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Another coin merchant, Jim Dimmick, beaten and robbed in his shop. UPDATE!!.

10 posts in this topic

This was posted ATS yesterday by Jim Dimmick--

First thanks to all you who have posted your nice comments and get well wishes to me and my family. It was an unfortunate incident that happened, but here is basically what transpired:


It was Monday at 9:50am, about 10 min prior to me opening for the day. I actually had most of my inventory setting on the shop counters as I had just returned from a local show. I had just started to put things back inplace in the store when a person came up to the door. The door was locked , as I always lock the door while putting out coins and closing up. I honestly didnt think anything about the person, nor did he look suspicious to be honest. As I walked up to the door, as soon as I turned the key to open the door, and began to open to let him in. He pushed his way in, as he was coming in the door he dropped a mask over his face as well as raised what appeared to be either a large 357 or 44 steel gun. For some reason ,(I guess just instinct) I pushed the gun barrel down to the ground and pushed the attacker out of the door to the concrete walkway in front of the door. However, that is when the second attacker knocked me over the head with the gun, and one or both continued to beat my head severly until I literally lost conciousness. Once I was down an out of it, I vagely remember them going in to the store to rob things, but I dont believe they were in there very long. I am not sure what spooked them , but they left in a hurry, and ran around behind the bulding and drove away(what I was told). As I was laying on the ground out front in and out of conciuousness, all I could think of was they were probably going to kill me(shooting me), but for some reason they didnt. After they left, I regained concious barley and staggered back into the store to call 911. as soon as I did that I aslo remember thinking I need to lock the door back in case they came back. With in a min or two several police and firetruck rescue was on site. I was bleeding profusely from my head. The police asked me a few questions but I was out of it, and the rescue rushed me to the local hospital here in town. After arriving there , A cat scan was done and I had a scull fracture with a portion of it pushing down on my brain, so they air lifted me to UNC Chapel Hill to do immeadiate surgery. Luckily not any brain damage apparent at this point, but I have severe lacerations about the head, and several broken facial bones.



I was at the hospital for several days recovering, and was finally released home to continue to recover. It will be a slow process , but hopefully will come along. Although , there is no material goods worth the cost of your life, for some reason they didnt get the bulk of my inventory. It will still take a little bit to determine what was taken as I had several of my customers secure the store for me and store the coins and once I get everything back, I can assess that.


I am real nervous about re-opening the store in the days ahead, and will defintely re-think things , putting in a few more security measures in place etc. Ill just have to see how it goes.



For those that mention about guns, I did have some but they were behind the counter and as I mentioned I did not have one on my person, but to be honest it happened so fast that I probably honestly would not have had time to react with two intruders in possesion of two guns, They would have killed me for sure I beleive.





ATS MICHAELDIXON reported today that Jim Dimmick had been beaten and robbed in his shop in Chapel Hill, NC. This is getting out of hand and hopefully Jim recovers from his surgery and the perps are caught and justly punished. For those of you that do not know Jim, he is very forthright and a true gentleman to do business with. Very good to add to any discussion in an informative and helpful way.

Best wishes and prayers go out to Jim and his family.



A coin shop owner in Fayetteville, NC was pistol whipped and robbed Monday. Jim Dimmick was closing his store when 2 black males knocked on his shop door and was let in. They hit him in the face and head. He was taken to Chapel Hill Carolina and had head surgery. I will keep you posted as info comes in.

As to what was taken was a number of proof sets and silver eagles.

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Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....Did the perps really have to pistol whip him on the head? What the heck is going on these days. Sad comment for today's society.

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very very sad! i was just talking with a friend that was robbed and shot. he was a jeweler and his son tried to cary on but was robbed not to long after reopening. my prayers are with jim and his family.

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