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Chris----Saw it early this morning and sent a PM to Victor. Sad day in one's life to loose a mom or a dad. My prayers are with him. Surely God was there to welcome her home. Bob [supertooth]

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I don't know what you guys saw but that's terrible to hear. My best friend just recently lost his Mom and it was a very difficult time for all........no words can heal the heartache and pain, we can simply feel blessed for the time we were able to share with our loved ones.


"God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted."


Mathew 5:4

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Thank you everyone for your prayers and support. I was really low yesterday but I feel so much better tonight. Prayer is the strongest offense and defense we have in this life. Thank you.


This is the latest email from my sister concerning mom:


mom has been extubated now. i dont know how long she will be with us still. she is breathing pretty comfortably. she is getting pain control. everyone here is doing as well as can be expected. kerr is staying by mom's bedside continuously through this passing on. talked with uncle john, uncle paul and aunt annie last night. uncle paul is getting knee surgery monday.


i am so enjoying spending time with Jodie, just wish it wasnt under such circumstances.


i am taking off work next week, also.


thanks so much for all your concern and prayers,




Pray that she will pass quickly. She had no desire whatsoever to linger on. There is absolutely no hope for a recovery since she is "brain dead" from hypoxia. The electroencephalogram shows no brain activity.


Life is often wearisome to many. This was often the case with mom although she did have a zest for life. She will be more than content to look full into the wonderful countenance of Jesus, Himself!


Visiting the place in Arkansas will no longer be the same. I will continue to fix the place up in mom's honor. She had lots of great ideas for the place and no greater homage could be given than to continue to work towards her vision.


Mom did alot of work around the place herself by terracing the hillside. Imagine a sixty + woman lugging and hauling large slabs of sandstone and stacking them for reinforcement and then backfilling it with dirt. Talk about stamina! She had always told me that she was doing it for me to leave something of herself behind. Thank you mom. In many ways you shined above all other mothers!


In retrospect, mom had lots of foresite for her children when she died. Her words to me, et al, on her website was/is healing. mom's website She was a wise lady and a special mom. Whatever I had done for her in the past was never a burden. I did for her in joy with no self-congratulations. I am especially thankful now that I had that opportunity.


Please continue to pray for my family, especially for my brother, Vincent. He treated mom poorly and will probably be racked with guilt. He faces the possibility of suicide once he has idle time to ponder events. Pray for comfort and strength on his behalf.


Thank you for all of the kind words given!


You are all a great bunch!



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Sorry to hear about whats going on. Everybody on this board may not always agree on coins, but in times like this I think everybody puts coins aside and steps in to the aide or need of a fellow board member. I just hope for your sake and your moms sake, that she feels no pain. The man upstairs will be watching over her and you. God Bless.

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Thanks, Hayden. I lost my dad when I was 16 but my mom was my friend as well. frown.gif

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Sorry to hear of your loss, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.


Having had my own mother pass away last year after a decade long battle with Alzheimer's disease, I can relate to what you are going though now, a very tough and dark time. Hang in there Victor; rejoice in that your mother is now in a better place than any one could ever be here on earth.

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Victor, it's quite obvious your mother was a very special woman who definitely did her part to make this world better. It's also very apparent that you were a wonderful loving son who made her very proud. I have no doubt that one day you will meet her again and that she's in a better place now.


Thank you, Victor, for giving me such a nice place to live out my days. You are a good son. You have made sure that I don't have to be homeless and live in the streets. And remember, no good deed goes UNREWARDED. Jesus is keeping track of the good you do!



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I will pray for you and your family as well. May God be with you all during your mother's time of transition from this life to one more permanent and peaceful.

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Thank you one and all for the support you've given to me. I've pretty much moved into the acceptance phase of the grieving process even though I will always have a dull ache when I think of her.


Now, unfortunately, she is lingering on, breathing on her own. She never wanted that even though she is not cognizant because of the hypoxia.


Please, pray for a quick passing for her behalf as well as for family.

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My sincere condolences to you and yours, Victor. May peace be with you and your family always, and may the wellness that your mother demonstrated to you in all of her life be what lives through you in this world.



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This is an e-mail that I just got from my daughter, Hannah (16):


i haven't stopped thinking about grandma. i love her very much. She alwayz wanted to teach me new things about life. i will miss her lectures. i remember all the important things that she repeated over and over. i haven't called auntie dana, or kerri. I dunno why. It's not cuz i don't care.

I thought she was already let go on Friday. Then i called the hospital she's staying at. Then i got ur emails. After i called, i started looking for plane tickets. I want to go see her. But since it was like last notice, they were too expensive.


the other nite though, i had a dream about her. i got to say goodbye to her. And that i love her. so yeah.

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Victor, my heart goes out to you and your family and you are in my prayers..

The posts here have been very supportive and that is nice. Sometimes people around you don’t know what to say but they feel they must say SOMETHING. My dad died when I was 24 and I was often blindsided by some of the things people said. Keep in mind that people mean well and forgive them if they say foolish things. Let me say this: I wish it didn’t happen. I wish your mom was well.



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Well, mom finally passed at noon (MTN Time) on May 12, 2006. I am amazed that she lived for so long after the surgerical complications and hypoxia. She lived well over a week with no IV fluids. This is a testament as to how tough she really was! Happy Mother's Day, mom! I'll miss you and always love you!


Here is a quote that I just read in Book VII of "The Children of the Lion" series:


"Life is so brief. We live hardly longer than a butterfly and the afterlife is so long, you'd think we'd barely even notice the little time we have here. But it's so beautiful. So beautiful! And we rarely ever really pay attention to it while we're here. We're always so caught up in the passing pains and pleasures of the moment, we don't see how lovely it all is. We try to grasp it! We try to hold it! We try to control it! And we're so unhappy when we can't do so. If I tried to catch this butterfly, it'd fly away and I'd have nothing. But look! I let the butterfly do as it pleases, so it trusts me. Just because I haven't tried to force anything, I've had this lovely moment that will never come again. We're all so blind here. The lovely moments pass us by, and we wind up with our hands and heart equally empty."


So, I encourage everyone to enjoy today. Be thankful of the things you have in your life today, not tomorrow, but today. Life is so fragile, so delicate, that we know not what tomorrow may bring.

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Judy Bartlett accomplished one of the most important things in life............she raised a good son. I've sent you an e-mail.



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Judy Bartlett accomplished one of the most important things in life............she raised a good son. I've sent you an e-mail.





Thanks, Chris. That is the true test of a parent, I believe.



p.s. You forgot to mention what a good-looking son she raised. crazy.gif

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Judy Bartlett accomplished one of the most important things in life............she raised a good son. I've sent you an e-mail.





Thanks, Chris. That is the true test of a parent, I believe.



p.s. You forgot to mention what a good-looking son she raised. crazy.gif


Sorry, Victor, I guess she forgot to tell you about humility.


Excerpt from the "Match Game":


"Judy's son was soooooooooooooooo ugly.......



when visitors came to the house and sat in the parlor......



they would use him as a.............






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Fred Sanford to Esther:


"You so ugly, I could put your face in dough and make gorilla cookies!"







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