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OT: Enjoying the winter blast in the East Coast!!

20 posts in this topic

Forecasts called for up to 20 inches of snow across the region, including Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and reaching up to New York.

It is 7am and there is already 6 inches of snow in DC. They are talking about record snow fall in DC!! :)





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Rockville, Maryland - December, 1964

I remember this well! I was 17, and it had been snowing nonstop for 2 days. There was 5-6' of snow on our street, and in some areas it had drifted to 12' or more. Our driveway led to the garage at the back of the lot, about 100', and it was pointless even thinking about trying to get the car onto the street. I decided to walk to the poolroom, being the pool junkie that I was. Heck, it was only 1-1/2 miles away. Yeah, right!


As I made my way to Montgomery Avenue (Rte. 355), the snow plows had cleared one lane for each direction (east/west). I knew that the road crews had done this because I could hear semi rigs groaning in lower gears heading east, but I couldn't see them. The snow was too high! This was the main artery that led into Washington, D.C. from the northwest extending from beyond Frederick into Gaithersburg, through Rockville, through Bethesda, where it became Wisconsin Avenue.


It took me more than 2 hours to get to the poolroom, "Rack 'n Cue", and when I arrived, it was........... naturally! ..........closed. Fortunately, I knew that Fred, who worked the day shift, lived right across the street in the apartments. I think it was called Congressional Village or Arms or something like that. Anyway, I convinced him to open the poolroom by telling him that I had spoken to quite a few "players" who would be making their way, too.


Inside the poolroom, it was like a sub-zero freezer, and it took quite a long time to get the room temperature to a bearable level. I asked Fred to put on some hot dogs in one of those rotisserie-type machines with the rolling bars because the guys would be hungry when they arrived. I ate a lot of hotdogs and played pool for several hours, and Fred kept asking me when the others would come. I kept insisting that they would be here.


Eventually, two guys came in whom I didn't know, and then a few more straggled in over the course of several hours. Of the 18 tables in the place, almost a dozen were rented. It just happened that I overheard some of the other patrons comment to Fred that they, too, lived in the apartments across the street, and some of them just happened to see Fred walking to the poolroom. Since they couldn't do anything else on this or any of the other snowbound days, they decided to walk across the street and play pool.


Fred was a crusty, old guy in his sixties. From the stories he told, he was the only person living that I knew who had served in every branch of the service, including the Coast Guard. You could tell that he was a heavy drinker. His face was always as red as a beet, and the varicose veins just under the skin on his face were dark purple. But, he was a likeable, good-hearted person.


Anyway, it was about 6:00PM, and none of my friends made it. I was preparing to leave to make the long trek home when Fred said to me in a quiet, raspy voice, "I'm going to be moving to another apartment, and I'll kill anyone who tells you where."



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It's cold in Florida ... :busy:


I think the high today is predicted to be 64.


Please don't hate me. :blush:


Bill, I'm about 140 miles south of you, and it's in the short-sleeved & t-shirt 70's.


Chris :whee:

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33 degrees and overcast with wet pavement and a hint of snow in the sun parlor of Illinois.


Enjoy the snow on the eastern sea board. This is the stuff memories are made of.

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It started snowing at 3pm yesterday and 24 hours later at 1"/hour average we have a little over 24 inches of snow and still snowing, although lightly. At 1:00AM 36 children had still not been delivered to their homes by the Raleigh County School Bus system. First time in my life of 62 years that I remember children not making it home after nearly 12 hours in buses. I am sure Winterplace Ski Resort is semi happy as their season opened today and I live 2 miles from them here in downtown Cool Ridge, WV. Here are a couple of pics taken early this morning. We are lucky as our power has not shut off as of yet. 150 miles away in Eastern Tennessee my nephew and family have only 10 inches of snow but have been without power since yesterday and will not have it back until Sunday night the earliest. Luckily, they have many family members to wait it out with. I wish all who are affected by the storm the best of luck and hopefully will not suffer severely.






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This was taken earlier, when the news was reporting 12 inches of snow. My babies, puggles Boomer and Tessa, were playing in the snow. Tessa (15 months) really loves the snow. Boomer (3 years) is a bit more methodical--although later in the day, he tried to jump off the stairs into a snow drift over his head and he panicked a bit! Too bad I didn't have the camera for that!


Scott :hi:


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Pretty messy here in New York, I work in television, and as they say the show must go on so I had to come in tonight for Saturday Night Live.


6" on the ground and blizzard conditions when I left home at 10pm, the half mile walk to the train was a definite challenge. I'll probably do a double shift and return home to at least a foot or more of snow that needs to be shoveled.


I HATE snow. Right now Florida sounds really good.

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Schatzy is going to get rich by pattening the new RAILING GAUGE for snow :)


We ( Boy Scouts ) shut down the Christmas tree sale because of the forcast of snow and the place where we sell them wanted us cleaned out so he can plow.


Not sure if we will set up again ... 50 trees left :(


Net Snow about 4 inches but is supposed to continue throughout the day ..


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