myself in the "Favorites" toggle. I've written one of the WYNTK threads (early on), but it bugged me that I did, and I do not have that thread in my Favorites.


As for newbies, I suppose the WYNTK archive has some value, but I'd prefer it that a wise Forum Admin (Kevin Coe) would simply put good threads in the archive despite if they have the WYNTK acronym attached to them. Indeed, there are tons of great threads from the past (well before the invention ofthe acronym) that fit the bill for worthy, archivable threads - they should all be put in the "Thread Archive," if you will, and the acronym should be dropped.


I just don't think the WYNTK acronym is necessary, and I think it's unwittingly insulting (presumptuous at best) and ultimately counterproductive to an intelligent archive, as the outcome ignores more than half what is great information in these forums.



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No offense to the WYNTK originators, or to anyone who supports them (James, et al.), but I just don't get the idea. Indeed, I'm anti-WYNTK because I've always been of the opinion that a person can choose what they need to know for themselves and does not need the idea presented in their face.



I'm not entirely in disagreement, and I definitely understand where you are coming from. Indeed, you may remember some time ago that I proposed a slightly different tact, that being "WYSTA" (what you should think about) threads. Nonetheless, through a few PM conversations, and in particular, a recent conversation with one of the main proponents of the WYNTK threads, I do support the effort. I think that it's better than nothing (MUCH better, actually), and at least provides an easily accessible way to refer folks who ask some of the more frequently asked questions.


For me personally, I enjoy writing the articles on occasion, since I am really writing them for the "articles" section of my website. I really write them for me, and if nobody ever gleans a single useful bit of information from them, I'm fine with that. But from the several PMs and eMails, I suspect the WYNTK threads are accomplishing more than may be apparent just from the traffic on the boards. It's surprising how many folks have read the articles and found them useful, but never, ever post on the boards.

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I think that writing for yourself is the best tack to writing an interesting article. Then, if what you have to say is widely informative or interesting, then it will succeed in garnering the interests of others. That's much the approach I take to writing for Coin Values, etc., because if it's interesting to me, it might be so for others.


I also agree that the WYNTK threads are likely accomplishing something positive, but I do not think that the efficacy is what it could be if it was more of a collection of worthwhile and informative posts without the acronym/moniker. Perhaps I'm alone in my objections, and that's okay, but I think that others may also feel that participation would be greater, and the long-term usefulness of the threads would be better served, if the threads were selected by an arbitrator (I've suggested Arch) who simply moved or copied them from the main categories into an archive, and called it something less presumptuous.


Some of the most informative threads on these boards garnered few replies and slipped quickly into oblivion in the main categories, which is a shame, but it's how it is. The loss, however, could be ameliorated by a good arbiter of the archive. These threads simply lacked the pomp of "WYNTK" attached to their front end.


I'll accept that my perception may be solely my own, but sometimes a dissenting voice is necessary for the better consideration of all.



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I see where you are coming from Mark. I too would also like more threads to be added into that section, but who is to say what is good and what is not? Should my Strike vs Wear Washington Qtr thread be in there? Maybe so or maybe not. That is for another debate, but it would be nice to see it in there.

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I see where you are coming from Mark. I too would also like more threads to be added into that section, but who is to say what is good and what is not? Should my Strike vs Wear Washington Qtr thread be in there? Maybe so or maybe not. That is for another debate, but it would be nice to see it in there.


I think that any thread that generates insights and thoughtful discussion should be archived. I think that Arch is a good person, thoughtful, and would possess such insight into such an arbitration.


You've had many valuable threads over time, Bruce.



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I do not think that the efficacy is what it could be if it was more of a collection of worthwhile and informative posts without the acronym/moniker. ...participation would be greater, and the long-term usefulness of the threads would be better served, if the threads were selected by an arbitrator (I've suggested Arch) who simply moved or copied them from the main categories into an archive, and called it something less presumptuous.


Some of the most informative threads on these boards garnered few replies and slipped quickly into oblivion in the main categories, which is a shame, but it's how it is.

Hoot, I'm not sure I understand. Are you saying that some of the threads labeled "WYNTK" slipped into oblivion? or that some threads not labeled "WYNTK" should also be included in the series? I believe Arch has indeed been moving all the WYNTK threads to their appropriate area.


At any rate, I'm not against changing the moniker in the slightest. I can't say that it makes a bit of difference to me. The threads could be called "What's New Pussycat" (WNP) for all I care!

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Some of the most informative threads on these boards garnered few replies and slipped quickly into oblivion in the main categories, which is a shame, but it's how it is.

Hoot, I'm not sure I understand. Are you saying that some of the threads labeled "WYNTK" slipped into oblivion? or that some threads not labeled "WYNTK" should also be included in the series? I believe Arch has indeed been moving all the WYNTK threads to their appropriate area.


Indeed, I'm saying that that some threads not labeled "WYNTK" should also be included in the series and that the series should be renamed. Every thread has a name that follows the WYNTK, so it's as simple as dropping the moniker and renaming the archive. But what has to follow that is Arch (or an objective arbitrator) deciding that a thread in any forum should be copied into the archive. As long as that person is an objective arbitrator, then that should work fine, and IMO, better than the current system. There are many threads in the main forums that might fit the bill, but were never labeled "WYNTK."


At any rate, I'm not against changing the moniker in the slightest. I can't say that it makes a bit of difference to me. The threads could be called "What's New Pussycat" (WNP) for all I care!






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  • Administrator


Interestingly, I don't think I ever read this discussion. I was just searching out WYNK threads to archive, and came across this one in my search.


I'm not against including good threads in general in the archive. Here are some concerns:


1) The WYNK format in part has life because it's a bit invitational and as such there's an encouragement mechanism for adding more WYNK threads that is not quite there for more general contributions. I want to respect the original motivations of that process so that people stay enthused about the ideas.


2) The WYNK format also encourages a tendency to write with more background and information because it is meant for newbies and thus makes fewer assumptions about what the reader may already know. This makes their content a bit more specialized then a simple generic archive of top quality threads.


3) I am fully in agreement that some truly classic threads get spawned without having anything to do with WYNK and that they ought to be highlighted and preserved. I'm concerned that (like this thread) I don't catch them all. I think I could do a decent job of spotting top material by the reaction of the members here to the posts if nothing else... but only if I read it. That's not always guaranteed.



I'm open to suggestions that capture the best of all worlds for the above concerns.

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I'm open to suggestions that capture the best of all worlds for the above concerns.

Maybe NGC could start a company that will put stickers on threads that are solid for the information contained therein?














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I'm open to suggestions that capture the best of all worlds for the above concerns.

Maybe NGC could start a company that will put stickers on threads that are solid for the information contained therein?















...............and throw Snickers bars at people whose posts aren't up to snuff. I only have one request. Please don't refrigerate them before throwing......they're as hard as bricks.



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I am for it and Arch points out some good points. Would like to see some progress on this. Unfortunately at this time I have no suggestions. Good idea James.



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