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Forum members who attended the CCAC meeting in Colorado.

12 posts in this topic

Please accept my thanks for your attendance, comments, questions and suggestions. The comments on issues relating to the Boy Scouts commemorative were especially insightful and of great assistance to all.




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Did anyone say anything about the "wonderful" design for the 2010 Lincoln Cent?


I think they need to throw all of those designs in the trash and start over again.


Scott :hi:

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A final selection for the reverse has not been made. The substance of your comment were made by several. The obverse was open for discussion but no one in the audience mentioned it during the 1-1/2 hour open session. It was on the agenda for the regular meeting but we ran out of time. (The college staff was going to close the building.)

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  • Member: Seasoned Veteran

Has anyone on your committee proposed that the Mint simply revive the 1909-58 reverse? Even though I see no further purpose in coining cents, at least that would please collectors.

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Has anyone on your committee proposed that the Mint simply revive the 1909-58 reverse? Even though I see no further purpose in coining cents, at least that would please collectors.


I disagree. I like the Memorial reverse more, but personally I don't like either.

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Both have also been suggested. However, Congress requires the 2010 reverse to be emblematic of Lincoln's saving the Union.

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Both have also been suggested. However, Congress requires the 2010 reverse to be emblematic of Lincoln's saving the Union.

I still contend that an image of Lincoln's second inauguration. The closing of his speech is a timeless sentiment of reuniting the nation:


With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan—to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.


So why not use an image of his second inaugural? Although there is only one known photograph of the inauguration, there are artists renderings that could be used to base a design. But I found the attached image somewhere (moved to an attachment because forum software wouldn't allow me to embed the image).


The image but it shows Lincoln standing at a lectern with Vice President Andrew Johnson sitting behind Lincoln, and Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase standing to Lincoln’s left.


Why not base a reverse on this image? I think that this is a better idea than sheaths of wheat, shields, and images of the Capital building because it is clearly about Lincoln and how he lead the nation out of its bloodiest war into one United States.


Scott :hi:


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Scott - you're like a pimp with that design. I think I've seen you advocating it in at least 5 separate venues now. ;)

Actually, this is my second. I wrote it in my blog and I wrote it here. Any others were picked up by those in that venue. Maybe it is because they thought it was a good idea!


Besides... can anyone come up with something better?


Scott :hi:

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Well let's see that is a fictionalized image, but OK put a dozen or so tiny figures on the back of the cent. They'll be so small they won't be recognizable so you just have an image of a dozen men standing around. Even if you know it's the second inauguration it doesn't say much without that quote from the speech. If you put the quote on the coin there's no room for the image and you just have a coin with a bunch of inscriptions. Very boring.

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... but OK put a dozen or so tiny figures on the back of the cent. They'll be so small they won't be recognizable so you just have an image of a dozen men standing around. ...


Oh yeah, I didn't mention that part of my disagreement with Scott's suggestion. ;) Think of the New Jersey state quarter. Only smaller.

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